Compare commits


No commits in common. "b96c16918b9bf0c58711044eed7df4a03196d086" and "5710f10999bb0b7dd79a743c952eb4557396de8b" have entirely different histories.

5 changed files with 199 additions and 114 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
<script src="static/js/elm.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="static/css/style.css">
<script src="/static/js/elm.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/style.css">
<div id="elm"></div>

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ updateChangeRawModel l f m =
updateCreateRawModel : Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
updateCreateRawModel m =
freshRawModel = { blockSize = "4", setCount = "4", setSize = "3" }
freshRawModel = { blockSize = "", setCount = "", setSize = "" }
newModel = { m | rawHierarchy = m.rawHierarchy ++ [ freshRawModel ] }
cmd = Cmd.none

View File

@ -4,68 +4,30 @@ import CacheSim.Model exposing (..)
import CacheSim.Cache exposing (..)
import CacheSim.AccessView exposing (..)
import CacheSim.Hierarchy exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, input, text, div, label, span, h2, h3, table, tr, td, th, p, h1)
import Html.Attributes exposing (type_, class, value, for, classList, disabled, colspan, hidden)
import Html exposing (Html, input, text, div, label, span, h2, h3, table, tr, td)
import Html.Attributes exposing (type_, class, value, for, classList, disabled, colspan)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick)
-- Button components, powered by Bootstrap
basicButton : List (Attribute Msg) -> String -> Html Msg
basicButton attrs s = input ([ type_ "button", value s, class "btn", class "btn-info" ] ++ attrs) []
disabledButton : String -> Html Msg
disabledButton = basicButton [ disabled True ]
advancedButton : List (Attribute Msg) -> String -> Msg -> Html Msg
advancedButton attrs s m = basicButton (attrs ++ [ onClick m ]) s
optionalButton : Bool -> String -> Msg -> Html Msg
optionalButton e s m =
events = if e then [ onClick m ] else [ disabled (not e) ]
input ([ type_ "button", value s ] ++ events) []
button : String -> Msg -> Html Msg
button s m = basicButton [ onClick m ] s
button s m = input [ type_ "button", onClick m, value s] []
dangerButton : String -> Msg -> Html Msg
dangerButton = advancedButton [ class "btn-danger" ]
primaryButton : String -> Msg -> Html Msg
primaryButton = advancedButton [ class "btn-primary" ]
secondaryButton : String -> Msg -> Html Msg
secondaryButton = advancedButton [ class "btn-secondary" ]
maybeButton : Maybe a -> String -> (a -> Msg) -> Html Msg
maybeButton m s f =
case m of
Just v -> button s (f v)
_ -> disabledButton s
resultButton : Result e a -> String -> (a -> Msg) -> Html Msg
resultButton = maybeButton << Result.toMaybe
-- Button wrapper (button group)
buttonWrapper : List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg
buttonWrapper = div [ classList [("btn-group", True), ("mb-3", True) ] ]
buttonWrapper = div [ class "button-wrapper" ]
-- Input with a label
labeledInput : String -> String -> (String -> Msg) -> Html Msg
labeledInput s val f =
div [ class "input-group mb-3" ]
[ div [ class "input-group-prepend" ]
[ span [ class "input-group-text" ] [ text s ]
, input [ value val, type_ "text", class "form-control", onInput f ] []
div [ class "input-group" ]
[ span [] [ text s ]
, input [ value val, type_ "text", onInput f ] []
-- Error view
viewError : Bool -> String -> Html Msg
viewError hide e = div
[ classList
[ ("alert", True)
, ("alert-danger", True)
, hidden hide
] [ text e ]
panel : List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg
panel = div [ classList [("card", True), ("p-3", True), ("mb-3", True) ] ]
viewRawCacheModel : Int -> RawCacheModel -> Html Msg
viewRawCacheModel level rcm =
@ -74,15 +36,15 @@ viewRawCacheModel level rcm =
updateSetSize s cm = { cm | setSize = s}
wrapUpdate f s = ChangeRawModel level (f s)
deleteButton = dangerButton "Delete" (DeleteRawModel level)
deleteButton = button "Delete" (DeleteRawModel level)
params = div []
params = div [ class "cache-model-params" ]
[ labeledInput "Block size" rcm.blockSize (wrapUpdate updateBlockSize)
, labeledInput "Set count" rcm.setCount (wrapUpdate updateSetCount)
, labeledInput "Set size" rcm.setSize (wrapUpdate updateSetSize)
div [ class "cache-model" ]
[ h3 [] [ text <| "L" ++ String.fromInt (level + 1) ++ " Cache" ]
, buttonWrapper [ deleteButton ]
, params
@ -95,15 +57,21 @@ viewRawCacheModelHierarchy rcmh =
<| List.indexedMap viewRawCacheModel rcmh
translationResult = Result.andThen validateCacheModelHierarchy
<| translateRawCacheModelHierarchy rcmh
isValid =
case translationResult of
Ok _ -> True
Err _ -> False
errorHtml =
case translationResult of
Ok _ -> viewError True ""
Err e -> viewError False e
newButton = button "Add level" CreateRawModel
useButton = resultButton translationResult "Use hierarchy" (UseHierarchy << Just)
useButton = case translationResult of
Ok cmh -> optionalButton True "Use hierarchy" (UseHierarchy <| Just cmh)
Err _ -> optionalButton False "Use hierarchy" (UseHierarchy Nothing)
div []
div [ class "cache-model-hierarchy" ]
[ h2 [] [ text "Cache hierarchy" ]
, errorHtml
, buttonWrapper [ newButton, useButton ]
@ -116,14 +84,14 @@ viewCache level (cm, cs) =
slotLabels =
List.indexedMap (\i _ -> td [] [ text <| String.fromInt i ])
<| List.repeat cm.setSize ()
slotLabel = th [ colspan cm.setSize ] [ text "Slot" ]
slotLabel = td [ colspan cm.setSize ] [ text "Slot" ]
allSlotLabels = List.concat <| List.repeat cm.setCount slotLabels
allSlotsLabel = List.repeat cm.setCount slotLabel
setLabels =
List.indexedMap (\i _ -> td [ colspan cm.setSize ] [ text <| String.fromInt i ])
<| List.repeat cm.setCount ()
setLabel = [ th [ colspan <| cm.setSize * cm.setCount ] [ text "Set" ] ]
setLabel = [ td [ colspan <| cm.setSize * cm.setCount ] [ text "Set" ] ]
setRow set =
slotHtml s =
@ -134,42 +102,43 @@ viewCache level (cm, cs) = slotHtml set
cacheRow = List.concat <| setRow cs
cacheTable =
table [ class "table" ]
[ tr [ hidden (cm.setCount == 1), class "table-info" ] setLabel
, tr [ hidden (cm.setCount == 1) ] setLabels
, tr [ hidden (cm.setSize == 1), class "table-info" ] allSlotsLabel
, tr [ hidden (cm.setSize == 1) ] allSlotLabels
table []
[ tr [ classList [("hidden", cm.setCount == 1)] ] setLabel
, tr [ classList [("hidden", cm.setCount == 1)] ] setLabels
, tr [ classList [("hidden", cm.setSize == 1)] ] allSlotsLabel
, tr [ classList [("hidden", cm.setSize == 1)] ] allSlotLabels
, tr [] cacheRow
[ h3 [] [ text <| "L" ++ String.fromInt (level + 1) ++ " Cache" ]
div [ class "cache" ]
[ h3 [] [ text <| "L" ++ String.fromInt level ++ " Cache" ]
, cacheTable
viewCacheHierarchy : CacheHierarchy -> Html Msg
viewCacheHierarchy ch =
levels = div []
levels = div [ class "cache-levels" ]
<| List.indexedMap viewCache ch
div [ class "cache-hierarchy" ] <|
[ h2 [] [ text <| "Cache State" ]
, levels
viewAccessView : Model -> AccessView -> Html Msg
viewAccessView m av =
currentCache = Maybe.withDefault [] m.hierarchy
div []
div [ class "access-view" ]
[ h2 [] [ text "Access Simulation" ]
, buttonWrapper
[ primaryButton "Back" AccessViewBack
, primaryButton "Forward" AccessViewForward
[ button "Forward" AccessViewForward
, button "Back" AccessViewBack
, h3 [] [ text "Access event log" ]
, viewAccessLog av
, h3 [] [ text "Current cache state" ]
, viewCacheHierarchy <| effectiveCacheHierarchy currentCache av
@ -177,10 +146,11 @@ viewAccessLog : AccessView -> Html Msg
viewAccessLog (aes, ap) =
resultSpan r =
span [ classList [ ("badge", True), ("badge-success", r == Hit), ("badge-danger", r == Miss) ] ]
[ text <| if r == Hit then "Hit" else "Miss" ]
case r of
Hit -> span [ class "success" ] [ text "HIT" ]
Miss -> span [ class "failure" ] [ text "MISS" ]
downEvent n ae = div [ class "event" ]
[ text <| "L" ++ String.fromInt (n + 1) ++ " "
[ text <| "L" ++ String.fromInt (n + 1)
, resultSpan ae.result
upEvent n ae = div [ class "event" ]
@ -193,48 +163,35 @@ viewAccessLog (aes, ap) =
Up n -> List.indexedMap downEvent aes ++
(List.indexedMap upEvent <| List.drop n aes)
div [] events
div [ class "access-log" ]
[ h3 [] [ text "Simulation events" ]
, div [ class "access-log-events" ] events
viewAccessInput : Model -> Html Msg
viewAccessInput m =
accessButton = maybeButton (String.toInt m.accessInput) "Access address" Access
editHierarchyButton = button "Edit hierarchy" (UseHierarchy Nothing)
accessButton =
case String.toInt m.accessInput of
Just i -> optionalButton True "Access address" (Access i)
Nothing -> optionalButton False "Access address" (Access -1)
div []
div [ class "access-input" ]
[ h2 [] [ text "Run access simulation" ]
, div [ class "note" ]
[ text "Please make sure to click \"Use Hierarchy\" to load a hierarchy to simulate."
, labeledInput "Access address" m.accessInput ChangeAccessInput
, buttonWrapper [ accessButton, editHierarchyButton ]
, accessButton
viewDescription : Html Msg
viewDescription =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text "Cache simulator" ]
, p []
[ text <| "This is a simulator for testing various cache configurations for educational purposes. It allows for the creation of"
++ " n-way associative caches, and their special cases (direct mapped and fully associative caches)."
, p []
[ text <| "To use the simulator, first create a fitting cache configuration by using the \"Add level\" button,"
++ " as well as the settings provided by each individual cache level. When the cache is correctly specified, and"
++ " no warnings appear, click \"Use hierarchy\" to load the specified hierarchy and begin simulating. To simulate,"
++ " type a block address into the \"Access address\" field, and click \"Access\". This will bring forward the simulation"
++ " view, which will allow you to step through the steps of accessing a cache."
viewError : Bool -> String -> Html Msg
viewError hide e = div [ classList [ ("hidden", hide), ("error", True) ] ] [ text e ]
viewBase : Model -> Html Msg
viewBase m =
rawView =
case m.hierarchy of
Nothing -> [ viewRawCacheModelHierarchy m.rawHierarchy ]
Just _ -> []
accessInputView =
case (m.hierarchy, m.accessView) of
(Just _, Nothing) -> [ viewAccessInput m ]
_ -> []
rawView = viewRawCacheModelHierarchy m.rawHierarchy
cacheView =
case m.accessView of
Nothing ->
@ -242,6 +199,6 @@ viewBase m =
<| (List.singleton << viewCacheHierarchy) <| m.hierarchy
Just _ -> []
accessView = Maybe.withDefault [] <| (List.singleton << viewAccessView m) <| m.accessView
accessInputView = [ viewAccessInput m ]
div [ class "container" ]
<| [ viewDescription] ++ rawView ++ accessInputView ++ accessView ++ cacheView
div [] <| [ rawView ] ++ cacheView ++ accessView ++ accessInputView

View File

@ -8,11 +8,15 @@ import CacheSim.View exposing (..)
import Browser exposing (Document, document)
import Html exposing (text)
testCacheModelHierarchy =
[ { blockSize = "128", setCount = "8", setSize = "1" }
init : Flags -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init f =
initialModel =
{ rawHierarchy = []
{ rawHierarchy = testCacheModelHierarchy
, hierarchy = Nothing
, accessView = Nothing
, accessInput = ""

View File

@ -1,3 +1,128 @@
.btn-group {
width: min-content;
@import url('');
$primary-color: lighten(#26c176, 30%);
body {
font-family: Raleway, serif;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
.hidden {
display: none;
.input-group {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 5px;
span {
margin-right: 10px;
input {
flex-grow: 1;
input[type="text"] {
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
border: none;
background-color: #efefef;
&:active, &:focus {
background-color: $primary-color;
transition: .25s;
.error {
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
border: 2px solid tomato;
color: tomato;
.note {
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
span.success {
margin-left: 10px;
color: green;
span.failure {
margin-left: 10px;
color: tomato;
button, input[type="button"] {
box-sizing: border-box;
border: none;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
display: inline-block;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
font-size: 14px;
&:hover, &:focus {
background-color: $primary-color;
transition: .25s;
&:disabled {
background-color: lightgrey;
.cache-model-levels {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.cache-model {
max-width: 600px;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
border: 2px solid lightgrey;
margin: 5px;
.cache, .cache-model {
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
border: 2px solid lightgrey;
margin: 5px;
.cache-model-hierarchy, .cache-hierarchy, .access-input {
margin-bottom: 10px;
table {
width: 100%;
tr {
&:nth-child(1), &:nth-child(3) {
background-color: $primary-color;
td {
text-align: center;
padding: 3px;