Danila Fedorin 8abf6f8670 Make 'isLattice' for simple types be an instance
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2025-01-04 17:27:38 -08:00

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module Lattice.Unit where
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)
open import Data.Product using (_,_)
open import Data.Nat using (; _≤_; z≤n)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt) public
open import Data.Unit.Properties using (_≟_; ≡-setoid)
open import Relation.Binary using (Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; ¬_; yes; no)
open import Equivalence
open import Lattice
import Chain
open Setoid ≡-setoid using (refl; sym; trans)
_≈_ : Set
_≈_ = _≡_
≈-equiv : IsEquivalence _≈_
≈-equiv = record
{ ≈-refl = refl
; ≈-sym = sym
; ≈-trans = trans
≈-dec : IsDecidable _≈_
≈-dec = _≟_
_⊔_ :
tt tt = tt
_⊓_ :
tt tt = tt
≈-⊔-cong : {ab₁ ab₂ ab₃ ab₄} ab₁ ab₂ ab₃ ab₄ (ab₁ ab₃) (ab₂ ab₄)
≈-⊔-cong {tt} {tt} {tt} {tt} _ _ = Eq.refl
⊔-assoc : (x y z : ) ((x y) z) (x (y z))
⊔-assoc tt tt tt = Eq.refl
⊔-comm : (x y : ) (x y) (y x)
⊔-comm tt tt = Eq.refl
⊔-idemp : (x : ) (x x) x
⊔-idemp tt = Eq.refl
isJoinSemilattice : IsSemilattice _≈_ _⊔_
isJoinSemilattice = record
{ ≈-equiv = ≈-equiv
; ≈-⊔-cong = ≈-⊔-cong
; ⊔-assoc = ⊔-assoc
; ⊔-comm = ⊔-comm
; ⊔-idemp = ⊔-idemp
≈-⊓-cong : {ab₁ ab₂ ab₃ ab₄} ab₁ ab₂ ab₃ ab₄ (ab₁ ab₃) (ab₂ ab₄)
≈-⊓-cong {tt} {tt} {tt} {tt} _ _ = Eq.refl
⊓-assoc : (x y z : ) ((x y) z) (x (y z))
⊓-assoc tt tt tt = Eq.refl
⊓-comm : (x y : ) (x y) (y x)
⊓-comm tt tt = Eq.refl
⊓-idemp : (x : ) (x x) x
⊓-idemp tt = Eq.refl
isMeetSemilattice : IsSemilattice _≈_ _⊓_
isMeetSemilattice = record
{ ≈-equiv = ≈-equiv
; ≈-⊔-cong = ≈-⊓-cong
; ⊔-assoc = ⊓-assoc
; ⊔-comm = ⊓-comm
; ⊔-idemp = ⊓-idemp
isLattice : IsLattice _≈_ _⊔_ _⊓_
isLattice = record
{ joinSemilattice = isJoinSemilattice
; meetSemilattice = isMeetSemilattice
; absorb-⊔-⊓ = λ { tt tt Eq.refl }
; absorb-⊓-⊔ = λ { tt tt Eq.refl }
lattice : Lattice
lattice = record
{ _≈_ = _≈_
; _⊔_ = _⊔_
; _⊓_ = _⊓_
; isLattice = isLattice
open Chain _≈_ ≈-equiv (IsLattice._≺_ isLattice) (IsLattice.≺-cong isLattice)
longestChain : Chain tt tt 0
longestChain = done refl
isLongest : {t₁ t₂ : } {n : } Chain t₁ t₂ n n 0
isLongest {tt} {tt} (step (tt⊔tt≈tt , tt̷≈tt) _ _) = ⊥-elim (tt̷≈tt refl)
isLongest (done _) = z≤n
fixedHeight : IsLattice.FixedHeight isLattice 0
fixedHeight = record
{ = tt
; = tt
; longestChain = longestChain
; bounded = isLongest
isFiniteHeightLattice : IsFiniteHeightLattice 0 _≈_ _⊔_ _⊓_
isFiniteHeightLattice = record
{ isLattice = isLattice
; fixedHeight = fixedHeight
finiteHeightLattice : FiniteHeightLattice
finiteHeightLattice = record
{ height = 0
; _≈_ = _≈_
; _⊔_ = _⊔_
; _⊓_ = _⊓_
; isFiniteHeightLattice = isFiniteHeightLattice