A flex grammar to recognize a Python-like language.
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Assignment 1

Due by 11:59pm on Monday, 4/22/2019

Demo due by 11:59pm on Monday, 5/6/2019

Throughout this course, we'll be working on building a compiler for a subset of the language Python. In this particular assignment, we'll implement the first phase of our compiler's front-end: the scanner. We'll use a widely-used scanner generator called flex to do this.

There are a few parts to this assignment, each outlined below.

1. Sign up for Piazza

Use this link to sign up for the CS 480 Piazza with your ONID email address: https://piazza.com/oregonstate/spring2019/cs480.

We'll be using Piazza in this course for Q&A because it's geared towards students helping other students with the class. Anyone can post or answer a question on Piazza, even anonymously, and the instructor and TAs can revise and endorse student answers, which means you can be confident in the quality of the response.

You are strongly encouraged to post any class-related questions to Piazza first instead of emailing the instructor or TAs. You should also get in the habit of checking in to Piazza to answer other students' questions. This will not only enable everyone to get help quickly, but it will also help you improve your understanding of the material, since teaching someone else is the best way to learn something.

As an incentive to use Piazza, extra credit will be awarded to the most active Piazza participants at the end of the class.

2. Implement a scanner for a simplified Python using flex

Flex is a tool that's widely-used for generating scanners. To implement a scanner using flex, you must specify a) a set of regular expressions corresponding to microsyntax patterns in your source language and b) a set of actions to be taken when each of the patterns is matched. We'll talk more about the details of flex in lecture.

Your main task in this assignment is to use flex to implement a scanner for a subset of Python. For information on the Python language, please see the Python documentation: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/.

The scanner you implement should recognize the syntactic categories described below. Each time a token in the source code is matched, your scanner should print a line to stdout that contains the label for the syntactic category (as specified below) and the value of the lexeme corresponding to the matched token. For example, if your scanner recognizes an identifier cat2 in the source code, it should print the following line to stdout:


Or, if your scanner recognizes a floating point number 8.0, it should print something like the following line:

FLOAT         8.0

Such a line should be printed for every token in the input source file.

Syntactic categories to be recognized

Your scanner should recognize the following syntactic categories. The label for each category is specified. Note that these categories represent a simplified subset of the Python language.

  • IDENTIFIER - An identifier must begin with an alphabetic character or an underscore and can then contain any number of alphanumeric characters and/or underscores, e.g. foo, cat2, an_identifier, anotherIdentifier.

  • FLOAT - A floating point number consists of zero or more numerical characters followed by a decimal point (i.e. .) followed by one or more numerical characters. A floating point number may optionally begin with a minus sign (i.e. -) to indicate a negative number. Examples are 3.1415, -16.0, 0.5, .66667. When a floating point number is recognized by your scanner, you should use a function like atof() to parse it into a numerical value when printing it to stdout.

  • INTEGER - An integer consists of one or more numerical characters and may optionally begin with a minus sign (i.e. -) to indicate a negative number, e.g. 8, -32, 0, 111. When an integer is recognized by your scanner, you should use a function like atoi() to parse it into a numerical value when printing it to stdout.

  • BOOLEAN - There are two boolean values in Python: True and False. When a boolean value is recognized by your scanner, you should map it to either 1 or 0 or to a C++ bool value when printing it to stdout.

  • The following are keywords your scanner should recognize (along with the label of the corresponding syntactic category):

    • AND - The keyword and.
    • BREAK - The keyword break.
    • DEF - The keyword def.
    • ELIF - The keyword elif.
    • ELSE - The keyword else.
    • FOR - The keyword for.
    • IF - The keyword if.
    • NOT - The keyword not.
    • OR - The keyword or.
    • RETURN - The keyword return.
    • WHILE - The keyword while.
  • The following are operators your scanner should recognize (along with the label of the corresponding syntactic category):

    • ASSIGN - The operator =.
    • PLUS - The operator +.
    • MINUS - The operator -.
    • TIMES - The operator *.
    • DIVIDEDBY - The operator /.
    • EQ - The operator ==.
    • NEQ - The operator !=.
    • GT - The operator >.
    • GTE - The operator >=.
    • LT - The operator <.
    • LTE - The operator <=.
  • The following are punctuation marks your scanner should recognize (along with the label of the corresponding syntactic category):

    • LPAREN - Left parenthesis (.
    • RPAREN - Right parenthesis ).
    • COMMA - Comma ,.
    • COLON - Colon :.
  • NEWLINE - Python statements are delimited by newlines, so you must recognize newlines after statements. For this assignment, you may assume that all statements span just a single line and are not broken over multiple lines (e.g. with backslashes). When a newline is recognized, your scanner only needs to print a line containing the label NEWLINE without a value.

  • INDENT and DEDENT - In Python, indentation is used to group statements into blocks, so you must recognize when indentation increases and decreases. More on this below. When indentation increases or decreases, your scanner only needs to print a line containing the corresponding label (i.e. INDENT or DEDENT) without a value.

In addition to recognizing the above, your scanner should have the following behaviors:

  • Whitespace between words should be ignored.

  • Lines that are completely blank (other than whitespace) should be ignored.

  • Whole-line comments should be ignored. A whole-line comment is one that does not occur on the same line as a statement and may optionally be indented. In Python, a comment begins with a # character and continues to the end of the line. Importantly, a comment line should not generate a NEWLINE. For this assignment, you do not need to worry about comments that occur on the same line as a statement.

3. Handle indentation

In Python, indentation is used to group statements into blocks. For example, all of the statements in an if block are indented one level further than the if statement itself, like below:

if x > 0:
    a = 2
    b = 4
    c = 8

Such indentation is also used to group function bodies, loop bodies, etc., e.g.:

def sum_to(n):
    s = 0
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        s = s + i
        i = i + 1

    return s

In the above example, note that the indentation level increases twice: once to indicate the body of the sum_to() function and a second time to indicate the body of the while loop.

Because of the way Python uses indentation, it is not a context-free language. This makes things challenging if we hope to use a standard parser generator like bison to create a parser for Python (which we will do in this course), since such parser generators generally operate only on context-free grammers.

Luckily, we can formulate our scanner in such a way as to allow us to use a context-free parser. In particular, we can implement our scanner so that it keeps track of indentation levels in the code, emitting an INDENT token every time indentation increases a level and emitting a DEDENT token every time indentation decreases a level. In essence, these INDENT and DEDENT tokens respectively play the same role as opening ({) and closing (}) braces in a language like C++, marking the beginning and end of a block of statements.

Your most challenging task in this assignment is to add rules to your scanner definition to keep track of indentation in the source code and to emit INDENT and DEDENT tokens when the indentation level changes. This can be done using a stack, as described in the Python documentation:


For this assignment, you may treat spaces and tabs the same way, i.e. spaces and tabs can be used interchangeably for indentation in the source code and may even be combined in a single line of code.

As an example of how this would work in practice, the snippet above containing the if statement should generate output like this when run through your scanner:

IF       if
COLON    :

4. Implement a makefile to generate your scanner

Finally, you should create a makefile to generate an executable scanner from your definition. You should write your scanner definition in a flex file, e.g. scanner.l. C++ library code containing a scanner generated from your definition can then be created like so:

flex -o scanner.cpp scanner.l

This will generate a C++ file named scanner.cpp. This file will contain a scanning function with the following prototype:

void yylex();

The yylex() function will read source code from stdin. To be able to run your scanner, you should write a simple application whose main() function calls yylex(). If your main application is written in main.cpp, you can compile your executable scanner program like this:

g++ main.cpp scanner.cpp -o scan

Assuming you simply call yylex() in your main() function, you can pass source code into your scanner using input redirection in your terminal, e.g.:

./scan < p1.py

You should implement a makefile to perform the above compilation steps (i.e. running flex and g++) to generate an executable scanner that can be used as above.

Testing your scanner

There are four simple Python programs you may use for testing your scanner included in the testing_code/ directory. Your scanner should be able to scan all of the syntax in each of these programs. Example output for each program is provided in the example_output/ directory.


Here is some guidance on how to implement your scanner:

  • Think carefully about how to write regular expressions to recognize lines that are indented and lines that are not indented. For the actions associated with these regular expressions, make sure you can measure the level of indentation. The value yyleng, the length of the current token, could be helpful for this. Figure out a mechanism for determining when indentation increases and when it decreases. The stack-based mechanism described in the Python documentation linked above is a good bet here. Feel free to use std::stack from the C++ standard library (or any other 3rd-party stack implementation) if you choose to go this route.

  • The <<EOF>> pattern can be used in a flex rule to detect when your scanner has reached the end of the source code file. This can be helpful for inserting any final DEDENT tokens that are needed at the end of the source code.

  • When your scanner definition includes multiple patterns that match a given string in the source code, flex will choose the pattern that matches the most text. If two patterns match the same amount of text, the one listed first in your scanner rules is used. Being aware of these matching rules can help you formulate and organize regular expressions in your scanner definition. For example, you'll want to make sure to place a rule for discarding whitespace after a rule used to measure indentation.

  • Flex allows you to define your scanner so that it can scan multiple files at once. We don't need to worry about doing that for this assignment, so you can specify the following option in your flex file:

    %option noyywrap


We'll be using GitHub Classroom for this assignment, and you will submit your assignment via GitHub. Make sure your completed files are committed and pushed by the assignment's deadline to the master branch of the GitHub repo that was created for you by GitHub Classroom. A good way to check whether your files are safely submitted is to look at the master branch your assignment repo on the github.com website (i.e. https://github.com/osu-cs480-sp19/assignment-1-YourGitHubUsername/). If your changes show up there, you can consider your files submitted.

Grading criteria

The TAs will grade your assignment by compiling and running it on one of the ENGR servers, e.g. flip.engr.oregonstate.edu, so you should make sure your code works as expected there. flex is installed on the ENGR servers. If your code does not compile and run on the ENGR servers, the TAs will deduct at least 25 points from your score.

This assignment is worth 100 points total, broken down as follows:

  • 20 points: signed up for Piazza

  • 80 points: implemented simplified Python scanner:

    • 50 points: scanner correctly recognizes basic syntactic categories (e.g. identifiers, numbers, keywords, operators, newlines, etc.) and generates the appropriate output for these, as described above
    • 5 points: scanner correctly ignores whitespace, blank lines, and whole-line comments
    • 20 points: scanner correctly tracks indentation and emits INDENT and DEDENT tokens when appropriate
    • 5 points: your submission includes a makefile that generates an executable scanner from your scanner definition