All parameters are assumed to be of type `u8`, an unsigned byte.
The return type can be either `u8` or `u0`, the latter being the same as `void` in C.
Users can declare variables using the `var` keyword:
var name = 5;
Assigning to existing variables is performed as such:
name = 6;
It's possible to call another function, which uses the CHIP-8 stack. This stack
is used exclusively for function calls, and may not exceed 12, as per the specifications
of the CHIP-8 virtual machine.
var result = double(name);
Additionally, to ensure that user-defined variables stored
in registers are not modified, chalk uses its own custom stack, placed at the end of the program.
This stack is accessed by modifying a stack pointer register, which holds the offset from the beginning of the stack. Because CHIP-8 registers can only hold up 8-bit unsinged numbers, the stack is therefore limited to 254 items.