Solve more homework problems.

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Danila Fedorin 2021-01-27 14:44:46 -08:00
parent f6f304130d
commit 75930c41e9
6 changed files with 196 additions and 0 deletions

HomeworkEight.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module HomeworkEight
%default total
%access public export
data Exp = Var String | Abs String Exp | App Exp Exp
data Occur : List String -> Exp -> Type where
OVar : Occur [s] (Var s)
OAbs : Occur xs e -> Occur xs (Abs s e)
OApp : Occur xs e1 -> Occur ys e2 -> Occur (xs ++ ys) (App e1 e2)
occ1 : Occur ["x"] (Var "x")
occ1 = OVar
occ2 : Occur ["x"] (Abs "y" (Var "x"))
occ2 = OAbs OVar
occ3 : Occur ["x","x"] (App (Var "x") (Var "x"))
occ3 = OApp OVar OVar
occ4 : Occur ["x","x"] (Abs "x" (App (Var "x") (Var "x")))
occ4 = OAbs occ3
-- -----------------
-- [x] @ x
-- xs @ e
-- -----------------
-- xs @ \x . e
-- xs @ e1 ys @ e2 zs = xs ++ ys
-- -------------------------------
-- zs @ e1 e2

HomeworkFive.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
module HomeworkFive
import HomeworkFour
%default total
zeroEven : even Z = True
zeroEven = Refl
twoEven : even (S (S Z)) = True
twoEven = Refl
threeOdd : even (S (S (S Z))) = False
threeOdd = Refl
fourEven : even (S (S (S (S Z)))) = True
fourEven = Refl
xor : Bool -> Bool -> Bool
xor True p = not p
xor False p = p
xorNot : b1 = b2 -> xor (not b1) b2 = True
xorNot {b1=True} Refl = Refl
xorNot {b1=False} Refl = Refl
xorEq : xor (not b1) b2 = b1 == b2
xorEq {b1=True} {b2=True} = Refl
xorEq {b1=True} {b2=False} = Refl
xorEq {b1=False} {b2=True} = Refl
xorEq {b1=False} {b2=False} = Refl
plusE : even n = bn -> even m = bm -> even (n+m) = (xor (not bn) bm)
plusE {n=Z} Refl p = p
plusE {n=S Z} Refl p = evenFlip p
plusE {n=S (S m)} p1 p2 = plusE {n=m} p1 p2
plusEE : even n = True -> even m = True -> even (n+m) = True
plusEE = plusE
plusOE : even n = False -> even m = True -> even (n+m) = False
plusOE = plusE
plusEO : even n = True -> even m = False -> even (n+m) = False
plusEO = plusE
plusOO : even n = False -> even m = False -> even (n+m) = True
plusOO = plusE
plusEvenOdd : even n = even m -> even (n+m) = True
plusEvenOdd p = replace (xorNot (sym p)) $ plusE p (sym p)
plusEvenOdd' : even n = x -> even m = y -> even (n+m) = x==y
plusEvenOdd' p1 p2 = replace xorEq (plusE p1 p2)
plusEvenOdd'' : even n = x -> even m = y -> x = y -> even (n+m) = True
plusEvenOdd'' Refl Refl eq = plusEvenOdd eq

HomeworkFour.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module HomeworkFour
%default total
%access public export
even : Nat -> Bool
even Z = True
even (S Z) = False
even (S (S n)) = even n
evenSuc : even n = True -> even (S n) = False
evenSuc {n=Z} Refl = Refl
evenSuc {n=S Z} Refl impossible
evenSuc {n=S (S m)} p = evenSuc {n=m} p
oddSuc : even n = False -> even (S n) = True
oddSuc {n=Z} Refl impossible
oddSuc {n=S Z} Refl = Refl
oddSuc {n=S (S m)} p = oddSuc {n=m} p
evenFlip : even n = b -> even (S n) = not b
evenFlip {n=Z} Refl = Refl
evenFlip {n=S Z} Refl = Refl
evenFlip {n=S (S m)} p = evenFlip {n=m} p
evenFlip' : even n = b -> even (S n) = not b
evenFlip' {b=True} p = evenSuc p
evenFlip' {b=False} p = oddSuc p
evenSucSuc : even n = True -> even (S (S n)) = True
evenSucSuc p = p
oddSucSuc : even n = False -> even (S (S n)) = False
oddSucSuc p = p
evenStay : even n = b -> even (S (S n)) = b
evenStay p = p
evenStayEq : even n = even (S (S n))
evenStayEq = Refl

HomeworkNine.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module HomeworkNine
import HomeworkEight
%default total
remove : Eq a => a -> List a -> List a
remove x = filter (/=x)
data FV : List String -> Exp -> Type where
FVar : FV [s] (Var s)
FAbs : FV xs e -> FV (remove s xs) (Abs s e)
FApp : FV xs e1 -> FV ys e2 -> FV (xs ++ ys) (App e1 e2)
fv1 : FV ["x"] (Var "x")
fv1 = FVar
fv2 : FV ["x"] (Abs "y" (Var "x"))
fv2 = FAbs FVar
fv3 : FV ["x","x"] (App (Var "x") (Var "x"))
fv3 = FApp FVar FVar
fv4 : FV [] (Abs "x" (App (Var "x") (Var "x")))
fv4 = FAbs fv3

HomeworkSeven.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module HomeworkSeven
%default total
data Tree = Node String Tree Tree | Leaf
data Height : Tree -> Nat -> Type where
HLeaf : Height Leaf 1
HNode : Height t1 n1 -> Height t2 n2 -> Height (Node s t1 t2) (S (max n1 n2))
e1 : Height (Node "a" Leaf Leaf) 2
e1 = HNode HLeaf HLeaf
e2 : Height (Node "b" Leaf (Node "a" Leaf Leaf)) 3
e2 = HNode HLeaf e1
e3 : Height (Node "c" (Node "b" Leaf (Node "a" Leaf Leaf)) Leaf) 4
e3 = HNode e2 HLeaf
-- -------------
-- Leaf ^ 1
-- t1 ^ n1 t2 ^ n2 n = 1 + max(n1,n2)
-- ------------------------------------
-- Tree s t1 t2 ^ n

HomeworkSix.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module HomeworkSix
%default total
data Term = Tru | Fls | Not Term | Cond Term Term Term
data OT : Term -> Type where
OptNotNot : OT (Not (Not t))
OptNot : OT t -> OT (Not t)
OptCond1 : OT t1 -> OT (Cond t1 t2 t3)
OptCond2 : OT t2 -> OT (Cond t1 t2 t3)
OptCond3 : OT t3 -> OT (Cond t1 t2 t3)
p1 : OT (Cond (Not Tru) (Not (Not Tru)) Fls)
p1 = OptCond2 OptNotNot
p2 : OT (Not (Not (Not Fls)))
p2 = OptNotNot
p3 : OT (Not (Cond (Not Tru) (Not (Not Tru)) Fls))
p3 = OptNot p1