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4 changed files with 19 additions and 382 deletions

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@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
module Language.Flat where
open import Language.Values using
( Value; int; bool
; ValueType; tint; tbool
; ⟦_⟧ˢ; ⟦⟧ˢ-empty; ⟦⟧ˢ-int; ⟦⟧ˢ-bool
; s; s'; s''
; st; st'; st''
; b; b₁; b₂
; z; z₁; z₂
module Lang where
open import Data.Integer using (; _+_; +_)
open import Data.Nat using (; suc; _<_)
@ -20,6 +10,10 @@ open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _×_; _,_)
data Value : Set where
int : Value
bool : Bool Value
data Instruction : Set where
pushint : Instruction
pushbool : Bool Instruction
@ -39,7 +33,10 @@ variable
i : Instruction
is is' is'' : Program
S S' S'' : Env
s s' s'' : List Value
n :
b : Bool
z z₁ z₂ :
data _⇒ₓ_ : Program Program Set where
pushint-skip : is ⇒ₓ is' (pushint z is) ⇒ₓ is'
@ -100,6 +97,9 @@ basic₂ = loop-evalⁿ thenᵉ pushbool-eval thenᵉ break-evalᵗ (pushint-ski
basic₃ : ( [] , (loop 1 pushbool false break pushint (+ 1) end []) , [] ) ⇒* ( (int (+ 1) []) , [] , [] )
basic₃ = loop-evalⁿ thenᵉ pushbool-eval thenᵉ break-evalᶠ thenᵉ pushint-eval thenᵉ end-eval thenᵉ (loop-eval⁰ (pushbool-skip (break-skip (pushint-skip end-skip)))) thenᵉ doneᵉ
data ValueType : Set where
tint tbool : ValueType
-- A stack type describes the current stack and the continuation types
infix 35 _⟨_⟩
record StackType : Set where
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ record StackType : Set where
frames : List (List ValueType)
st st' st'' : List ValueType
F F' F'' : List (List ValueType)
σ σ' σ'' : StackType
@ -145,9 +146,6 @@ _⊢_↦|_ σ is st = σ ⊢ is ↦* st ⟨ [] ⟩
basict₁ : [] [] (pushint (+ 1) pushint (+ 2) pushint (+ 3) add add []) ↦* (tint []) []
basict₁ = pushint-t thenᵗ pushint-t thenᵗ pushint-t thenᵗ add-t thenᵗ add-t thenᵗ doneᵗ
basict₄ : [] [] (pushint (+ 1) loop 3 pushint (+ 2) add end []) ↦* (tint []) []
basict₄ = pushint-t thenᵗ loop-t thenᵗ pushint-t thenᵗ add-t thenᵗ end-t thenᵗ doneᵗ
-- doesn't typecheck: violates type discipline because on break, stack has different type than on end.
-- basict₂ : ([] ⟨ [] ⟩) ⊢ (loop 1 ∷ pushbool true ∷ break ∷ pushint (+ 1) ∷ end ∷ []) ↦* ([] ⟨ [] ⟩)
@ -187,6 +185,12 @@ lemma₂ (loop-t thenᵗ ist⊢is↦|st'') =
(_ , loop-skip is''⇒ₓis' is'₁⇒ₓis'₂ , is'₂↦|st'')
lemma₂ (end-t thenᵗ rest) = (_ , end-skip , rest)
-- what it means for list of value types to describe a list of values
data ⟦_⟧ˢ : List ValueType List Value Set where
⟦⟧ˢ-empty : [] ⟧ˢ []
⟦⟧ˢ-int : st ⟧ˢ s tint st ⟧ˢ (int z s)
⟦⟧ˢ-bool : st ⟧ˢ s tbool st ⟧ˢ (bool b s)
-- Parameterize by final stack type. The reason to do this is that we want
-- all continuations to end in the same type, so that control flow doesn't change
-- what final type the program is evaluated to. This is an unfortunate consequence
@ -273,4 +277,4 @@ stackToString (bool b ∷ s) = showBool b ++ " :: " ++ stackToString s
open import IO
open import Level using (0)
main = run {0} (putStrLn (stackToString (proj₁ (static-dynamic _ (⟦⟧ˢ-empty , ⟦⟧ᶠ-empty , basict)))))
main = run {0} (putStrLn (stackToString (proj₁ (static-dynamic _ (⟦⟧ˢ-empty , ⟦⟧ᶠ-empty , basict)))))

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@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
module Language.Equivalence where
open import Language.Nested using () renaming
( Instruction to Instructionᵃ; Program to Programᵃ; Env to Envᵃ
; pushint to pushintᵃ; pushbool to pushboolᵃ; add to addᵃ
; loop to loopᵃ; break to breakᵃ
; Triple to Tripleᵃ
; _⇒_ to _⇒ᵃ_; _⇒*_ to _⇒*ᵃ_
; pushint-eval to pushint-evalᵃ; pushbool-eval to pushbool-evalᵃ; add-eval to add-evalᵃ
; break-evalᵗ to break-evalᵗᵃ; break-evalᶠ to break-evalᶠᵃ; empty-eval to empty-evalᵃ
; loop-eval⁰ to loop-eval⁰ᵃ; loop-evalⁿ to loop-evalⁿᵃ
; doneᵉ to doneᵉᵃ; _thenᵉ_ to _thenᵉᵃ_
open import Language.Flat
(_⇒ₓ_; pushint-skip; pushbool-skip; add-skip; break-skip; loop-skip; end-skip
( Instruction to Instructionᵇ; Program to Programᵇ; Env to Envᵇ
; pushint to pushintᵇ; pushbool to pushboolᵇ; add to addᵇ
; loop to loopᵇ; break to breakᵇ; end to endᵇ
; Triple to Tripleᵇ
; _⇒_ to _⇒ᵇ_; _⇒*_ to _⇒*ᵇ_
; pushint-eval to pushint-evalᵇ; pushbool-eval to pushbool-evalᵇ; add-eval to add-evalᵇ
; break-evalᵗ to break-evalᵗᵇ; break-evalᶠ to break-evalᶠᵇ; end-eval to end-evalᵇ
; loop-eval⁰ to loop-eval⁰ᵇ; loop-evalⁿ to loop-evalⁿᵇ
; doneᵉ to doneᵉᵇ; _thenᵉ_ to _thenᵉᵇ_
open import Language.Values using
( Value; int; bool
; ValueType; tint; tbool
; ⟦_⟧ˢ; ⟦⟧ˢ-empty; ⟦⟧ˢ-int; ⟦⟧ˢ-bool
; s; s'; s''
; st; st'; st''
; b; b₁; b₂
; z; z₁; z₂
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; []; length; foldr; _++_)
open import Data.List.Properties using (++-assoc)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _×_; _,_)
open import Data.Nat using ()
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; sym)
n n' :
iᵃ : Instructionᵃ
isᵃ isᵃ' isᵃ'' : Programᵃ
Sᵃ Sᵃ' Sᵃ'' : Envᵃ
iᵇ : Instructionᵇ
isᵇ isᵇ' isᵇ'' : Programᵇ
Sᵇ Sᵇ' Sᵇ'' : Envᵇ
interleaved mutual
⟦_⟧ⁱ : Instructionᵃ List Instructionᵇ
⟦_⟧ⁱˢ : List Instructionᵃ List Instructionᵇ
pushintᵃ z ⟧ⁱ = pushintᵇ z []
pushboolᵃ b ⟧ⁱ = pushboolᵇ b []
addᵃ ⟧ⁱ = addᵇ []
loopᵃ n is ⟧ⁱ = loopᵇ n ( is ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ [])
breakᵃ ⟧ⁱ = breakᵇ []
[] ⟧ⁱˢ = []
i is ⟧ⁱˢ = i ⟧ⁱ ++ is ⟧ⁱˢ
-- Translation always leaves well-balanced programs
interleaved mutual
lemma₁ : isᵇ ⇒ₓ isᵇ' ( iᵃ ⟧ⁱ ++ isᵇ) ⇒ₓ isᵇ'
lemma₁' : isᵇ ⇒ₓ isᵇ' ( isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ ++ isᵇ) ⇒ₓ isᵇ'
lemma₂ : ( isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ isᵇ) ⇒ₓ isᵇ
lemma₁ {iᵃ = pushintᵃ z} = pushint-skip
lemma₁ {iᵃ = pushboolᵃ z} = pushbool-skip
lemma₁ {iᵃ = addᵃ} = add-skip
lemma₁ {iᵃ = breakᵃ} = break-skip
lemma₁ {isᵇ = isᵇ} {iᵃ = loopᵃ n is}
rewrite ++-assoc is ⟧ⁱˢ (endᵇ []) isᵇ =
loop-skip (lemma₂ {isᵃ = is} {isᵇ = isᵇ})
lemma₁' {isᵃ = []} isᵇ⇒ₓisᵇ' = isᵇ⇒ₓisᵇ'
lemma₁' {isᵇ = isᵇ} {isᵃ = iᵃ isᵃ} isᵇ⇒ₓisᵇ'
rewrite ++-assoc iᵃ ⟧ⁱ isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ isᵇ =
lemma₁ {iᵃ = iᵃ} (lemma₁' {isᵃ = isᵃ} isᵇ⇒ₓisᵇ')
lemma₂ {isᵃ = isᵃ} = lemma₁' {isᵃ = isᵃ} end-skip
-- In flat semantics, we drop the top continuation and seek forward until we find
-- an 'end'. In nested semantics, we drop the current instructions and use the
-- bit of the top continuation after the 'while'. We need to be able to reconcile
-- the two.
data ⟦_⟧ᵀ=_ : Programᵃ × Envᵃ Programᵇ × Envᵇ Set where
⟦⟧ᵀ-empty : isᵃ , [] ⟧ᵀ= ( isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ , [])
⟦⟧ᵀ-step : isᵃ'' , Sᵃ ⟧ᵀ= (isᵇ , Sᵇ)
isᵃ , ((loopᵃ n isᵃ' isᵃ'') Sᵃ) ⟧ᵀ= (( isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ []) ++ isᵇ , ( loopᵃ n isᵃ' ⟧ⁱ ++ isᵇ) Sᵇ)
step-equivalence : (s , isᵃ , Sᵃ) ⇒ᵃ (s' , isᵃ' , Sᵃ')
isᵃ , Sᵃ ⟧ᵀ= (isᵇ , Sᵇ)
Σ (Programᵇ × Envᵇ) (λ { (isᵇ' , Sᵇ') (s , isᵇ , Sᵇ) ⇒ᵇ (s' , isᵇ' , Sᵇ') ×
isᵃ' , Sᵃ' ⟧ᵀ= (isᵇ' , Sᵇ') })
step-equivalence pushint-evalᵃ ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty = ((_ , _) , pushint-evalᵇ , ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty)
step-equivalence pushint-evalᵃ (⟦⟧ᵀ-step next) = ((_ , _) , pushint-evalᵇ , ⟦⟧ᵀ-step next)
step-equivalence pushbool-evalᵃ ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty = ((_ , _) , pushbool-evalᵇ , ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty)
step-equivalence pushbool-evalᵃ (⟦⟧ᵀ-step next) = ((_ , _) , pushbool-evalᵇ , ⟦⟧ᵀ-step next)
step-equivalence add-evalᵃ ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty = ((_ , _) , add-evalᵇ , ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty)
step-equivalence add-evalᵃ (⟦⟧ᵀ-step next) = ((_ , _) , add-evalᵇ , ⟦⟧ᵀ-step next)
step-equivalence {isᵃ = loopᵃ n isˡ isᵃ} loop-eval⁰ᵃ ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty
rewrite ++-assoc isˡ ⟧ⁱˢ (endᵇ []) isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ
= ((_ , _) , loop-eval⁰ᵇ (lemma₁' {isᵃ = isˡ} end-skip) , ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty)
step-equivalence {isᵃ = loopᵃ n isˡ isᵃ} loop-eval⁰ᵃ (⟦⟧ᵀ-step {isᵇ = isᵇ} rec)
rewrite ++-assoc isˡ ⟧ⁱˢ (endᵇ []) isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ
rewrite ++-assoc isˡ ⟧ⁱˢ (endᵇ isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ) (endᵇ [])
rewrite ++-assoc isˡ ⟧ⁱˢ (endᵇ isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ []) isᵇ
= ((_ , _) , loop-eval⁰ᵇ (lemma₁' {isᵃ = isˡ} end-skip) , (⟦⟧ᵀ-step rec))
step-equivalence {isᵃ = loopᵃ n isˡ isᵃ} loop-evalⁿᵃ ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty
= ((_ , _) , loop-evalⁿᵇ , ⟦⟧ᵀ-step ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty)
step-equivalence {isᵃ = loopᵃ n isˡ isᵃ} loop-evalⁿᵃ (⟦⟧ᵀ-step {isᵇ = isᵇ} rec)
rewrite ++-assoc ( isˡ ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ []) isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ (endᵇ [])
rewrite ++-assoc isˡ ⟧ⁱˢ (endᵇ []) ( isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ [])
rewrite sym (++-assoc isˡ ⟧ⁱˢ (endᵇ []) ( isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ []))
rewrite ++-assoc ( isˡ ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ []) ( isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ []) isᵇ
= (_ , loop-evalⁿᵇ , ⟦⟧ᵀ-step (⟦⟧ᵀ-step rec))
step-equivalence break-evalᶠᵃ (⟦⟧ᵀ-step next) = ((_ , _) , break-evalᶠᵇ , ⟦⟧ᵀ-step next)
step-equivalence {isᵃ = breakᵃ isᵃ} {Sᵃ = (loopᵃ n isˡ isᵃ') Sᵃ} break-evalᵗᵃ (⟦⟧ᵀ-step {isᵇ = isᵇ} next)
rewrite ++-assoc isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ (endᵇ []) isᵇ
= ((_ , _) , break-evalᵗᵇ (lemma₁' {isᵃ = isᵃ} end-skip) , next)
step-equivalence empty-evalᵃ (⟦⟧ᵀ-step ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty)
= ((_ , _) , end-evalᵇ , ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty)
step-equivalence {Sᵃ = (loopᵃ n isˡ isᵃ') Sᵃ} empty-evalᵃ (⟦⟧ᵀ-step (⟦⟧ᵀ-step {isᵇ = isᵇ} next))
rewrite sym (++-assoc (loopᵇ n isˡ ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ []) ( isᵃ' ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ []) isᵇ)
rewrite sym (++-assoc ( isˡ ⟧ⁱˢ ++ endᵇ []) ( isᵃ' ⟧ⁱˢ) (endᵇ []))
= ((_ , _) , end-evalᵇ , ⟦⟧ᵀ-step next)
equivalence : (s , isᵃ , Sᵃ) ⇒*ᵃ (s' , isᵃ' , Sᵃ')
isᵃ , Sᵃ ⟧ᵀ= (isᵇ , Sᵇ)
Σ (Programᵇ × Envᵇ) (λ { (isᵇ' , Sᵇ') (s , isᵇ , Sᵇ) ⇒*ᵇ (s' , isᵇ' , Sᵇ') ×
isᵃ' , Sᵃ' ⟧ᵀ= (isᵇ' , Sᵇ') })
equivalence doneᵉᵃ trans@(⟦⟧ᵀ-empty) = (_ , (doneᵉᵇ , trans))
equivalence (isᵃ⇒isᵃ' thenᵉᵃ rest) trans =
let (_ , isᵇ⇒isᵇ' , trans') = step-equivalence isᵃ⇒isᵃ' trans in
let (_ , isᵇ'⇒*isᵇ'' , trans'') = equivalence rest trans' in
(_ , isᵇ⇒isᵇ' thenᵉᵇ isᵇ'⇒*isᵇ'' , trans'')
equivalence' : (s , isᵃ , []) ⇒*ᵃ (s' , [] , [])
(s , isᵃ ⟧ⁱˢ , []) ⇒*ᵇ (s' , [] , [])
equivalence' eval with
(_ , isᵃ⇒| , ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty) equivalence eval ⟦⟧ᵀ-empty = isᵃ⇒|

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@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
module Language.Nested where
open import Language.Values using
( Value; int; bool
; ValueType; tint; tbool
; ⟦_⟧ˢ; ⟦⟧ˢ-empty; ⟦⟧ˢ-int; ⟦⟧ˢ-bool
; s; s'; s''
; st; st'; st''
; b; b₁; b₂
; z; z₁; z₂
open import Data.Integer using (; _+_; +_)
open import Data.Nat using (; suc)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; true; false)
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; []; length)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥; ⊥-elim)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _×_; _,_)
open import Data.Maybe using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
data Instruction : Set where
pushint : Instruction
pushbool : Bool Instruction
add : Instruction
loop : List Instruction Instruction
break : Instruction
Program : Set
Program = List Instruction
Env : Set
Env = List (List Instruction)
i : Instruction
is is' is'' : Program
S S' S'' : Env
n :
Triple : Set
Triple = List Value × Program × Env
data _⇒_ : Triple Triple Set where
pushint-eval : ( s , (pushint z is) , S ) ( ((int z) s) , is , S )
pushbool-eval : ( s , (pushbool b is) , S ) ( ((bool b) s) , is , S )
add-eval : ( (int z₁ int z₂ s) , (add is), S ) ( ((int (z₁ + z₂)) s) , is , S )
loop-eval⁰ : (s , loop 0 is' is , S) (s , is , S)
loop-evalⁿ : (s , loop (suc n) is' is , S) (s , is' , (loop n is' is) S)
break-evalᶠ : (bool false s , break is , is' S) (s , is , is' S)
break-evalᵗ : (bool true s , break is , (loop n is'' is') S) (s , is' , S)
empty-eval : (s , [] , is' S) (s , is' , S)
infixr 30 _thenᵉ_
data _⇒*_ : Triple Triple Set where
doneᵉ : ( s , [] , [] ) ⇒* ( s , [] , [] )
_thenᵉ_ : ( s , is , S ) ( s' , is' , S' )
( s' , is' , S' ) ⇒* ( s'' , is'' , S'' )
( s , is , S ) ⇒* ( s'' , is'' , S'' )
StackType : Set
StackType = List ValueType
F F' F'' : List (List ValueType)
σ σ' σ'' : StackType
mst : Maybe StackType
interleaved mutual
data _⊢⟨_⟩_↦_ : StackType Maybe StackType Instruction StackType Set
data _⊢⟨_⟩_↦*_ : StackType Maybe StackType Program StackType Set
data _⊢⟨_⟩_↦_ where
pushint-t : st ⊢⟨ mst (pushint z) (tint st)
pushbool-t : st ⊢⟨ mst (pushbool b) (tbool st)
add-t : (tint tint st) ⊢⟨ mst add (tint st)
loop-t : st ⊢⟨ just st is ↦* st
st ⊢⟨ mst loop n is st
break-t : (tbool st) ⊢⟨ just st break st
infixr 30 _thenᵗ_
data _⊢⟨_⟩_↦*_ where
doneᵗ-just : st ⊢⟨ just st [] ↦* st
doneᵗ-nothing : st ⊢⟨ nothing [] ↦* st
_thenᵗ_ : st ⊢⟨ mst i st'
st' ⊢⟨ mst is ↦* st''
st ⊢⟨ mst (i is) ↦* st''
_⊢_↦|_ : StackType Program StackType Set
_⊢_↦|_ st is st' = st ⊢⟨ nothing is ↦* st'
basict₄ : [] (pushint (+ 1) loop 3 (pushint (+ 2) add []) pushint (+ 1) add []) ↦| (tint [])
basict₄ = pushint-t thenᵗ loop-t (pushint-t thenᵗ add-t thenᵗ doneᵗ-just) thenᵗ pushint-t thenᵗ add-t thenᵗ doneᵗ-nothing
data _⊢_↦*_ : StackType (Program × Env) StackType Set where
program-typed-flat : st ⊢⟨ nothing is ↦* st'
st (is , []) ↦* st'
program-typed-rec : {stˡ}
st ⊢⟨ just st' is ↦* st'
st' (loop n is'' is' , S) ↦* stˡ
st (is , (loop n is'' is') S) ↦* stˡ
skip-loop-continuation : st (loop n is is' , S) ↦* st'
st (is' , S) ↦* st'
skip-loop-continuation (program-typed-flat (loop-t _ thenᵗ rest)) = (program-typed-flat rest)
skip-loop-continuation (program-typed-rec (loop-t _ thenᵗ rest) frames) = (program-typed-rec rest frames)
preservation : {stˡ}
(s , is , S) (s' , is' , S')
st ⟧ˢ s
st (is , S) ↦* stˡ
Σ StackType (λ st' st' ⟧ˢ s' × st' (is' , S') ↦* stˡ)
preservation pushint-eval ⟦st⟧ (program-typed-flat (pushint-t thenᵗ rest)) = (_ , ⟦⟧ˢ-int ⟦st⟧ , (program-typed-flat rest))
preservation pushint-eval ⟦st⟧ (program-typed-rec (pushint-t thenᵗ rest) frames) = (_ , ⟦⟧ˢ-int ⟦st⟧ , (program-typed-rec rest frames))
preservation pushbool-eval ⟦st⟧ (program-typed-flat (pushbool-t thenᵗ rest)) = (_ , ⟦⟧ˢ-bool ⟦st⟧ , (program-typed-flat rest))
preservation pushbool-eval ⟦st⟧ (program-typed-rec (pushbool-t thenᵗ rest) frames) = (_ , ⟦⟧ˢ-bool ⟦st⟧ , (program-typed-rec rest frames))
preservation add-eval (⟦⟧ˢ-int (⟦⟧ˢ-int ⟦st⟧)) (program-typed-flat (add-t thenᵗ rest)) = (_ , ⟦⟧ˢ-int ⟦st⟧ , (program-typed-flat rest))
preservation add-eval (⟦⟧ˢ-int (⟦⟧ˢ-int ⟦st⟧)) (program-typed-rec (add-t thenᵗ rest) frames) = (_ , ⟦⟧ˢ-int ⟦st⟧ , (program-typed-rec rest frames))
preservation loop-eval⁰ ⟦st⟧ (program-typed-flat ((loop-t _) thenᵗ rest)) = (_ , ⟦st⟧ , (program-typed-flat rest))
preservation loop-eval⁰ ⟦st⟧ (program-typed-rec ((loop-t _) thenᵗ rest) frames) = (_ , ⟦st⟧ , (program-typed-rec rest) frames)
preservation loop-evalⁿ ⟦st⟧ (program-typed-flat ((loop-t loopt) thenᵗ rest)) = (_ , ⟦st⟧ , (program-typed-rec loopt (program-typed-flat (loop-t loopt thenᵗ rest))))
preservation loop-evalⁿ ⟦st⟧ (program-typed-rec ((loop-t loopt) thenᵗ rest) frames) = (_ , ⟦st⟧ , (program-typed-rec loopt (program-typed-rec (loop-t loopt thenᵗ rest) frames)))
preservation break-evalᵗ (⟦⟧ˢ-bool ⟦st⟧) (program-typed-rec (break-t thenᵗ rest) frames) = (_ , ⟦st⟧ , skip-loop-continuation frames)
preservation break-evalᶠ (⟦⟧ˢ-bool ⟦st⟧) (program-typed-rec (break-t thenᵗ rest) frames) = (_ , ⟦st⟧ , (program-typed-rec rest frames))
preservation empty-eval ⟦st⟧ (program-typed-rec (doneᵗ-just) frames) = (_ , ⟦st⟧ , frames)
progress : {stˡ}
st (is , S) ↦* stˡ
st ⟧ˢ s
(Σ Triple ((s , is , S) ⇒_)) (is [] × S [] × stˡ ⟧ˢ s)
progress (program-typed-flat (pushint-t thenᵗ rest)) ⟦st⟧ = inj₁ (_ , pushint-eval)
progress (program-typed-rec (pushint-t thenᵗ rest) frames) ⟦st⟧ = inj₁ (_ , pushint-eval)
progress (program-typed-flat (pushbool-t thenᵗ rest)) ⟦st⟧ = inj₁ (_ , pushbool-eval)
progress (program-typed-rec (pushbool-t thenᵗ rest) frames) ⟦st⟧ = inj₁ (_ , pushbool-eval)
progress (program-typed-flat (add-t thenᵗ rest)) (⟦⟧ˢ-int (⟦⟧ˢ-int ⟦st⟧)) = inj₁ (_ , add-eval)
progress (program-typed-rec (add-t thenᵗ rest) frames) (⟦⟧ˢ-int (⟦⟧ˢ-int ⟦st⟧)) = inj₁ (_ , add-eval)
progress {is = loop 0 is' is} (program-typed-flat (loop-t _ thenᵗ rest)) ⟦st⟧ = inj₁ (_ , loop-eval⁰)
progress {is = loop 0 is' is} (program-typed-rec (loop-t _ thenᵗ rest) frames) ⟦st⟧ = inj₁ (_ , loop-eval⁰)
progress {is = loop (suc n) is' is} (program-typed-flat (loop-t _ thenᵗ rest)) ⟦st⟧ = inj₁ (_ , loop-evalⁿ)
progress {is = loop (suc n) is' is} (program-typed-rec (loop-t _ thenᵗ rest) frames) ⟦st⟧ = inj₁ (_ , loop-evalⁿ)
progress {s = bool true s} (program-typed-rec (break-t thenᵗ rest) frames) (⟦⟧ˢ-bool ⟦st⟧) = inj₁ (_ , break-evalᵗ)
progress {s = bool false s} (program-typed-rec (break-t thenᵗ rest) frames) (⟦⟧ˢ-bool ⟦st⟧) = inj₁ (_ , break-evalᶠ)
progress {is = []} (program-typed-rec (doneᵗ-just) frames) ⟦st⟧ = inj₁ (_ , empty-eval)
progress {is = []} (program-typed-flat (doneᵗ-nothing)) ⟦st⟧ = inj₂ (refl , refl , ⟦st⟧)
{-# TERMINATING #-} -- evaluation always terminates, but proving it is tedious
static-dynamic-help : {stˡ}
st (is , S) ↦* stˡ
st ⟧ˢ s
Σ (List Value) (λ stˡ ⟧ˢ × (s , is , S) ⇒* ( , [] , []))
static-dynamic-help {s = s} frames ⟦st⟧
with progress frames ⟦st⟧
... | inj₁ ((s' , is' , S') , is⇒is') =
let (st' , (⟦st'⟧ , frames')) = preservation is⇒is' ⟦st⟧ frames in
let ( , (⟦stˡ⟧ , is'⇒*[])) = static-dynamic-help frames' ⟦st'⟧ in
( , (⟦stˡ⟧ , is⇒is' thenᵉ is'⇒*[]))
... | inj₂ (refl , refl , ⟦stˡ⟧) = (s , (⟦stˡ⟧ , doneᵉ))
static-dynamic : {stˡ}
st is ↦| stˡ
st ⟧ˢ s
Σ (List Value) (λ stˡ ⟧ˢ × (s , is , []) ⇒* ( , [] , []))
static-dynamic st⊢is↦|stˡ = static-dynamic-help (program-typed-flat st⊢is↦|stˡ)
-- Copied from Flat.agda
open import Data.Nat.Show using () renaming (show to show)
open import Data.Integer.Show using () renaming (show to show)
open import Data.Bool.Show using () renaming (show to showBool)
open import Data.String using (String; _++_)
open import Data.Product using (proj₁)
stackToString : List Value String
stackToString [] = "[]"
stackToString (int i s) = show i ++ " :: " ++ stackToString s
stackToString (bool b s) = showBool b ++ " :: " ++ stackToString s
open import IO
open import Level using (0)
main = run {0} (putStrLn (stackToString (proj₁ (static-dynamic basict₄ ⟦⟧ˢ-empty))))

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
module Language.Values where
open import Data.Integer using ()
open import Data.Bool using (Bool)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
data Value : Set where
int : Value
bool : Bool Value
data ValueType : Set where
tint tbool : ValueType
s s' s'' : List Value
st st' st'' : List ValueType
b b₁ b₂ : Bool
z z₁ z₂ :
-- what it means for list of value types to describe a list of values
data ⟦_⟧ˢ : List ValueType List Value Set where
⟦⟧ˢ-empty : [] ⟧ˢ []
⟦⟧ˢ-int : st ⟧ˢ s tint st ⟧ˢ (int z s)
⟦⟧ˢ-bool : st ⟧ˢ s tbool st ⟧ˢ (bool b s)