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open import Language hiding (_[_])
open import Lattice
module Analysis.Forward.Lattices
(L : Set) {h}
{_≈ˡ_ : L L Set} {_⊔ˡ_ : L L L} {_⊓ˡ_ : L L L}
{{isFiniteHeightLatticeˡ : IsFiniteHeightLattice L h _≈ˡ_ _⊔ˡ_ _⊓ˡ_}}
{{≈ˡ-Decidable : IsDecidable _≈ˡ_}}
(prog : Program) where
open import Data.String using (String) renaming (_≟_ to _≟ˢ_)
open import Data.Product using (proj₁; proj₂; _,_)
open import Data.Sum using (inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; []; foldr)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using () renaming (_∈_ to _∈ˡ_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using ()
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Utils using (Pairwise; _⇒_; __; it)
open IsFiniteHeightLattice isFiniteHeightLatticeˡ
using ()
( isLattice to isLatticeˡ
; fixedHeight to fixedHeightˡ
; ≈-sym to ≈ˡ-sym
open Program prog
import Lattice.FiniteMap
import Chain
≡-Decidable-String = record { R-dec = _≟ˢ_ }
≡-Decidable-State = record { R-dec = _≟_ }
-- The variable -> abstract value (e.g. sign) map is a finite value-map
-- with keys strings. Use a bundle to avoid explicitly specifying operators.
-- It's helpful to export these via 'public' since consumers tend to
-- use various variable lattice operations.
module VariableValuesFiniteMap = Lattice.FiniteMap String L vars
open VariableValuesFiniteMap
using ()
( FiniteMap to VariableValues
; isLattice to isLatticeᵛ
; _≈_ to _≈ᵛ_
; _⊔_ to _⊔ᵛ_
; _≼_ to _≼ᵛ_
; ≈-Decidable to ≈ᵛ-Decidable
; _∈_ to _∈ᵛ_
; _∈k_ to _∈kᵛ_
; _updating_via_ to _updatingᵛ_via_
; locate to locateᵛ
; m₁≼m₂⇒m₁[k]≼m₂[k] to m₁≼m₂⇒m₁[k]ᵛ≼m₂[k]ᵛ
; ∈k-dec to ∈k-decᵛ
; all-equal-keys to all-equal-keysᵛ
; Provenance-union to Provenance-unionᵛ
; ⊔-Monotonicˡ to ⊔ᵛ-Monotonicˡ
; ⊔-Monotonicʳ to ⊔ᵛ-Monotonicʳ
; ⊔-idemp to ⊔ᵛ-idemp
open VariableValuesFiniteMap.FixedHeight vars-Unique
using ()
( isFiniteHeightLattice to isFiniteHeightLatticeᵛ
; fixedHeight to fixedHeightᵛ
; ⊥-contains-bottoms to ⊥ᵛ-contains-bottoms
⊥ᵛ = Chain.Height.⊥ fixedHeightᵛ
-- Finally, the map we care about is (state -> (variables -> value)). Bring that in.
module StateVariablesFiniteMap = Lattice.FiniteMap State VariableValues states
open StateVariablesFiniteMap
using (_[_]; []-∈; m₁≼m₂⇒m₁[ks]≼m₂[ks]; m₁≈m₂⇒k∈m₁⇒k∈km₂⇒v₁≈v₂)
( FiniteMap to StateVariables
; isLattice to isLatticeᵐ
; _≈_ to _≈ᵐ_
; _∈_ to _∈ᵐ_
; _∈k_ to _∈kᵐ_
; locate to locateᵐ
; _≼_ to _≼ᵐ_
; ≈-Decidable to ≈ᵐ-Decidable
; m₁≼m₂⇒m₁[k]≼m₂[k] to m₁≼m₂⇒m₁[k]ᵐ≼m₂[k]ᵐ
; ≈-sym to ≈ᵐ-sym
open StateVariablesFiniteMap.FixedHeight states-Unique
using ()
( isFiniteHeightLattice to isFiniteHeightLatticeᵐ
-- We now have our (state -> (variables -> value)) map.
-- Define a couple of helpers to retrieve values from it. Specifically,
-- since the State type is as specific as possible, it's always possible to
-- retrieve the variable values at each state.
states-in-Map : (s : State) (sv : StateVariables) s ∈kᵐ sv
states-in-Map s sv@(m , ksv≡states) rewrite ksv≡states = states-complete s
variablesAt : State StateVariables VariableValues
variablesAt s sv = proj₁ (locateᵐ {s} {sv} (states-in-Map s sv))
variablesAt-∈ : (s : State) (sv : StateVariables) (s , variablesAt s sv) ∈ᵐ sv
variablesAt-∈ s sv = proj₂ (locateᵐ {s} {sv} (states-in-Map s sv))
variablesAt-≈ : s sv₁ sv₂ sv₁ ≈ᵐ sv₂ variablesAt s sv₁ ≈ᵛ variablesAt s sv₂
variablesAt-≈ s sv₁ sv₂ sv₁≈sv₂ =
m₁≈m₂⇒k∈m₁⇒k∈km₂⇒v₁≈v₂ sv₁ sv₂ sv₁≈sv₂
(states-in-Map s sv₁) (states-in-Map s sv₂)
-- build up the 'join' function, which follows from Exercise 4.26's
-- L₁ → (A → L₂)
-- Construction, with L₁ = (A → L₂), and f = id
joinForKey : State StateVariables VariableValues
joinForKey k states = foldr _⊔ᵛ_ ⊥ᵛ (states [ incoming k ])
-- The per-key join is made up of map key accesses (which are monotonic)
-- and folds using the join operation (also monotonic)
joinForKey-Mono : (k : State) Monotonic _≼ᵐ_ _≼ᵛ_ (joinForKey k)
joinForKey-Mono k {fm₁} {fm₂} fm₁≼fm₂ =
foldr-Mono it it (fm₁ [ incoming k ]) (fm₂ [ incoming k ]) _⊔ᵛ_ ⊥ᵛ ⊥ᵛ
(m₁≼m₂⇒m₁[ks]≼m₂[ks] fm₁ fm₂ (incoming k) fm₁≼fm₂)
(⊔ᵛ-idemp ⊥ᵛ) ⊔ᵛ-Monotonicʳ ⊔ᵛ-Monotonicˡ
-- The name f' comes from the formulation of Exercise 4.26.
open StateVariablesFiniteMap.GeneralizedUpdate {{isLatticeᵐ}} (λ x x) (λ a₁≼a₂ a₁≼a₂) joinForKey joinForKey-Mono states
using ()
( f' to joinAll
; f'-Monotonic to joinAll-Mono
; f'-k∈ks-≡ to joinAll-k∈ks-≡
variablesAt-joinAll : (s : State) (sv : StateVariables)
variablesAt s (joinAll sv) joinForKey s sv
variablesAt-joinAll s sv
with (vs , s,vs∈usv) locateᵐ {s} {joinAll sv} (states-in-Map s (joinAll sv)) =
joinAll-k∈ks-≡ {l = sv} (states-complete s) s,vs∈usv
-- Elements of the lattice type L describe individual variables. What
-- exactly each lattice element says about the variable is defined
-- by a LatticeInterpretation element. We've now constructed the
-- (Variable → L) lattice, which describes states, and we need to lift
-- the "meaning" of the element lattice to a descriptions of states.
module _ {{latticeInterpretationˡ : LatticeInterpretation isLatticeˡ}} where
open LatticeInterpretation latticeInterpretationˡ
using ()
( ⟦_⟧ to ⟦_⟧ˡ
; ⟦⟧-respects-≈ to ⟦⟧ˡ-respects-≈ˡ
; ⟦⟧-⊔- to ⟦⟧ˡ-⊔ˡ-
⟦_⟧ᵛ : VariableValues Env Set
⟦_⟧ᵛ vs ρ = {k l} (k , l) ∈ᵛ vs {v} (k , v) Language.∈ ρ l ⟧ˡ v
⟦⊥ᵛ⟧ᵛ∅ : ⊥ᵛ ⟧ᵛ []
⟦⊥ᵛ⟧ᵛ∅ _ ()
⟦⟧ᵛ-respects-≈ᵛ : {vs₁ vs₂ : VariableValues} vs₁ ≈ᵛ vs₂ vs₁ ⟧ᵛ vs₂ ⟧ᵛ
⟦⟧ᵛ-respects-≈ᵛ {m₁ , _} {m₂ , _}
(m₁⊆m₂ , m₂⊆m₁) ρ ⟦vs₁⟧ρ {k} {l} k,l∈m₂ {v} k,v∈ρ =
(l' , (l≈l' , k,l'∈m₁)) = m₂⊆m₁ _ _ k,l∈m₂
⟦l'⟧v = ⟦vs₁⟧ρ k,l'∈m₁ k,v∈ρ
⟦⟧ˡ-respects-≈ˡ (≈ˡ-sym l≈l') v ⟦l'⟧v
⟦⟧ᵛ-⊔ᵛ- : {vs₁ vs₂ : VariableValues} ( vs₁ ⟧ᵛ vs₂ ⟧ᵛ) vs₁ ⊔ᵛ vs₂ ⟧ᵛ
⟦⟧ᵛ-⊔ᵛ- {vs₁} {vs₂} ρ ⟦vs₁⟧ρ⟦vs₂⟧ρ {k} {l} k,l∈vs₁₂ {v} k,v∈ρ
with ((l₁ , l₂) , (refl , (k,l₁∈vs₁ , k,l₂∈vs₂)))
Provenance-unionᵛ vs₁ vs₂ k,l∈vs₁₂
with ⟦vs₁⟧ρ⟦vs₂⟧ρ
... | inj₁ ⟦vs₁⟧ρ = ⟦⟧ˡ-⊔ˡ- {l₁} {l₂} v (inj₁ (⟦vs₁⟧ρ k,l₁∈vs₁ k,v∈ρ))
... | inj₂ ⟦vs₂⟧ρ = ⟦⟧ˡ-⊔ˡ- {l₁} {l₂} v (inj₂ (⟦vs₂⟧ρ k,l₂∈vs₂ k,v∈ρ))
⟦⟧ᵛ-foldr : {vs : VariableValues} {vss : List VariableValues} {ρ : Env}
vs ⟧ᵛ ρ vs ∈ˡ vss foldr _⊔ᵛ_ ⊥ᵛ vss ⟧ᵛ ρ
⟦⟧ᵛ-foldr {vs} {vs vss'} {ρ = ρ} ⟦vs⟧ρ ( refl) =
⟦⟧ᵛ-⊔ᵛ- {vs₁ = vs} {vs₂ = foldr _⊔ᵛ_ ⊥ᵛ vss'} ρ (inj₁ ⟦vs⟧ρ)
⟦⟧ᵛ-foldr {vs} {vs' vss'} {ρ = ρ} ⟦vs⟧ρ (Any.there vs∈vss') =
⟦⟧ᵛ-⊔ᵛ- {vs₁ = vs'} {vs₂ = foldr _⊔ᵛ_ ⊥ᵛ vss'} ρ
(inj₂ (⟦⟧ᵛ-foldr ⟦vs⟧ρ vs∈vss'))