Sovle homework 4
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module HW4Part1 where
data Reg = A | B | R
data Expr
= Lit Int
| Reg Reg
| Plus Expr Expr
| Leq Expr Expr
| Not Expr
type Prog = [Stmt]
data Stmt
= Store Reg Expr
| If Expr Prog Prog
| Loop Prog
| Break
program :: Prog
program =
[ Store A $ Lit 7
, Store B $ Lit 9
, Store R $ Lit 0
, Loop $
[ If (Reg A `Leq` Lit 0)
[ Break ]
[ Store R $ Reg R `Plus` Reg B
, Store A $ Reg A `Plus` Lit (-1)
while :: Expr -> Prog -> Stmt
while cond body = Loop $ If cond [] [ Break ] : body
sumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> Prog
sumFromTo f t =
[ Store A $ Lit f
, Store B $ Lit t
, Store R $ Lit 0
, while (Leq (Reg A) (Reg B))
[ Store R $ Reg R `Plus` Reg A
, Store A $ Reg A `Plus` (Lit 1)
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
- int ::= (any integer)
- reg ::= A | B | R
- bexpr ::= not bexpr
- | iexpr <= iexpr
- iexpr ::= int
- | reg
- | iexpr + iexpr
- stmt ::= reg ::= iexpr
- | if bexpr then prog else prog endprog else prog end
- | do prog end
- | break
- prog ::= \epsilon | stmt; prog
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bool
import Data.Either
data Reg = A | B | R
data Expr a where
Lit :: Int -> Expr Int
Reg :: Reg -> Expr Int
Plus :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
Leq :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Bool
Not :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
data Stmt
= Store Reg (Expr Int)
| If (Expr Bool) Prog Prog
| Loop Prog
| Break
type Prog = [Stmt]
-- Quick and dirty interpreter to test my programs :)
type Evaluator = ExceptT () (State (Int, Int, Int))
getReg :: Reg -> (Int, Int, Int) -> Int
getReg A (i, _, _) = i
getReg B (_, i, _) = i
getReg R (_, _, i) = i
setReg :: Reg -> Int -> (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
setReg A a (_, b, r) = (a, b, r)
setReg B b (a, _, r) = (a, b, r)
setReg R r (a, b, _) = (a, b, r)
expr :: Expr a -> Evaluator a
expr (Lit i) = return i
expr (Reg r) = gets (getReg r)
expr (Plus l r) = liftM2 (+) (expr l) (expr r)
expr (Leq l r) = liftM2 (<=) (expr l) (expr r)
expr (Not e) = not <$> expr e
stmt :: Stmt -> Evaluator ()
stmt (Store r e) = expr e >>= modify . setReg r
stmt (If i t e) = expr i >>= bool (prog e) (prog t)
stmt (Loop p) = prog (cycle p) `catchError` (const $ return ())
stmt Break = throwError ()
prog :: Prog -> Evaluator ()
prog = mapM_ stmt
run p = snd $ runState (runExceptT (prog p)) (0, 0, 0)
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