Add support for custom modes

Signed-off-by: Danila Fedorin <>
This commit is contained in:
Danila Fedorin 2024-09-07 21:43:02 -07:00
parent d1fb4bfdc1
commit bfc21c2928
2 changed files with 88 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -64,15 +64,20 @@ input[type="text"] {
node: document.getElementById('elm'),
flags: {
inputModes: {
"My Mode": { "custom": "mymode" },
"Query": "query",
"Language Term": "syntax",
"My Mode": { "custom": "mymode" },
inputRules: "PromptConverter @ prompt(type(empty, ?term, ?t)) <- input(?term);",
query: "type(empty, app(abs(x, number, var(x)), lit(1)), ?tau)",
input: "type(empty, app(abs(x, number, var(x)), lit(1)), ?tau)",
renderRules: renderRules, rules: rules
app.ports.convertInput.subscribe(({ mode, input }) => {
app.ports.receiveConverted.send({ input, query: `type(empty, lit(${input}), ?tau )` });

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Main exposing (main)
port module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html)
@ -48,37 +48,50 @@ resultModeEq rm1 rm2 =
type alias Model =
{ program : String
-- ^ The Bergamot rules to execute a search against
, renderProgram: String
-- ^ The Bergamot render rules to apply when generating LaTeX
, inputProgram : String
-- ^ The Bergamot rules to apply to convert a Syntax term into a query
, tab : Tab
, query : String
-- ^ The current tab (editor, redner rule editor, rendered)
, input : String
-- ^ The string the user has in the input box
, desugaredQuery : Maybe String
-- ^ The Bergamot query corresponding to input. May be Nothing while waiting for
-- Custom mode, which has user JS convert input to a query.
, inputModes : List (String, EditMode)
-- ^ A List of input modes that can be used with the input box.
, inputMode : Int
-- ^ The index of the currently selected input mode.
, resultMode : ResultMode
-- ^ How the result should be displayed (judgement or proof tree)
type alias Flags =
{ renderRules : String
, inputRules : String
, rules : String
, query : String
, input : String
, inputModes : Json.Decode.Value
type Msg
= SetProgram String
| SetRenderProgram String
| SetQuery String
| SetInput String
| SetTab Tab
| SetInputMode Int
| SetResultMode ResultMode
| SetDesugaredQuery { input: String, query: String }
decodeInputModes: Json.Decode.Value -> List (String, EditMode)
decodeInputModes val =
exactString s1 v =
|> Json.Decode.andThen (\s2 -> if s1 == s2
then succeed v
else "did not match expected string")
|> Json.Decode.andThen (\s2 ->
if s1 == s2
then succeed v
else "did not match expected string")
editModeDecoder = oneOf
[ exactString "query" Query
, exactString "syntax" Syntax
@ -88,21 +101,39 @@ decodeInputModes val =
case Json.Decode.decodeValue decoder val of
Ok l -> l
Err _ -> [("Query", Query), ("Language Term", Syntax)]
Err _ -> [("Language Term", Syntax), ("Query", Query)]
-- Convert the user-entered string 'input' using custom query mode 'mode'
port convertInput : { mode : String, input : String } -> Cmd msg
-- Invoked when user code finishes converting 'input' into a Bergamot query
port receiveConverted : ({ input : String, query : String } -> msg) -> Sub msg
convertInputCmd : Int -> List (String, EditMode) -> String -> Cmd Msg
convertInputCmd inputMode inputModes input =
case getEditMode inputMode inputModes of
Ok (Custom modeType) ->
convertInput { mode = modeType, input = input }
_ -> Cmd.none
init : Flags -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init fs =
( { program = fs.rules
, renderProgram = fs.renderRules
, inputProgram = fs.inputRules
, query = fs.query
, tab = Rendered
, inputModes = decodeInputModes fs.inputModes
, inputMode = 0
, resultMode = Conclusion
, Cmd.none
inputModes = decodeInputModes fs.inputModes
inputMode = 0
( { program = fs.rules
, renderProgram = fs.renderRules
, inputProgram = fs.inputRules
, input = fs.input
, desugaredQuery = Nothing
, tab = Rendered
, inputModes = inputModes
, inputMode = 0
, resultMode = Conclusion
, convertInputCmd inputMode inputModes fs.input
viewSection : String -> Html Msg -> Html Msg
viewSection name content =
@ -211,18 +242,18 @@ getEditMode i l =
((_, editMode) :: xs) ->
if i == 0 then Ok editMode else getEditMode (i - 1) xs
proofGoal : EditMode -> String -> String -> Result Error (Term Metavariable)
proofGoal editMode inputProgs querys =
if querys == ""
proofGoal : EditMode -> String -> String -> Maybe String -> Result Error (Term Metavariable)
proofGoal editMode inputProgs input desugaredQuery =
if input == ""
then Err Silent
case editMode of
Query ->
case run topLevelTerm querys of
case run topLevelTerm input of
Nothing -> Err BadQuery
Just query -> Ok query
Syntax ->
case (run program inputProgs, run topLevelExpr querys) of
case (run program inputProgs, run topLevelExpr input) of
(Just inputProg, Just e) ->
inputRule = { name = "UserInput", premises = [], conclusion = Call "input" [exprToTerm e] }
@ -237,7 +268,13 @@ proofGoal editMode inputProgs querys =
_ -> Err NoConversionResults
(_, Nothing) -> Err BadObjectTerm
(Nothing, _) -> Err BadInputProg
Custom _ -> Err BadInputProg
Custom _ ->
case desugaredQuery of
Just querys ->
case run topLevelTerm querys of
Nothing -> Err BadQuery
Just query -> Ok query
Nothing -> Err Silent
progAndRenderProg : String -> String -> Result Error (RuleEnv, RuleEnv)
progAndRenderProg progs renderProgs =
@ -270,7 +307,7 @@ view : Model -> Html Msg
view m =
mode = getEditMode m.inputMode m.inputModes
termOrErr = mode |> Result.andThen (\editMode -> proofGoal editMode m.inputProgram m.query)
termOrErr = mode |> Result.andThen (\editMode -> proofGoal editMode m.inputProgram m.input m.desugaredQuery)
progsOrErr = progAndRenderProg m.program m.renderProgram
proofTreeOrErr = combineTwoResults (viewProofTree m.resultMode) termOrErr progsOrErr
@ -278,7 +315,7 @@ view m =
[ viewSection "Input" <| Html.div [] <|
[ viewInputModeSelector m.inputMode <| (\(a, b) -> (b, a)) m.inputModes
, Html.input [ type_ "text", onInput SetQuery, value m.query ] []
, Html.input [ type_ "text", onInput SetInput, value m.input ] []
] ++
viewIfError termOrErr
, viewSection "Result" <| Html.div[]
@ -300,13 +337,27 @@ update msg m =
case msg of
SetProgram prog -> ({ m | program = prog }, Cmd.none)
SetRenderProgram prog -> ({ m | renderProgram = prog }, Cmd.none)
SetQuery query -> ({ m | query = query }, Cmd.none)
SetInput input ->
( { m | input = input }
, convertInputCmd m.inputMode m.inputModes input
SetTab tab -> ({ m | tab = tab }, Cmd.none)
SetInputMode mode -> ({ m | inputMode = mode }, Cmd.none)
SetInputMode mode ->
( { m | inputMode = mode }
, convertInputCmd mode m.inputModes m.input
SetResultMode mode -> ({ m | resultMode = mode }, Cmd.none)
SetDesugaredQuery data ->
({ m | desugaredQuery =
if m.input == data.input
then Just data.query
else m.desugaredQuery
, Cmd.none
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions _ = Sub.none
subscriptions _ = receiveConverted SetDesugaredQuery
main =