Add well-typed version of the interpreter that allows booleans for register values.

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Danila Fedorin 2020-10-29 23:02:13 -07:00
parent c7ee942054
commit f7505f573a

HW4.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
data Ty = IntTy | BoolTy
data Reg = A | B | R
StateTy : Type
StateTy = (Ty, Ty, Ty)
getRegTy : Reg -> StateTy -> Ty
getRegTy A (a, _, _) = a
getRegTy B (_, b, _) = b
getRegTy R (_, _, r) = r
setRegTy : Reg -> Ty -> StateTy -> StateTy
setRegTy A a (_, b, r) = (a, b, r)
setRegTy B b (a, _, r) = (a, b, r)
setRegTy R r (a, b, _) = (a, b, r)
data Expr : StateTy -> Ty -> Type where
Lit : Int -> Expr s IntTy
Load : (r : Reg) -> Expr s (getRegTy r s)
Add : Expr s IntTy -> Expr s IntTy -> Expr s IntTy
Leq : Expr s IntTy -> Expr s IntTy -> Expr s BoolTy
Not : Expr s BoolTy -> Expr s BoolTy
data Stmt : StateTy -> StateTy -> Type where
Store : (r : Reg) -> Expr s t -> Stmt s (setRegTy r t s)
If : Expr s BoolTy -> Prog s n -> Prog s n -> Stmt s n
Loop : Prog s s -> Stmt s s
Break : Stmt s s
data Prog : StateTy -> StateTy -> Type where
Nil : Prog s s
(::) : Stmt s n -> Prog n m -> Prog s m
initialState : StateTy
initialState = (IntTy, IntTy, IntTy)
testProg : Prog Main.initialState Main.initialState
testProg =
[ Store A (Lit 1 `Leq` Lit 2)
, Store A (Lit 1)
, Store B (Lit 2)
, Store R (Add (Load A) (Load B))