Clean up the search and proving code somewhat
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ andThen f p env ps =
p env ps
|> Search.andThen (\(a, psp) -> (f a) env psp)
apply : Prover a -> Prover (a -> b) -> Prover b
apply pa pf = pf |> andThen (\f -> map f pa)
map : (a -> b) -> Prover a -> Prover b
map f p env ps =
p env ps
@ -51,28 +54,41 @@ fail env ps =
getEnv : Prover RuleEnv
getEnv env ps = Search.pure (env, ps)
rule : Term UnificationVar -> Rule -> Prover ProofTree
rule t r env ps =
liftInstantiation : (a -> InstantiationState -> (b, InstantiationState)) -> a -> Prover b
liftInstantiation f a env ps =
(conc, is) = instantiate r.conclusion ps.instantiationState
(prems, isp) = instantiateList r.premises is
(b, is) = f a ps.instantiationState
case unify t conc ps.unificationState of
Nothing ->
Just (tp, usp) ->
psp = { ps | instantiationState = resetVars isp
, unificationState = usp }
provePremises prems env psp
|> (Tuple.mapFirst (\trees -> MkProofTree { name =, conclusion = tp, premises = trees }))
Search.pure (b, { ps | instantiationState = is })
liftUnification : (a -> a -> UnificationState -> Maybe (a, UnificationState)) -> a -> a -> Prover a
liftUnification f a1 a2 env ps =
case f a1 a2 ps.unificationState of
Just (a, us) -> Search.pure (a, { ps | unificationState = us })
Nothing ->
withVars : Prover a -> Prover a
withVars p env ps =
p env ps
|> (Tuple.mapSecond (\psp -> { psp | instantiationState = resetVars psp.instantiationState }))
rule : Term UnificationVar -> Rule -> Prover ProofTree
rule t r =
withVars (pure Tuple.pair
|> apply (liftInstantiation instantiate r.conclusion)
|> apply (liftInstantiation instantiateList r.premises))
|> andThen (\(conc, prems) ->
pure (\tp trees -> MkProofTree { name =, conclusion = tp, premises = trees })
|> apply (liftUnification unify t conc)
|> apply (provePremises prems))
provePremises : List (Term UnificationVar) -> Prover (List ProofTree)
provePremises l =
case l of
t :: ts ->
prove t
|> andThen (\tree -> map (\trees -> tree :: trees) (provePremises ts))
pure (::)
|> apply (prove t)
|> apply (provePremises ts)
[] -> pure []
prove : Term UnificationVar -> Prover ProofTree
@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ map f s () =
Empty -> Empty
Found a sp -> Found (f a) (map f sp)
apply : Search (a -> b) -> Search a -> Search b
apply sf sa () =
apply : Search a -> Search (a -> b) -> Search b
apply sa sf () =
case sf () of
Empty -> Empty
Found f sfp -> interleave (map f sa) (apply sfp sa) ()
Found f sfp -> interleave (map f sa) (apply sa sfp) ()
andThen : (a -> Search b) -> Search a -> Search b
andThen f sa () =
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