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-- | This module illustrates beta-reduction on nameless lambda calculus
-- terms using de Bruijn indexes.
module DeBruijn where
import Prelude hiding (print,and,or,not,pred,succ,fst,snd,either,length,sum,product)
-- * Syntax
-- ** Abstract syntax
-- | The de Bruijn index of a variable.
type Var = Int
-- | Nameless lambda calculus terms. Note that we can check alpha-equivalence
-- with plain old Haskell (==). This is a more complicated and expensive
-- operation in named lambda calculuses.
data Exp
= Ref Var -- ^ variable reference
| App Exp Exp -- ^ application
| Abs Exp -- ^ lambda abstraction
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- ** Syntactic sugar
-- | Build an abstraction that takes two arguments.
abs2 :: Exp -> Exp
abs2 = Abs . Abs
-- | Build an abstraction that takes three arguments.
abs3 :: Exp -> Exp
abs3 = abs2 . Abs
-- | Build an abstraction that takes four arguments.
abs4 :: Exp -> Exp
abs4 = abs3 . Abs
-- | Build an application to apply a function to two arguments.
app2 :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
app2 f e1 e2 = App (App f e1) e2
-- | Build an application to apply a function to three arguments.
app3 :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
app3 f e1 e2 e3 = App (app2 f e1 e2) e3
-- | Build an application to apply a function to four arguments.
app4 :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
app4 f e1 e2 e3 e4 = App (app3 f e1 e2 e3) e4
-- ** Pretty printing
-- | Pretty print a nameless lambda calculus expression.
pretty :: Exp -> String
pretty e = case e of
Ref x -> show x
Abs e -> "λ" ++ pretty e
App l r -> inAppL l ++ " " ++ group r
group (Ref x) = show x
group e = "(" ++ pretty e ++ ")"
inAppL (App l r) = inAppL l ++ " " ++ group r
inAppL e = group e
-- | Print a pretty-printed lambda calculus expression to standard output.
print :: Exp -> IO ()
print = putStrLn . pretty
-- * Semantics
-- ** Substitution
-- | Variable substitution. `sub x arg e` substitues arg for every x in e.
-- Both the abstraction and reference cases are interesting.
-- Each time we enter a new abstraction in e, we must:
-- 1. Increment the x that we're looking for.
-- 2. Increment all of the free variables in arg since now the references
-- will have to skip over one more lambda to get to the lambda they
-- refer to.
-- For each variable reference y in e, there are three possibilities:
-- 1. It's the variable x we're looking for, in which case we replace it.
-- 2. It's a variable bound in e (y < x), in which case we do nothing.
-- 3. It's a variable that is free in e (y > x), in which case we
-- decrement it since now the reference has to skip over one less
-- lambda (i.e. the lambda that we beta-reduced away) to get to the
-- lambda it refers to.
-- >>> sub 0 (Ref 1) (Abs (Ref 1))
-- Abs (Ref 2)
sub :: Var -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
sub x arg (App l r) = App (sub x arg l) (sub x arg r)
sub x arg (Abs e) = Abs (sub (x+1) (inc 0 arg) e)
sub x arg (Ref y)
| y == x = arg -- found an x, replace it!
| y < x = Ref y -- not x and bound in e, leave it alone
| y > x = Ref (y-1) -- not x and free in e, decrement it
-- | Increment the free variables in an expression.
-- The argument d (for "depth") indicates the number of abstractions we
-- have recursed into so far. A variable that is smaller than the depth
-- is not free, and so should not be incremented.
-- >>> inc 0 (Ref 0)
-- Ref 1
-- >>> inc 0 (App (Ref 1) (Abs (Ref 0)))
-- App (Ref 2) (Abs (Ref 0))
inc :: Int -> Exp -> Exp
inc d (App l r) = App (inc d l) (inc d r)
inc d (Abs e) = Abs (inc (d+1) e)
inc d (Ref x) = Ref (if x < d then x else x+1)
-- ** Small-step semantics
-- | Do one step of normal order reduction and return the result.
-- If no redex is found, return Nothing.
-- The first case matches a redex and does a substitution. The rest of
-- the cases implement a search for next redex.
-- >>> step (App (Abs (Ref 0)) (Ref 1))
-- Just (Ref 1)
-- >>> step (App (abs2 (App (Ref 0) (Ref 1))) (Ref 2))
-- Just (Abs (App (Ref 0) (Ref 3)))
-- >>> step (App (abs2 (App (Ref 2) (Ref 1))) (Ref 0))
-- Just (Abs (App (Ref 1) (Ref 1)))
step :: Exp -> Maybe Exp
step (App (Abs e) r) = Just (sub 0 r e) -- found a redex, do beta reduction!
step (App l r) = case step l of
Just l' -> Just (App l' r)
Nothing -> fmap (App l) (step r)
step (Abs e) = fmap Abs (step e)
step (Ref _) = Nothing
-- | Evaluate an expression to normal form using normal order recution.
-- Return a list of expressions produced by each step of reduction.
-- Note that this list may be infinite if the reduction never reaches
-- a normal form!
steps :: Exp -> [Exp]
steps e = e : case step e of
Nothing -> []
Just e' -> steps e'
-- | Evaluate an expression to normal form using normal order reduction.
-- Note that this function will not terminate if the reduction never
-- reaches a normal form!
eval :: Exp -> Exp
eval = last . steps
-- | Print a reduction sequence for an expression.
printReduce :: Exp -> IO ()
printReduce = mapM_ print . steps
-- * Church encodings
-- ** Church booleans
-- | λxy.x
true :: Exp
true = abs2 (Ref 1)
-- | λxy.y
false :: Exp
false = abs2 (Ref 0)
-- | λbte.bte
if_ :: Exp
if_ = abs3 (app2 (Ref 2) (Ref 1) (Ref 0))
-- | λb. if b false true
not :: Exp
not = Abs (app3 if_ (Ref 0) false true)
-- | λpq. if p q p
and :: Exp
and = abs2 (app3 if_ (Ref 1) (Ref 0) (Ref 1))
-- | λpq. if p p q
or :: Exp
or = abs2 (app3 if_ (Ref 1) (Ref 1) (Ref 0))
-- | Church Boolean tests:
-- >>> true == eval (app2 and (app2 or false true) (App not false))
-- True
-- >>> false == eval (app2 or (App not true) (app2 and true false))
-- True
-- ** Church numerals
-- | λfx.x
zero :: Exp
zero = abs2 (Ref 0)
-- | λfx.fx
one :: Exp
one = abs2 (App (Ref 1) (Ref 0))
-- | λfx.f(fx)
two :: Exp
two = abs2 (App (Ref 1) (App (Ref 1) (Ref 0)))
-- | λfx.f(f(fx))
three :: Exp
three = abs2 (App (Ref 1) (App (Ref 1) (App (Ref 1) (Ref 0))))
-- | Build a Church numeral for an arbitrary natural number.
-- >>> map num [0,1,2,3] == [zero,one,two,three]
-- True
num :: Int -> Exp
num n = abs2 (help n (Ref 0))
where help 0 e = e
help n e = App (Ref 1) (help (n-1) e)
-- | λnfx.f(nfx)
succ :: Exp
succ = abs3 (App (Ref 1) (app2 (Ref 2) (Ref 1) (Ref 0)))
-- | λ
add :: Exp
add = abs4 (app2 (Ref 3) (Ref 1) (app2 (Ref 2) (Ref 1) (Ref 0)))
-- | λnmf.n(mf)
mult :: Exp
mult = abs3 (App (Ref 2) (App (Ref 1) (Ref 0)))
-- | λn. n (λx.false) true
isZero :: Exp
isZero = Abs (app2 (Ref 0) (Abs false) true)
-- | λnfx.n (λgh.h(gf)) (λu.x) (λu.u)
-- See:
pred :: Exp
pred = abs3 (app3 (Ref 2)
(abs2 (App (Ref 0) (App (Ref 1) (Ref 3))))
(Abs (Ref 1))
(Abs (Ref 0)))
-- | Church numeral tests:
-- >>> three == eval (app2 add two one)
-- True
-- >>> num 15 == eval (app2 mult (app2 add two three) three)
-- True
-- >>> num 5 == eval (App pred (num 6))
-- True
-- ** Church tuples
-- | λxys.sxy
-- >>> two == eval (App fst (app2 pair two true))
-- True
-- >>> true == eval (App snd (app2 pair two true))
-- True
pair :: Exp
pair = abs3 (app2 (Ref 0) (Ref 2) (Ref 1))
-- | λt.t(λxy.x)
fst :: Exp
fst = Abs (App (Ref 0) true)
-- | λt.t(λxy.y)
snd :: Exp
snd = Abs (App (Ref 0) false)
-- | λxyzs.sxyz
-- >>> one == eval (App sel13 (app3 tuple3 one two three))
-- True
-- >>> two == eval (App sel23 (app3 tuple3 one two three))
-- True
-- >>> three == eval (App sel33 (app3 tuple3 one two three))
-- True
tuple3 :: Exp
tuple3 = abs4 (app3 (Ref 0) (Ref 3) (Ref 2) (Ref 1))
-- | λt.t(λxyz.x)
sel13 :: Exp
sel13 = Abs (App (Ref 0) (abs3 (Ref 2)))
-- | λt.t(λxyz.y)
sel23 :: Exp
sel23 = Abs (App (Ref 0) (abs3 (Ref 1)))
-- | λt.t(λxyz.z)
sel33 :: Exp
sel33 = Abs (App (Ref 0) (abs3 (Ref 0)))
-- ** Church sums
-- | λfgu.ufg
-- >>> three == eval (app3 either succ not (App inL two))
-- True
-- >>> false == eval (app3 either succ not (App inR true))
-- True
either :: Exp
either = pair
-- | λxfg.fx
inL :: Exp
inL = abs3 (App (Ref 1) (Ref 2))
-- | λxfg.gx
inR :: Exp
inR = abs3 (App (Ref 0) (Ref 2))
-- | λfghu.ufgh
-- >>> three == eval (app4 case3 succ not fst (App in13 two))
-- True
-- >>> false == eval (app4 case3 succ not fst (App in23 true))
-- True
-- >>> one == eval (app4 case3 succ not fst (App in33 (app2 pair one two)))
-- True
case3 :: Exp
case3 = tuple3
-- | λxfgh.fx
in13 :: Exp
in13 = abs4 (App (Ref 2) (Ref 3))
-- | λxfgh.gx
in23 :: Exp
in23 = abs4 (App (Ref 1) (Ref 3))
-- | λxfgh.hx
in33 :: Exp
in33 = abs4 (App (Ref 0) (Ref 3))
-- ** Fixpoint combinator
-- | λf. (λx.f(xx)) (λx.f(xx))
fix :: Exp
fix = Abs (App (Abs (App (Ref 1) (App (Ref 0) (Ref 0))))
(Abs (App (Ref 1) (App (Ref 0) (Ref 0)))))
-- | fix (λrn. if (isZero n) one (mult n (r (pred n))))
-- >>> num 6 == eval (App fac three)
-- True
-- >>> num 24 == eval (App fac (num 4))
-- True
fac :: Exp
fac = App fix (abs2
(app3 if_
(App isZero (Ref 0)) -- condition
one -- base case
(app2 mult -- recursive case
(Ref 0)
(App (Ref 1) (App pred (Ref 0))))))
-- ** Church-encoded lists
-- | inL (λx.x)
nil :: Exp
nil = App inL (Abs (Ref 0))
-- | λht. inR (pair h t)
cons :: Exp
cons = abs2 (App inR (app2 pair (Ref 1) (Ref 0)))
-- | fix (λrfbl. either (λx.b) (λp. f (fst p) (r f b (snd p))) l)
fold :: Exp
fold = App fix (abs4
(app3 either
(Abs (Ref 2))
(Abs (app2 (Ref 3)
(App fst (Ref 0))
(app3 (Ref 4) (Ref 3) (Ref 2) (App snd (Ref 0)))))
(Ref 0)))
-- | Smart constructor to build a Church-encoded list of natural numbers.
list :: [Int] -> Exp
list = foldr (app2 cons . num) nil
-- | fold (λh. add one) zero
-- >>> three == eval (App length (list [2,3,4]))
-- True
length :: Exp
length = app2 fold (Abs (App add one)) zero
-- | fold add zero
-- >>> num 9 == eval (App sum (list [2,3,4]))
-- True
-- >>> num 55 == eval (App sum (list [1..10]))
-- True
sum :: Exp
sum = app2 fold add zero
-- | fold mult one
-- >>> num 24 == eval (App product (list [2,3,4]))
-- True
product :: Exp
product = app2 fold mult one
-- | λf. fold (\h. cons (f h)) nil
-- >>> eval (list [4,5,6]) == eval (app2 map' (App add two) (list [2,3,4]))
-- True
map' :: Exp
map' = Abs (app2 fold (Abs (App cons (App (Ref 1) (Ref 0)))) nil)
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
module HW6 where
import Prelude hiding (print,and,or,not,pred,succ,fst,snd,either,length,sum,product)
import DeBruijn
-- * Part 1: Nameless lambda calculus
-- | λx. (λx.x) x
-- >>> eval ex1
-- Abs (Ref 0)
ex1 :: Exp
ex1 = Abs (App (Abs (Ref 0)) (Ref 0))
-- | (λxy.xz) z z
-- >>> eval ex2
-- App (Ref 0) (Ref 0)
ex2 :: Exp
ex2 = App (App (Abs (Abs (App (Ref 1) (Ref 2)))) (Ref 0)) (Ref 0)
-- | λy. (λxy.yx) y z
-- >>> eval ex3
-- Abs (App (Ref 1) (Ref 0))
ex3 :: Exp
ex3 = Abs (App (App (Abs (Abs (App (Ref 0) (Ref 1)))) (Ref 0)) (Ref 1))
-- | Is the given nameless lambda calculus term a closed expression? That is,
-- does it contain no free variables?
-- >>> closed (Ref 0)
-- False
-- >>> closed (Abs (Ref 0))
-- True
-- >>> closed (Abs (App (Ref 0) (Ref 1)))
-- False
-- >>> closed (Abs (App (Abs (App (Ref 0) (Ref 1))) (Ref 0)))
-- True
closed :: Exp -> Bool
closed = cl 0
cl n (Ref i) = i < n
cl n (App l r) = cl n l && cl n r
cl n (Abs e) = cl (n+1) e
-- * Part 2: Church pair update functions
-- | Write a lambda calculus function that replaces the first element in a
-- Church-encoded pair. The first argument to the function is the new
-- first element, the second argument is the original pair.
-- >>> :{
-- eval (app2 pair true (num 3)) ==
-- eval (app2 setFst true (app2 pair (num 2) (num 3)))
-- :}
-- True
setFst :: Exp
setFst = Abs $ Abs $ Abs $ App (Ref 1) (Abs $ Abs $ App (App (Ref 2) (Ref 4)) (Ref 0))
-- \x -> \p -> \f -> p (\a -> \b -> f x b)
-- | Write a lambda calculus function that replaces the second element in a
-- Church-encoded pair. The first argument to the function is the new
-- second element, the second argument is the original pair.
-- >>> :{
-- eval (app2 pair (num 2) true) ==
-- eval (app2 setSnd true (app2 pair (num 2) (num 3)))
-- :}
-- True
setSnd :: Exp
setSnd = Abs $ Abs $ Abs $ App (Ref 1) (Abs $ Abs $ App (App (Ref 2) (Ref 1)) (Ref 4))
-- \x -> \p -> \f -> p (\a -> \b -> f a x)
-- * Part 3: Church encoding a Haskell program
-- | Pretend Haskell's Int is restricted to Nats.
type Nat = Int
-- | A simple data for representing shapes.
data Shape
= Circle Nat
| Rectangle Nat Nat
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | A smart constructor for building squares.
square :: Nat -> Shape
square l = Rectangle l l
-- | Compute the area of a shape using a rough approximation of pi.
area :: Shape -> Nat
area (Circle r) = 3 * r * r
area (Rectangle l w) = l * w
-- | Compute the perimeter of a shape using a rough approximation of pi.
perimeter :: Shape -> Nat
perimeter (Circle r) = 2 * 3 * r
perimeter (Rectangle l w) = 2 * l + 2 * w
-- | Encode the circle constructor as a lambda calculus term. The term
-- should be a function that takes a Church-encoded natural number as input
-- and produces a Church-encoded shape as output.
circleExp :: Exp
circleExp = inL
-- | Encode the rectangle constructor as a lambda calculus term. The term
-- should be a function that takes two Church-encoded natural numbers as
-- input and produces a Church-encoded shape as output.
rectangleExp :: Exp
rectangleExp = Abs $ Abs $ App inR $ app2 pair (Ref 1) (Ref 0)
-- | Convert a shape into a lambda calculus term. This function helps to
-- illustrate how your encodings of the constructors should work.
encodeShape :: Shape -> Exp
encodeShape (Circle r) = App circleExp (num r)
encodeShape (Rectangle l w) = app2 rectangleExp (num l) (num w)
-- | Encode the square function as a lambda calculus term.
squareExp :: Exp
squareExp = Abs $ app2 rectangleExp (Ref 0) (Ref 0)
-- | Encode the area function as a lambda calculus term.
areaExp :: Exp
areaExp = Abs $ app2 (Ref 0)
(Abs $ app2 mult (num 3) (app2 mult (Ref 0) (Ref 0)))
(Abs $ App (Ref 0) mult)
-- | Encode the perimeter function as a lambda calculus term.
perimeterExp :: Exp
perimeterExp = Abs $ app2 (Ref 0)
(Abs $ app2 mult (num 6) (Ref 0))
(Abs $ App (Ref 0) $ Abs $ Abs $ app2 mult (num 2) (app2 add (Ref 0) (Ref 1)))
-- | Some tests of your lambda calculus encodings.
-- >>> :{
-- checkEval (area (Circle 3))
-- (App areaExp (App circleExp (num 3)))
-- :}
-- True
-- >>> :{
-- checkEval (area (Rectangle 3 5))
-- (App areaExp (app2 rectangleExp (num 3) (num 5)))
-- :}
-- True
-- >>> :{
-- checkEval (area (square 4))
-- (App areaExp (App squareExp (num 4)))
-- :}
-- True
-- >>> :{
-- checkEval (perimeter (Circle 3))
-- (App perimeterExp (App circleExp (num 3)))
-- :}
-- True
-- >>> :{
-- checkEval (perimeter (Rectangle 3 5))
-- (App perimeterExp (app2 rectangleExp (num 3) (num 5)))
-- :}
-- True
-- >>> :{
-- checkEval (perimeter (square 4))
-- (App perimeterExp (App squareExp (num 4)))
-- :}
-- True
checkEval :: Nat -> Exp -> Bool
checkEval n e = num n == eval e
-- Alright, extra practice, let's go.
-- Part 1: 4-tuples (Bonus: n-tuples)
absN :: Int -> Exp -> Exp
absN n = flip (foldr $ const Abs) $ replicate n ()
apps :: Exp -> [Exp] -> Exp
apps e = foldl App e
tupleN :: Int -> Exp
tupleN n = absN (n+1) $ apps (Ref 0) $ map Ref $ [n, (n-1) .. 1]
selN :: Int -> Int -> Exp
selN n m = Abs $ App (Ref 0) $ absN m $ Ref $ m - n
tuple4 :: Exp
tuple4 = tupleN 4
sel14 :: Exp
sel14 = selN 1 4
sel24 :: Exp
sel24 = selN 2 4
sel34 :: Exp
sel34 = selN 3 4
sel44 :: Exp
sel44 = selN 4 4
-- Wait, the extra credit practice is mostly mechanical?
-- Boo!
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