Fully switch away from keeping sync
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,12 +44,8 @@ init _ url key =
, loginUsername = ""
, loginPassword = ""
, apiUrl = "https://matrix.org"
, sync =
{ nextBatch = ""
, rooms = Nothing
, presence = Nothing
, accountData = Nothing
, nextBatch = ""
, accountData = { events = Just [] }
, errors = []
, roomText = Dict.empty
, sending = Dict.empty
@ -67,7 +63,7 @@ init _ url key =
view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg
view m =
notificationString = totalNotificationCountString m.sync
notificationString = getTotalNotificationCountString m.rooms
titleString = case notificationString of
Nothing -> "Scylla"
Just s -> s ++ " Scylla"
@ -191,17 +187,14 @@ updateHistoryResponse m r hr =
<| h.chunk
case hr of
Ok h -> ({ m | sync = appendHistoryResponse m.sync r h }, userDataCmd h)
Ok h -> ({ m | rooms = applyHistoryResponse r h m.rooms }, userDataCmd h)
Err _ -> ({ m | errors = "Unable to load older history from server"::m.errors }, Cmd.none)
updateHistory : Model -> RoomId -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
updateHistory m r =
prevBatch = Maybe.andThen .prevBatch
<| Maybe.andThen .timeline
<| Maybe.andThen (Dict.get r)
<| Maybe.andThen .join
<| m.sync.rooms
prevBatch = Dict.get r m.rooms
|> Maybe.andThen (.prevHistoryBatch)
command = case prevBatch of
Just pv -> getHistory m.apiUrl (Maybe.withDefault "" m.token) r pv
Nothing -> Cmd.none
@ -256,9 +249,10 @@ updateChangeRoute : Model -> Route -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
updateChangeRoute m r =
joinedRoom = case r of
Room rid -> Maybe.andThen (Dict.get rid) <| Maybe.andThen .join <| m.sync.rooms
Room rid -> Dict.get rid m.rooms
_ -> Nothing
lastMessage = Maybe.andThen (findLastEvent (((==) "m.room.message") << .type_)) <| Maybe.map (List.filterMap toMessageEvent) <| Maybe.andThen .events <| Maybe.andThen .timeline joinedRoom
lastMessage = Maybe.map .messages joinedRoom
|> Maybe.andThen (findLastEvent (((==) "m.room.message") << .type_))
readMarkerCmd = case (r, lastMessage) of
(Room rid, Just re) -> setReadMarkers m.apiUrl (Maybe.withDefault "" m.token) rid re.eventId <| Just re.eventId
_ -> Cmd.none
@ -314,7 +308,7 @@ updateSyncResponse : Model -> Result Http.Error SyncResponse -> Bool -> (Model,
updateSyncResponse model r notify =
token = Maybe.withDefault "" model.token
nextBatch = Result.withDefault model.sync.nextBatch
nextBatch = Result.withDefault model.nextBatch
<| Result.map .nextBatch r
syncCmd = sync model.apiUrl token nextBatch
userDataCmd sr = newUsersCmd model
@ -327,7 +321,7 @@ updateSyncResponse model r notify =
notificationCmd sr = if notify
then Maybe.withDefault Cmd.none
<| Maybe.map (\(s, e) -> sendNotificationPort
{ name = displayName model.userData e.sender
{ name = getDisplayName model.userData e.sender
, text = notificationText e
, room = s
}) <| notification sr
@ -354,12 +348,11 @@ updateSyncResponse model r notify =
receivedTransactions sr = List.filterMap (Maybe.andThen .transactionId << getUnsigned)
<| allTimelineEvents sr
sending sr = Dict.filter (\tid (rid, { body, id }) -> not <| List.member (String.fromInt tid) <| receivedTransactions sr) model.sending
newSync sr = mergeSyncResponse model.sync sr
newModel sr =
{ model | sync = newSync sr
, sending = sending (mergeSyncResponse model.sync sr)
, roomNames = computeRoomsDisplayNames model.userData (newSync sr)
{ model | nextBatch = nextBatch
, sending = sending sr
, rooms = applySync sr model.rooms
, accountData = applyAccountData sr.accountData model.accountData
case r of
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Scylla.Messages exposing (..)
import Scylla.Sync.Events exposing (RoomEvent, MessageEvent, toMessageEvent)
import Scylla.Login exposing (Username)
import Scylla.Route exposing (RoomId)
import Scylla.Room exposing (RoomData)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
type SendingMessageBody = TextMessage String
@ -36,10 +37,10 @@ mergeMessages du xs =
appendNamed fmu fms fmsl
receivedMessagesRoom : List RoomEvent -> List Message
receivedMessagesRoom es = List.map Received
<| List.filter (\e -> e.type_ == "m.room.message")
<| List.filterMap toMessageEvent es
receivedMessagesRoom : RoomData -> List Message
receivedMessagesRoom rd = rd.messages
|> List.filter (\e -> e.type_ == "m.room.message")
|> List.map Received
sendingMessagesRoom : RoomId -> Dict Int (RoomId, SendingMessage) -> List Message
sendingMessagesRoom rid ms = List.map (\(tid, (_, sm)) -> Sending sm)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Scylla.Model exposing (..)
import Scylla.Api exposing (..)
import Scylla.Sync exposing (SyncResponse, HistoryResponse, senderName, roomName, roomJoinedUsers)
import Scylla.Sync exposing (SyncResponse, HistoryResponse, roomJoinedUsers)
import Scylla.ListUtils exposing (findFirst)
import Scylla.Room exposing (OpenRooms)
import Scylla.Sync.Rooms exposing (JoinedRoom)
@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ type alias Model =
, loginUsername : Username
, loginPassword : Password
, apiUrl : ApiUrl
, sync : SyncResponse
, accountData : AccountData
, nextBatch : String
, errors : List String
, roomText : Dict RoomId String
, sending : Dict Int (RoomId, SendingMessage)
@ -77,41 +78,6 @@ type Msg =
| AttemptReconnect -- User wants to reconnect to server
| UpdateSearchText String -- Change search text in room list
displayName : Dict String UserData -> Username -> String
displayName ud s = Maybe.withDefault (senderName s) <| Maybe.andThen .displayName <| Dict.get s ud
roomDisplayName : Dict RoomId String -> RoomId -> String
roomDisplayName rd rid =
Maybe.withDefault "<No Name>" <| Dict.get rid rd
computeRoomDisplayName : Dict String UserData -> Maybe AccountData -> RoomId -> JoinedRoom -> Maybe String
computeRoomDisplayName ud ad rid jr =
customName = roomName jr
direct = ad
|> Maybe.andThen .events
|> Maybe.andThen (findFirst ((==) "m.direct" << .type_))
|> Maybe.map (Decode.decodeValue directMessagesDecoder << .content)
|> Maybe.andThen Result.toMaybe
|> Maybe.andThen (Dict.get rid)
case (customName, direct) of
(Just s, _) -> customName
(_, Just u) -> direct
_ -> Nothing
computeRoomsDisplayNames : Dict String UserData -> SyncResponse -> Dict String String
computeRoomsDisplayNames ud sr =
|> Maybe.andThen .join
|> Maybe.map Dict.toList
|> Maybe.map (List.foldl
(\(rid, jr) d ->
computeRoomDisplayName ud sr.accountData rid jr
|> Maybe.map (\n -> Dict.insert rid n d)
|> Maybe.withDefault d) Dict.empty)
|> Maybe.withDefault Dict.empty
roomUrl : String -> String
roomUrl s = Url.Builder.absolute [ "room", s ] []
@ -121,13 +87,6 @@ loginUrl = Url.Builder.absolute [ "login" ] []
newUsers : Model -> List Username -> List Username
newUsers m lus = List.filter (\u -> not <| Dict.member u m.userData) lus
joinedRooms : Model -> Dict RoomId JoinedRoom
joinedRooms m = Maybe.withDefault Dict.empty <| Maybe.andThen .join <| m.sync.rooms
currentRoom : Model -> Maybe JoinedRoom
currentRoom m =
Maybe.andThen (\s -> Dict.get s <| joinedRooms m) <| currentRoomId m
currentRoomId : Model -> Maybe RoomId
currentRoomId m = case m.route of
Room r -> Just r
@ -2,11 +2,13 @@ module Scylla.Room exposing (..)
import Scylla.Route exposing (RoomId)
import Scylla.Sync exposing (SyncResponse)
import Scylla.Login exposing (Username)
import Scylla.UserData exposing (UserData)
import Scylla.UserData exposing (UserData, getDisplayName)
import Scylla.Sync exposing (HistoryResponse)
import Scylla.Sync.Events exposing (MessageEvent, StateEvent, toStateEvent, toMessageEvent)
import Scylla.Sync.AccountData exposing (AccountData, getDirectMessages)
import Scylla.Sync.AccountData exposing (AccountData, getDirectMessages, applyAccountData)
import Scylla.Sync.Rooms exposing (JoinedRoom, UnreadNotificationCounts, Ephemeral)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, Value, decodeValue)
import Scylla.ListUtils exposing (findFirst, uniqueBy)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, Value, decodeValue, field, string, list)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
type alias RoomState = Dict (String, String) Value
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ type alias RoomData =
, accountData : AccountData
, ephemeral : Ephemeral
, unreadNotifications : UnreadNotificationCounts
, prevHistoryBatch : Maybe String
, text : String
@ -35,6 +38,7 @@ emptyRoomData =
{ highlightCount = Just 0
, notificationCount = Just 0
, prevHistoryBatch = Nothing
, text = ""
@ -59,16 +63,6 @@ changeRoomState jr rs =
|> changeRoomStateEvents stateDiff
|> changeRoomStateEvents timelineDiff
changeAccountData : JoinedRoom -> AccountData -> AccountData
changeAccountData jr ad =
case jr.accountData of
Nothing -> ad
Just newAd ->
case (newAd.events, ad.events) of
(Just es, Nothing) -> newAd
(Just newEs, Just es) -> { events = Just (newEs ++ es) }
_ -> ad
changeTimeline : JoinedRoom -> List (MessageEvent) -> List (MessageEvent)
changeTimeline jr tl =
@ -77,7 +71,7 @@ changeTimeline jr tl =
|> Maybe.map (List.filterMap toMessageEvent)
|> Maybe.withDefault []
newMessages ++ tl
tl ++ newMessages
changeEphemeral : JoinedRoom -> Ephemeral -> Ephemeral
changeEphemeral jr e = Maybe.withDefault e jr.ephemeral
@ -87,11 +81,12 @@ changeNotifications jr un = Maybe.withDefault un jr.unreadNotifications
changeRoomData : JoinedRoom -> RoomData -> RoomData
changeRoomData jr rd =
{ rd | accountData = changeAccountData jr rd.accountData
{ rd | accountData = applyAccountData jr.accountData rd.accountData
, roomState = changeRoomState jr rd.roomState
, messages = changeTimeline jr rd.messages
, ephemeral = changeEphemeral jr rd.ephemeral
, unreadNotifications = changeNotifications jr rd.unreadNotifications
, prevHistoryBatch = Maybe.andThen .prevBatch jr.timeline
updateRoomData : JoinedRoom -> Maybe RoomData -> Maybe RoomData
@ -111,18 +106,63 @@ applySync sr or =
Dict.foldl applyJoinedRoom or joinedRooms
addHistoryRoomData : HistoryResponse -> Maybe RoomData -> Maybe RoomData
addHistoryRoomData hr = Maybe.map
(\rd ->
{ rd | messages = uniqueBy .eventId
<| (List.reverse <| List.filterMap toMessageEvent hr.chunk) ++ rd.messages
, prevHistoryBatch = Just hr.end
applyHistoryResponse : RoomId -> HistoryResponse -> OpenRooms -> OpenRooms
applyHistoryResponse rid hr = Dict.update rid (addHistoryRoomData hr)
getStateData : (String, String) -> Decoder a -> RoomData -> Maybe a
getStateData k d rd = Dict.get k rd.roomState
|> Maybe.andThen (Result.toMaybe << decodeValue d)
getRoomName : Maybe AccountData -> Dict Username UserData -> RoomId -> RoomData -> String
getEphemeralData : String -> Decoder a -> RoomData -> Maybe a
getEphemeralData k d rd = rd.ephemeral.events
|> Maybe.andThen (findFirst ((==) k << .type_))
|> Maybe.andThen (Result.toMaybe << decodeValue d << .content)
getRoomTypingUsers : RoomData -> List String
getRoomTypingUsers = Maybe.withDefault []
<< getEphemeralData "m.typing" (field "user_ids" (list string))
getRoomName : AccountData -> Dict Username UserData -> RoomId -> RoomData -> String
getRoomName ad ud rid rd =
customName = getStateData ("m.room.name", "") Decode.string rd
direct = Maybe.andThen getDirectMessages ad
customName = getStateData ("m.room.name", "") (field "name" (string)) rd
direct = getDirectMessages ad
|> Maybe.andThen (Dict.get rid)
case (customName, direct) of
(Just cn, _) -> cn
(_, Just d) -> d
(_, Just d) -> getDisplayName ud d
_ -> rid
getRoomNotificationCount : RoomData -> (Int, Int)
getRoomNotificationCount rd =
( Maybe.withDefault 0 rd.unreadNotifications.notificationCount
, Maybe.withDefault 0 rd.unreadNotifications.highlightCount
getTotalNotificationCount : OpenRooms -> (Int, Int)
getTotalNotificationCount =
sumTuples (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1+x2, y1+y2)
Dict.foldl (\_ -> sumTuples << getRoomNotificationCount) (0, 0)
getTotalNotificationCountString : OpenRooms -> Maybe String
getTotalNotificationCountString or =
(n, h) = getTotalNotificationCount or
suffix = case h of
0 -> ""
_ -> "!"
case n of
0 -> Nothing
_ -> Just <| "(" ++ String.fromInt n ++ suffix ++ ")"
@ -178,15 +178,6 @@ appendHistoryResponse sr r hr =
{ sr | rooms = newRooms }
-- Business Logic: Names
senderName : String -> String
senderName s =
colonIndex = Maybe.withDefault -1
<| List.head
<| String.indexes ":" s
String.slice 1 colonIndex s
homeserver : String -> String
homeserver s =
@ -30,6 +30,16 @@ invertDirectMessages dmr =
applyAccountData : Maybe AccountData -> AccountData -> AccountData
applyAccountData mad ad =
case mad of
Nothing -> ad
Just newAd ->
case (newAd.events, ad.events) of
(Just es, Nothing) -> newAd
(Just newEs, Just es) -> { events = Just (newEs ++ es) }
_ -> ad
getAccountData : String -> Decode.Decoder a -> AccountData -> Maybe a
getAccountData key d ad = ad.events
|> Maybe.andThen (findFirst ((==) key << .type_))
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module Scylla.UserData exposing (..)
import Scylla.Login exposing (Username)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, int, string, float, list, value, dict, bool, field)
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (required, optional)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
type alias UserData =
{ displayName : Maybe String
@ -12,3 +14,18 @@ userDataDecoder =
Decode.succeed UserData
|> optional "displayname" (Decode.map Just string) Nothing
|> optional "avatar_url" (Decode.map Just string) Nothing
getDisplayName : Dict Username UserData -> Username -> String
getDisplayName ud s = Dict.get s ud
|> Maybe.andThen .displayName
|> Maybe.withDefault (getSenderName s)
getSenderName : Username -> String
getSenderName s =
colonIndex = Maybe.withDefault -1
<| List.head
<| String.indexes ":" s
String.slice 1 colonIndex s
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ import Scylla.Model exposing (..)
import Scylla.Sync exposing (..)
import Scylla.Sync.Events exposing (..)
import Scylla.Sync.Rooms exposing (..)
import Scylla.Room exposing (RoomData, emptyOpenRooms, getRoomName)
import Scylla.Room exposing (RoomData, emptyOpenRooms, getRoomName, getRoomTypingUsers)
import Scylla.Route exposing (..)
import Scylla.Fnv as Fnv
import Scylla.Messages exposing (..)
import Scylla.Login exposing (Username)
import Scylla.UserData exposing (UserData)
import Scylla.UserData exposing (UserData, getDisplayName)
import Scylla.Http exposing (fullMediaUrl)
import Scylla.Api exposing (ApiUrl)
import Scylla.ListUtils exposing (groupBy)
@ -48,10 +48,8 @@ stringColor s =
viewFull : Model -> List (Html Msg)
viewFull model =
room r = Maybe.map (\jr -> (r, jr))
<| Maybe.andThen (Dict.get r)
<| Maybe.andThen .join
<| model.sync.rooms
room r = Dict.get r model.rooms
|> Maybe.map (\rd -> (r, rd))
core = case model.route of
Login -> loginView model
Base -> baseView model Nothing
@ -67,10 +65,10 @@ errorsView = div [ class "errors-wrapper" ] << List.indexedMap errorView
errorView : Int -> String -> Html Msg
errorView i s = div [ class "error-wrapper", onClick <| DismissError i ] [ iconView "alert-triangle", text s ]
baseView : Model -> Maybe (RoomId, JoinedRoom) -> Html Msg
baseView m jr =
baseView : Model -> Maybe (RoomId, RoomData) -> Html Msg
baseView m rd =
roomView = Maybe.map (\(id, r) -> joinedRoomView m id r) jr
roomView = Maybe.map (\(id, r) -> joinedRoomView m id r) rd
reconnect = reconnectView m
div [ class "base-wrapper" ] <| maybeHtml
@ -113,14 +111,14 @@ homeserverView m hs rs =
roomList = div [ class "rooms-list" ]
<| List.map (\(rid, r) -> roomListElementView m rid r)
<| List.sortBy (\(rid, r) -> getRoomName m.sync.accountData m.userData rid r) rs
<| List.sortBy (\(rid, r) -> getRoomName m.accountData m.userData rid r) rs
div [ class "homeserver-wrapper" ] [ h3 [] [ text hs ], roomList ]
roomListElementView : Model -> RoomId -> RoomData -> Html Msg
roomListElementView m rid rd =
name = getRoomName m.sync.accountData m.userData rid rd
name = getRoomName m.accountData m.userData rid rd
isVisible = m.searchText == "" || (String.contains (String.toLower m.searchText) <| String.toLower name)
isCurrentRoom = case currentRoomId m of
Nothing -> False
@ -160,10 +158,10 @@ loginView m = div [ class "login-wrapper" ]
, button [ onClick AttemptLogin ] [ text "Log In" ]
joinedRoomView : Model -> RoomId -> JoinedRoom -> Html Msg
joinedRoomView m roomId jr =
joinedRoomView : Model -> RoomId -> RoomData -> Html Msg
joinedRoomView m roomId rd =
typing = List.map (displayName m.userData) <| roomTypingUsers jr
typing = List.map (getDisplayName m.userData) <| getRoomTypingUsers rd
typingText = String.join ", " typing
typingSuffix = case List.length typing of
0 -> ""
@ -184,18 +182,16 @@ joinedRoomView m roomId jr =
div [ class "room-wrapper" ]
[ h2 [] [ text <| roomDisplayName m.roomNames roomId ]
, lazy6 lazyMessagesView m.userData roomId jr m.apiUrl m.loginUsername m.sending
[ h2 [] [ text <| getRoomName m.accountData m.userData roomId rd ]
, lazy6 lazyMessagesView m.userData roomId rd m.apiUrl m.loginUsername m.sending
, messageInput
, typingWrapper
lazyMessagesView : Dict String UserData -> RoomId -> JoinedRoom -> ApiUrl -> Username -> Dict Int (RoomId, SendingMessage) -> Html Msg
lazyMessagesView ud rid jr au lu snd =
lazyMessagesView : Dict String UserData -> RoomId -> RoomData -> ApiUrl -> Username -> Dict Int (RoomId, SendingMessage) -> Html Msg
lazyMessagesView ud rid rd au lu snd =
roomReceived = receivedMessagesRoom
<| Maybe.withDefault []
<| Maybe.andThen .events jr.timeline
roomReceived = receivedMessagesRoom rd
roomSending = sendingMessagesRoom rid snd
renderedMessages = List.map (userMessagesView ud au)
<| mergeMessages lu
@ -230,7 +226,7 @@ messagesWrapperView rid es = div [ class "messages-wrapper", id "messages-wrappe
senderView : Dict String UserData -> Username -> Html Msg
senderView ud s =
span [ style "color" <| stringColor s, class "sender-wrapper" ] [ text <| displayName ud s ]
span [ style "color" <| stringColor s, class "sender-wrapper" ] [ text <| getDisplayName ud s ]
userMessagesView : Dict String UserData -> ApiUrl -> (Username, List Message) -> Html Msg
userMessagesView ud apiUrl (u, ms) =
@ -284,7 +280,7 @@ roomEventContent f re =
roomEventEmoteView : Dict String UserData -> MessageEvent -> Maybe (Html Msg)
roomEventEmoteView ud re =
emoteText = "* " ++ displayName ud re.sender ++ " "
emoteText = "* " ++ getDisplayName ud re.sender ++ " "
roomEventContent (\cs -> span [] (text emoteText :: cs)) re
Reference in New Issue
Block a user