Switch entirely to using rules to render rules.
Signed-off-by: Danila Fedorin <danila.fedorin@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,51 +22,45 @@ renderTermViaRules env t =
Call "latex" [_, StringLit s] -> Just s
_ -> Nothing)
buildInferenceRuleFrac : List String -> String -> String -> String
buildInferenceRuleFrac prems conc name = String.concat
[ "\\cfrac{"
, String.join "\\quad " prems
, "}{"
, conc
, "}\\ \\texttt{"
, name
, "}"
renderRuleViaRules : RuleEnv -> Rule -> Maybe String
renderRuleViaRules env r =
quotedPrems = List.map (Syntax.andThen quoteMetavariable) r.premises
quotedConc = Syntax.andThen quoteMetavariable r.conclusion
buildStr conc prems = String.concat
[ "\\cfrac{"
, String.join "\\quad " prems
, "}{"
, conc
, "}\\ \\texttt{"
, r.name
, "}"
quotedPrems = List.map quoteMetavariables r.premises
quotedConc = quoteMetavariables r.conclusion
renderTermViaRules env quotedConc
|> Maybe.andThen (\conc ->
sequenceMaybes (List.map (renderTermViaRules env) quotedPrems)
|> Maybe.map (\prems -> buildStr conc prems))
|> Maybe.map (\prems -> buildInferenceRuleFrac prems conc r.name))
quoteMetavariable : Metavariable -> Term Void
quoteMetavariable v = Call "metavariable" [StringLit <| metavariableToLatex v]
renderTreeViaRules : RuleEnv -> ProofTree -> Maybe String
renderTreeViaRules env (MkProofTree node) =
renderTermViaRules env (quoteVariables node.conclusion)
|> Maybe.andThen (\conc ->
sequenceMaybes (List.map (renderTreeViaRules env) node.premises)
|> Maybe.map (\prems -> buildInferenceRuleFrac prems conc node.name))
termToLatex : (a -> String) -> Term a -> String
termToLatex f t =
case t of
Call "intlit" [t1] -> termToLatex f t1
Call "strlit" [t1] -> termToLatex f t1
Call "var" [t1] -> termToLatex f t1
Call "plus" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ " + " ++ termToLatex f t2
Call "pair" [t1, t2] -> "(" ++ termToLatex f t1 ++ ", " ++ termToLatex f t2 ++ ")"
Call "abs" [t1, t2, t3] -> "\\lambda " ++ termToLatex f t1 ++ " : " ++ termToLatex f t2 ++ ".\\ " ++ termToLatex f t3
Call "app" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ "\\ " ++ termToLatex f t2
Call "type" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ " : " ++ termToLatex f t2
Call "type" [t1, t2, t3] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ "\\vdash " ++ termToLatex f t2 ++ " : " ++ termToLatex f t3
Call "tpair" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ "\\times" ++ termToLatex f t2
Call "tarr" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ "\\to" ++ termToLatex f t2
Call "extend" [t1, t2, t3] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ ",\\ " ++ termToLatex f t2 ++ " : " ++ termToLatex f t3
Call "inenv" [t1, t2, t3] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ " : " ++ termToLatex f t2 ++ " \\in " ++ termToLatex f t3
Call "empty" [] -> "\\varnothing"
Call s [] -> "\\text{" ++ s ++ "}"
Call s ts -> "\\text{" ++ s ++ "}(" ++ String.join "," (List.map (termToLatex f) ts) ++ ")"
Var x -> f x
IntLit i -> String.fromInt i
StringLit s -> "\\texttt{" ++ "\"" ++ encodeLatex (encodeStr s) ++ "\"" ++ "}"
quote : String -> (a -> String) -> Term a -> Term Void
quote s f =
let helper a = Call s [StringLit <| f a]
in Syntax.andThen helper
quoteMetavariables : Term Metavariable -> Term Void
quoteMetavariables = quote "metavariable" metavariableToLatex
quoteVariables : Term UnificationVar -> Term Void
quoteVariables = quote "variable" (\(MkUnificationVar v) -> v)
metavariableToLatex : Metavariable -> String
metavariableToLatex (MkMetavariable s) =
@ -75,12 +69,3 @@ metavariableToLatex (MkMetavariable s) =
if String.startsWith "tau" noQuestion then "\\" ++ noQuestion else
if String.startsWith "Gamma" noQuestion then "\\" ++ noQuestion else noQuestion
ruleToLatex : Rule -> String
ruleToLatex r = "\\cfrac{" ++ String.join "\\quad " (List.map (termToLatex metavariableToLatex) r.premises) ++ "}{" ++ termToLatex metavariableToLatex r.conclusion ++ "}\\ \\texttt{" ++ r.name ++ "}"
unificationVarToLatex : UnificationVar -> String
unificationVarToLatex (MkUnificationVar s) = s
proofTreeToLatex : ProofTree -> String
proofTreeToLatex (MkProofTree node) = "\\cfrac{" ++ String.join "\\quad \\quad " (List.map proofTreeToLatex node.premises) ++ "}{" ++ termToLatex unificationVarToLatex node.conclusion ++ "}\\ \\texttt{" ++ node.name ++ "}"
@ -113,12 +113,18 @@ tryProve mode progs querys =
(Just prog, Just query) -> single prog (prove query |> Bergamot.Rules.andThen reifyProofTree)
_ -> Nothing
viewProofTree : EditMode -> String -> String -> Html Msg
viewProofTree mode progs querys = viewSection "Proof Tree" <|
viewProofTree : EditMode -> String -> String -> String -> Html Msg
viewProofTree mode renderProgs progs querys = viewSection "Proof Tree" <|
Html.div [ class "bergamot-proof-tree" ] <|
case tryProve mode progs querys of
Just tree -> [ latex (proofTreeToLatex tree) ]
Nothing -> []
case tryProve mode progs querys of
Just tree ->
case run program renderProgs of
Just renderProg ->
List.map latex
<| List.filterMap (renderTreeViaRules renderProg)
<| [ tree ]
Nothing -> []
Nothing -> []
view : Model -> Html Msg
@ -126,7 +132,7 @@ view m = Html.div [ class "bergamot-root" ]
[ viewTabSelector m.tab [(Editor, "Rule Editor"), (Rendered, "Rendered Rules")]
, viewEditModeSelector m.editMode [(Query, "Query"), (Syntax, "Language Term")]
, viewSection "Query" <| Html.input [ type_ "text", onInput SetQuery, value m.query ] []
, viewProofTree m.editMode m.program m.query
, viewProofTree m.editMode m.renderProgram m.program m.query
, viewTab m.tab
(viewSection "Rules" <| Html.textarea [ onInput SetProgram ] [ Html.text m.program ])
(Html.Lazy.lazy2 viewRules m.renderProgram m.program)
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