
131 lines
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2019-05-28 18:16:47 -07:00
module CacheSim.Cache exposing (..)
import CacheSim.IntMap exposing (..)
-- Types that help document code
type alias Lru = Int
type alias WordAddr = Int
type alias BlockAddr = Int
type alias BlockSize = Int
type alias SetCount = Int
type alias SetSize = Int
-- Cache description, without state
type alias CacheModel =
{ blockSize : BlockSize
, setCount : SetCount
, setSize : SetSize
-- Types for cache state
type CacheSlot = Empty | Used Lru BlockAddr
type alias CacheSet = IntMap CacheSlot
type alias CacheState = IntMap CacheSet
type alias Cache = (CacheModel, CacheState)
type AccessResult = Hit | Miss
type alias AccessEffect a =
{ result : AccessResult
, output : a
fullyAssociativeCache : BlockSize -> SetSize -> CacheModel
fullyAssociativeCache bs ss =
{ blockSize = bs
, setCount = 1
, setSize = ss
directMappedCache : BlockSize -> SetCount -> CacheModel
directMappedCache bs sc =
{ blockSize = bs
, setCount = sc
, setSize = 1
findExistingSlot : BlockAddr -> CacheSet -> Maybe Int
findExistingSlot ba =
isExisting cs =
case cs of
Empty -> False
Used l aba -> ba == aba
intMapFind isExisting
findEmptySlot : CacheSet -> Maybe Int
findEmptySlot =
isEmpty cs =
case cs of
Empty -> True
_ -> False
intMapFind isEmpty
findLruSlot : CacheSet -> Maybe Int
findLruSlot cs =
minLru = List.minimum <| cacheSlotLru cs
isMin s = Just (cacheSlotLru s) == minLru
intMapFind isMin cs
cacheSlotLru : CacheSlot -> Lru
cacheSlotLru c =
case c of
Empty -> -1
Used l _ -> l
cacheSlotSetLru : Int -> CacheSlot -> CacheSlot
cacheSlotSetLru i c =
case c of
Empty -> Empty
Used _ v -> Used i v
cacheSlotBumpLru : CacheSlot -> CacheSlot
cacheSlotBumpLru c =
case c of
Empty -> Empty
Used l v -> Used (l+1) v
cacheSetBumpLru : CacheSet -> CacheSet
cacheSetBumpLru = cacheSlotBumpLru
accessCacheSet : CacheModel -> BlockAddr -> CacheSet -> Result String (AccessEffect CacheSet)
accessCacheSet cm ba cs =
existingSlotEffect =
case findExistingSlot ba cs of
Just i -> Ok { result = Hit, output = intMapUpdate i (cacheSlotSetLru 0) <| cacheSetBumpLru cs }
Nothing -> emptySlotEffect
emptySlotEffect =
case findEmptySlot cs of
Just i -> Ok { result = Miss, output = intMapPut i (Used 0 ba) <| cacheSetBumpLru cs }
Nothing -> lruSlotEffect
lruSlotEffect =
case findLruSlot cs of
Just i -> Ok { result = Miss, output = intMapPut i (Used 0 ba) <| cacheSetBumpLru cs }
Nothing -> Err "Unable to find a single spot in the cache set. Is the size nonzero?"
accessCache : WordAddr -> Cache -> Result String (AccessEffect Cache)
accessCache wa c =
(cm, cs) = c
blockAddr = wa // cm.blockSize
setAddr = modBy cm.setCount blockAddr
set = intMapGet setAddr cs
setAccess = (accessCacheSet cm blockAddr) set
transformAccess { result, output } =
{ result = result
, output = (cm, intMapPut setAddr output cs)
case setAccess of
Just (Ok ar) -> Ok <| transformAccess ar
Just (Err e) -> Err <| "Error accessing cache set: " ++ e
Nothing -> Err "Unable to find correct set in cache."