Make main run the fixed point algorithm
Signed-off-by: Danila Fedorin <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
module Main where
open import IO
open import Level
open import Level using (0ℓ)
open import Data.Nat.Show using (show)
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Data.String using (String) renaming (_≟_ to _≟ˢ_)
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; []; foldr)
open import Data.String using (String; _++_) renaming (_≟_ to _≟ˢ_)
open import Data.Unit using (⊤; tt) renaming (_≟_ to _≟ᵘ_)
open import Data.Product using (_,_; _×_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (_∷_; [])
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; sym; subst; refl; trans)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
@ -18,13 +19,51 @@ xyzw = "x" ∷ "y" ∷ "z" ∷ "w" ∷ []
xyzw-Unique : Unique xyzw
xyzw-Unique = push ((λ ()) ∷ (λ ()) ∷ (λ ()) ∷ []) (push ((λ ()) ∷ (λ ()) ∷ []) (push ((λ ()) ∷ []) (push [] empty)))
open import Lattice using (IsFiniteHeightLattice; FiniteHeightLattice)
open import Lattice.AboveBelow ⊤ _≡_ (record { ≈-refl = refl; ≈-sym = sym; ≈-trans = trans }) _≟ᵘ_ as AB renaming (≈-dec to ≈ᵘ-dec)
open AB.Plain renaming (finiteHeightLattice to finiteHeightLatticeᵘ)
open import Lattice.Bundles.FiniteValueMap String AB.AboveBelow _≟ˢ_ renaming (finiteHeightLattice to finiteHeightLatticeᵐ)
open import Lattice using (IsFiniteHeightLattice; FiniteHeightLattice; Monotonic)
open import Lattice.AboveBelow ⊤ _≡_ (record { ≈-refl = refl; ≈-sym = sym; ≈-trans = trans }) _≟ᵘ_ as AB using () renaming (≈-dec to ≈ᵘ-dec)
open AB.Plain using () renaming (finiteHeightLattice to finiteHeightLatticeᵘ)
open import Lattice.Bundles.FiniteValueMap String AB.AboveBelow _≟ˢ_ renaming (finiteHeightLattice to finiteHeightLatticeᵐ; FiniteHeightType to FiniteHeightTypeᵐ; ≈-dec to ≈-dec)
fhlᵘ = finiteHeightLatticeᵘ (
FiniteHeightMap = FiniteHeightTypeᵐ fhlᵘ xyzw-Unique ≈ᵘ-dec
showAboveBelow : AB.AboveBelow → String
showAboveBelow AB.⊤ = "⊤"
showAboveBelow AB.⊥ = "⊥"
showAboveBelow (AB.[_] tt) = "()"
showMap : ∀ {ks : List String} → FiniteHeightMap ks → String
showMap ((kvs , _) , _) = "{" ++ foldr (λ (x , y) rest → x ++ " ↦ " ++ showAboveBelow y ++ ", " ++ rest) "" kvs ++ "}"
fhlⁱᵖ = finiteHeightLatticeᵐ fhlᵘ xyzw-Unique ≈ᵘ-dec
main = run {0ℓ} (putStrLn (show (FiniteHeightLattice.height fhlⁱᵖ)))
open FiniteHeightLattice fhlⁱᵖ using (_≈_; _⊔_; _⊓_; ⊔-idemp; _≼_; ≈-⊔-cong; ≈-refl; ≈-trans; ≈-sym; ⊔-assoc; ⊔-comm; ⊔-Monotonicˡ)
open import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Base.Single _≈_ (λ {m} → ≈-refl {m}) (λ {m₁} {m₂} {m₃} → ≈-trans {m₁} {m₂} {m₃}) -- why am I having to eta-expand here?
smallestMap = proj₁ (proj₁ (proj₁ (FiniteHeightLattice.fixedHeight fhlⁱᵖ)))
largestMap = proj₂ (proj₁ (proj₁ (FiniteHeightLattice.fixedHeight fhlⁱᵖ)))
dumb : FiniteHeightMap xyzw
dumb = ((("x" , AB.[_] tt) ∷ ("y" , AB.⊥) ∷ ("z" , AB.⊥) ∷ ("w" , AB.⊥) ∷ [] , xyzw-Unique) , refl)
dumbFunction : FiniteHeightMap xyzw → FiniteHeightMap xyzw
dumbFunction = _⊔_ dumb
dumbFunction-Monotonic : Monotonic _≼_ _≼_ dumbFunction
dumbFunction-Monotonic {m₁} {m₂} m₁≼m₂ = ⊔-Monotonicˡ dumb {m₁} {m₂} m₁≼m₂
open import Fixedpoint {0ℓ} {FiniteHeightMap xyzw} {8} {_≈_} {_⊔_} {_⊓_} (≈-dec fhlᵘ xyzw-Unique ≈ᵘ-dec) (FiniteHeightLattice.isFiniteHeightLattice fhlⁱᵖ) dumbFunction (λ {m₁} {m₂} m₁≼m₂ → dumbFunction-Monotonic {m₁} {m₂} m₁≼m₂)
-- module Fixedpoint {a} {A : Set a}
-- {h : ℕ}
-- {_≈_ : A → A → Set a}
-- {_⊔_ : A → A → A} {_⊓_ : A → A → A}
-- (≈-dec : IsDecidable _≈_)
-- (flA : IsFiniteHeightLattice A h _≈_ _⊔_ _⊓_)
-- (f : A → A)
-- (Monotonicᶠ : Monotonic (IsFiniteHeightLattice._≼_ flA)
-- (IsFiniteHeightLattice._≼_ flA) f) where
main = run {0ℓ} (putStrLn (showMap aᶠ))
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