Add support for reifying proof trees
Signed-off-by: Danila Fedorin <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Bergamot.Rules exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Syntax exposing (Term, Metavariable, UnificationVar, unify, emptyUnificationState, instantiate, instantiateList, emptyInstantiationState, resetVars, InstantiationState, UnificationState)
import Bergamot.Syntax exposing (Term, Metavariable, UnificationVar, unify, emptyUnificationState, instantiate, instantiateList, emptyInstantiationState, resetVars, InstantiationState, UnificationState, reify)
import Bergamot.Search as Search exposing (Search)
import Debug
@ -44,6 +44,15 @@ map f p env ps =
p env ps
|> (Tuple.mapFirst f)
mapM : (a -> Prover b) -> List a -> Prover (List b)
mapM f l =
case l of
x :: xs ->
pure (::)
|> apply (f x)
|> apply (mapM f xs)
[] -> pure []
interleave : Prover a -> Prover a -> Prover a
interleave p1 p2 env ps =
Search.interleave (p1 env ps) (p2 env ps)
@ -57,6 +66,9 @@ fail env ps =
getEnv : Prover RuleEnv
getEnv env ps = Search.pure (env, ps)
getUnificationState : Prover UnificationState
getUnificationState env ps = Search.pure (ps.unificationState, ps)
liftInstantiation : (a -> InstantiationState -> (b, InstantiationState)) -> a -> Prover b
liftInstantiation f a env ps =
@ -75,6 +87,13 @@ withVars p env ps =
p env ps
|> (Tuple.mapSecond (\psp -> { psp | instantiationState = resetVars psp.instantiationState }))
reifyProofTree : ProofTree -> Prover ProofTree
reifyProofTree (MkProofTree node) =
pure (\t trees -> MkProofTree { node | conclusion = t, premises = trees })
|> apply (map (reify node.conclusion) getUnificationState)
|> apply (mapM reifyProofTree node.premises)
rule : Term UnificationVar -> Rule -> Prover ProofTree
rule t r =
withVars (pure Tuple.pair
@ -86,13 +105,7 @@ rule t r =
|> apply (provePremises prems))
provePremises : List (Term UnificationVar) -> Prover (List ProofTree)
provePremises l =
case l of
t :: ts ->
pure (::)
|> apply (proveTerm t)
|> apply (provePremises ts)
[] -> pure []
provePremises = mapM proveTerm
proveTerm : Term UnificationVar -> Prover ProofTree
proveTerm t =
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ init () = ({ program = "", query = "" }, Cmd.none)
proveQuery : String -> String -> Maybe ProofTree
proveQuery progs querys =
case (run program progs, run term querys) of
(Just prog, Just query) -> single prog (prove query)
(Just prog, Just query) -> single prog (prove query |> Bergamot.Rules.andThen reifyProofTree)
_ -> Nothing
view : Model -> Html Msg
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