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title: Compiling a Functional Language Using C++, Part 8 - LLVM
date: 2019-10-30T22:16:22-07:00
draft: true
tags: ["C and C++", "Functional Languages", "Compilers"]
We don't want a compiler that can only generate code for a single
platform. Our language should work on macOS, Windows, and Linux,
on x86\_64, ARM, and maybe some other architectures. We also
don't want to manually implement the compiler for each platform,
dealing with the specifics of each architecture and operating
This is where LLVM comes in. LLVM (which stands for __Low Level Virtual Machine__),
is a project which presents us with a kind of generic assembly language,
an __Intermediate Representation__ (IR). It also provides tooling to compile the
IR into platform-specific instructions, as well as to apply a host of various
optimizations. We can thus translate our G-machine instructions to LLVM,
and then use LLVM to generate machine code, which gets us to our ultimate
goal of compiling our language.
We start with adding LLVM to our CMake project.
{{< codelines "CMake" "compiler/08/CMakeLists.txt" 7 7 >}}
LLVM is a huge project, and has many components. We don't need
most of them. We do need the core libraries, the x86 assembly
generator, and x86 assembly parser. I'm
not sure why we need the last one, but I ran into linking
errors without them. We find the required link targets
for these components using this CMake command:
{{< codelines "CMake" "compiler/08/CMakeLists.txt" 19 20 >}}
Finally, we add the new include directories, link targets,
and definitions to our compiler executable:
{{< codelines "CMake" "compiler/08/CMakeLists.txt" 39 41 >}}
Great, we have the infrastructure updated to work with LLVM. It's
now time to start using the LLVM API to compile our G-machine instructions
into assembly. We start with `LLVMContext`. The LLVM documentation states:
> This is an important class for using LLVM in a threaded context.
> It (opaquely) owns and manages the core "global" data of LLVM's core infrastructure, including the type and constant uniquing tables.
We will have exactly one instance of such a class in our program.
Additionally, we want an `IRBuilder`, which will help us generate IR instructions,
placing them into basic blocks (more on that in a bit). Also, we want
a `Module` object, which represents some collection of code and declarations
(perhaps like a C++ source file). Let's keep these things in our own
`llvm_context` class. Here's what that looks like:
{{< codeblock "C++" "compiler/08/llvm_context.hpp" >}}
{{< todo >}} Consistently name context / state.{{< /todo >}}
{{< todo >}} Explain creation functions. {{< /todo >}}
We include the LLVM context, builder, and module as members
of the context struct. Since the builder and the module need
the context, we initialize them in the constructor, where they
can safely reference it.
Besides these fields, we added
a few others, namely the `functions` and `struct_types` maps,
and the various `llvm::Type` subclasses such as `stack_type`.
We did this because we want to be able to call our runtime
functions (and use our runtime structs) from LLVM. To generate
a function call from LLVM, we need to have access to an
`llvm::Function` object. We thus want to have an `llvm::Function`
object for each runtime function we want to call. We could declare
a member variable in our `llvm_context` for each runtime function,
but it's easier to leave this to be an implementation
detail, and only have a dynamically created map between runtime
function names and their corresponding `llvm::Function` objects.
We populate the maps and other type-related variables in the
two methods, `create_functions()` and `create_types()`. To
create an `llvm::Function`, we must provide an `llvm::FunctionType`,
an `llvm::LinkageType`, the name of the function, and the module
in which the function is declared. Since we only have one
module (the one we initialized in the constructor) that's
the module we pass in. The name of the function is the same
as its name in the runtime, and the linkage type is always
external. The only remaining parameter is
the `llvm::FunctionType`, which is created using code like:
{{< todo >}} Why external? {{< /todo >}}
llvm::FunctionType::get(return_type, {param_type_1, param_type_2, ...}, is_variadic)
Declaring all the functions and types in our runtime is mostly
just tedious. Here are a few lines from `create_types()`, from
which you can extrapolate the rest:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/llvm_context.cpp" 7 11 >}}
{{< todo >}} Also show struct body setters. {{< /todo >}}
Similarly, here are a few lines from `create_functions()`, which
give a very good idea of the rest of that method:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/llvm_context.cpp" 20 27 >}}
This completes our implementation of the context.
It's now time to look at generating actual code for each G-machine instruction.
Before we do this, we need to get a little bit of an understanding of what LLVM
IR is like. An important property of LLVM IR is that it is in __Single Static Assignment__
(SSA) form. This means that each variable can only be assigned to once. For instance,
if we use `<-` to represent assignment, the following program is valid:
x <- 1
y <- 2
z <- x + y
However, the following program is __not__ valid:
x <- 1
x <- x + 1
But what if we __do__ want to modify a variable `x`?
We can declare another "version" of `x` every time we modify it.
For instance, if we wanted to increment `x` twice, we'd do this:
x <- 1
x1 <- x + 1
x2 <- x1 + 1
In practice, LLVM's C++ API can take care of versioning variables on its own, by
auto-incrementing numbers associated with each variable we use.
We need not get too deep into the specifics of LLVM IR's textual
representation, since we will largely be working with the C++
API to interact with it. We do, however, need to understand one more
concept from the world of compiler design: __basic blocks__. A basic
block is a sequence of instructions that are guaranteed to be executed
one after another. This means that a basic block cannot have
an if/else, jump, or any other type of control flow anywhere
except at the end. If control flow could appear inside the basic block,
there would be opporunity for execution of some, but not all,
instructions in the block, violating the definition. Every time
we add an IR instruction in LLVM, we add it to a basic block.
Writing control flow involves creating several blocks, with each
block serving as the destination of a potential jump. We will
see this used to compile the Jump instruction.
### Generating LLVM
Let's envision a `gen_llvm` method on the `instruction` struct.
We need access to all the other functions from our runtime,
such as `stack_init`, and functions from our program such
as `f_custom_function`. Thus, we need access to our
`llvm_context`. The current basic block is part
of the builder, which is part of the context, so that's
also taken care of. There's only one more thing that we will
need, and that's access to the `llvm::Function` that's
currently being compiled. To understand why, consider
the signature of `f_main` from the previous post:
void f_main(struct stack*);
The function takes a stack as a parameter. What if
we want to try use this stack in a method call, like
`stack_push(s, node)`? We need to have access to the
LLVM representation of the stack parameter. The easiest
way to do this is to use `llvm::Function::arg_begin()`,
which gives the first argument of the function. We thus
carry the function pointer throughout our code generation
With these things in mind, here's the signature for `gen_llvm`:
virtual void gen_llvm(llvm_context&, llvm::Function*) const;
{{< todo >}} Fix pointer type inconsistencies. {{< /todo >}}