Rename some parser functions in ObjectLanguage.elm
Signed-off-by: Danila Fedorin <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ type Expr
| App Expr Expr
| Ref String
parseParenthed : Parser a -> Parser a
parseParenthed val = Parser.succeed (\x -> x)
parenthed : Parser a -> Parser a
parenthed val = Parser.succeed (\x -> x)
|. Parser.symbol "("
|. Parser.spaces
|= val
|. Parser.spaces
|. Parser.symbol ")"
parsePair : Parser a -> Parser (a, a)
parsePair elem = parseParenthed <|
pair : Parser a -> Parser (a, a)
pair elem = parenthed <|
Parser.succeed Tuple.pair
|= elem
|. Parser.spaces
@ -39,45 +39,48 @@ parsePair elem = parseParenthed <|
|. Parser.spaces
|= elem
parseType : Parser Type
parseType = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
type_ : Parser Type
type_ = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
[ Parser.backtrackable <| Parser.succeed TArr
|= parseTypeBasic
|= typeBasic
|. Parser.spaces
|. Parser.symbol "->"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseType
, parseTypeBasic
|= type_
, typeBasic
parseTypeBasic : Parser Type
parseTypeBasic = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
typeBasic : Parser Type
typeBasic = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
[ Parser.succeed TInt |. Parser.keyword "number"
, Parser.succeed TStr |. Parser.keyword "string"
, Parser.backtrackable <| (\(a, b) -> TPair a b) <| parsePair parseType
, parseParenthed parseType
, Parser.backtrackable <| (\(a, b) -> TPair a b) <| pair type_
, parenthed type_
parseVariable : Parser String
parseVariable = Parser.variable
variable : Parser String
variable = Parser.variable
{ start = Char.isAlphaNum
, inner = Char.isAlphaNum
, reserved = Set.fromList ["fst", "snd", "let", "in"]
parseExpr : Parser Expr
parseExpr = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
expr : Parser Expr
expr = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
[ Parser.backtrackable <| Parser.succeed Plus
|= parseExprBasic
|= exprBasic
|. Parser.spaces
|. Parser.symbol "+"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseExpr
, parseExprApps
|= expr
, exprApps
parseExprApps : Parser Expr
parseExprApps =
topLevelExpr : Parser Expr
topLevelExpr = expr |. Parser.end
exprApps : Parser Expr
exprApps =
handle l =
case l of
@ -89,37 +92,37 @@ parseExprApps =
, separator = " "
, end = ""
, spaces = Parser.succeed ()
, item = parseExprBasic
, item = exprBasic
, trailing = Optional
|> Parser.andThen handle
parseExprBasic : Parser Expr
parseExprBasic = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
exprBasic : Parser Expr
exprBasic = Parser.lazy <| \() -> Parser.oneOf
[ Parser.backtrackable (Parser.succeed IntLit |=
, Parser.backtrackable <| (\(a, b) -> Pair a b) <| parsePair parseExpr
, Parser.backtrackable <| (\(a, b) -> Pair a b) <| pair expr
, Parser.succeed Fst
|. Parser.keyword "fst"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseParenthed parseExpr
|= parenthed expr
, Parser.succeed Snd
|. Parser.keyword "snd"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseParenthed parseExpr
|= parenthed expr
, Parser.succeed Abs
|. Parser.symbol "\\"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseVariable
|= variable
|. Parser.spaces
|. Parser.symbol ":"
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseType
|= type_
|. Parser.spaces
|. Parser.symbol "."
|. Parser.spaces
|= parseExpr
, Parser.succeed Ref |= parseVariable
, parseParenthed parseExpr
|= expr
, Parser.succeed Ref |= variable
, parenthed expr
typeToTerm : Type -> Syntax.Term Metavariable
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Bergamot.Search exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Rules exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Parser exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Latex exposing (..)
import Bergamot.ObjectLanguage exposing (..)
import Bergamot.ObjectLanguage exposing (topLevelExpr, exprToTerm)
import Bergamot.Utils exposing (..)
import Json.Encode
import Maybe
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ proofGoal editMode inputProgs querys =
case editMode of
Query -> run term querys
Syntax ->
case (run program inputProgs, run parseExpr querys) of
case (run program inputProgs, run topLevelExpr querys) of
(Just inputProg, Just e) ->
inputRule = { name = "UserInput", premises = [], conclusion = Call "input" [exprToTerm e] }
Reference in New Issue
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