82 lines
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82 lines
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open import Data.Nat as Nat using (ℕ; suc; _+_; _≤_)
open import Lattice
module Fixedpoint {a} {A : Set a}
{h : ℕ}
{_≈_ : A → A → Set a}
{_⊔_ : A → A → A} {_⊓_ : A → A → A}
(≈-dec : IsDecidable _≈_)
(flA : IsFiniteHeightLattice A h _≈_ _⊔_ _⊓_)
(f : A → A)
(Monotonicᶠ : Monotonic (IsFiniteHeightLattice._≼_ flA)
(IsFiniteHeightLattice._≼_ flA) f) where
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-suc; +-comm)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; Σ; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; sym)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; ¬_; yes; no)
open IsFiniteHeightLattice flA
import Chain
module ChainA = Chain _≈_ ≈-equiv _≺_ ≺-cong
⊥ᴬ : A
⊥ᴬ = proj₁ (proj₁ (proj₁ fixedHeight))
⊥ᴬ≼ : ∀ (a : A) → ⊥ᴬ ≼ a
⊥ᴬ≼ a with ≈-dec a ⊥ᴬ
... | yes a≈⊥ᴬ = ≼-cong a≈⊥ᴬ ≈-refl (≼-refl a)
... | no a̷≈⊥ᴬ with ≈-dec ⊥ᴬ (a ⊓ ⊥ᴬ)
... | yes ⊥ᴬ≈a⊓⊥ᴬ = (a , ≈-trans (⊔-comm ⊥ᴬ a) (≈-trans (≈-⊔-cong (≈-refl {a}) ⊥ᴬ≈a⊓⊥ᴬ) (absorb-⊔-⊓ a ⊥ᴬ)))
... | no ⊥ᴬ̷≈a⊓⊥ᴬ = ⊥-elim (ChainA.Bounded-suc-n (proj₂ fixedHeight) (ChainA.step x≺⊥ᴬ ≈-refl (proj₂ (proj₁ fixedHeight))))
⊥ᴬ⊓a̷≈⊥ᴬ : ¬ (⊥ᴬ ⊓ a) ≈ ⊥ᴬ
⊥ᴬ⊓a̷≈⊥ᴬ = λ ⊥ᴬ⊓a≈⊥ᴬ → ⊥ᴬ̷≈a⊓⊥ᴬ (≈-trans (≈-sym ⊥ᴬ⊓a≈⊥ᴬ) (⊓-comm _ _))
x≺⊥ᴬ : (⊥ᴬ ⊓ a) ≺ ⊥ᴬ
x≺⊥ᴬ = ((⊥ᴬ , ≈-trans (⊔-comm _ _) (≈-trans (≈-refl {⊥ᴬ ⊔ (⊥ᴬ ⊓ a)}) (absorb-⊔-⊓ ⊥ᴬ a))) , ⊥ᴬ⊓a̷≈⊥ᴬ)
-- using 'g', for gas, here helps make sure the function terminates.
-- since A forms a fixed-height lattice, we must find a solution after
-- 'h' steps at most. Gas is set up such that as soon as it runs
-- out, we have exceeded h steps, which shouldn't be possible.
doStep : ∀ (g hᶜ : ℕ) (a₁ a₂ : A) (c : ChainA.Chain a₁ a₂ hᶜ) (g+hᶜ≡h : g + hᶜ ≡ suc h) (a₂≼fa₂ : a₂ ≼ f a₂) → Σ A (λ a → a ≈ f a)
doStep 0 hᶜ a₁ a₂ c g+hᶜ≡sh a₂≼fa₂ rewrite g+hᶜ≡sh = ⊥-elim (ChainA.Bounded-suc-n (proj₂ fixedHeight) c)
doStep (suc g') hᶜ a₁ a₂ c g+hᶜ≡sh a₂≼fa₂ rewrite sym (+-suc g' hᶜ)
with ≈-dec a₂ (f a₂)
... | yes a₂≈fa₂ = (a₂ , a₂≈fa₂)
... | no a₂̷≈fa₂ = doStep g' (suc hᶜ) a₁ (f a₂) c' g+hᶜ≡sh (Monotonicᶠ a₂≼fa₂)
a₂≺fa₂ : a₂ ≺ f a₂
a₂≺fa₂ = (a₂≼fa₂ , a₂̷≈fa₂)
c' : ChainA.Chain a₁ (f a₂) (suc hᶜ)
c' rewrite +-comm 1 hᶜ = ChainA.concat c (ChainA.step a₂≺fa₂ ≈-refl (ChainA.done (≈-refl {f a₂})))
fix : Σ A (λ a → a ≈ f a)
fix = doStep (suc h) 0 ⊥ᴬ ⊥ᴬ (ChainA.done ≈-refl) (+-comm (suc h) 0) (⊥ᴬ≼ (f ⊥ᴬ))
aᶠ : A
aᶠ = proj₁ fix
aᶠ≈faᶠ : aᶠ ≈ f aᶠ
aᶠ≈faᶠ = proj₂ fix
stepPreservesLess : ∀ (g hᶜ : ℕ) (a₁ a₂ a : A) (a≈fa : a ≈ f a) (a₂≼a : a₂ ≼ a)
(c : ChainA.Chain a₁ a₂ hᶜ) (g+hᶜ≡h : g + hᶜ ≡ suc h)
(a₂≼fa₂ : a₂ ≼ f a₂) →
proj₁ (doStep g hᶜ a₁ a₂ c g+hᶜ≡h a₂≼fa₂) ≼ a
stepPreservesLess 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ c g+hᶜ≡sh _ rewrite g+hᶜ≡sh = ⊥-elim (ChainA.Bounded-suc-n (proj₂ fixedHeight) c)
stepPreservesLess (suc g') hᶜ a₁ a₂ a a≈fa a₂≼a c g+hᶜ≡sh a₂≼fa₂ rewrite sym (+-suc g' hᶜ)
with ≈-dec a₂ (f a₂)
... | yes _ = a₂≼a
... | no _ = stepPreservesLess g' _ _ _ a a≈fa (≼-cong ≈-refl (≈-sym a≈fa) (Monotonicᶠ a₂≼a)) _ _ _
aᶠ≼ : ∀ (a : A) → a ≈ f a → aᶠ ≼ a
aᶠ≼ a a≈fa = stepPreservesLess (suc h) 0 ⊥ᴬ ⊥ᴬ a a≈fa (⊥ᴬ≼ a) (ChainA.done ≈-refl) (+-comm (suc h) 0) (⊥ᴬ≼ (f ⊥ᴬ))