Add yielding to help proof search
Signed-off-by: Danila Fedorin <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ pure a env ps = Search.pure (a, ps)
fail : Prover a
fail env ps =
yield : Prover a -> Prover a
yield p env ps = Search.yield (p env ps)
getEnv : Prover RuleEnv
getEnv env ps = Search.pure (env, ps)
@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ provePremises = mapM proveTerm
proveTerm : Term UnificationVar -> Prover ProofTree
proveTerm t =
|> andThen (\env -> List.foldl (\r -> interleave (rule t r)) fail env.rules)
|> andThen (\env -> List.foldl (\r -> interleave (yield (rule t r))) fail env.rules)
prove : Term Metavariable -> Prover ProofTree
prove mt =
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
module Bergamot.Search exposing (Search, map, apply, andThen, pure, fail, interleave, one)
module Bergamot.Search exposing (Search, map, apply, andThen, pure, fail, yield, interleave, one)
type SearchStep a
= Empty
| Found a (Search a)
| Yield (Search a)
type alias Search a = () -> SearchStep a
@ -11,18 +12,21 @@ map f s () =
case s () of
Empty -> Empty
Found a sp -> Found (f a) (map f sp)
Yield sp -> Yield (map f sp)
apply : Search a -> Search (a -> b) -> Search b
apply sa sf () =
case sf () of
Empty -> Empty
Found f sfp -> interleave (map f sa) (apply sa sfp) ()
Yield sfp -> Yield (apply sa sfp)
andThen : (a -> Search b) -> Search a -> Search b
andThen f sa () =
case sa () of
Empty -> Empty
Found a sap -> interleave (f a) (andThen f sap) ()
Yield sap -> Yield (andThen f sap)
pure : a -> Search a
pure a () = Found a (\() -> Empty)
@ -30,14 +34,26 @@ pure a () = Found a (\() -> Empty)
fail : Search a
fail () = Empty
yield : Search a -> Search a
yield s () = Yield s
interleave : Search a -> Search a -> Search a
interleave s1 s2 () =
case s1 () of
Empty -> s2 ()
Found a s1p -> Found a (interleave s2 s1p)
Yield s1p -> Yield (interleave s2 s1p)
one : Search a -> Maybe (a, Search a)
one s =
case s () of
Empty -> Nothing
Found a sp -> Just (a, sp)
go n sp =
if n > 0
case sp () of
Empty -> Nothing
Found a spp -> Just (a, spp)
Yield spp -> go (n - 1) spp
else Nothing
go 10000 s
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput)
import Html.Attributes exposing (type_, class)
import Html.Attributes exposing (type_, class, value)
import Bergamot.Syntax exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Search exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Rules exposing (..)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ type Msg
| SetQuery String
init : Flags -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init () = ({ program = "", query = "" }, Cmd.none)
init () = ({ program = "", query = "type(?e, tint)" }, Cmd.none)
viewSection : String -> Html Msg -> Html Msg
viewSection name content =
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ viewProofTree progs querys = viewSection "Proof Tree" <|
view : Model -> Html Msg
view m = Html.div [ class "elm-root" ]
[ viewSection "Rules" <| Html.textarea [ onInput SetProgram ] []
, viewSection "Query" <| Html.input [ type_ "text", onInput SetQuery ] []
, viewSection "Query" <| Html.input [ type_ "text", onInput SetQuery, value m.query ] []
, viewRules m.program
, viewProofTree m.program m.query
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