Add an isInt primitive predicate

This commit is contained in:
Danila Fedorin 2023-03-12 00:40:46 -08:00
parent 0c1deb4c8f
commit 3aebd99805
3 changed files with 32 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ let upstream =
in upstream
with logict.repo = ""
with logict.version = "a2d2b10e86beb2769245502e7f5dec4592bb2a2a"
with logict.version = "e19721af5e5fe172e93ebed1777e4718981516ef"
with logict.dependencies = [ "control", "lists", "maybe", "prelude", "transformers", "tuples" ]
with unifyt.repo = ""
with unifyt.version = "590306964c59b8828b66b8d020283c8efaf2170b"

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ instance toLatexExpr :: ToLatex k => ToLatex (Expr k) where
toLatex (Atom "pair" (t1 : t2 : Nil)) = "(" <> toLatex t1 <> ", " <> toLatex t2 <> ")"
toLatex (Atom "fst" (t : Nil)) = "\\text{fst}\\ " <> toLatex t
toLatex (Atom "snd" (t : Nil)) = "\\text{snd}\\ " <> toLatex t
toLatex (Atom "isInt" (t : Nil)) = toLatex t <> " \\in \\mathbb{Z}"
toLatex (Atom s xs) = "\\text{" <> s <> "}(" <> intercalate ", " (toLatex <$> xs) <> ")"
toLatex (Var x) = toLatex x
toLatex (IntLit i) = show i
@ -33,4 +34,5 @@ instance toLatexRule :: ToLatex k => ToLatex (Rule k) where
toLatex (MkRule {head, tail}) = "\\cfrac{" <> intercalate "\\quad " (toLatex <$> tail) <> "}{" <> toLatex head <> "}"
instance toLatexTree :: ToLatex k => ToLatex (ProofTree k) where
toLatex (MkProofTree {claim, witnesses: Nil}) = toLatex claim
toLatex (MkProofTree {claim, witnesses}) = "\\cfrac{" <> intercalate "\\quad " (toLatex <$> witnesses) <> "}{" <> toLatex claim <> "}"

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@ -3,22 +3,24 @@ module Language.Bergamot.Unifier where
import Prelude
import Language.Bergamot.Rules (Metavariable, ProofTree(..), Rule(..), instantiate)
import Language.Bergamot.Syntax (Expr, IntVar)
import Language.Bergamot.Syntax (Expr(..), IntVar)
import Control.Plus (class Plus, empty)
import Control.Apply (lift2)
import Control.Alt (class Alt)
import Control.Alt (class Alt, alt, (<|>))
import Control.Alternative (class Alternative)
import Control.Lazy (class Lazy, defer)
import Control.MonadPlus (class MonadPlus)
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (class MonadReader, class MonadAsk, local, ask, asks)
import Control.Monad.Logic.Class (class MonadLogic, msplit, interleave)
import Control.Monad.Unify.Class (class MonadUnify, unify, reify)
import Control.Monad.Reader.Trans (ReaderT, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Reader.Trans (ReaderT(..), runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Unify.Trans (UnifyT(..), runUnifyT)
import Control.Monad.Logic.Trans (SFKT, runSFKTOnce)
import Control.Monad.Logic.Trans (SFKT(..), runSFKTOnce, unSFKT)
import Control.Monad.State.Trans (StateT(..), runStateT)
import Data.Traversable (traverse, oneOf)
import Data.Tuple (fst)
import Data.List (List(..), (:))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, un, over2)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Bifunctor (rmap)
@ -51,13 +53,35 @@ instance MonadLogic Unifier where
msplit m = MkUnifier $ MkUnifyT $ map (map (rmap (MkUnifier <<< MkUnifyT))) $ msplit $ un MkUnifyT $ un MkUnifier m
interleave = over2 MkUnifier (over2 MkUnifyT interleave)
instance Lazy (Unifier a) where
defer f = MkUnifier $ MkUnifyT $ StateT $ \s -> ReaderT $ \r -> SFKT (\sk fk -> unSFKT (runReaderT (runStateT (un MkUnifyT $ un MkUnifier $ f unit) s) r) sk fk)
spend :: forall a. Unifier a -> Unifier a
spend m = do
n <- asks _.fuel
if n > 0 then local (_ { fuel = n - 1}) m else empty
ints :: forall m. MonadLogic m => Lazy (m Int) => m Int
ints = impl 0
impl n = pure n <|> defer (\_ -> impl $ n+1)
matchBuiltin :: Expr IntVar -> Unifier (ProofTree IntVar)
matchBuiltin e@(Atom "isInt" (t : Nil)) =
case t of
IntLit i -> pure $ isIntProof i
Var _ -> do
i <- ints
_ <- unify t (IntLit i)
pure $ isIntProof i
_ -> empty
isIntRule i = MkRule { head: Atom "isInt" (IntLit i : Nil), tail: Nil }
isIntProof i = MkProofTree { claim: e, rule: isIntRule i, witnesses: Nil }
matchBuiltin _ = empty
match :: Array (Rule Metavariable) -> Expr IntVar -> Unifier (ProofTree IntVar)
match rs e = oneOf $ map (matchSingle e) rs
match rs e = interleave (reify e >>= matchBuiltin) $ oneOf $ map (matchSingle e) rs
matchSingle e' rule = spend $ do
MkRule {head, tail} <- instantiate rule