
169 lines
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module Scylla.Room exposing (..)
import Scylla.Route exposing (RoomId)
import Scylla.Sync exposing (SyncResponse)
import Scylla.Login exposing (Username)
import Scylla.UserData exposing (UserData, getDisplayName)
import Scylla.Sync exposing (HistoryResponse)
import Scylla.Sync.Events exposing (MessageEvent, StateEvent, toStateEvent, toMessageEvent)
import Scylla.Sync.AccountData exposing (AccountData, getDirectMessages, applyAccountData)
import Scylla.Sync.Rooms exposing (JoinedRoom, UnreadNotificationCounts, Ephemeral)
import Scylla.ListUtils exposing (findFirst, uniqueBy)
import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, Value, decodeValue, field, string, list)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
type alias RoomState = Dict (String, String) Value
type alias RoomData =
{ roomState : RoomState
, messages : List (MessageEvent)
, accountData : AccountData
, ephemeral : Ephemeral
, unreadNotifications : UnreadNotificationCounts
, prevHistoryBatch : Maybe String
, text : String
type alias OpenRooms = Dict RoomId RoomData
emptyOpenRooms : OpenRooms
emptyOpenRooms = Dict.empty
emptyRoomData : RoomData
emptyRoomData =
{ roomState = Dict.empty
, messages = []
, accountData = { events = Just [] }
, ephemeral = { events = Just [] }
, unreadNotifications =
{ highlightCount = Just 0
, notificationCount = Just 0
, prevHistoryBatch = Nothing
, text = ""
changeRoomStateEvent : StateEvent -> RoomState -> RoomState
changeRoomStateEvent se = Dict.insert (se.type_, se.stateKey) se.content
changeRoomStateEvents : List StateEvent -> RoomState -> RoomState
changeRoomStateEvents es rs = List.foldr (changeRoomStateEvent) rs es
changeRoomState : JoinedRoom -> RoomState -> RoomState
changeRoomState jr rs =
stateDiff = jr.state
|> Maybe.andThen .events
|> Maybe.withDefault []
timelineDiff = jr.timeline
|> Maybe.andThen .events
|> (List.filterMap toStateEvent)
|> Maybe.withDefault []
|> changeRoomStateEvents stateDiff
|> changeRoomStateEvents timelineDiff
changeTimeline : JoinedRoom -> List (MessageEvent) -> List (MessageEvent)
changeTimeline jr tl =
newMessages = jr.timeline
|> Maybe.andThen .events
|> (List.filterMap toMessageEvent)
|> Maybe.withDefault []
tl ++ newMessages
changeEphemeral : JoinedRoom -> Ephemeral -> Ephemeral
changeEphemeral jr e = Maybe.withDefault e jr.ephemeral
changeNotifications : JoinedRoom -> UnreadNotificationCounts -> UnreadNotificationCounts
changeNotifications jr un = Maybe.withDefault un jr.unreadNotifications
changeRoomData : JoinedRoom -> RoomData -> RoomData
changeRoomData jr rd =
{ rd | accountData = applyAccountData jr.accountData rd.accountData
, roomState = changeRoomState jr rd.roomState
, messages = changeTimeline jr rd.messages
, ephemeral = changeEphemeral jr rd.ephemeral
, unreadNotifications = changeNotifications jr rd.unreadNotifications
, prevHistoryBatch = Maybe.andThen .prevBatch jr.timeline
updateRoomData : JoinedRoom -> Maybe RoomData -> Maybe RoomData
updateRoomData jr mrd = Maybe.withDefault emptyRoomData mrd
|> changeRoomData jr
|> Just
applyJoinedRoom : RoomId -> JoinedRoom -> OpenRooms -> OpenRooms
applyJoinedRoom rid jr = Dict.update rid (updateRoomData jr)
applySync : SyncResponse -> OpenRooms -> OpenRooms
applySync sr or =
joinedRooms = sr.rooms
|> Maybe.andThen .join
|> Maybe.withDefault Dict.empty
Dict.foldl applyJoinedRoom or joinedRooms
addHistoryRoomData : HistoryResponse -> Maybe RoomData -> Maybe RoomData
addHistoryRoomData hr =
(\rd ->
{ rd | messages = uniqueBy .eventId
<| (List.reverse <| List.filterMap toMessageEvent hr.chunk) ++ rd.messages
, prevHistoryBatch = Just hr.end
applyHistoryResponse : RoomId -> HistoryResponse -> OpenRooms -> OpenRooms
applyHistoryResponse rid hr = Dict.update rid (addHistoryRoomData hr)
getStateData : (String, String) -> Decoder a -> RoomData -> Maybe a
getStateData k d rd = Dict.get k rd.roomState
|> Maybe.andThen (Result.toMaybe << decodeValue d)
getEphemeralData : String -> Decoder a -> RoomData -> Maybe a
getEphemeralData k d rd =
|> Maybe.andThen (findFirst ((==) k << .type_))
|> Maybe.andThen (Result.toMaybe << decodeValue d << .content)
getRoomTypingUsers : RoomData -> List String
getRoomTypingUsers = Maybe.withDefault []
<< getEphemeralData "m.typing" (field "user_ids" (list string))
getRoomName : AccountData -> Dict Username UserData -> RoomId -> RoomData -> String
getRoomName ad ud rid rd =
customName = getStateData ("", "") (field "name" (string)) rd
direct = getDirectMessages ad
|> Maybe.andThen (Dict.get rid)
case (customName, direct) of
(Just cn, _) -> cn
(_, Just d) -> getDisplayName ud d
_ -> rid
getRoomNotificationCount : RoomData -> (Int, Int)
getRoomNotificationCount rd =
( Maybe.withDefault 0 rd.unreadNotifications.notificationCount
, Maybe.withDefault 0 rd.unreadNotifications.highlightCount
getTotalNotificationCount : OpenRooms -> (Int, Int)
getTotalNotificationCount =
sumTuples (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1+x2, y1+y2)
Dict.foldl (\_ -> sumTuples << getRoomNotificationCount) (0, 0)
getTotalNotificationCountString : OpenRooms -> Maybe String
getTotalNotificationCountString or =
(n, h) = getTotalNotificationCount or
suffix = case h of
0 -> ""
_ -> "!"
case n of
0 -> Nothing
_ -> Just <| "(" ++ String.fromInt n ++ suffix ++ ")"