Danila Fedorin e659172320 Add a builtin rule for string concatenation
Signed-off-by: Danila Fedorin <>
2023-12-01 13:10:51 -08:00

141 lines
4.3 KiB

module Bergamot.Rules exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Syntax exposing (Term(..), Metavariable, UnificationVar, unify, emptyUnificationState, instantiate, instantiateList, emptyInstantiationState, resetVars, InstantiationState, UnificationState, reify)
import Bergamot.Search as Search exposing (Search)
import Debug
type alias Rule =
{ name : String
, conclusion : Term Metavariable
, premises : List (Term Metavariable)
type ProofTree = MkProofTree
{ name : String
, conclusion : Term UnificationVar
, premises : List ProofTree
type alias RuleEnv =
{ rules : List Rule
type alias ProveState =
{ unificationState : UnificationState
, instantiationState : InstantiationState
, gas: Int
type alias Prover a = RuleEnv -> ProveState -> Search (a, ProveState)
andThen : (a -> Prover b) -> Prover a -> Prover b
andThen f p env ps =
p env ps
|> Search.andThen (\(a, psp) -> if psp.gas > 0 then (f a) env psp else
join : Prover (Prover a) -> Prover a
join p = andThen (\x -> x) p
apply : Prover a -> Prover (a -> b) -> Prover b
apply pa pf = pf |> andThen (\f -> map f pa)
map : (a -> b) -> Prover a -> Prover b
map f p env ps =
p env ps
|> (Tuple.mapFirst f)
mapM : (a -> Prover b) -> List a -> Prover (List b)
mapM f l =
case l of
x :: xs ->
pure (::)
|> apply (f x)
|> apply (mapM f xs)
[] -> pure []
interleave : Prover a -> Prover a -> Prover a
interleave p1 p2 env ps =
Search.interleave (p1 env ps) (p2 env ps)
pure : a -> Prover a
pure a env ps = Search.pure (a, ps)
fail : Prover a
fail env ps =
yield : Prover a -> Prover a
yield p env ps = Search.yield (p env ps)
getEnv : Prover RuleEnv
getEnv env ps = Search.pure (env, ps)
getUnificationState : Prover UnificationState
getUnificationState env ps = Search.pure (ps.unificationState, ps)
burn : Prover ()
burn env ps = Search.pure ((), { ps | gas = ps.gas - 1})
liftInstantiation : (a -> InstantiationState -> (b, InstantiationState)) -> a -> Prover b
liftInstantiation f a env ps =
(b, is) = f a ps.instantiationState
Search.pure (b, { ps | instantiationState = is })
liftUnification : (a -> a -> UnificationState -> Maybe (a, UnificationState)) -> a -> a -> Prover a
liftUnification f a1 a2 env ps =
case f a1 a2 ps.unificationState of
Just (a, us) -> Search.pure (a, { ps | unificationState = us })
Nothing ->
withVars : Prover a -> Prover a
withVars p env ps =
p env ps
|> (Tuple.mapSecond (\psp -> { psp | instantiationState = resetVars psp.instantiationState }))
reifyProofTree : ProofTree -> Prover ProofTree
reifyProofTree (MkProofTree node) =
pure (\t trees -> MkProofTree { node | conclusion = t, premises = trees })
|> apply (map (reify node.conclusion) getUnificationState)
|> apply (mapM reifyProofTree node.premises)
rule : Term UnificationVar -> Rule -> Prover ProofTree
rule t r =
withVars (pure Tuple.pair
|> apply (liftInstantiation instantiate r.conclusion)
|> apply (liftInstantiation instantiateList r.premises))
|> andThen (\(conc, prems) ->
pure (\tp trees -> MkProofTree { name =, conclusion = tp, premises = trees })
|> apply (liftUnification unify t conc)
|> apply (provePremises prems))
builtinRules : Term UnificationVar -> Prover ProofTree
builtinRules t =
case t of
Call "concat" [StringLit s1, StringLit s2, Var output] ->
liftUnification unify (Var output) (StringLit (s1 ++ s2))
|> map (\tp -> MkProofTree { name = "BuiltinConcat", conclusion = t, premises = []})
_ -> fail
provePremises : List (Term UnificationVar) -> Prover (List ProofTree)
provePremises = mapM proveTerm
proveTerm : Term UnificationVar -> Prover ProofTree
proveTerm t =
|> andThen (\() -> getEnv)
|> andThen (\env -> List.foldl (\r -> interleave (yield (rule t r))) (builtinRules t) env.rules)
prove : Term Metavariable -> Prover ProofTree
prove mt =
liftInstantiation instantiate mt
|> andThen proveTerm
single : RuleEnv -> Prover a -> Maybe a
single env p =
p env { instantiationState = emptyInstantiationState, unificationState = emptyUnificationState, gas = 1000 }
|> (Tuple.first << Tuple.first)