Add an initial parser for the Bergamot 'object language'

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Danila Fedorin 2023-11-30 22:44:20 -08:00
parent d9f9522365
commit 51c78af138
2 changed files with 123 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
module Bergamot.ObjectLanguage exposing (..)
import Parser exposing (Parser, Trailing(..), (|.), (|=))
import Set
type Type
= TInt
| TStr
| TPair Type Type
| TArr Type Type
type Expr
= IntLit Int
| StrLit String
| Plus Expr Expr
| Pair Expr Expr
| Fst Expr
| Snd Expr
| Abs String Type Expr
| App Expr Expr
| Ref String
parseParenthed : Parser a -> Parser a
parseParenthed val = Parser.succeed (\x -> x)
|. Parser.symbol "("
|. Parser.spaces
|= val
|. Parser.spaces
|. Parser.symbol ")"
parsePair : Parser a -> Parser (a, a)
parsePair elem = parseParenthed <|
Parser.succeed Tuple.pair
|= elem
|. Parser.spaces
|. Parser.symbol ","
|. Parser.spaces
|= elem
parseType : Parser Type
parseType = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
[ Parser.backtrackable <| Parser.succeed TArr
|= parseTypeBasic
|. Parser.spaces
|. Parser.symbol "->"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseType
, parseTypeBasic
parseTypeBasic : Parser Type
parseTypeBasic = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
[ Parser.succeed TInt |. Parser.keyword "tint"
, Parser.succeed TStr |. Parser.keyword "tstr"
, Parser.backtrackable <| (\(a, b) -> TPair a b) <| parsePair parseType
, parseParenthed parseType
parseVariable : Parser String
parseVariable = Parser.variable
{ start = Char.isAlphaNum
, inner = Char.isAlphaNum
, reserved = Set.fromList ["fst", "snd", "let", "in"]
parseExpr : Parser Expr
parseExpr = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
[ Parser.backtrackable <| Parser.succeed Plus
|= parseExprBasic
|. Parser.spaces
|. Parser.symbol "+"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseExpr
, parseExprApps
parseExprApps : Parser Expr
parseExprApps =
handle l =
case l of
[] -> Parser.problem "no applications found"
x :: xs -> Parser.succeed <| List.foldl (\a b -> App b a) x xs
{ start = ""
, separator = " "
, end = ""
, spaces = Parser.succeed ()
, item = parseExprBasic
, trailing = Optional
|> Parser.andThen handle
parseExprBasic : Parser Expr
parseExprBasic = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
[ Parser.backtrackable (Parser.succeed IntLit |=
, Parser.backtrackable <| (\(a, b) -> Pair a b) <| parsePair parseExpr
, Parser.succeed Fst
|. Parser.keyword "fst"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseParenthed parseExpr
, Parser.succeed Snd
|. Parser.keyword "snd"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseParenthed parseExpr
, Parser.succeed Abs
|. Parser.symbol "\\"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseVariable
|. Parser.spaces
|. Parser.symbol ":"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseType
|. Parser.spaces
|. Parser.symbol "."
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseExpr
, Parser.succeed Ref |= parseVariable
, parseParenthed parseExpr

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Bergamot.Search exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Rules exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Parser exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Latex exposing (..)
import Bergamot.ObjectLanguage exposing (..)
import Json.Encode
import Maybe
import Tuple
@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ view m = Html.div [ class "bergamot-root" ]
(viewSection "Rules" <| Html.textarea [ onInput SetProgram ] [ Html.text m.program ])
(viewRules m.program)
, viewSection "Query" <| Html.input [ type_ "text", onInput SetQuery, value m.query ] []
, Html.text (Debug.toString <| run parseExpr m.query)
, viewProofTree m.program m.query