
159 lines
5.8 KiB

module Language.Bergamot.Unifier where
import Prelude
import Language.Bergamot.Rules (Metavariable, ProofTree(..), Rule(..), instantiate)
import Language.Bergamot.Syntax (Expr(..), IntVar)
import Language.Bergamot.Latex
import Control.Plus (class Plus, empty)
import Control.Apply (lift2)
import Control.Alt (class Alt, alt, (<|>))
import Control.Alternative (class Alternative)
import Control.Lazy (class Lazy, defer)
import Control.MonadPlus (class MonadPlus)
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (class MonadReader, class MonadAsk, local, ask, asks)
import Control.Monad.Logic.Class (class MonadLogic, msplit, interleave)
import Control.Monad.Unify.Class (class MonadUnify, unify, reify)
import Control.Monad.Reader.Trans (ReaderT(..), runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Unify.Trans (UnifyT(..), runUnifyT)
import Control.Monad.Logic.Trans (SFKT(..), runSFKTOnce, unSFKT)
import Control.Monad.State.Trans (StateT(..), runStateT)
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (class MonadRec, Step(..), tailRecM)
import Data.Traversable (traverse, oneOf)
import Data.Foldable (oneOfMap)
import Data.Tuple (fst)
import Data.List (List(..), (:), reverse)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, un, over2)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Bifunctor (rmap)
type UnifierEnv = { rules :: Array (Rule Metavariable), fuel :: Int }
newtype Unifier a = MkUnifier (UnifyT IntVar Expr (ReaderT UnifierEnv (SFKT Maybe)) a)
derive instance Newtype (Unifier a) _
derive newtype instance Functor Unifier
derive newtype instance Apply Unifier
derive newtype instance Applicative Unifier
derive newtype instance Alt Unifier
derive newtype instance Plus Unifier
derive newtype instance Alternative Unifier
derive newtype instance Bind Unifier
derive newtype instance Monad Unifier
derive newtype instance MonadPlus Unifier
derive newtype instance MonadUnify IntVar Expr Unifier
derive newtype instance MonadRec Unifier
-- >:(
instance MonadAsk UnifierEnv Unifier where
ask = MkUnifier $ MkUnifyT ask
-- >:(
instance MonadReader UnifierEnv Unifier where
local f m = MkUnifier $ MkUnifyT $ StateT $ \s -> local f (runStateT (un MkUnifyT $ un MkUnifier m) s)
-- >:(
instance MonadLogic Unifier where
msplit m = MkUnifier $ MkUnifyT $ map (map (rmap (MkUnifier <<< MkUnifyT))) $ msplit $ un MkUnifyT $ un MkUnifier m
interleave = over2 MkUnifier (over2 MkUnifyT interleave)
instance Lazy (Unifier a) where
defer f = MkUnifier $ MkUnifyT $ StateT $ \s -> ReaderT $ \r -> SFKT (\sk fk -> unSFKT (runReaderT (runStateT (un MkUnifyT $ un MkUnifier $ f unit) s) r) sk fk)
spend :: forall a. Unifier a -> Unifier a
spend m = do
n <- asks _.fuel
if n > 0 then local (_ { fuel = n - 1}) m else empty
ints :: forall m. MonadLogic m => Lazy (m Int) => m Int
ints = impl 0
impl n = pure n <|> defer (\_ -> impl $ n+1)
matchBuiltin :: Expr IntVar -> Unifier (ProofTree IntVar)
matchBuiltin e@(Atom "isInt" (t : Nil)) =
case t of
IntLit i -> pure $ isIntProof i
Var _ -> do
i <- ints
_ <- unify t (IntLit i)
pure $ isIntProof i
_ -> empty
isIntRule i = MkRule { head: Atom "isInt" (IntLit i : Nil), tail: Nil }
isIntProof i = MkProofTree { claim: e, rule: isIntRule i, witnesses: Nil }
matchBuiltin _ = empty
type StackElement =
{ done :: List (ProofTree IntVar)
, todo :: List (Expr IntVar)
, claim :: Expr IntVar
, rule :: Rule Metavariable
type Stack = List StackElement
type Acc =
{ stack :: Stack
, rules :: Array (Rule Metavariable)
rule :: Expr IntVar -> Rule Metavariable -> Unifier StackElement
rule e r = do
MkRule {head, tail} <- instantiate r
_ <- unify e head
pure $ { done: Nil, todo: tail, claim: e, rule: r }
rules :: Expr IntVar -> Array (Rule Metavariable) -> Unifier StackElement
rules e rs = oneOfMap (rule e) rs
step :: Acc -> Unifier (Step Acc (ProofTree IntVar))
step {stack: Nil} = empty
step acc@{stack: {done, todo: Nil, claim, rule: r} : xs} =
pure $ case xs of
Nil -> Done tree
Cons se xs' -> Loop acc {stack = se { done = tree : se.done } : xs'}
tree = MkProofTree { claim, rule: r, witnesses: reverse done }
step acc@{stack: se@{todo: (e:es)} : xs} =
e' <- reify e
interleave (builtin e') (given e')
builtin e' = do
t <- matchBuiltin e'
pure $ Loop acc { stack = se { todo = es, done = t : se.done } : xs }
given e' = do
se' <- rules e' acc.rules
pure $ Loop acc { stack = se' : se { todo = es } : xs }
-- Note: maybe it's the list / rule operations that are the problem, rather
-- than the stack itself? In particular, could the oneOf be the issue?
match' :: Array (Rule Metavariable) -> Expr IntVar -> Unifier (ProofTree IntVar)
match' rs e = interleave (matchBuiltin e) do
firstElem <- rules e rs
tailRecM step { rules: rs, stack: firstElem : Nil }
match :: Array (Rule Metavariable) -> Expr IntVar -> Unifier (ProofTree IntVar)
match rs e = interleave (reify e >>= matchBuiltin) $ oneOfMap (matchSingle e) rs
matchSingle e' r = spend $ do
MkRule {head, tail} <- instantiate r
_ <- unify e' head
witnesses <- traverse (match rs) tail
pure $ MkProofTree { claim: e, rule: r, witnesses: witnesses }
reifyProofTree :: ProofTree IntVar -> Unifier (ProofTree IntVar)
reifyProofTree (MkProofTree {claim, rule: r, witnesses}) = do
claim' <- reify claim
witnesses' <- traverse reifyProofTree witnesses
pure $ MkProofTree $ { claim: claim', rule: r, witnesses: witnesses' }
query :: Expr Metavariable -> Unifier (ProofTree IntVar)
query e = (join $ lift2 match' (asks _.rules) (instantiate e)) >>= reifyProofTree
runUnifier :: forall a. Array (Rule Metavariable) -> Unifier a -> Maybe a
runUnifier rs m = runSFKTOnce (fst <$> (runReaderT (runUnifyT $ un MkUnifier m) { rules: rs, fuel: 10 }))