Store the transaction ID locally, too.
This commit is contained in:
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ updateChangeRoomText m roomId text =
typingIndicator = case (text, Dict.get roomId m.roomText) of
("", _) -> Just False
(_, Just "") -> Just True
(_, Nothing) -> Just True
_ -> Nothing
command = case typingIndicator of
Just b -> sendTypingIndicator m.apiUrl (Maybe.withDefault "" m.token) roomId m.loginUsername b typingTimeout
@ -118,7 +119,15 @@ updateStoreData m d = case (Json.Decode.decodeValue storeDataDecoder d) of
updateLoginInfo : Model -> Json.Encode.Value -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
updateLoginInfo m s = case Json.Decode.decodeValue ( decodeLoginInfo Json.Decode.string) s of
Ok (Just (t,a,u)) -> ({ m | token = Just t, apiUrl = a, loginUsername = u}, firstSync a t)
Ok (Just { token, apiUrl, username, transactionId }) ->
{ m | token = Just token
, apiUrl = apiUrl
, loginUsername = username
, transactionId = transactionId
, firstSync apiUrl token
_ -> (m, Nav.pushUrl m.key <| Url.Builder.absolute [ "login" ] [])
updateChangeRoute : Model -> Route -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
@ -148,16 +157,23 @@ updateUserData m s r = case r of
Ok ud -> ({ m | userData = Dict.insert s ud m.userData }, Cmd.none)
Err e -> (m, userData m.apiUrl (Maybe.withDefault "" m.token) s)
updateSendRoomText : Model -> String -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
updateSendRoomText : Model -> RoomId -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
updateSendRoomText m r =
token = Maybe.withDefault "" m.token
message = Maybe.andThen (\s -> if s == "" then Nothing else Just s)
<| Dict.get r m.roomText
command = Maybe.withDefault Cmd.none
<| (sendTextMessage m.apiUrl token m.transactionId r) message
combinedCmd = case message of
Nothing -> Cmd.none
Just s -> Cmd.batch
[ sendTextMessage m.apiUrl token m.transactionId r s
, sendTypingIndicator m.apiUrl token r m.loginUsername False typingTimeout
, setStoreValuePort ("scylla.loginInfo", Json.Encode.string
<| encodeLoginInfo
<| LoginInfo (Maybe.withDefault "" m.token) m.apiUrl m.loginUsername (m.transactionId + 1))
({ m | roomText = Dict.insert r "" m.roomText, transactionId = m.transactionId + 1 }, command)
({ m | roomText = Dict.insert r "" m.roomText, transactionId = m.transactionId + 1 }, combinedCmd)
updateTryUrl : Model -> Browser.UrlRequest -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
updateTryUrl m ur = case ur of
@ -228,7 +244,10 @@ updateSyncResponse model r notify =
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions m =
typingTimer = case Maybe.withDefault "" <| Maybe.andThen (\rid -> Dict.get rid m.roomText) <| currentRoomId m of
currentText = Maybe.withDefault ""
<| Maybe.andThen (\rid -> Dict.get rid m.roomText)
<| currentRoomId m
typingTimer = case currentText of
"" -> Sub.none
_ -> every typingTimeout TypingTick
@ -7,18 +7,24 @@ import Json.Encode as Encode
type alias Username = String
type alias Password = String
type alias LoginInfo = (ApiToken, ApiUrl, Username)
type alias LoginInfo =
{ token : ApiToken
, apiUrl : ApiUrl
, username : Username
, transactionId : Int
encodeLoginInfo : LoginInfo -> String
encodeLoginInfo (t,a,u) = t ++ "," ++ a ++ "," ++ u
encodeLoginInfo {token, apiUrl, username, transactionId} =
token ++ "," ++ apiUrl ++ "," ++ username ++ "," ++ (String.fromInt transactionId)
decodeLoginInfo : String -> Maybe LoginInfo
decodeLoginInfo s = case String.indexes "," s of
[ fst, snd ] -> Just
( (String.slice 0 fst s)
, (String.slice (fst + 1) snd s)
, (String.dropLeft (snd + 1) s)
[ fst, snd, thd ] -> Just <| LoginInfo
(String.slice 0 fst s)
(String.slice (fst + 1) snd s)
(String.slice (snd + 1) thd s)
(Maybe.withDefault 0 <| String.toInt <| String.dropLeft (thd + 1) s)
_ -> Nothing
type alias LoginResponse =
Reference in New Issue
Block a user