
82 lines
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Raw Normal View History

module CacheSim.View exposing (..)
import CacheSim.Raw exposing (..)
import CacheSim.Model exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html, input, text, div, label, span, h2, h3)
2019-05-28 20:08:04 -07:00
import Html.Attributes exposing (type_, class, value, for, classList, disabled)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick)
2019-05-28 20:08:04 -07:00
optionalButton : Bool -> String -> Msg -> Html Msg
optionalButton e s m =
events = if e then [ onClick m ] else [ disabled (not e) ]
input ([ type_ "button", value s ] ++ events) []
button : String -> Msg -> Html Msg
button s m = input [ type_ "button", onClick m, value s] []
buttonWrapper : List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg
buttonWrapper = div [ class "button-wrapper" ]
labeledInput : String -> String -> (String -> Msg) -> Html Msg
labeledInput s val f =
div [ class "input-group" ]
[ span [] [ text s ]
, input [ value val, type_ "text", onInput f ] []
viewRawCacheModel : Int -> RawCacheModel -> Html Msg
viewRawCacheModel level rcm =
updateBlockSize s cm = { cm | blockSize = s}
updateSetCount s cm = { cm | setCount = s}
updateSetSize s cm = { cm | setSize = s}
2019-05-28 19:37:22 -07:00
wrapUpdate f s = ChangeRawModel level (f s)
deleteButton = button "Delete" (DeleteRawModel level)
params = div [ class "cache-model-params" ]
[ labeledInput "Block size" rcm.blockSize (wrapUpdate updateBlockSize)
, labeledInput "Set count" rcm.setCount (wrapUpdate updateSetCount)
, labeledInput "Set size" rcm.setSize (wrapUpdate updateSetSize)
div [ class "cache-model" ]
[ h3 [] [ text <| "L" ++ String.fromInt (level + 1) ++ " Cache" ]
, buttonWrapper [ deleteButton ]
, params
viewRawCacheModelHierarchy : RawCacheModelHierarchy -> Html Msg
viewRawCacheModelHierarchy rcmh =
models = div [ class "cache-model-levels" ]
<|List.indexedMap viewRawCacheModel rcmh
2019-05-28 20:08:04 -07:00
translationResult = Result.andThen validateCacheModelHierarchy
<| translateRawCacheModelHierarchy rcmh
isValid =
case translationResult of
Ok _ -> True
Err _ -> False
errorHtml =
case translationResult of
Ok _ -> viewError True ""
Err e -> viewError False e
newButton = button "Add level" CreateRawModel
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useButton = optionalButton isValid "Use hierarchy" CreateRawModel
div [ class "cache-model-hierarchy" ]
[ h2 [] [ text "Cache hierarchy" ]
2019-05-28 20:08:04 -07:00
, errorHtml
, buttonWrapper [ newButton, useButton ]
, models
2019-05-28 20:08:04 -07:00
viewError : Bool -> String -> Html Msg
viewError hide e = span [ classList [ ("hidden", hide) ] ] [ text e ]
viewBase : Model -> Html Msg
viewBase m =
div [] [ viewRawCacheModelHierarchy m.rawHierarchy ]