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module Language.Properties where
open import Language.Base
open import Language.Semantics
open import Language.Graphs
open import Language.Traces
open import Data.Fin as Fin using (zero)
open import Data.List using (_∷_; [])
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl)
buildCfg-input : (s : Stmt) let g = buildCfg s in Σ (Graph.Index g) (λ idx Graph.inputs g idx [])
buildCfg-input bs₁ = (zero , refl)
buildCfg-input (s₁ then s₂)
with (idx , p) buildCfg-input s₁ rewrite p = (_ , refl)
buildCfg-input (if _ then s₁ else s₂) = (zero , refl)
buildCfg-input (while _ repeat s)
with (idx , p) buildCfg-input s rewrite p = (_ , refl)
buildCfg-output : (s : Stmt) let g = buildCfg s in Σ (Graph.Index g) (λ idx Graph.outputs g idx [])
buildCfg-output bs₁ = (zero , refl)
buildCfg-output (s₁ then s₂)
with (idx , p) buildCfg-output s₂ rewrite p = (_ , refl)
buildCfg-output (if _ then s₁ else s₂) = (_ , refl)
buildCfg-output (while _ repeat s)
with (idx , p) buildCfg-output s rewrite p = (_ , refl)