Danila Fedorin d96eb97b69 Switch maps (and consequently most of the code) to using instances
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2025-01-04 21:16:22 -08:00

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open import Language hiding (_[_])
open import Lattice
module Analysis.Forward.Adapters
(L : Set) {h}
{_≈ˡ_ : L L Set} {_⊔ˡ_ : L L L} {_⊓ˡ_ : L L L}
{{isFiniteHeightLatticeˡ : IsFiniteHeightLattice L h _≈ˡ_ _⊔ˡ_ _⊓ˡ_}}
{{≈ˡ-dec : IsDecidable _≈ˡ_}}
(prog : Program) where
open import Analysis.Forward.Lattices L prog
open import Analysis.Forward.Evaluation L prog
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)
open import Data.String using (String) renaming (_≟_ to _≟ˢ_)
open import Data.Product using (_,_)
open import Data.List using (_∷_; []; foldr; foldl)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using ()
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; cong; sym; subst)
open import Relation.Nullary using (yes; no)
open import Function using (_∘_; flip)
open IsFiniteHeightLattice isFiniteHeightLatticeˡ
using ()
( isLattice to isLatticeˡ
; _≼_ to _≼ˡ_
open Program prog
-- Now, allow StmtEvaluators to be auto-constructed from ExprEvaluators.
module ExprToStmtAdapter {{ exprEvaluator : ExprEvaluator }} where
open ExprEvaluator exprEvaluator
using ()
( eval to evalᵉ
; eval-Monoʳ to evalᵉ-Monoʳ
-- For a particular evaluation function, we need to perform an evaluation
-- for an assignment, and update the corresponding key. Use Exercise 4.26's
-- generalized update to set the single key's value.
private module _ (k : String) (e : Expr) where
open VariableValuesFiniteMap.GeneralizedUpdate {{isLatticeᵛ}} (λ x x) (λ a₁≼a₂ a₁≼a₂) (λ _ evalᵉ e) (λ _ {vs₁} {vs₂} vs₁≼vs₂ evalᵉ-Monoʳ e {vs₁} {vs₂} vs₁≼vs₂) (k [])
using ()
( f' to updateVariablesFromExpression
; f'-Monotonic to updateVariablesFromExpression-Mono
; f'-k∈ks-≡ to updateVariablesFromExpression-k∈ks-≡
; f'-k∉ks-backward to updateVariablesFromExpression-k∉ks-backward
-- The per-state update function makes use of the single-key setter,
-- updateVariablesFromExpression, for the case where the statement
-- is an assignment.
-- This per-state function adjusts the variables in that state,
-- also monotonically; we derive the for-each-state update from
-- the Exercise 4.26 again.
evalᵇ : State BasicStmt VariableValues VariableValues
evalᵇ _ (k e) vs = updateVariablesFromExpression k e vs
evalᵇ _ noop vs = vs
evalᵇ-Monoʳ : (s : State) (bs : BasicStmt) Monotonic _≼ᵛ_ _≼ᵛ_ (evalᵇ s bs)
evalᵇ-Monoʳ _ (k e) {vs₁} {vs₂} vs₁≼vs₂ = updateVariablesFromExpression-Mono k e {vs₁} {vs₂} vs₁≼vs₂
evalᵇ-Monoʳ _ noop vs₁≼vs₂ = vs₁≼vs₂
stmtEvaluator : StmtEvaluator
stmtEvaluator = record { eval = evalᵇ ; eval-Monoʳ = evalᵇ-Monoʳ }
-- Moreover, correct StmtEvaluators can be constructed from correct
-- ExprEvaluators.
module _ {{latticeInterpretationˡ : LatticeInterpretation isLatticeˡ}}
{{isValid : ValidExprEvaluator exprEvaluator latticeInterpretationˡ}} where
open ValidExprEvaluator isValid using () renaming (valid to validᵉ)
evalᵇ-valid : {s vs ρ₁ ρ₂ bs} ρ₁ , bs ⇒ᵇ ρ₂ vs ⟧ᵛ ρ₁ evalᵇ s bs vs ⟧ᵛ ρ₂
evalᵇ-valid {_} {vs} {ρ₁} {ρ₁} {_} (⇒ᵇ-noop ρ₁) ⟦vs⟧ρ = ⟦vs⟧ρ
evalᵇ-valid {_} {vs} {ρ₁} {_} {_} (⇒ᵇ-← ρ₁ k e v ρ,e⇒v) ⟦vs⟧ρ {k'} {l} k',l∈vs' {v'} k',v'∈ρ₂
with k ≟ˢ k' | k',v'∈ρ₂
... | yes refl | here _ v _
rewrite updateVariablesFromExpression-k∈ks-≡ k e {l = vs} ( refl) k',l∈vs' =
validᵉ ρ,e⇒v ⟦vs⟧ρ
... | yes k≡k' | there _ _ _ _ _ k'≢k _ = ⊥-elim (k'≢k (sym k≡k'))
... | no k≢k' | here _ _ _ = ⊥-elim (k≢k' refl)
... | no k≢k' | there _ _ _ _ _ _ k',v'∈ρ₁ =
k'∉[k] = (λ { ( refl) k≢k' refl })
k',l∈vs = updateVariablesFromExpression-k∉ks-backward k e {l = vs} k'∉[k] k',l∈vs'
⟦vs⟧ρ k',l∈vs k',v'∈ρ₁
validStmtEvaluator : ValidStmtEvaluator stmtEvaluator latticeInterpretationˡ
validStmtEvaluator = record
{ valid = λ {a} {b} {c} {d} evalᵇ-valid {a} {b} {c} {d}