53 lines
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53 lines
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module Language.Properties where
open import Language.Base
open import Language.Semantics
open import Language.Graphs
open import Language.Traces
open import MonotonicState _⊆_ ⊆-trans renaming (MonotonicState to MonotonicGraphFunction)
open import Utils using (_⊗_; _,_)
open Relaxable {{...}}
open import Data.Fin using (zero)
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Data.Vec using (_∷_; [])
open import Data.Vec.Properties using (cast-is-id; lookup-++ˡ; lookup-++ʳ)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; subst)
relax-preserves-[]≡ : ∀ (g₁ g₂ : Graph) (g₁⊆g₂ : g₁ ⊆ g₂) (idx : Graph.Index g₁) →
g₁ [ idx ] ≡ g₂ [ relax g₁⊆g₂ idx ]
relax-preserves-[]≡ g₁ g₂ (Mk-⊆ n refl newNodes nsg₂≡nsg₁++newNodes _) idx
rewrite cast-is-id refl (Graph.nodes g₂)
with refl ← nsg₂≡nsg₁++newNodes = sym (lookup-++ˡ (Graph.nodes g₁) _ _)
NodeEqualsMonotonic : ∀ {bss : List BasicStmt} →
MonotonicPredicate (λ g n → g [ n ] ≡ bss)
NodeEqualsMonotonic = record
{ relaxPredicate = λ g₁ g₂ idx g₁⊆g₂ g₁[idx]≡bss →
trans (sym (relax-preserves-[]≡ g₁ g₂ g₁⊆g₂ idx)) g₁[idx]≡bss
pushBasicBlock-works : ∀ (bss : List BasicStmt) → Always (λ g idx → g [ idx ] ≡ bss) (pushBasicBlock bss)
pushBasicBlock-works bss = MkAlways (λ g → lookup-++ʳ (Graph.nodes g) (bss ∷ []) zero)
TransformsEnv : ∀ (ρ₁ ρ₂ : Env) → DependentPredicate (Graph.Index ⊗ Graph.Index)
TransformsEnv ρ₁ ρ₂ g (idx₁ , idx₂) = Trace {g} idx₁ idx₂ ρ₁ ρ₂
TransformsEnvMonotonic : ∀ {ρ₁ ρ₂ : Env} → MonotonicPredicate (TransformsEnv ρ₁ ρ₂)
TransformsEnvMonotonic = {!!}
buildCfg-sufficient : ∀ {ρ₁ ρ₂ : Env} {s : Stmt} → ρ₁ , s ⇒ˢ ρ₂ → Always (TransformsEnv ρ₁ ρ₂) (buildCfg s)
buildCfg-sufficient {ρ₁} {ρ₂} {⟨ bs ⟩} (⇒ˢ-⟨⟩ ρ₁ ρ₂ bs ρ₁,bs⇒ρ₂) =
pushBasicBlock-works (bs ∷ [])
(λ g idx g[idx]≡[bs] → Trace-single (subst (ρ₁ ,_⇒ᵇˢ ρ₂)
(sym g[idx]≡[bs])
(ρ₁,bs⇒ρ₂ ∷ [])))
buildCfg-sufficient {ρ₁} {ρ₂} {s₁ then s₂} (⇒ˢ-then ρ₁ ρ ρ₂ s₁ s₂ ρ₁,s₁⇒ρ₂ ρ₂,s₂⇒ρ₃) =
(buildCfg-sufficient ρ₁,s₁⇒ρ₂ ⟨⊗⟩-reason buildCfg-sufficient ρ₂,s₂⇒ρ₃)
update-reason {!!}
map-reason {!!}