202 lines
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202 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Hasklet4 where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bool
-- * Stack language syntax
-- | Stack programs.
type Prog = [Cmd]
-- | Commands for working with stacks of integers. 0 is treated as 'false',
-- all other values as 'true'. The examples below help illustrate the
-- behavior of some of the less obvious commands.
data Cmd
= Push Int -- ^ push an integer onto the stack
| Drop -- ^ drop the top element on the stack
| Dig -- ^ moves the ith element down to the top of the stack
| Dup -- ^ duplicate the top element on the stack
| Neg -- ^ negate the number on top of the stack
| Add -- ^ add the top two numbers on the stack
| Mul -- ^ multiply the top two numbers on the stack
| LEq -- ^ check whether the top element is less-than-or-equal to the second
| If Prog Prog -- ^ if the value on top is true, run the first program, else the second (consumes the test element)
| While Prog -- ^ loop as long as the top element is true (does not consume the test element)
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- ** Example programs and expected results
-- Note that the expected results are written with the top element of the
-- stack on the *right*, which is the convention for stack-based languages.
-- However, since we're encoding stacks with Haskell lists, the resulting
-- Haskell values will be in the reverse order.
-- | Result: 4 5 5
p1 = [Push 4, Push 5, Push 6, Drop, Dup]
-- | Result: 10 11 13 14 12
p2 = [Push 10, Push 11, Push 12, Push 13, Push 14, Push 3, Dig]
-- | Result: 27 -5
p3 = [Push 3, Push 4, Push 5, Add, Mul, Push 5, Neg]
-- | Result: 0 1
p4 = [Push 3, Push 4, LEq, Push 4, Push 3, LEq]
-- | Result: 22
p5 = [Push 2, Push 3, Push 4, LEq, If [Push 10, Add] [Push 20, Add]]
-- | Compute the factorial of the top element of the stack.
fac = [
Push 1, -- acc = 1
Push 2, Dig, -- move i to top
While [ -- while i /= 0
Dup, -- duplicate i
Push 3, Dig, -- move accumulator to top
Mul, -- acc * i
Push 2, Dig, -- move i back to top
Push 1, Neg, Add -- decrement i
Drop -- drop i to leave only acc
-- | Several programs that cause errors if run on an empty stack.
bads = [
-- stack underflow errors
[Push 2, Add],
[Push 3, Mul],
[Push 4, Drop, Drop],
[Push 5, Neg, Dig],
[If [] []],
[While []],
-- digging too deep and too greedily, or trying to dig up
[Push 6, Push 2, Dig],
[Push 7, Push 8, Push 2, Neg, Dig]
-- * Stack language semantics
-- ** Stack-tracking monad
-- | A stack of integers.
type Stack = [Int]
-- | A monad that maintains a stack as state and may also fail.
-- (A combination of the State and Maybe monads.)
data StackM a = SM (Stack -> Maybe (a, Stack))
-- | Run a computation with the given initial stack.
runWith :: Stack -> StackM a -> Maybe (a, Stack)
runWith s (SM f) = f s
instance Functor StackM where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative StackM where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad StackM where
return a = SM $ \s -> Just (a, s)
(SM f) >>= g = SM $ \s -> f s >>= \(a, s') -> runWith s' $ g a
modify :: (Stack -> Stack) -> StackM ()
modify f = SM $ Just . ((),) . f
gets :: (Stack -> a) -> StackM a
gets f = SM $ \s -> Just (f s, s)
fail_ :: StackM a
fail_ = SM $ const Nothing
-- ** Primitive operations
-- | Push a value onto the stack.
push :: Int -> StackM ()
push i = modify (i:)
-- | Pop a value off the stack and return it.
pop :: StackM Int
pop = peek <* modify tail
popBool :: StackM Bool
popBool = (/= 0) <$> pop
-- | Peek at the value on top of the stack without popping it.
peek :: StackM Int
peek = gets safeHead >>= maybe fail_ return
safeHead [] = Nothing
safeHead (x:xs) = Just x
peekBool :: StackM Bool
peekBool = (/= 0) <$> peek
fromBool :: Bool -> Int
fromBool = bool 0 1
-- | Move the ith element from the top of the stack to the top.
dig :: Int -> StackM ()
dig i = SM $ \s -> if i > 0 && i <= length s
then let (xs, y:ys) = splitAt (i-1) s
in Just ((), y : xs ++ ys)
else Nothing
-- ** Stack language semantics
binop :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> StackM ()
binop f = liftM2 f pop pop >>= push
-- | Monadic semantics of commands.
cmd :: Cmd -> StackM ()
cmd (Push i) = push i
cmd Drop = void pop
cmd Dig = pop >>= dig
cmd Dup = peek >>= push
cmd Neg = pop >>= (push . negate)
cmd Add = binop (+)
cmd Mul = binop (*)
cmd LEq = binop ((fromBool.) . (<=))
cmd (If t e) = popBool >>= bool (prog e) (prog t)
cmd (While b) = peekBool >>= bool (return ()) (prog $ b ++ [While b])
-- | Monadic semantics of programs.
prog :: Prog -> StackM ()
prog = mapM_ cmd
-- | Run a stack program with an initially empty stack, returning the
-- resulting stack or an error.
-- >>> runProg p1
-- Just [5,5,4]
-- >>> runProg p2
-- Just [12,14,13,11,10]
-- >>> runProg p3
-- Just [-5,27]
-- >>> runProg p4
-- Just [1,0]
-- >>> runProg p5
-- Just [22]
-- >>> runProg (Push 10 : fac)
-- Just [3628800]
-- >>> all (== Nothing) (map runProg bads)
-- True
runProg :: Prog -> Maybe Stack
runProg = fmap snd . runWith [] . prog