Add a way to print the rules as LaTeX

This commit is contained in:
Danila Fedorin 2023-11-26 14:34:52 -08:00
parent e123f24af0
commit 7cc5d05e9c
2 changed files with 46 additions and 1 deletions

src/Bergamot/Latex.elm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module Bergamot.Latex exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Syntax exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Rules exposing (..)
termToLatex : (a -> String) -> Term a -> String
termToLatex f t =
case t of
Call "type" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ " : " ++ termToLatex f t2
Call "intlit" [t1] -> termToLatex f t1
Call "tpair" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ "\\times" ++ termToLatex f t2
Call "plus" [t1, t2] -> termToLatex f t1 ++ " + " ++ termToLatex f t2
Call "pair" [t1, t2] -> "(" ++ termToLatex f t1 ++ ", " ++ termToLatex f t2 ++ ")"
Call s [] -> "\\text{" ++ s ++ "}"
Call s ts -> "\\text{" ++ s ++ "}(" ++ String.join "," ( (termToLatex f) ts) ++ ")"
Var x -> f x
IntLit i -> String.fromInt i
StringLit s -> "\"" ++ s ++ "\""
metavariableToLatex : Metavariable -> String
metavariableToLatex (MkMetavariable s) =
noQuestion = String.dropLeft 1 s
if String.startsWith "tau" noQuestion then "\\" ++ noQuestion else noQuestion
ruleToLatex : Rule -> String
ruleToLatex r = "\\cfrac{" ++ String.join "\\quad " ( (termToLatex metavariableToLatex) r.premises) ++ "}{" ++ termToLatex metavariableToLatex r.conclusion ++ "}\\ \\texttt{" ++ ++ "}"
unificationVarToLatex : UnificationVar -> String
unificationVarToLatex (MkUnificationVar s) = s
proofTreeToLatex : ProofTree -> String
proofTreeToLatex (MkProofTree node) = "\\cfrac{" ++ String.join "\\quad " ( proofTreeToLatex node.premises) ++ "}{" ++ termToLatex unificationVarToLatex node.conclusion ++ "}\\ \\texttt{" ++ ++ "}"

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Bergamot.Syntax exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Search exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Rules exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Parser exposing (..)
import Bergamot.Latex exposing (..)
import Maybe
import Tuple
import Debug
@ -24,6 +25,12 @@ type Msg
init : Flags -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init () = ({ program = "", query = "" }, Cmd.none)
printRules : String -> Maybe String
printRules progs =
case run program progs of
Just prog -> Just (String.join "\n\\quad" ( ruleToLatex prog.rules))
Nothing -> Nothing
proveQuery : String -> String -> Maybe ProofTree
proveQuery progs querys =
case (run program progs, run term querys) of
@ -35,7 +42,11 @@ view m = Html.div []
[ Html.textarea [ onInput SetProgram ] []
, [] []
, Html.input [ type_ "text", onInput SetQuery ] []
, Html.p [] [ Html.text (Debug.toString (proveQuery m.program m.query)) ]
, Html.pre [] [ Html.code [] [ Html.text (Maybe.withDefault "" (printRules m.program)) ] ]
, Html.pre [] [ Html.code [] [ Html.text (
proveQuery m.program m.query
|> proofTreeToLatex
|> Maybe.withDefault "") ] ]
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)