Display access numbers and reset cache state between accesses.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,15 +2,21 @@ module CacheSim.AccessView exposing (..)
import CacheSim.Cache exposing (..)
import CacheSim.Hierarchy exposing (..)
type AccessPosition = Down Int | Up Int | Done
type alias AccessView = (List (AccessEffect Cache), AccessPosition)
type AccessPosition = Down Int | Up Int | Preview | End
type alias AccessView =
{ initialState : CacheHierarchy
, blockAddr : BlockAddr
, accessEffects : List (AccessEffect Cache)
, position : AccessPosition
accessPositionForward : Int -> AccessPosition -> AccessPosition
accessPositionForward depth av =
case av of
Down n -> if n == depth - 1 then Up n else Down (n + 1)
Up n -> if n == 0 then Done else Up (n - 1)
Done -> Done
Up n -> if n == 0 then Preview else Up (n - 1)
Preview -> End
End -> End
accessPositionBack : Int -> AccessPosition -> AccessPosition
accessPositionBack depth av =
@ -18,41 +24,43 @@ accessPositionBack depth av =
Down 0 -> Down 0
Down n -> Down (n-1)
Up n -> if n == (depth - 1) then Down n else Up (n + 1)
Done -> Up 0
Preview -> Up 0
End -> Preview
accessPositionDone : AccessPosition -> Bool
accessPositionDone av =
case av of
Done -> True
End -> True
_ -> False
accessViewForward : AccessView -> AccessView
accessViewForward (l, ap) = (l, accessPositionForward (List.length l) ap)
accessViewForward av = { av | position = accessPositionForward (List.length av.accessEffects) av.position }
accessViewBack : AccessView -> AccessView
accessViewBack (l, ap) = (l, accessPositionBack (List.length l) ap)
accessViewBack av = { av | position = accessPositionBack (List.length av.accessEffects) av.position }
accessViewDone : AccessView -> Bool
accessViewDone (_, ap) = accessPositionDone ap
accessViewDone av = accessPositionDone av.position
finalCacheHierarchy : CacheHierarchy -> AccessView -> CacheHierarchy
finalCacheHierarchy ch (l, ap) =
List.map .output l ++ List.drop (List.length l) ch
finalCacheHierarchy : AccessView -> CacheHierarchy
finalCacheHierarchy av =
List.map .output av.accessEffects ++ List.drop (List.length av.accessEffects) av.initialState
effectiveCacheHierarchy : CacheHierarchy -> AccessView -> CacheHierarchy
effectiveCacheHierarchy c (l, ap) =
effectiveCacheHierarchy : AccessView -> CacheHierarchy
effectiveCacheHierarchy av =
finalContents = List.map .output l
unaccessed = List.drop (List.length l) c
finalContents = List.map .output av.accessEffects
unaccessed = List.drop (List.length av.accessEffects) av.initialState
notDone =
case ap of
Done -> []
Down _ -> List.take (List.length l) c
Up n -> List.take n c
case av.position of
Preview -> []
End -> []
Down _ -> List.take (List.length av.accessEffects) av.initialState
Up n -> List.take n av.initialState
done =
case ap of
Done -> finalContents
case av.position of
Preview -> finalContents
End -> finalContents
Down _ -> []
Up n -> List.drop n finalContents
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ updateAccess li m =
[] -> Ok []
(i::t) ->
case accessCacheHierarchy i c of
Ok av -> Result.map ((::) (av, Down 0)) <| process (finalCacheHierarchy c (av, Done)) t
Ok av -> Result.map ((::) (i, av, Down 0)) <| process (finalCacheHierarchy c (i, av, Done)) t
Err s -> Err s
accessResult = Maybe.andThen (\h -> Result.toMaybe <| process h li) m.hierarchy
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ updateAccessViewForward m =
afterStep = Maybe.map (intMapUpdate 0 accessViewForward) m.accessView
(newHierarchy, newAccessView) =
case afterStep of
Just ((avs, Done)::[]) -> (Maybe.map (\h -> finalCacheHierarchy h (avs, Done)) m.hierarchy, Nothing)
Just ((avs, Done)::xs) -> (Maybe.map (\h -> finalCacheHierarchy h (avs, Done)) m.hierarchy, Just xs)
Just ((i, avs, Done)::[]) -> (Maybe.map (\h -> finalCacheHierarchy h (i, avs, Done)) m.hierarchy, Nothing)
Just ((i, avs, Done)::xs) -> (Maybe.map (\h -> finalCacheHierarchy h (i, avs, Done)) m.hierarchy, Just xs)
as_ -> (m.hierarchy, as_)
newModel = { m | accessView = newAccessView, hierarchy = newHierarchy }
cmd = Cmd.none
@ -164,10 +164,12 @@ viewCacheHierarchy ch =
viewAccessView : Model -> AccessView -> Html Msg
viewAccessView m av =
(i, _, _) = av
currentCache = Maybe.withDefault [] m.hierarchy
div []
[ h2 [] [ text "Access Simulation" ]
, p [] [ text ("Simulating access of address " ++ String.fromInt i) ]
, buttonWrapper
[ primaryButton "Back" AccessViewBack
, primaryButton "Forward" AccessViewForward
@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ viewAccessView m av =
viewAccessLog : AccessView -> Html Msg
viewAccessLog (aes, ap) =
viewAccessLog (i, aes, ap) =
resultSpan r =
span [ classList [ ("badge", True), ("badge-success", r == Hit), ("badge-danger", r == Miss) ] ]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user