Start on the homomorphism / isomorphism proofs

This commit is contained in:
Danila Fedorin 2023-09-29 20:45:13 -07:00
parent 3c346dcd15
commit 7b24bae29a

Homomorphism.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
open import Equivalence
module Homomorphism {a b} (A : Set a) (B : Set b)
(_≈₁_ : A A Set a) (_≈₂_ : B B Set b)
(≈₂-equiv : IsEquivalence B _≈₂_)
(f : A B) where
open import Agda.Primitive using (lsuc; Level) renaming (_⊔_ to _⊔_)
open import Function.Definitions using (Surjective)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_Preserves_⟶_ )
open import Data.Product using (_,_)
open import Lattice
open IsEquivalence ≈₂-equiv using () renaming (≈-trans to ≈₂-trans; ≈-sym to ≈₂-sym; ≈-refl to ≈₂-refl)
open import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Base.Single _≈₂_ ≈₂-refl ≈₂-trans
infixl 20 _∙₂_
_∙₂_ = ≈₂-trans
record SemilatticeHomomorphism (_⊔₁_ : A A A)
(_⊔₂_ : B B B) : Set (a ⊔ℓ b) where
f-preserves-≈ : f Preserves _≈₁_ _≈₂_
f-⊔-distr : (a₁ a₂ : A) f (a₁ ⊔₁ a₂) ≈₂ ((f a₁) ⊔₂ (f a₂))
module _ (_⊔₁_ : A A A) (_⊔₂_ : B B B)
(sh : SemilatticeHomomorphism _⊔₁_ _⊔₂_)
(≈₂-⊔₂-cong : {a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄} a₁ ≈₂ a₂ a₃ ≈₂ a₄ (a₁ ⊔₂ a₃) ≈₂ (a₂ ⊔₂ a₄))
(surF : Surjective _≈₁_ _≈₂_ f) where
open SemilatticeHomomorphism sh
transportSemilattice : IsSemilattice A _≈₁_ _⊔₁_ IsSemilattice B _≈₂_ _⊔₂_
transportSemilattice sA = record
{ ≈-equiv = ≈₂-equiv
; ≈-⊔-cong = ≈₂-⊔₂-cong
; ⊔-assoc = λ b₁ b₂ b₃
let (a₁ , fa₁≈b₁) = surF b₁
(a₂ , fa₂≈b₂) = surF b₂
(a₃ , fa₃≈b₃) = surF b₃
(b₁ ⊔₂ b₂) ⊔₂ b₃
∼⟨ ≈₂-⊔₂-cong (≈₂-⊔₂-cong (≈₂-sym fa₁≈b₁) (≈₂-sym fa₂≈b₂)) (≈₂-sym fa₃≈b₃)
(f a₁ ⊔₂ f a₂) ⊔₂ f a₃
∼⟨ ≈₂-⊔₂-cong (≈₂-sym (f-⊔-distr a₁ a₂)) ≈₂-refl
f (a₁ ⊔₁ a₂) ⊔₂ f a₃
∼⟨ ≈₂-sym (f-⊔-distr (a₁ ⊔₁ a₂) a₃)
f ((a₁ ⊔₁ a₂) ⊔₁ a₃)
∼⟨ f-preserves-≈ (IsSemilattice.⊔-assoc sA a₁ a₂ a₃)
f (a₁ ⊔₁ (a₂ ⊔₁ a₃))
∼⟨ f-⊔-distr a₁ (a₂ ⊔₁ a₃)
f a₁ ⊔₂ f (a₂ ⊔₁ a₃)
∼⟨ ≈₂-⊔₂-cong ≈₂-refl (f-⊔-distr a₂ a₃)
f a₁ ⊔₂ (f a₂ ⊔₂ f a₃)
∼⟨ ≈₂-⊔₂-cong fa₁≈b₁ (≈₂-⊔₂-cong fa₂≈b₂ fa₃≈b₃)
b₁ ⊔₂ (b₂ ⊔₂ b₃)
; ⊔-comm = λ b₁ b₂
let (a₁ , fa₁≈b₁) = surF b₁
(a₂ , fa₂≈b₂) = surF b₂
b₁ ⊔₂ b₂
∼⟨ ≈₂-⊔₂-cong (≈₂-sym fa₁≈b₁) (≈₂-sym fa₂≈b₂)
f a₁ ⊔₂ f a₂
∼⟨ ≈₂-sym (f-⊔-distr a₁ a₂)
f (a₁ ⊔₁ a₂)
∼⟨ f-preserves-≈ (IsSemilattice.⊔-comm sA a₁ a₂)
f (a₂ ⊔₁ a₁)
∼⟨ f-⊔-distr a₂ a₁
f a₂ ⊔₂ f a₁
∼⟨ ≈₂-⊔₂-cong fa₂≈b₂ fa₁≈b₁
b₂ ⊔₂ b₁
; ⊔-idemp = λ b
let (a , fa≈b) = surF b
b ⊔₂ b
∼⟨ ≈₂-⊔₂-cong (≈₂-sym fa≈b) (≈₂-sym fa≈b)
f a ⊔₂ f a
∼⟨ ≈₂-sym (f-⊔-distr a a)
f (a ⊔₁ a)
∼⟨ f-preserves-≈ (IsSemilattice.⊔-idemp sA a)
f a
∼⟨ fa≈b
record LatticeHomomorphism (_⊔₁_ : A A A) (_⊔₂_ : B B B)
(_⊓₁_ : A A A) (_⊓₂_ : B B B) : Set (a ⊔ℓ b) where
⊔-homomorphism : SemilatticeHomomorphism _⊔₁_ _⊔₂_
⊓-homomorphism : SemilatticeHomomorphism _⊓₁_ _⊓₂_
open SemilatticeHomomorphism ⊔-homomorphism using (f-preserves-≈)
open SemilatticeHomomorphism ⊓-homomorphism renaming (f-⊔-distr to f-⊓-distr)