Implement more builtins
Signed-off-by: Danila Fedorin <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -111,12 +111,32 @@ rule t r =
|> apply (liftUnification unify t conc)
|> apply (provePremises prems))
collectStrings : Term UnificationVar -> Prover (List String)
collectStrings t =
case t of
Call "cons" [StringLit s, rest] -> map (\ss -> s :: ss) <| collectStrings rest
Call "nil" [] -> pure []
_ -> fail
builtinRules : Term UnificationVar -> Prover ProofTree
builtinRules t =
case t of
Call "concat" [StringLit s1, StringLit s2, Var output] ->
liftUnification unify (Var output) (StringLit (s1 ++ s2))
|> map (\tp -> MkProofTree { name = "BuiltinConcat", conclusion = t, premises = []})
|> map (\_ -> MkProofTree { name = "BuiltinConcat", conclusion = t, premises = []})
Call "join" [tp, Var output] ->
collectStrings tp
|> andThen (\ss -> liftUnification unify (Var output) (StringLit (String.concat ss)))
|> map (\_ -> MkProofTree { name = "BuiltinJoin", conclusion = t, premises = []})
Call "int" [IntLit i] ->
MkProofTree { name = "BuiltinInt", conclusion = t, premises = [] }
|> pure
Call "str" [StringLit s] ->
MkProofTree { name = "BuiltinStr", conclusion = t, premises = [] }
|> pure
Call "tostring" [IntLit i, Var output] ->
liftUnification unify (Var output) (StringLit (String.fromInt i))
|> map (\_ -> MkProofTree { name = "BuiltinToString", conclusion = t, premises = []})
_ -> fail
provePremises : List (Term UnificationVar) -> Prover (List ProofTree)
@ -124,9 +144,11 @@ provePremises = mapM proveTerm
proveTerm : Term UnificationVar -> Prover ProofTree
proveTerm t =
|> andThen (\() -> getEnv)
|> andThen (\env -> List.foldl (\r -> interleave (yield (rule t r))) (builtinRules t) env.rules)
map (reify t) getUnificationState
|> andThen (\tp ->
|> andThen (\() -> getEnv)
|> andThen (\env -> List.foldl (\r -> interleave (yield (rule tp r))) (builtinRules tp) env.rules))
prove : Term Metavariable -> Prover ProofTree
prove mt =
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