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Author SHA1 Message Date
Danila Fedorin a954b9ba02 Add feedback and a hasklet. 2021-06-27 23:56:40 -07:00
Danila Fedorin f21332c647 Add proposal feedback and Hasklet 3 2021-05-03 20:48:52 -07:00
6 changed files with 884 additions and 0 deletions

Hasklet3.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
module Hasklet3 where
import Data.Semigroup (All(..))
-- | A list of pairs of elements of type a AND b.
data ListP a b
= NilP
| ConsP a b (ListP a b)
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | A list of elements of either type a OR b.
data ListE a b
= NilE
| ConsL a (ListE a b)
| ConsR b (ListE a b)
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Containers with two different element types that can be mapped over.
-- Instances of Bifunctor should satisfy the following laws:
-- * bimap id id <=> id
-- * bimap (f1 . f2) (g1 . g2) <=> bimap f1 g1 . bimap f2 g2
class Bifunctor t where
bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> t a b -> t c d
-- | Test cases for Bifunctor instances.
-- >>> bimap (+1) (>3) (ConsP 1 2 (ConsP 3 4 NilP))
-- ConsP 2 False (ConsP 4 True NilP)
-- >>> bimap (+1) even (ConsL 1 (ConsR 2 (ConsR 3 (ConsL 4 NilE))))
-- ConsL 2 (ConsR True (ConsR False (ConsL 5 NilE)))
-- [Bifunctor instances go here.]
instance Bifunctor ListP where
bimap f g NilP = NilP
bimap f g (ConsP a b r) = ConsP (f a) (g b) $ bimap f g r
instance Bifunctor ListE where
bimap f g NilE = NilE
bimap f g (ConsL a r) = ConsL (f a) $ bimap f g r
bimap f g (ConsR b r) = ConsR (g b) $ bimap f g r
-- | Map over the left elements of a bifunctor.
-- >>> mapL (+5) (ConsP 1 2 (ConsP 3 4 NilP))
-- ConsP 6 2 (ConsP 8 4 NilP)
-- >>> mapL even (ConsL 1 (ConsR 2 (ConsR 3 (ConsL 4 NilE))))
-- ConsL False (ConsR 2 (ConsR 3 (ConsL True NilE)))
mapL :: Bifunctor t => (a -> c) -> t a b -> t c b
mapL = flip bimap id
-- | Map over the right elements of a bifunctor.
-- >>> mapR (+5) (ConsP 1 2 (ConsP 3 4 NilP))
-- ConsP 1 7 (ConsP 3 9 NilP)
-- >>> mapR even (ConsL 1 (ConsR 2 (ConsR 3 (ConsL 4 NilE))))
-- ConsL 1 (ConsR True (ConsR False (ConsL 4 NilE)))
mapR :: Bifunctor t => (b -> c) -> t a b -> t a c
mapR = bimap id
-- | Containers with two different element types that can be folded to
-- a single summary value.
class Bifoldable t where
bifoldr :: (a -> c -> c) -> (b -> c -> c) -> c -> t a b -> c
-- | Test cases for Bifoldable instances.
-- >>> let addL x (y,z) = (x+y, z)
-- >>> let mulR x (y,z) = (y, x*z)
-- >>> bifoldr addL mulR (0,1) (ConsP 1 2 (ConsP 3 4 NilP))
-- (4,8)
-- >>> bifoldr addL mulR (0,1) (ConsL 1 (ConsR 2 (ConsR 3 (ConsL 4 NilE))))
-- (5,6)
-- [Bifoldable instances go here.]
instance Bifoldable ListP where
bifoldr _ _ c NilP = c
bifoldr f g c (ConsP a b r) = f a $ g b $ bifoldr f g c r
instance Bifoldable ListE where
bifoldr _ _ c NilE = c
bifoldr f g c (ConsL a r) = f a $ bifoldr f g c r
bifoldr f g c (ConsR b r) = g b $ bifoldr f g c r
-- | Fold over the left elements of a bifoldable.
-- >>> foldrL (+) 0 (ConsP 2 3 (ConsP 4 5 NilP))
-- 6
-- >>> foldrL (*) 1 (ConsL 2 (ConsR 3 (ConsR 4 (ConsL 5 NilE))))
-- 10
foldrL :: Bifoldable t => (a -> c -> c) -> c -> t a b -> c
foldrL = flip bifoldr (const id)
-- | Fold over the right elements of a bifoldable.
-- >>> foldrR (+) 0 (ConsP 2 3 (ConsP 4 5 NilP))
-- 8
-- >>> foldrR (*) 1 (ConsL 2 (ConsR 3 (ConsR 4 (ConsL 5 NilE))))
-- 12
foldrR :: Bifoldable t => (b -> c -> c) -> c -> t a b -> c
foldrR = bifoldr (const id)
-- | Map each element in a bifoldable to a common monoid type and combine
-- the results. This function is used by the 'checkAll' and 'toEitherList'
-- functions below.
-- >>> checkAll odd even (ConsP 1 2 (ConsP 3 4 NilP))
-- True
-- >>> checkAll odd even (ConsL 1 (ConsL 2 (ConsL 3 (ConsR 4 NilE))))
-- False
-- >>> toEitherList (ConsP 1 True (ConsP 2 False NilP))
-- [Left 1,Right True,Left 2,Right False]
-- >>> toEitherList (ConsL 1 (ConsL 2 (ConsL 3 (ConsR "hi" NilE))))
-- [Left 1,Left 2,Left 3,Right "hi"]
bifoldMap :: (Monoid m, Bifoldable t) => (a -> m) -> (b -> m) -> t a b -> m
bifoldMap f g = bifoldr (mappend . f) (mappend . g) mempty
-- Jack tried doing it point free, so I did too!
-- bifoldMap = (.(mappend.)).flip flip mempty.bifoldr.(mappend.)
-- | Check whether all of the elements in a bifoldable satisfy the given
-- predicates. The 'All' monoid used in the implementation is the boolean
-- monoid under conjunction.
checkAll :: Bifoldable t => (a -> Bool) -> (b -> Bool) -> t a b -> Bool
checkAll f g = getAll . bifoldMap (All . f) (All . g)
-- | Create a list of all elements in a bifoldable.
toEitherList :: Bifoldable t => t a b -> [Either a b]
toEitherList = bifoldMap (\x -> [Left x]) (\y -> [Right y])

Hasklet4.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Hasklet4 where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bool
-- * Stack language syntax
-- | Stack programs.
type Prog = [Cmd]
-- | Commands for working with stacks of integers. 0 is treated as 'false',
-- all other values as 'true'. The examples below help illustrate the
-- behavior of some of the less obvious commands.
data Cmd
= Push Int -- ^ push an integer onto the stack
| Drop -- ^ drop the top element on the stack
| Dig -- ^ moves the ith element down to the top of the stack
| Dup -- ^ duplicate the top element on the stack
| Neg -- ^ negate the number on top of the stack
| Add -- ^ add the top two numbers on the stack
| Mul -- ^ multiply the top two numbers on the stack
| LEq -- ^ check whether the top element is less-than-or-equal to the second
| If Prog Prog -- ^ if the value on top is true, run the first program, else the second (consumes the test element)
| While Prog -- ^ loop as long as the top element is true (does not consume the test element)
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- ** Example programs and expected results
-- Note that the expected results are written with the top element of the
-- stack on the *right*, which is the convention for stack-based languages.
-- However, since we're encoding stacks with Haskell lists, the resulting
-- Haskell values will be in the reverse order.
-- | Result: 4 5 5
p1 = [Push 4, Push 5, Push 6, Drop, Dup]
-- | Result: 10 11 13 14 12
p2 = [Push 10, Push 11, Push 12, Push 13, Push 14, Push 3, Dig]
-- | Result: 27 -5
p3 = [Push 3, Push 4, Push 5, Add, Mul, Push 5, Neg]
-- | Result: 0 1
p4 = [Push 3, Push 4, LEq, Push 4, Push 3, LEq]
-- | Result: 22
p5 = [Push 2, Push 3, Push 4, LEq, If [Push 10, Add] [Push 20, Add]]
-- | Compute the factorial of the top element of the stack.
fac = [
Push 1, -- acc = 1
Push 2, Dig, -- move i to top
While [ -- while i /= 0
Dup, -- duplicate i
Push 3, Dig, -- move accumulator to top
Mul, -- acc * i
Push 2, Dig, -- move i back to top
Push 1, Neg, Add -- decrement i
Drop -- drop i to leave only acc
-- | Several programs that cause errors if run on an empty stack.
bads = [
-- stack underflow errors
[Push 2, Add],
[Push 3, Mul],
[Push 4, Drop, Drop],
[Push 5, Neg, Dig],
[If [] []],
[While []],
-- digging too deep and too greedily, or trying to dig up
[Push 6, Push 2, Dig],
[Push 7, Push 8, Push 2, Neg, Dig]
-- * Stack language semantics
-- ** Stack-tracking monad
-- | A stack of integers.
type Stack = [Int]
-- | A monad that maintains a stack as state and may also fail.
-- (A combination of the State and Maybe monads.)
data StackM a = SM (Stack -> Maybe (a, Stack))
-- | Run a computation with the given initial stack.
runWith :: Stack -> StackM a -> Maybe (a, Stack)
runWith s (SM f) = f s
instance Functor StackM where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative StackM where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad StackM where
return a = SM $ \s -> Just (a, s)
(SM f) >>= g = SM $ \s -> f s >>= \(a, s') -> runWith s' $ g a
modify :: (Stack -> Stack) -> StackM ()
modify f = SM $ Just . ((),) . f
gets :: (Stack -> a) -> StackM a
gets f = SM $ \s -> Just (f s, s)
fail_ :: StackM a
fail_ = SM $ const Nothing
-- ** Primitive operations
-- | Push a value onto the stack.
push :: Int -> StackM ()
push i = modify (i:)
-- | Pop a value off the stack and return it.
pop :: StackM Int
pop = peek <* modify tail
popBool :: StackM Bool
popBool = (/= 0) <$> pop
-- | Peek at the value on top of the stack without popping it.
peek :: StackM Int
peek = gets safeHead >>= maybe fail_ return
safeHead [] = Nothing
safeHead (x:xs) = Just x
peekBool :: StackM Bool
peekBool = (/= 0) <$> peek
fromBool :: Bool -> Int
fromBool = bool 0 1
-- | Move the ith element from the top of the stack to the top.
dig :: Int -> StackM ()
dig i = SM $ \s -> if i > 0 && i <= length s
then let (xs, y:ys) = splitAt (i-1) s
in Just ((), y : xs ++ ys)
else Nothing
-- ** Stack language semantics
binop :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> StackM ()
binop f = liftM2 f pop pop >>= push
-- | Monadic semantics of commands.
cmd :: Cmd -> StackM ()
cmd (Push i) = push i
cmd Drop = void pop
cmd Dig = pop >>= dig
cmd Dup = peek >>= push
cmd Neg = pop >>= (push . negate)
cmd Add = binop (+)
cmd Mul = binop (*)
cmd LEq = binop ((fromBool.) . (<=))
cmd (If t e) = popBool >>= bool (prog e) (prog t)
cmd (While b) = peekBool >>= bool (return ()) (prog $ b ++ [While b])
-- | Monadic semantics of programs.
prog :: Prog -> StackM ()
prog = mapM_ cmd
-- | Run a stack program with an initially empty stack, returning the
-- resulting stack or an error.
-- >>> runProg p1
-- Just [5,5,4]
-- >>> runProg p2
-- Just [12,14,13,11,10]
-- >>> runProg p3
-- Just [-5,27]
-- >>> runProg p4
-- Just [1,0]
-- >>> runProg p5
-- Just [22]
-- >>> runProg (Push 10 : fac)
-- Just [3628800]
-- >>> all (== Nothing) (map runProg bads)
-- True
runProg :: Prog -> Maybe Stack
runProg = fmap snd . runWith [] . prog

27 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Hey, thank you for taking a look! I'll try answer your questions:
__Q__: I had a question about why MonadReader was preferred over ReaderT?
__A__: `ReaderT` is actually an instance of `MonadReader`! The difference, though, is that the types are kind of simplified. Instead of having to write `ReaderT [Term] ... a`, we just write `m a`. This also allows us to add additional effects to the monad without changing the type signature. For instance, none of the code would change if we wanted to add a state effect via `StateT s`, because the signatures only require constraints on the types, rather than specifying what the types are.
__Q__: I had a question about how instances for this monad were created.
__A__: Check out [`LoadingImpl`](, which contains a `PathT` monad transformer which implements `MonadModulePath`. I defined it as a `newtype`
around a `ReaderT` because you can't have two of the same tranformer in the same monad transformer
stack, and I didn't want `PathT` to interfere with other `ReaderT`s in the API.
__Q__: As you rightly mentioned bundling an environment for all operations is a viable option, please let me know if the operations are then stored in a stack format?
__A__: Our functions would be kept in a `Map String Definition` or something of that sort. The lookups
would not be linear time, but probably logarithmic, if that's what you're wondering about.
__Q__: Kindly let me know if you are referring to type equality?
__A__: Well, we are referring to type equality, but within our _object language_ (Maypop), and nor
our metalanguage (_Haskell_). Although the library you linked would help with equality of _Haskell_
types, it wouldn't help us with _Maypop_.
__Q__: I think using some kind of plugin for haskell might help in doing tactics.
__A__: It would if we were trying to add tactics to Haskell, but we're trying to add tactics to
Maypop. We have full control of the language; the real question is, what will our design be like?

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@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
# Jack Attack
* Your comments are very thorough! Have you, however, consider the special
"haddock" syntax for your documentation? For instance, in your `Object` record,
you clearly describe what each field does. If you used the "haddock" syntax
(maybe something like `--^ comment goes here`), you'd be able to generate
static documentation pages much like those you see on hackage or stackage.
Those are useful because they allow the user to browse the documentation
for your package from the web before deciding to install and use it. And,
of course, I think it's nicer to look at a web page than comments!
* There's a lot of duplicate functionality in your `doTimedTransform`
function compared to your `doTransform` function. It seems almost
as though there should be _one_ function that takes care of both
the interpolation and the transformation; perhaps `doTransform`
can take an argument `0.0..1.0` of "progress", and go from there.
This will save you the trouble of unpacking and repacking your
`Transformation` objects. Even if you don't go for that approach,
however, there's still an improvement you can make. Rather than making
your `doTimedTransform` function do _everything_, you may want to define
a function
tween :: Object -> Float -> Transformation -> Transformation
This function would do _kind of_ like what your `doTimeTransform` does:
it would interpolate the transformation given the current object and
the "progress" within the transformation. The difference, though,
is that it will not actually _apply_ the transformation, but create
a new one (much like you're already doing in `doTimedTransform` anyway).
You would then be able to feed this transformation into `doTransform`,
and it would work as expected. The advantage here is that you won't have
to be writing duplicate code for stuff like:
doTransform (Combine xs) $ doTransform x obj
doTimedTransform (seconds, x) (doTimedTransform (seconds, Combine xs) obj elapsed) elapsed
There's a fairly clear similarity (and consequently duplication) here, and
that's what I think my approach would suggest.
And there's one more thing: does `tween` _really_ need access to the object
being animated? It sure seems to if your transformations are "absolute",
like "move to (1,2)". This "absoluteness" of transformations forces you to
use `obj` in `doTimedTransform`, and would also force you to use it in
`tween`. But if your transformations were _delta based_ ("move left 1, up t2"), your `tween` could be only a function of the current "progress" `Float`:
tween :: Float -> Transformation -> Transformation
This may help clean up some of the code, and it also allows for an
interesting experiment: what if you compose `tween` with various
functions `Float -> Float`? For instance, you could compose it with
`\x -> x * x`, which I think would make your animation start out slow
and speed up at the end. You may be able to use this to play around
with various ways of animating your objects that are used in "actual"
animation: from what I know, linear transformations are not as common
as, say, sigmoid ones (animation starts slow, gets fast in the middle,
and slows down again at the end).
* I would try to factor out the "seconds" part of your calculations as soon
as possible. In my opinion, it would be clearer to pass around a "percentage
completed" float, especially if you don't have any other dependence on
the current time.
* Cody is right, you do have a couple of places that can be used by folds
or other higher order functions. For instance, `getAniLength` is just
`sum . map fst`, and the `Combine` case of `doTransform` is something
like `foldr (flip doTransform) obj (x:xs)`.
* Are transformations a monoid? I suspect that they are, with `mempty = Wait`,
`mappend x y = Combine [x,y]`, and `mconcat = Combine`. I don't know
if this will be useful, but it's always nice to have access to more
standard library functions!
* I'm not sure I follow the `AST` vs `Lib` modules. They both seem
to have _something_ in mind, but I can't quite figure out how they work
together. Does the `AST` eventually produce a `Transformation`? I just
don't really know what to make of it!
About your design questions:
* Q1: It would be cool if you had a slider that lets you play
the animation back and forward (or at an arbitrary point in time).
I think it may help in debugging:
> Why did my object just make a 360 and walk away?
It would be even better if you could label your transformations
with the function / piece of code that induced them, so that
at any point, you can kind of see what part of your code is
causing the current transformation.
* Q2: At the implementation level, you may need to replace the
`Float` argument of `doTransform` with an `Env` argument,
which may be a record-like thing that contains the current
mouse position, the current time, and so on. You'd then
thread it as before.
At a language level, things are more interesting. Have you
looked into [functional reactive programming](
You may be interested in encoding transformations declaratively, given, say
the current mouse position, time, etc. as input. Your programs would then
be descriptions of how to convert these inputs into figures on the screen.
[Elm]( is a language that implements quasi-FRP. It doesn't deal with
continuous inputs like you would be, but it encodes programs as transition
functions (`Event -> State -> State`). You may be interested in adapting
a similar approach - it's a nice way to deal with "imperative" environments
from a functional language.
* Q3: This is a tough one! I think you can come up with a textual functional
language that can be used for your domain, but I'd be thrilled to see how
you may incorporate visual (scratch-like) elements into your project. At this
point, though, I can't help but wonder: would you have time to implement something
like Scratch-like blocks? We're in week 8, after all. That would be a very graphical
type of user interface, and I can't personally imagine defining a UI from scratch,
in Haskell, using only graphics library primitives. Of course, you're probably
more versed than I am in Haskell's graphics tooling, but it seems to me like
a fairly daunting task.
# Escape
* I played with your game for a bit, pretty cool! I think you did a nice job with the textual
users interface; it feels pretty much like I'd expect a command line interface to work.
I did run into an error on my first playthrough, and decided not to try again: `Prelude.head: empty list`.
This happened because I typed `search` without any arguments. Now, I understand that
what I did was an incorrect command, but crashing the game doesn't seem like the right thing to do!
`head` is a dangerous function; I think that if Haskell were redesigned today, from the ground
up, this function would no longer have type `[a] -> a`. In general, exceptions in Haskell are
a bit of an antipattern, because they're not indicated by the types (how could you know `head` throws
an exception), but also because they're cumbersome to work with!
Languages defined after Haskell actually define `head` with a `Maybe`. Here's the [Idris version](,
and here's the [Elm version]( You
may want to define your own head function, `safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a`! You can then use pattern
matching or the `maybe` function to properly handle the error that occurs when the user doesn't give
the command enough arguments. You could, for instance, print "Search what?" when a user types in "search".
* This is a minor nitpick, but I'm pretty sure `snake_case` is not the preferred standard
for Haskell variable names. Your records (and module names!) should be in `camelCase`.
In fact, my linter plugin _covers_ the screen with warnings about style when it sees your code!
* `Funcfunctor` is a funny name for a typeclass. It seems to imply that `t` is a functor; however,
`Functor` is a type constructor class, whereas your code treats `t` as just a type, not a type
constructor! In fact, I'm really not sure what to make of the word `Funcfunctor`. What does
it mean?
* On the other hand, I think that this is a good application of type classes. If you want to
print a variety of different objects on the screen in your command line game, defining a common
type class with the various properties of these objects is a great idea. You can certainly
get a very consistent interface this way!
* In `Escape_funs`, a lot of your pattern matching code can be significantly simplified! You always write
out stuff like `Object {object_id=id, object_name=...}`, but use only one of these variables (for instance, `id`).
Instead, you can _only_ write `Object {object_id=id}` -- that's it! You don't need to manually enumerate every single
key in your records to pattern match on them.
A cute fun fact of this notation: it's "preferred style" according to Haskell's linter to rewrite code like `(Constructor _ _ _ _)`
(pattern matching on a data type and ignoring all its fields) as `Constructor{}`.
* `foldr (||) False (map (==(get_key obj)) list)` is good use of a fold a map, but it also
corresponds to the Haskell function [`any`](
`any (==(get_key obj)) list`.
* Notice how your `run_code` is a bit fragile: your `help` function prints out all the commands available
to the user, while `run_code` actually implements these commands. It must be very easy to
edit `run_code` to add a new command, while forgetting to update `help`. You may be able
to work around this by defining a `Command` data structure: maybe it'll have a `description`
field that you print to the user, and another `action` filed that's maybe some monad like `IO ()`
that actually performs the actions that your command does. Then, you can have a global
list of commands `commands :: Map String Command`, which contains all the allowed commands
in your game. Your `help` function would go through this `commands` variable and print
out the `description` field of every available command; on the other hand, the `run_code`
function would read a command from the user, look it up in `commands`, and try to execute
the `action` field.
* Notice that you're explicitly handling your application's state: you will need to pass
the correct house to `run_code` every time, which means that for each command, you need
a separate call to `run_code` with whatever house that command puts your player in.
An alternative approach is to handle state _implicitly_. You won't need to take a `house`
argument explicitly, and you therefore won't have to explicitly pass it to your recursive
calls to `run_code`. In your case, this would be best done with a `State` monad, since
the current location of the player is, well, a piece of state.
The question, though, becomes: how the heck do you incorporate a state monad into your
`IO`-based code? The answer to that is the `StateT` _monad transformer_. We haven't learned
about these in class just yet, but we will soon, and I think it would serve you well! Instead
of making your code of type `IO ()` (what it currently is), you'd use something like
`StateT [Room] IO ()`. Your calls to `putStrLn` would have to go through a `liftIO`,
but you'd also gain access to functions `get` and `put`, which are the functions of the
State monad that we have covered in class. Then, whenever your user goes to a different
house, you'd run `put new_house`, and whenever you need to check the current location
of the player, you'd run `get`.
You may then incorporate other monad transformers into this implementation; I think
of interest to you would be `ExceptT` (which is __not the same as Haskell's exceptions
that I mentioned in my first bullet point!__), which might help you exit out of your
code when your player types "exit".
* By the way, you should probably explicitly type out the signatures of your function;
I think that's considered good style. For instance, for `run_code`, you'd write:
run_code :: Player -> [Room] -> IO ()
run_code plauer house = ...
Your questions:
* Q1: Hey, I brought up `StateT` and `ExceptT` and monad transformers in general earlier!
Check them out. I think you may find them useful for what you're doing. The only difficulty
is that you really need to see a few examples of code before-and-after the use of State
and Exception monads to be comfortable in applying them (at least for me! It took me a while
to properly understand monads, and more time to understand monad transformers).
* Q2: Haskell's `IO` monad has `readFile` and `writeFile` methods, but these may be a bit
basic for your taste. You may be interested in various formats like [INI](
or even JSON (for which you can use something like [Aeson](,
especially its `encodeFile` and `decodeFile` methods).
I'm running out of steam writing this comment, but I may post a follow up if I think of anything else!
__Eric, if you're reading this:__ have I been evangelizing monad transformers too much? I feel like
I have been. It would be good to know if I'm being overzealous; everything starts to look like a nail
when all you have is a hammer!

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
## Orange Sudoku
* Could you perhaps avoid the (unsafe) list indexing using (!!) in Sudoku? Although it's difficult
to represent the finite-length list of elements in Haskell, you may be able to tweak your representation
of the sudoku puzzle to avoid having to use (!!). For instance, what if you had:
type Array2d a = [[a]]
type Cell = Array2d Int
type Sudoku = Array2d Cell
__Disclaimer: all type signatures and functions below are written without a Haskell
interpreter at hand. There are probably errors - I can't always write Haskell without
That is, your top-level data structure would be a 3x3 grid of 3x3 "cells". You could then extract
your `mapAllPairsM_ ...` function into something like `noneEqual :: [a] -> CSP ()` (the exact
signature is not correct since I didn't have enough time to study the types of functions in the CSP
library. Then, you can have
checkCell :: Cell -> CSP ()
checkCell = noneEqual . concat
checkCells :: Sudoku -> CSP ()
checkCells = mapM_ (mapM_ checkCell)
Of course, you still need to extract rows. You can do it with something like the following:
mergeRow :: [Cell] -> [[Int]]
mergeRow = foldr (zipWith (++)) []
allRows :: Sudoku -> [[Int]]
allRows = concatMap mergeRow
And then, your two remaining constraints can be solved as:
checkRows :: Sudoku -> CSP ()
checkRows = mapM_ noneEqual . allRows
checkColumns :: Sudoku -> CSP ()
checkColumns = mapM_ noneEqual . transpose . allRows
And finally, your entire Sudoku checker constraint would be:
check :: Sudoku -> CSP ()
check s = checkCells s >> checkRows s >> checkColumns s
Look ma, no mention of size whatsoever! In fact, there's no mention of numbers at all in this code.
There is, of course, the assumption in all the above code that your cells are always NxN.
* Your `cells` function seems to be unused. I actually prefer this function to the rest of your code,
because it doesn't have as many hardcoded numbers (like `0, 3, 6,`). On the other hand, your actual
solver hardcodes a _lot_ of numbers, which means that your code is not generalizeable to higher
dimensions, even though there's nothing inherently difficult about generalizing the sudoku solving problem.
* I really like your definition of `mapAllPairsM_`! This seems like the perfect level of abstraction for me,
and the typeclass constraint for `Monad` makes it more general. Nice!
* It looks like you actually implemented your own constraint solver in `CSP.hs`. Why didn't you use this for
your Sudoku itself? It seems as though `NQueens` used your `CSP` module, and it seems like Sudoku _should_
work with binary constraint systems (each two variable has to take on assignments (1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 3), ...).
* In general, I don't know if I'm a fan of using integers and Haskell's range syntax for assigning variables.
It just seems to.... hardcoded? Maybe abstraction has fried my brain, and I'm incapable of perceiving any
type that is not polymorphic, but I _do_ think it should be possible, to, say, use string / character / byte
variables. You could then represent `vars` as `Set a`, and your domain as `[(a, Set b)]` (where `a` is the
type of variable, and `b` is the type of elements in the domain). You could probably even get away with
domains that contain different types (for instance, var `a` is an Int while var `b` is a String) if you
used [existential types]( (did we learn these in class? I saw
other groups using them, but I don't remember hearing Eric talk about them...).
* Hmm, your `load` function is undefined. You probably want to implement that in time for the final submission.
* You clearly did great work with the constraint solver! Your `NQueens` solution is very short in Haskell.
I also really enjoy watching the results print out on the screen. It is quite slow though; is that inherent
to CSP, or do you think your implementation could use some work? You should check out how to do _profiling_
in Haskell - it's one of the most important skills industry Haskell jobs seem to look for.
Nice work, and have a great day!
## Ping Pong
* I wasn't able to run your code, becasue I am on Linux and your instructions did not include
information about how to set up on a Linux machine. It's no problem, though - I know what
a pain it is to distribute graphics libraries etc. to users.
* As soon as I open `Data.hs`, my Haskell linter complains: you're not using camel case!
The proper varible naming convention is, for example, `winScore`, not `win_score`. It's _very_
uncommon to use anything else, and when other things _are_ used, it's usually for good reason!
In fact, it seems like your code does not itself follow a consistent format. You have `sceneState`,
but then you have `ai_mod`.
* There's a lot of repetition in your `PPG` data structure. Particularly aggravating is the
duplication of many fields: `bat1` and `bat2`, `bat1height` and `bat2height`, and so on.
Could you, perhaps, define a second data structure that contains all the common information?
data PlayerData = PlayerData
{ bat :: Float
, batState :: Int
, batHeight :: Float
, score :: Int
And then, you'd have:
data PPG = Game
{ ballPos :: (Float, Float) -- ^ Pong ball (x, y) Position.
, ballVel :: (Float, Float) -- ^ Pong ball (x, y) Velocity.
, sceneState :: Int -- 0: Instruction, 1: Play, 2: End
, ballspeed :: Float
, ai_mod :: Int
, player1 :: PlayerData
, player2 :: PlayerData
} deriving Show
* It seems like you're using integers to represent states! I see the comment:
-- 0: Instruction, 1: Play, 2: End
This is not at all idiomatic in Haskell! It is very easy to define data types in Haskell,
and that's precisely what you should do:
data SceneState = Instruction | Play | End deriving (Eq, Show)
-- ...
, sceneState :: SceneState
-- ---
Instead of using `sceneState game == 0`, you'd then use something like
`sceneState game == Instruction`, or better yet, you'd use pattern matching! Pattern matching
really _is_ the bread and butter of Haskell programming. I see you do use pattern matching
on `bat1state` (which should _also_ be a data type, like `BatState`), but if you turn
on the standard warnings in GHCI (by pasing `--ghci-options "-W"` to `stack`), you'll
see that this pattern __is not total__! It only covers the cases `0`, `1`, and `2`,
but it doesn't cover the cases of `3`, `4`, and so on, which are valid values of `Int`!
Even though you _know_ that the number can only be `0-2`, it's much better practice
(and far more idiomatic) to move these kind of invariants into our type system, so
that it's _impossible_ to write incorrect code. I think the general name for this approach
is [make illegal states unrepresentable](
* Your `render` function is very long! I count `45` lines (albeit with some white space). It's
also full of harcoded constants, like `185`, `110`, and so on.
This is the [magic number]( antipattern!
You can try extracting them into some constants, or better yet, positioning them relatively (using
information such as text height, screen height, and some basic typography-type math) so that
it fits many screen sizes and configurations!
* You may be usign too many parentheses; here's a screenshot of my editor viewing one of your source code files!
As you can see, there's quite a lot of yellow, mostly from unnecessary uses of `(` and `)`.
* Not your code duplicaton in `y''` and `y'''`. They're pretty much the same function, except one
computes the y-axis for the `bat1`, and the other computes it for `bat2`. This amount of code
duplication is a smell - you would be able to reduce this duplication to a single function if
you were to extract your bat data into `PlayerData` records as I mentioned in my earlier comment.
* This may be controversial, but instead of using `if then/else if` chains as you do, you can try
pattern matching on the boolan values (maybe something like this):
case (leftout (ballPos game), rightout (ballPos game)) of
(True, _) -> game {p1score = (p1score game) + 1, ballPos = (0, 0), ballVel = (-30, -40) }
(_, True) -> game {p2score = (p2score game) + 1, ballPos = (0, 0), ballVel = (-30, -40) }
_ -> game
I think this is easier to follow than variously indented `if`/`else` chains.
* In the segment of code above, you are also repeating your code for resetting the ball position
and velocity. What about a function:
resetBall :: PPG -> PPG
resetBall game = game { ballPos = (0, 0), ballVel = (-30, -40) }
Then, the above code becomes:
case (leftout (ballPos game), rightout (ballPos game)) of
(True, _) -> resetBall $ game {p1score = (p1score game) + 1 }
(_, True) -> resetBall $ game {p2score = (p2score game) + 1 }
_ -> game
And now, it's much clearer what each case does! If the ball is out
on either side, you reset its position, and add points to the
other player!
* In `outofBound` and elsewhere, nice use of `where`!
* Your comments are quite good, and you even used the `^--` Haddoc-style
comments in various places! Nice job with that, too.

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## Lazy
Heyo! This sounds like a fun project (and I'm not at all biased by my own choice of final project). I'll be linking
stuff I mention here without second thought; you may very well be aware of the stuff I link, but it's easier
to just dump all the information into this post. Here are a few ideas for you:
* You talk about linear algebra and vectors, as well as supporting simple extensions like dot products. Matrices and vectors
are particularly interesting, in my view, because they can be indexed by their size! For instance, the 2x2 identity matrix
is not at all the same as the 3x3 identity matrix. Operations that work for one of these matrices do not necessarily work for the
other: the simplest example is probably matrix multiplication. If you choose to include the size of the matrix into its type information (ala `Matrix(3,3)`, which I think is
vastly superior to having a basic `Matrix` type), you run into an issue: what's the type of the `multiply` operation? The best way
to formulate it is probably as `(Matrix n m, Matrix m k) -> Matrix n k`. But note that `n`, `m`, and `k` are not type
parameters, but values! When terms can depend on values, you arrive at [dependent types](,
which is the x-axis of the [lambda cube]( It would be interesting to see this
feature implemented into your type system!
* If you already carry around type information for your matrices, another interesting question is: what if I wanted a different algorithm
for a different matrix size? For instance, there's a fairly simple definition of a matrix determinant for a 2x2 matrix, while the general
case of a matrix determinant is a little bit more involved. C++ has this feature (changing implementation depending on the type)
in the form of [template specialization](;
more generally, this is an example of terms (functions, for instance) depending on types (the type of a matrix). This, I believe,
is an example of [ad hoc polymorphism](, which falls under the y-axis of the
lambda cube linked above. If you are feeling particularly adventurous, you can try implementing this!
* I'm not sure if you should be worried about parsing when defining language extensions. A more interesting
question is, what _is_ an extension, and how much power does it have? Would writing an extension correspond
to writing a module in Haskell, or a class in Java? Or would it be more something along the lines
of Lips libraries, which can (if I remember correctly) modify the entire language when loaded?
If you want something like the latter, then you may be interested to know that Lisp programs
are [homoiconic](; that is, they can effectively
manipulate their own code and definitions; perhaps extensions could build upon this to, well,
extend the language. For your ideas about extensible notation, you could check out Agda's and Coq's
(in that order) notation mechanisms, since they both seem quite powerful and fairly ergonomic.
* "The output type will be a Maybe value, so a run time error such as accessing an undefined variable will result in a Nothing being returned."
Consider using "Either LanguageError" (with LanguageError being a type you define), since it'll help you carry out more helpful information
to the user. I also recommend taking a look into the `Reader` and `Except` monad transformers, since the former can be
used to keep a stack trace, and the latter to cleanly short-circuit erroring evaluation.
## Purple Cobras
Hey! A graphics language sounds neat; was this at all influenced by Ian's recent demonstration of his shader
art and Haskell DSL?
* A totality checker sounds fascinating! Since you're writing a functional DSL, you'll probably
be using recursion as the bread and butter of your programs. You probably know this, but the Idris
and Coq totally checkers use structural recursion to ensure totality; you can only recurse
on values that were "unpacked" from the current arguments. This is fairly restrictive;
for instance, the following definition of `interleave` would be rejected by Coq's totality
checker (if I remember correctly; I last encountered this a couple of years ago):
interleave [] xs = xs
interleave (y:ys) xs = y : interleave xs ys
The issue in the above example is that `xs` is not unpacked from `y:ys`.
An alternative approach (that I heard of), is using SMT and SAT solvers to compute various
invariants about your code, and I suspect that termination _may_ be one of them. If you can
somehow assert (and verify via SMT/SAT brute force) that there's a function of your arguments that's always
decreasing (for instance, the sum of the lengths of xs and ys in the above example), you can probably
convince yourself that the recursion is not infinite, and that termination is possible.
* I'm _sure_ you're aware of this, since Ben was the one that suggested this week's reading
group paper, but linear types would be excellent for this! Modifying various pixels in a buffer
could be done in-place if that buffer is linearly typed, since you are then guaranteed that
the effect of your destructive in-place update is not felt anywhere else. I think that
this would be particularly useful when you work on composition: while the "low level" details
of what changes and what doesn't may be lost at the abstraction boundaries of the
shader programs being composed, a linearly typed output from one shader would give
the next shader in the pipeline enough information to continue using in-place operations.
* It seems like not worrying about "undefined" values falls out of using a functional
language. You certainly can't write an uninitialized variable in something like vanilla Haskell.
What exactly do you mean, then, about avoiding the use of undefined values in your language?
I'm not sure I understand this objective.
* "The process of data moving from vertex to fragment shader should be represented as a typeclass or Monad". Intuitively,
I'm not so sure about this. It seems to me like you're defining a language that translates into GLSL; in this
case, you need not _really_ care about how data is transferred from one place to the other. You certainly
care in the sense that you want your uniforms / attributes to match up between stages in the pipeline (forgive me
for any mistakes with the lingo, I haven't touched shaders for years), but the task of actually manipulating
the data / pixels is not yours; it is delegated to the graphics card that's interpreting the GLSL that you generate.
Thus, using a Moands to represent graphics data does not seem like the way to go; on the other hand,
I think you will find it very fruitful to use various Monads from the MTL to implement your type checking and