Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "sidenotes" have entirely different histories.

440 changed files with 7962 additions and 31550 deletions

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: default
- name: live-output
temp: {}
- name: test-compiler
image: archlinux
- pacman -Sy cmake gcc make llvm bison flex gettext libffi --noconfirm
- cd code/compiler
- ./
- name: build-live
image: klakegg/hugo:ext-alpine
- hugo -D --baseUrl ""
- name: live-output
path: /live-output
HUGO_DESTINATION: /live-output
# - name: upload-live
# image: eeacms/rsync
# commands:
# - eval `ssh-agent -s`
# - echo "$CUSTOM_KEY" | ssh-add -
# - mkdir -p ~/.ssh
# - echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config
# - rsync -rv -e "ssh -p 22" /live-output/ --checksum
# environment:
# from_secret: live_ssh_key
# volumes:
# - name: live-output
# path: /live-output

.gitmodules vendored
View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
[submodule "code/aoc-2020"]
path = code/aoc-2020
url =
[submodule "themes/vanilla"]
path = themes/vanilla
url =
[submodule "code/server-config"]
path = code/server-config
url =
[submodule "code/blog-static-flake"]
path = code/blog-static-flake
url =
[submodule "code/compiler"]
path = code/compiler
url =
[submodule "code/agda-spa"]
path = code/agda-spa
url =

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
source ""
git_source(:github) {|repo_name| "{repo_name}" }
gem 'nokogiri'
gem 'execjs'
gem 'duktape'

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
duktape (
execjs (2.9.1)
mini_portile2 (2.8.6)
nokogiri (1.15.6)
mini_portile2 (~> 2.8.2)
racc (~> 1.4)
racc (1.8.0)

View File

@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
require "nokogiri"
require "pathname"
files = ARGV[0..-1]
class LineInfo
attr_accessor :links
def initialize
@links = []
class AgdaContext
def initialize
@file_infos = {}
# Traverse the preformatted Agda block in the given Agda HTML file
# and find which textual ranges have IDs and links to other ranges.
# Store this information in a hash, line => LineInfo.
def process_agda_html_file(file)
return @file_infos[file] if @file_infos.include? file
@file_infos[file] = line_infos = {}
unless File.exists?(file)
return line_infos
document = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(
pre_code = document.css("pre.Agda")[0]
# The traversal postorder; we always visit children before their
# parents, and we visit leaves in sequence.
offset = 0
line = 1
pre_code.traverse do |at|
# Text nodes are always leaves; visiting a new leaf means we've advanced
# in the text by the length of that text. However, if there are newlines
# -- since this is a preformatted block -- we also advanced by a line.
# At this time, do not support links that span multiple lines, but
# Agda doesn't produce those either.
if at.text?
if at.content.include? "\n"
# This textual leaf is at least part whitespace. The logic
# assumes that links can't span multiple pages, and that links
# aren't nested, so ensure that the parent of the textual node
# is the preformatted block itself.
raise "unsupported Agda HTML output" if != "pre"
# Increase the line and track the final offset. Written as a loop
# in case we eventually want to add some handling for the pieces
# sandwiched between newlines.
at.content.split("\n", -1).each_with_index do |bit, idx|
line += 1 unless idx == 0
offset = bit.length
# It's not a newline node, so it could be anywhere. All we need to
# do is adjust the offset within the full pre block's text.
offset += at.content.length
elsif == "a"
# We found a link. Agda emits both links and "things to link to" as
# 'a' nodes, so check for either, and record them. Even if
# the link is nested, the .content.length accessor will only
# retrieve the textual content, and thus -- assuming the link
# isn't split across lines -- will find the proper from-to range.
line_info = line_infos.fetch(line) { line_infos[line] = }
href = at.attribute("href")
id = at.attribute("id")
if href or id
new_node = { :from => offset-at.content.length, :to => offset }
new_node[:href] = href if href
new_node[:id] = id if id
line_info.links << new_node
return line_infos
class FileGroup
def initialize(agda_context)
@agda_context = agda_context
# Agda HTML href -> list of (file, Hugo HTML node that links to it)
@nodes_referencing_href = {}
# Agda HTML href -> (its new ID in Hugo-land, file in which it's defined)
# This supports cross-post linking within a seires.
@global_seen_hrefs = {}
# file name -> Agda HTML href -> its new ID in Hugo-land
# This supports linking within a particular post.
@local_seen_hrefs = { {} }
# Global counter to generate fresh IDs. There's no reason for it to
# be global within a series (since IDs are namespaced by the file they're in),
# but it's just more convenient this way.
@id_counter = 0
def note_defined_href(file, href)
file_hrefs = @local_seen_hrefs.fetch(file) do
@local_seen_hrefs[file] = {}
uniq_id = file_hrefs.fetch(href) do
new_id = "agda-unique-ident-#{@id_counter}"
@id_counter += 1
file_hrefs[href] = new_id
unless @global_seen_hrefs.include? href
@global_seen_hrefs[href] = { :file => file, :id => uniq_id }
return uniq_id
def note_used_href(file, node, href)
ref_list = @nodes_referencing_href.fetch(href) { @nodes_referencing_href[href] = [] }
ref_list << { :file => file, :node => node }
return href
# Given a Hugo HTML file which references potentially several Agda modules
# in code blocks, insert links into the code blocks.
# There are several things we need to take care of:
# 1. Finding the HTML files associated with each referenced Agda module.
# For this, we make use of the data-base-path etc. attributes that
# the vanilla theme inserts.
# 2. "zipping together" the Agda and Hugo HTML representations. Each of
# them encode the code, but they use different HTML elements and structures.
# So, given a Hugo HTML code block, traverse its textual contents
# and find any that are covered by links in the related Agda HTML file.
# 3. Fixing up links: the Agda HTML links assume each module has its own HTML
# file. This isn't true for us: multiple modules are stitched into
# one Hugo HTML file. Also, we don't include the entire Agda HTML
# file in the Hugo HTML, so some links may be broken. So, find IDs
# that are visible in the Hugo file, rename them to be globally unique,
# and re-write cross-file links that reference these IDs to point
# inside the Hugo file.
def process_source_file(file, document)
# Process each highlight group that's been marked as an Agda file.
document.css('div[data-agda-block]').each do |t|
first_line, last_line = nil, nil
if first_line_attr = t.attribute("data-first-line")
first_line = first_line_attr.to_s.to_i
if last_line_attr = t.attribute("data-last-line")
last_line = last_line_attr.to_s.to_i
if first_line and last_line
line_range = first_line..last_line
line_range = 1..
# Sometimes, code is deeply nested in the source file, but we don't
# want to show the leading space. In that case, the generator sets
# data-source-offset with how much leading space was stripped off.
initial_offset = 0
if source_offset_attr = t.attribute("data-source-offset")
initial_offset = source_offset_attr.to_s.to_i
full_path = t.attribute("data-file-path").to_s
full_path_dirs = Pathname(full_path).each_filename.to_a
# The name of an Agda module is determined from its directory
# structure: A/B/C.agda creates A.B.C.html. Depending on where
# the code is included, there might be some additional folders
# that precede A that we want to ignore.
base_path = t.attribute("data-base-path").to_s
base_dir_depth = 0
if base_path.empty?
# No submodules were used. Assume code/<X> is the root, since
# that's the code layout of the blog right now.
base_dir_depth = 1
base_path = full_path_dirs[0]
# The code is in a submodule. Assume that the base path / submodule
# root is the Agda module root, ignore all folders before that.
base_path_dirs = Pathname(base_path).each_filename.to_a
base_dir_depth = base_path_dirs.length
dirs_in_base = full_path_dirs[base_dir_depth..-1]
html_file = dirs_in_base.join(".").gsub(/\.agda$/, ".html")
html_path = File.join(["code", base_path, "html", html_file])
agda_info = @agda_context.process_agda_html_file(html_path)
# Hugo conveniently generates a bunch of spans, each encoding a line
# of code output. We can iterate over these and match them up with
# the line numbers we got from reading the Agda HTML output.
lines = t.css("pre.chroma code[data-lang] .line") do |line, line_no|
line_info = agda_info[line_no]
next unless line_info
offset = initial_offset
line.traverse do |lt|
if lt.text?
content = lt.content
new_offset = offset + content.length
# The span/a/etc. structure of the Agda and Hugo HTML files
# need not line up; it's possible for there to be a single link
# in the Agda file that's broken up across multiple HTML nodes
# in the Hugo output. For now, just don't link those, since inserting
# such overlapping links is relatively complicated. Instead,
# require links to fit fully within a current text node (and thus,
# not overlap the boundaries of any HTML).
matching_links = line_info.links.filter do |link|
link[:from] >= offset and link[:to] <= new_offset
# A given text node can be broken into any number of sub-nodes,
# where some sub-nodes are still text, and others have been turned
# into links. Store the new pieces in replace_with. E.g.,
# Original:
# abc
# New:
# a<a href="..">b</a>c
# replace_with:
# ["a", <Nokogiri::XML::Node...>, "c"]
# match_offset represents how much of the original text we've
# already converted. The below iteration assumes that matching
# links are in order, and don't overlap.
replace_with = []
replace_offset = 0
matching_links.each do |match|
# The link's range is an offset from the beginning of the line,
# but the text piece we're splitting up might be partway into
# the line. Convert the link coordinates to piece-relative ones.
relative_from = match[:from] - offset
relative_to = match[:to] - offset
# If the previous link ended some time before the new link
# began (or if the current link is the first one, and is not
# at the beginning), ensure that the plain text "in between"
# is kept.
replace_with << content[replace_offset...relative_from]
tag = (match.include? :href) ? 'a' : 'span'
new_node =, document)
if match.include? :href
# For nodes with links, note what they're referring to, so
# we can adjust their hrefs when we assign global IDs.
href = match[:href].to_s
new_node['href'] = note_used_href file, new_node, href
if match.include? :id
# For nodes with IDs visible in the current Hugo file, we'll
# want to redirect links that previously go to other Agda
# module HTML files. So, note the ID that we want to redirect,
# and pick a new unique ID to replace it with.
id = match[:id].to_s
new_node['id'] = note_defined_href file, "#{html_file}##{id}"
new_node.content = content[relative_from...relative_to]
replace_with << new_node
replace_offset = relative_to
replace_with << content[replace_offset..-1]
# Finally, replace the node under consideration with the new
# pieces.
replace_with.each do |replacement|
lt.add_previous_sibling replacement
offset = new_offset
def cross_link_files
# Now, we have a complete list of all the IDs visible in scope.
# Redirect relevant links to these IDs. This achieves within-post
# links.
@nodes_referencing_href.each do |href, references|
references.each do |reference|
file = reference[:file]
node = reference[:node]
local_targets = @local_seen_hrefs[file]
if local_targets.include? href
# A code block in this fine provides this href, create a local link.
node['href'] = "##{local_targets[href]}"
elsif @global_seen_hrefs.include? href
# A code block in this series, but not in this file, defines
# this href. Create a cross-file link.
target = @global_seen_hrefs[href]
other_file = target[:file]
id = target[:id]
relpath =
node['href'] = "#{relpath}##{id}"
# No definitions in any blog page. For now, just delete the anchor.
node.replace node.content
agda_context =
file_documents = {}
series_groups = files.group_by do |file|
file_documents[file] = document = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(
# For the 'nil' group, process individually.
if files_with_no_series = series_groups.delete(nil)
files_with_no_series.each do |file|
file_group = agda_context
file_group.process_source_file file, file_documents[file]
# For groups, process them together to allow cross-linking
series_groups.each do |_, files_in_series|
file_group = agda_context
files_in_series.each do |file|
file_group.process_source_file file, file_documents[file]
# Having modified all the HTML files, save them.
file_documents.each do |file, document|
File.write(file, document.to_html(encoding: 'UTF-8'))

View File

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
require "pathname"
require "set"
require "json"
def resolve_path(bp, p)
path = nil
if bp.start_with? "."
path =, p)).cleanpath.to_s
elsif p.start_with? "blog/"
path = File.join("content", p)
path = File.join("content", "blog", p)
if path
path = File.join(path, "")
elsif !path.end_with? ".md"
path += ".md"
path.gsub("blog/blog/", "blog/")
files =
refs = {}
Dir['content/blog/**/*.md'].each do |file|
file = file.chomp
files << file
arr = refs[file] || (refs[file] = [])
pattern = Regexp.union(/< relref "([^"]+)" >/, /< draftlink "[^"]+" "([^"]+)" >/) do |ref|
ref = resolve_path(File.dirname(file), ref[0] || ref[1])
arr << ref
files << ref
data = {}
id = 0
series = {}
files.each do |file|
id += 1
name = file
tags = []
group = 1
draft = false
next unless File.exists?(file)
value = File.size(file)
url = file.gsub(/^content/, "").delete_suffix("/").delete_suffix(".md")
File.readlines(file).each do |l|
if l =~ /^title: (.+)$/
name = $~[1].delete_prefix('"').delete_suffix('"')
elsif l =~ /^draft: true$/
draft = true
elsif l =~ /^series: (.+)$/
this_series = $~[1]
series_list = series.fetch(this_series) do
series[this_series] = []
series_list << file
elsif l =~ /^tags: (.+)$/
tags = $~[1].delete_prefix("[").delete_suffix("]").split(/,\s?/).map { |it| it.gsub('"', '') }
if tags.include? "Compilers"
group = 2
elsif tags.include? "Coq"
group = 3
elsif tags.include? "Programming Languages"
group = 4
elsif tags.include? "Haskell"
group = 5
elsif tags.include? "Crystal"
group = 6
elsif tags.include? "Agda"
group = 7
elsif tags.include? "Hugo"
group = 8
next if draft
data[file] = { :id => id, :name => name, :group => group, :tags => tags, :url => url, :value => value }
edges = []
files.each do |file1|
# files.each do |file2|
# next if file1 == file2
# next unless data[file1][:tags].any? { |t| data[file2][:tags].include? t }
# edges << { :from => data[file1][:id], :to => data[file2][:id] }
# end
next unless frefs = refs[file1]
frefs.each do |ref|
next unless data[file1]
next unless data[ref]
edges << { :from => data[file1][:id], :to => data[ref][:id] }
series.each do |series, files|
files.sort.each_cons(2) do |file1, file2|
next unless data[file1]
next unless data[file2]
edges << { :from => data[file1][:id], :to => data[file2][:id] }
edges << { :from => data[file2][:id], :to => data[file1][:id] }
# edges.filter! { |e| e[:from] < e[:to] }! { |e| { :from => [e[:from], e[:to]].min, :to => [e[:from], e[:to]].max } }.uniq!
puts ("export const nodes = " + JSON.pretty_unparse(data.values) + ";")
puts ("export const edges = " + JSON.pretty_unparse(edges) + ";")

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
LatexListNil @ latexlist(nil, nil) <-;
LatexListCons @ latexlist(cons(?x, ?xs), cons(?l_x, ?l_s)) <- latex(?x, ?l_x), latexlist(?xs, ?l_s);
IntercalateNil @ intercalate(?sep, nil, nil) <-;
IntercalateConsCons @ intercalate(?sep, cons(?x_1, cons(?x_2, ?xs)), cons(?x_1, cons(?sep, ?ys))) <- intercalate(?sep, cons(?x_2, ?xs), ?ys);
IntercalateConsNil @ intercalate(?sep, cons(?x, nil), cons(?x, nil)) <-;
NonEmpty @ nonempty(cons(?x, ?xs)) <-;
InListHere @ inlist(?e, cons(?e, ?es)) <-;
InListThere @ inlist(?e_1, cons(?e_2, ?es)) <- inlist(?e_1, ?es);
BasicParenLit @ paren(lit(?v), ?l) <- latex(lit(?v), ?l);
BasicParenVar @ paren(var(?x), ?l) <- latex(var(?x), ?l);
BasicParenVar @ paren(metavariable(?x), ?l) <- latex(metavariable(?x), ?l);
BasicParenOther @ paren(?t, ?l) <- latex(?t, ?l_t), join(["(", ?l_t, ")"], ?l);
LatexInt @ latex(?i, ?l) <- int(?i), tostring(?i, ?l);
LatexFloat @ latex(?f, ?l) <- float(?f), tostring(?f, ?l);
LatexStr @ latex(?s, ?l) <- str(?s), escapestring(?s, ?l_1), latexifystring(?s, ?l_2), join(["\\texttt{\"", ?l_2, "\"}"], ?l);
LatexMeta @ latex(metavariable(?l), ?l) <-;
LatexLit @ latex(lit(?i), ?l) <- latex(?i, ?l);
LatexVar @ latex(var(metavariable(?s)), ?l) <- latex(metavariable(?s), ?l);
LatexVar @ latex(var(?s), ?l) <- latex(?s, ?l_v), join(["\\texttt{", ?l_v, "}"], ?l);
LatexPlus @ latex(plus(?e_1, ?e_2), ?l) <-
paren(?e_1, ?l_1), paren(?e_2, ?l_2),
join([?l_1, " + ", ?l_2], ?l);
LatexMinus @ latex(minus(?e_1, ?e_2), ?l) <-
paren(?e_1, ?l_1), paren(?e_2, ?l_2),
join([?l_1, " - ", ?l_2], ?l);
EnvLiteralNil @ envlitrec(empty, "\\{", "", ?seen) <-;
EnvLiteralSingle @ envlitsingle(?pre, ?e, ?v, "", ?pre, ?seen) <- inlist(?e, ?seen);
EnvLiteralSingle @ envlitsingle(?pre, ?e, ?v, ?l, ", ", ?seen) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), latex(?v, ?l_v), join([?pre, "\\texttt{", ?l_e, "} \\mapsto", ?l_v], ?l);
EnvLiteralCons @ envlitrec(extend(empty, ?e, ?v), ?l, ?newnext, ?seen) <- envlitrec(?rho, ?l_rho, ?next, cons(?e, ?seen)), envlitsingle(?next, ?e, ?v, ?l_v, ?newnext, ?seen), join([?l_rho, ?l_v], ?l);
EnvLiteralCons @ envlitrec(extend(?rho, ?e, ?v), ?l, ?newnext, ?seen) <- envlitrec(?rho, ?l_rho, ?next, cons(?e, ?seen)), envlitsingle(?next, ?e, ?v, ?l_v, ?newnext, ?seen), join([?l_rho, ?l_v], ?l);
EnvLiteralOuter @ envlit(?rho, ?l) <- envlitrec(?rho, ?l_rho, ?rest, []), join([?l_rho, "\\}"], ?l);
LatexEnvLit @ latex(?rho, ?l) <- envlit(?rho, ?l);
LatexTypeEmpty @ latex(empty, "\\{\\}") <-;
LatexExtend @ latex(extend(?a, ?b, ?c), ?l) <- latex(?a, ?l_a), latex(?b, ?l_b), latex(?c, ?l_c), join([?l_a, "[", ?l_b, " \\mapsto ", ?l_c, "]"], ?l);
LatexInenv @ latex(inenv(?x, ?v, ?G), ?l) <-latex(?x, ?l_x), latex(?v, ?l_v), latex(?G, ?l_G), join([?l_G, "(", ?l_x, ") = ", ?l_v], ?l);
LatexEvalTer @ latex(eval(?G, ?e, ?t), ?l) <- latex(?G, ?l_G), latex(?e, ?l_e), latex(?t, ?l_t), join([?l_G, ",\\ ", ?l_e, " \\Downarrow ", ?l_t], ?l);
LatexAdd @ latex(add(?a, ?b, ?c), ?l) <- latex(?a, ?l_a), latex(?b, ?l_b), latex(?c, ?l_c), join([?l_a, "+", ?l_b, "=", ?l_c], ?l);
LatexSubtract @ latex(subtract(?a, ?b, ?c), ?l) <- latex(?a, ?l_a), latex(?b, ?l_b), latex(?c, ?l_c), join([?l_a, "-", ?l_b, "=", ?l_c], ?l);
LatexEvalTer @ latex(stepbasic(?G, ?e, ?H), ?l) <- latex(?G, ?l_G), latex(?e, ?l_e), latex(?H, ?l_H), join([?l_G, ",\\ ", ?l_e, " \\Rightarrow ", ?l_H], ?l);
LatexEvalTer @ latex(step(?G, ?e, ?H), ?l) <- latex(?G, ?l_G), latex(?e, ?l_e), latex(?H, ?l_H), join([?l_G, ",\\ ", ?l_e, " \\Rightarrow ", ?l_H], ?l);
LatexNoop @ latex(noop, "\\texttt{noop}") <-;
LatexAssign @ latex(assign(?x, ?e), ?l) <- latex(?x, ?l_x), latex(?e, ?l_e), join([?l_x, " = ", ?l_e], ?l);
LatexAssign @ latex(if(?e, ?s_1, ?s_2), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), latex(?s_1, ?l_1), latex(?s_2, ?l_2), join(["\\textbf{if}\\ ", ?l_e, "\\ \\{\\ ", ?l_1, "\\ \\}\\ \\textbf{else}\\ \\{\\ ", ?l_2, "\\ \\}"], ?l);
LatexAssign @ latex(while(?e, ?s), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), latex(?s, ?l_s), join(["\\textbf{while}\\ ", ?l_e, "\\ \\{\\ ", ?l_s, "\\ \\}"], ?l);
LatexAssign @ latex(seq(?s_1, ?s_2), ?l) <- latex(?s_1, ?l_1), latex(?s_2, ?l_2), join([?l_1, "; ", ?l_2], ?l);
LatexNumNeq @ latex(not(eq(?e_1, ?e_2)), ?l) <- latex(?e_1, ?l_1), latex(?e_2, ?l_2), join([?l_1, " \\neq ", ?l_2], ?l);
LatexNot @ latex(not(?e), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), join(["\\neg (", ?l_e, ")"], ?l);
LatexNumEq @ latex(eq(?e_1, ?e_2), ?l) <- latex(?e_1, ?l_1), latex(?e_2, ?l_2), join([?l_1, " = ", ?l_2], ?l);
LatexIsInt @ latex(int(?e), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), join([?l_e, " \\in \\texttt{Int}"], ?l);
LatexIsFloat @ latex(float(?e), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), join([?l_e, " \\in \\texttt{Float}"], ?l);
LatexIsNum @ latex(num(?e), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), join([?l_e, " \\in \\texttt{Num}"], ?l);
LatexIsStr @ latex(str(?e), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), join([?l_e, " \\in \\texttt{Str}"], ?l);
LatexSym @ latex(?s, ?l) <- sym(?s), tostring(?s, ?l_1), join(["\\text{", ?l_1,"}"], ?l);
LatexCall @ latex(?c, ?l) <- call(?c, ?n, ?ts), nonempty(?ts), latexlist(?ts, ?lts_1), intercalate(", ", ?lts_1, ?lts_2), join(?lts_2, ?lts_3), join(["\\text{", ?n, "}", "(", ?lts_3, ")"], ?l);

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
PrecApp @ prec(app(?l, ?r), 100, left) <-;
PrecPlus @ prec(plus(?l, ?r), 80, either) <-;
PrecAbs @ prec(abs(?x, ?t, ?e), 0, right) <-;
PrecArr @ prec(tarr(?l, ?r), 0, right) <-;
SelectHead @ select(cons([?t, ?v], ?rest), ?default, ?v) <- ?t;
SelectTail @ select(cons([?t, ?v], ?rest), ?default, ?found) <- not(?t), select(?rest, ?default, ?found);
SelectEmpty @ select(nil, ?default, ?default) <-;
Eq @ eq(?x, ?x) <-;
ParenthAssocLeft @ parenthassoc(?a_i, left, right) <-;
ParenthAssocRight @ parenthassoc(?a_i, right, left) <-;
ParenthAssocNone @ parenthassoc(?a_i, none, ?pos) <-;
ParenthAssocNeq @ parenthassoc(?a_i, ?a_o, ?pos) <- not(eq(?a_i, ?a_o));
Parenth @ parenth(?inner, ?outer, ?pos, ?strin, ?strout) <-
prec(?inner, ?p_i, ?a_i), prec(?outer, ?p_o, ?a_o),
join(["(", ?strin, ")"], ?strinparen),
select([ [less(?p_i, ?p_o), strinparen], [less(?p_o, ?p_i), ?strin], [ parenthassoc(?a_i, ?a_o, ?pos), ?strinparen ] ], ?strin, ?strout);
ParenthFallback @ parenth(?inner, ?outer, ?pos, ?strin, ?strin) <-;
LatexListNil @ latexlist(nil, nil) <-;
LatexListCons @ latexlist(cons(?x, ?xs), cons(?l_x, ?l_s)) <- latex(?x, ?l_x), latexlist(?xs, ?l_s);
IntercalateNil @ intercalate(?sep, nil, nil) <-;
IntercalateConsCons @ intercalate(?sep, cons(?x_1, cons(?x_2, ?xs)), cons(?x_1, cons(?sep, ?ys))) <- intercalate(?sep, cons(?x_2, ?xs), ?ys);
IntercalateConsNil @ intercalate(?sep, cons(?x, nil), cons(?x, nil)) <-;
NonEmpty @ nonempty(cons(?x, ?xs)) <-;
LatexInt @ latex(?i, ?l) <- int(?i), tostring(?i, ?l);
LatexFloat @ latex(?f, ?l) <- float(?f), tostring(?f, ?l);
LatexStr @ latex(?s, ?l) <- str(?s), escapestring(?s, ?l_1), latexifystring(?s, ?l_2), join(["\\texttt{\"", ?l_2, "\"}"], ?l);
LatexMeta @ latex(metavariable(?l), ?l) <-;
LatexLit @ latex(lit(?i), ?l) <- latex(?i, ?l);
LatexVar @ latex(var(?s), ?l) <- latex(?s, ?l);
LatexPlus @ latex(plus(?e_1, ?e_2), ?l) <-
latex(?e_1, ?l_1), latex(?e_2, ?l_2),
parenth(?e_1, plus(?e_1, ?e_2), left, ?l_1, ?lp_1),
parenth(?e_2, plus(?e_1, ?e_2), right, ?l_2, ?lp_2),
join([?lp_1, " + ", ?lp_2], ?l);
LatexPair @ latex(pair(?e_1, ?e_2), ?l) <- latex(?e_1, ?l_1), latex(?e_2, ?l_2), join(["(", ?l_1, ", ", ?l_2, ")"], ?l);
LatexAbs @ latex(abs(?x, ?t, ?e), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), latex(?t, ?l_t), latex(?x, ?l_x), join(["\\lambda ", ?l_x, " : ", ?l_t, " . ", ?l_e], ?l);
LatexApp @ latex(app(?e_1, ?e_2), ?l) <-
latex(?e_1, ?l_1), latex(?e_2, ?l_2),
parenth(?e_1, app(?e_1, ?e_2), left, ?l_1, ?lp_1),
parenth(?e_2, app(?e_1, ?e_2), right, ?l_2, ?lp_2),
join([?lp_1, " \\enspace ", ?lp_2], ?l);
LatexTInt @ latex(tint, "\\text{tint}") <-;
LatexTStr @ latex(tstr, "\\text{tstr}") <-;
LatexTArr @ latex(tarr(?t_1, ?t_2), ?l) <-
latex(?t_1, ?l_1), latex(?t_2, ?l_2),
parenth(?t_1, tarr(?t_1, ?t_2), left, ?l_1, ?lp_1),
parenth(?t_2, tarr(?t_1, ?t_2), right, ?l_2, ?lp_2),
join([?lp_1, " \\to ", ?lp_2], ?l);
LatexTPair @ latex(tpair(?t_1, ?t_2), ?l) <- latex(?t_1, ?l_1), latex(?t_2, ?l_2), join(["(", ?l_1, ", ", ?l_2, ")"], ?l);
LatexTypeEmpty @ latex(empty, "\\varnothing") <-;
LatexTypeExtend @ latex(extend(?a, ?b, ?c), ?l) <- latex(?a, ?l_a), latex(?b, ?l_b), latex(?c, ?l_c), join([?l_a, " , ", ?l_b, " : ", ?l_c], ?l);
LatexTypeInenv @ latex(inenv(?x, ?t, ?G), ?l) <-latex(?x, ?l_x), latex(?t, ?l_t), latex(?G, ?l_G), join([?l_x, " : ", ?l_t, " \\in ", ?l_G], ?l);
LatexTypeBin @ latex(type(?e, ?t), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), latex(?t, ?l_t), join([?l_e, " : ", ?l_t], ?l);
LatexTypeTer @ latex(type(?G, ?e, ?t), ?l) <- latex(?G, ?l_G), latex(?e, ?l_e), latex(?t, ?l_t), join([?l_G, " \\vdash ", ?l_e, " : ", ?l_t], ?l);
LatexConverts @ latex(converts(?f, ?t), ?l) <- latex(?f, ?l_f), latex(?t, ?l_t), join([?l_f, " \\preceq ", ?l_t], ?l);
LatexIsInt @ latex(int(?e), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), join([?l_e, " \\in \\texttt{Int}"], ?l);
LatexIsFloat @ latex(float(?e), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), join([?l_e, " \\in \\texttt{Float}"], ?l);
LatexIsNum @ latex(num(?e), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), join([?l_e, " \\in \\texttt{Num}"], ?l);
LatexIsStr @ latex(str(?e), ?l) <- latex(?e, ?l_e), join([?l_e, " \\in \\texttt{Str}"], ?l);
LatexSym @ latex(?s, ?l) <- sym(?s), tostring(?s, ?l_1), join(["\\text{", ?l_1,"}"], ?l);
LatexCall @ latex(?c, ?l) <- call(?c, ?n, ?ts), nonempty(?ts), latexlist(?ts, ?lts_1), intercalate(", ", ?lts_1, ?lts_2), join(?lts_2, ?lts_3), join(["\\text{", ?n, "}", "(", ?lts_3, ")"], ?l);

View File

@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
@import "variables.scss";
@import "mixins.scss";
.bergamot-exercise {
counter-increment: bergamot-exercise;
.bergamot-root {
border: none;
padding: 0;
margin-top: 1em;
.bergamot-exercise-label {
.bergamot-exercise-number::after {
content: "Exercise " counter(bergamot-exercise);
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: underline;
.bergamot-button {
@include bordered-block;
padding: 0.25em;
padding-left: 1em;
padding-right: 1em;
background-color: inherit;
display: inline-flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
transition: 0.25s;
font-family: $font-body;
@include var(color, text-color);
&.bergamot-hidden {
display: none;
.feather {
margin-right: 0.5em;
.bergamot-play {
.feather { color: $primary-color; }
&:hover, &:focus {
.feather { color: lighten($primary-color, 20%); }
.bergamot-reset {
.feather { color: #0099CC; }
&:hover, &:focus {
.feather { color: lighten(#0099CC, 20%); }
svg {
fill: none;
.bergamot-close {
.feather { color: tomato; }
&:hover, &:focus {
.feather { color: lighten(tomato, 20%); }
.bergamot-button-group {
margin-top: 1em;
.bergamot-root {
@include bordered-block;
padding: 1em;
.bergamot-section-heading {
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
font-family: $font-body;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.25em;
.bergamot-section {
margin-bottom: 1em;
textarea {
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 10em;
resize: none;
input[type="text"] {
width: 100%;
@include textual-input;
.bergamot-rule-list {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
.bergamot-rule-list katex-expression {
margin-left: .5em;
margin-right: .5em;
flex-grow: 1;
flex-basis: 0;
.bergamot-rule-section {
.bergamot-rule-section-name {
text-align: center;
margin: 0.25em;
font-weight: bold;
.bergamot-proof-tree {
overflow: auto;
.bergamot-error {
@include bordered-block;
padding: 0.5rem;
border-color: tomato;
background-color: rgba(tomato, 0.25);
margin-top: 1rem;
.bergamot-selector {
button {
@include var(background-color, background-color);
@include var(color, text-color);
@include bordered-block;
padding: 0.5rem;
font-family: $font-body;
border-style: dotted;
&.active {
border-color: $primary-color;
border-style: solid;
font-weight: bold;
&:not(:first-child) {
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
&:not(:last-child) {
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
border-right-width: 0;
} + button {
border-left-color: $primary-color;
border-left-style: solid;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
.bergamot-no-proofs {
text-align: center;

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
@import "../../themes/vanilla/assets/scss/mixins.scss";
.donation-methods {
padding: 0;
border: none;
border-spacing: 0 0.5rem;
td {
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
&:first-child {
@include bordered-block;
text-align: right;
border-right: none;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
padding-left: 0.5em;
padding-right: 0.5rem;
@include below-container-width {
@include bordered-block;
text-align: center;
border-bottom: none;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
&:last-child {
@include bordered-block;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
@include below-container-width {
@include bordered-block;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
tr {
@include below-container-width {
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
code {
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
border: none;
display: inline-block;
padding: 0.25rem;

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
@import "variables.scss";
@import "mixins.scss";
.assumption-number {
font-weight: bold;
.assumption {
@include bordered-block;
padding: 0.8rem;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
@import "variables.scss"; @import "style.scss";
@import "mixins.scss";
.gmachine-instruction { .gmachine-instruction {
display: flex; display: flex;
@ -7,7 +6,7 @@
} }
.gmachine-instruction-name { .gmachine-instruction-name {
padding: .8rem; padding: 10px;
border-right: $standard-border; border-right: $standard-border;
flex-grow: 1; flex-grow: 1;
flex-basis: 20%; flex-basis: 20%;
@ -29,12 +28,12 @@
} }
.gmachine-inner-label { .gmachine-inner-label {
padding: .8rem; padding: 10px;
font-weight: bold; font-weight: bold;
} }
.gmachine-inner-text { .gmachine-inner-text {
padding: .8rem; padding: 10px;
text-align: right; text-align: right;
flex-grow: 1; flex-grow: 1;
} }

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
@import "variables.scss";
@import "mixins.scss";
.stack {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
max-width: 10rem;
margin: auto;
@include bordered-block;
.stack-element {
text-align: center;
min-height: 1.5rem;
&:not(:last-child) {
border-bottom: $standard-border;

View File

@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
@import "variables.scss";
body {
background-color: #1c1e26;
--text-color: white;
font-family: $font-code;
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
text-align: left;
font-family: $font-code;
h1::after {
content: "(writing)";
font-size: 1rem;
margin-left: 0.5em;
position: relative;
bottom: -0.5em;
color: $primary-color;
nav .container {
justify-content: flex-start;
a {
padding-left: 0;
margin-right: 1em;
.header-divider {
visibility: hidden;
hr {
height: auto;
border: none;
&::after {
content: "* * *";
color: $primary-color;
font-size: 2rem;
display: block;
text-align: center;
/* Code for the CSS glitch effect. Originally from: */
.glitch {
position: relative;
span {
animation: paths 5s step-end infinite;
font-weight: bold;
&::before, &::after {
content: attr(data-text);
position: absolute;
width: 110%;
z-index: -1;
&::before {
top: 10px;
left: 15px;
color: #e0287d;
animation: paths 5s step-end infinite, opacity 5s step-end infinite,
font 8s step-end infinite, movement 10s step-end infinite;
&::after {
top: 5px;
left: -10px;
color: #1bc7fb;
animation: paths 5s step-end infinite, opacity 5s step-end infinite,
font 7s step-end infinite, movement 8s step-end infinite;
@keyframes paths {
0% {
clip-path: polygon(
0% 43%,
83% 43%,
83% 22%,
23% 22%,
23% 24%,
91% 24%,
91% 26%,
18% 26%,
18% 83%,
29% 83%,
29% 17%,
41% 17%,
41% 39%,
18% 39%,
18% 82%,
54% 82%,
54% 88%,
19% 88%,
19% 4%,
39% 4%,
39% 14%,
76% 14%,
76% 52%,
23% 52%,
23% 35%,
19% 35%,
19% 8%,
36% 8%,
36% 31%,
73% 31%,
73% 16%,
1% 16%,
1% 56%,
50% 56%,
50% 8%
5% {
clip-path: polygon(
0% 29%,
44% 29%,
44% 83%,
94% 83%,
94% 56%,
11% 56%,
11% 64%,
94% 64%,
94% 70%,
88% 70%,
88% 32%,
18% 32%,
18% 96%,
10% 96%,
10% 62%,
9% 62%,
9% 84%,
68% 84%,
68% 50%,
52% 50%,
52% 55%,
35% 55%,
35% 87%,
25% 87%,
25% 39%,
15% 39%,
15% 88%,
52% 88%
30% {
clip-path: polygon(
0% 53%,
93% 53%,
93% 62%,
68% 62%,
68% 37%,
97% 37%,
97% 89%,
13% 89%,
13% 45%,
51% 45%,
51% 88%,
17% 88%,
17% 54%,
81% 54%,
81% 75%,
79% 75%,
79% 76%,
38% 76%,
38% 28%,
61% 28%,
61% 12%,
55% 12%,
55% 62%,
68% 62%,
68% 51%,
0% 51%,
0% 92%,
63% 92%,
63% 4%,
65% 4%
45% {
clip-path: polygon(
0% 33%,
2% 33%,
2% 69%,
58% 69%,
58% 94%,
55% 94%,
55% 25%,
33% 25%,
33% 85%,
16% 85%,
16% 19%,
5% 19%,
5% 20%,
79% 20%,
79% 96%,
93% 96%,
93% 50%,
5% 50%,
5% 74%,
55% 74%,
55% 57%,
96% 57%,
96% 59%,
87% 59%,
87% 65%,
82% 65%,
82% 39%,
63% 39%,
63% 92%,
4% 92%,
4% 36%,
24% 36%,
24% 70%,
1% 70%,
1% 43%,
15% 43%,
15% 28%,
23% 28%,
23% 71%,
90% 71%,
90% 86%,
97% 86%,
97% 1%,
60% 1%,
60% 67%,
71% 67%,
71% 91%,
17% 91%,
17% 14%,
39% 14%,
39% 30%,
58% 30%,
58% 11%,
52% 11%,
52% 83%,
68% 83%
76% {
clip-path: polygon(
0% 26%,
15% 26%,
15% 73%,
72% 73%,
72% 70%,
77% 70%,
77% 75%,
8% 75%,
8% 42%,
4% 42%,
4% 61%,
17% 61%,
17% 12%,
26% 12%,
26% 63%,
73% 63%,
73% 43%,
90% 43%,
90% 67%,
50% 67%,
50% 41%,
42% 41%,
42% 46%,
50% 46%,
50% 84%,
96% 84%,
96% 78%,
49% 78%,
49% 25%,
63% 25%,
63% 14%
90% {
clip-path: polygon(
0% 41%,
13% 41%,
13% 6%,
87% 6%,
87% 93%,
10% 93%,
10% 13%,
89% 13%,
89% 6%,
3% 6%,
3% 8%,
16% 8%,
16% 79%,
0% 79%,
0% 99%,
92% 99%,
92% 90%,
5% 90%,
5% 60%,
0% 60%,
0% 48%,
89% 48%,
89% 13%,
80% 13%,
80% 43%,
95% 43%,
95% 19%,
80% 19%,
80% 85%,
38% 85%,
38% 62%
93% {
clip-path: none;
@keyframes movement {
0% {
top: 0px;
left: -20px;
15% {
top: 10px;
left: 10px;
60% {
top: 5px;
left: -10px;
75% {
top: -5px;
left: 20px;
100% {
top: 10px;
left: 5px;
@keyframes opacity {
0% {
opacity: 0.1;
5% {
opacity: 0.7;
30% {
opacity: 0.4;
45% {
opacity: 0.6;
76% {
opacity: 0.4;
90% {
opacity: 0.8;
93% {
opacity: 0;
@keyframes font {
0% {
font-weight: 100;
color: #e0287d;
filter: blur(3px);
20% {
font-weight: 500;
color: #fff;
filter: blur(0);
50% {
font-weight: 300;
color: #1bc7fb;
filter: blur(2px);
60% {
font-weight: 700;
color: #fff;
filter: blur(0);
90% {
font-weight: 500;
color: #e0287d;
filter: blur(6px);

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
require "json"
require "set"
require "optparse"
require "fileutils"
# For target_dir, use absolute paths because when invoking Agda, we'll be
# using chdir.
root_path = "code"
target_dir = File.expand_path "code"
data_file = "data/submodules.json" do |opts|
opts.banner = "Usage: build-agda-html.rb [options]"
opts.on("--root-path=PATH", "Search for Agda project folders in the given location") do |f|
root_path = f
opts.on("--target-dir=PATH", "Generate HTML files into the given directory") do |f|
target_dir = File.expand_path f
opts.on("--data-file=FILE", "Specify the submodules.json that encodes nested submodule structure") do |f|
data_file = f
files = ARGV
code_paths = Dir.entries(root_path).select do |f|, f)) and f != '.' and f != '..'
code_paths += JSON.parse( if File.exists? data_file
# Extending code_paths from submodules.json means that nested Agda modules
# have their root dir correctly set.
max_path = ->(path) {
code_paths.max_by do |code_path|
count = 0 do |c1, c2|
break unless c1 == c2
count += 1
next count
files_for_paths = {}
Dir.glob("**/*.agda", base: root_path) do |agda_file|
best_path =
files_for_path = files_for_paths.fetch(best_path) do
files_for_paths[best_path] = []
files_for_path << agda_file[best_path.length + File::SEPARATOR.length..-1]
original_wd = Dir.getwd
files_for_paths.each do |path, files|
Dir.chdir(File.join(root_path, path))
html_dir = File.join [target_dir, path, "html"]
FileUtils.mkdir_p html_dir
files.each do |file|
command = "#{ARGV[0]} #{file} --html --html-dir=#{html_dir}"
puts command
puts `#{command}`
# Allow some programs to fail (e.g., IO.agda in SPA without --guardedness)
# fail unless $? == 0

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
open import Agda.Primitive using (Level; lsuc)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_)
a : Level
A : Set a
module FirstAttempt where
record Semigroup (A : Set a) : Set a where
_∙_ : A A A
isAssociative : (a₁ a₂ a₃ : A) a₁ (a₂ a₃) (a₁ a₂) a₃
record Monoid (A : Set a) : Set a where
field semigroup : Semigroup A
open Semigroup semigroup public
zero : A
isIdentityLeft : (a : A) zero a a
isIdentityRight : (a : A) a zero a
record ContrivedExample (A : Set a) : Set a where
-- first property
monoid : Monoid A
-- second property; Semigroup is a stand-in.
semigroup : Semigroup A
operationsEqual : Monoid._∙_ monoid Semigroup._∙_ semigroup
module SecondAttempt where
record IsSemigroup {A : Set a} (_∙_ : A A A) : Set a where
field isAssociative : (a₁ a₂ a₃ : A) a₁ (a₂ a₃) (a₁ a₂) a₃
record IsMonoid {A : Set a} (zero : A) (_∙_ : A A A) : Set a where
isSemigroup : IsSemigroup _∙_
isIdentityLeft : (a : A) zero a a
isIdentityRight : (a : A) a zero a
open IsSemigroup isSemigroup public
record IsContrivedExample {A : Set a} (zero : A) (_∙_ : A A A) : Set a where
-- first property
monoid : IsMonoid zero _∙_
-- second property; Semigroup is a stand-in.
semigroup : IsSemigroup _∙_
record Semigroup (A : Set a) : Set a where
_∙_ : A A A
isSemigroup : IsSemigroup _∙_
record Monoid (A : Set a) : Set a where
zero : A
_∙_ : A A A
isMonoid : IsMonoid zero _∙_
module ThirdAttempt {A : Set a} (_∙_ : A A A) where
record IsSemigroup : Set a where
field isAssociative : (a₁ a₂ a₃ : A) a₁ (a₂ a₃) (a₁ a₂) a₃
record IsMonoid (zero : A) : Set a where
isSemigroup : IsSemigroup
isIdentityLeft : (a : A) zero a a
isIdentityRight : (a : A) a zero a
open IsSemigroup isSemigroup public
record IsContrivedExample (zero : A) : Set a where
-- first property
monoid : IsMonoid zero
-- second property; Semigroup is a stand-in.
semigroup : IsSemigroup

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 913121488069a20cdfd40777a8777eb3744c415e

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 7a8503c3fe1aa7e624e4d8672aa9b56d24b4ba82

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 67b47d9c298e7476c2ca211aac5c5fd961637b7b

View File

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Prelude hiding (length, sum, fix)
length :: [a] -> Int
length [] = 0
length (_:xs) = 1 + length xs
lengthF :: ([a] -> Int) -> [a] -> Int
lengthF rec [] = 0
lengthF rec (_:xs) = 1 + rec xs
lengthF' = \rec -> \case
[] -> 0
_:xs -> 1 + rec xs
fix f = let x = f x in x
length' = fix lengthF
data MyList = MyNil | MyCons Int MyList
data MyListF a = MyNilF | MyConsF Int a
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
testList :: Fix MyListF
testList = Fix (MyConsF 1 (Fix (MyConsF 2 (Fix (MyConsF 3 (Fix MyNilF))))))
myOut :: MyList -> MyListF MyList
myOut MyNil = MyNilF
myOut (MyCons i xs) = MyConsF i xs
myIn :: MyListF MyList -> MyList
myIn MyNilF = MyNil
myIn (MyConsF i xs) = MyCons i xs
instance Functor MyListF where
fmap f MyNilF = MyNilF
fmap f (MyConsF i a) = MyConsF i (f a)
mySumF :: MyListF Int -> Int
mySumF MyNilF = 0
mySumF (MyConsF i rest) = i + rest
mySum :: MyList -> Int
mySum = mySumF . fmap mySum . myOut
myCata :: (MyListF a -> a) -> MyList -> a
myCata f = f . fmap (myCata f) . myOut
myLength = myCata $ \case
MyNilF -> 0
MyConsF _ l -> 1 + l
myMax = myCata $ \case
MyNilF -> 0
MyConsF x y -> max x y
myMin = myCata $ \case
MyNilF -> 0
MyConsF x y -> min x y
myTestList = MyCons 2 (MyCons 1 (MyCons 3 MyNil))
pack :: a -> (Int -> a -> a) -> MyListF a -> a
pack b f MyNilF = b
pack b f (MyConsF x y) = f x y
unpack :: (MyListF a -> a) -> (a, Int -> a -> a)
unpack f = (f MyNilF, \i a -> f (MyConsF i a))
class Functor f => Cata a f where
out :: a -> f a
cata :: Cata a f => (f b -> b) -> a -> b
cata f = f . fmap (cata f) . out
instance Cata MyList MyListF where
out = myOut
data ListF a b = Nil | Cons a b deriving Functor
instance Cata [a] (ListF a) where
out [] = Nil
out (x:xs) = Cons x xs
sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum = cata $ \case
Nil -> 0
Cons x xs -> x + xs
data BinaryTree a = Node a (BinaryTree a) (BinaryTree a) | Leaf deriving (Show, Foldable)
data BinaryTreeF a b = NodeF a b b | LeafF deriving Functor
instance Cata (BinaryTree a) (BinaryTreeF a) where
out (Node a l r) = NodeF a l r
out Leaf = LeafF
invert :: BinaryTree a -> BinaryTree a
invert = cata $ \case
LeafF -> Leaf
NodeF a l r -> Node a r l
data MaybeF a b = NothingF | JustF a deriving Functor
instance Cata (Maybe a) (MaybeF a) where
out Nothing = NothingF
out (Just x) = JustF x
getOrDefault :: a -> Maybe a -> a
getOrDefault d = cata $ \case
NothingF -> d
JustF a -> a

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 137455b0f4365ba3fd11c45ce49781cdbe829ec3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
%option noyywrap
#include <iostream>
[ \n]+ {}
\+ { std::cout << "PLUS" << std::endl; }
\* { std::cout << "TIMES" << std::endl; }
- { std::cout << "MINUS" << std::endl; }
\/ { std::cout << "DIVIDE" << std::endl; }
[0-9]+ { std::cout << "NUMBER: " << yytext << std::endl; }
defn { std::cout << "KEYWORD: defn" << std::endl; }
data { std::cout << "KEYWORD: data" << std::endl; }
case { std::cout << "KEYWORD: case" << std::endl; }
of { std::cout << "KEYWORD: of" << std::endl; }
\{ { std::cout << "OPEN CURLY" << std::endl; }
\} { std::cout << "CLOSED CURLY" << std::endl; }
\( { std::cout << "OPEN PARENTH" << std::endl; }
\) { std::cout << "CLOSE PARENTH" << std::endl; }
, { std::cout << "COMMA" << std::endl; }
-> { std::cout << "PATTERN ARROW" << std::endl; }
= { std::cout << "EQUAL" << std::endl; }
[a-z][a-zA-Z]* { std::cout << "LOWERCASE IDENTIFIER: " << yytext << std::endl; }
[A-Z][a-zA-Z]* { std::cout << "UPPERCASE IDENTIFIER: " << yytext << std::endl; }
int main() {

code/compiler/02/ast.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
struct ast {
virtual ~ast() = default;
using ast_ptr = std::unique_ptr<ast>;
struct pattern {
virtual ~pattern() = default;
using pattern_ptr = std::unique_ptr<pattern>;
struct branch {
pattern_ptr pat;
ast_ptr expr;
branch(pattern_ptr p, ast_ptr a)
: pat(std::move(p)), expr(std::move(a)) {}
using branch_ptr = std::unique_ptr<branch>;
struct constructor {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> types;
constructor(std::string n, std::vector<std::string> ts)
: name(std::move(n)), types(std::move(ts)) {}
using constructor_ptr = std::unique_ptr<constructor>;
struct definition {
virtual ~definition() = default;
using definition_ptr = std::unique_ptr<definition>;
enum binop {
struct ast_int : public ast {
int value;
explicit ast_int(int v)
: value(v) {}
struct ast_lid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_lid(std::string i)
: id(std::move(i)) {}
struct ast_uid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_uid(std::string i)
: id(std::move(i)) {}
struct ast_binop : public ast {
binop op;
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_binop(binop o, ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r)
: op(o), left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
struct ast_app : public ast {
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_app(ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r)
: left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
struct ast_case : public ast {
ast_ptr of;
std::vector<branch_ptr> branches;
ast_case(ast_ptr o, std::vector<branch_ptr> b)
: of(std::move(o)), branches(std::move(b)) {}
struct pattern_var : public pattern {
std::string var;
pattern_var(std::string v)
: var(std::move(v)) {}
struct pattern_constr : public pattern {
std::string constr;
std::vector<std::string> params;
pattern_constr(std::string c, std::vector<std::string> p)
: constr(std::move(c)), params(std::move(p)) {}
struct definition_defn : public definition {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> params;
ast_ptr body;
definition_defn(std::string n, std::vector<std::string> p, ast_ptr b)
: name(std::move(n)), params(std::move(p)), body(std::move(b)) {
struct definition_data : public definition {
std::string name;
std::vector<constructor_ptr> constructors;
definition_data(std::string n, std::vector<constructor_ptr> cs)
: name(std::move(n)), constructors(std::move(cs)) {}

code/compiler/02/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
rm -f parser.o parser.cpp parser.hpp stack.hh scanner.cpp scanner.o a.out

code/compiler/02/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
bison -o parser.cpp -d parser.y
flex -o scanner.cpp scanner.l
g++ -c -o scanner.o scanner.cpp
g++ -c -o parser.o parser.cpp
g++ main.cpp parser.o scanner.o

code/compiler/02/main.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
void yy::parser::error(const std::string& msg) {
std::cout << "An error occured: " << msg << std::endl;
extern std::vector<definition_ptr> program;
int main() {
yy::parser parser;
std::cout << program.size() << std::endl;

code/compiler/02/parser.y Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
std::vector<definition_ptr> program;
extern yy::parser::symbol_type yylex();
%token PLUS
%token TIMES
%token MINUS
%token DIVIDE
%token <int> INT
%token DEFN
%token DATA
%token CASE
%token OF
%token OCURLY
%token CCURLY
%token OPAREN
%token CPAREN
%token COMMA
%token ARROW
%token EQUAL
%token <std::string> LID
%token <std::string> UID
%language "c++"
%define api.value.type variant
%define api.token.constructor
%type <std::vector<std::string>> lowercaseParams uppercaseParams
%type <std::vector<definition_ptr>> program definitions
%type <std::vector<branch_ptr>> branches
%type <std::vector<constructor_ptr>> constructors
%type <ast_ptr> aAdd aMul case app appBase
%type <definition_ptr> definition defn data
%type <branch_ptr> branch
%type <pattern_ptr> pattern
%type <constructor_ptr> constructor
%start program
: definitions { program = std::move($1); }
: definitions definition { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
| definition { $$ = std::vector<definition_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1)); }
: defn { $$ = std::move($1); }
| data { $$ = std::move($1); }
{ $$ = definition_ptr(
new definition_defn(std::move($2), std::move($3), std::move($6))); }
: %empty { $$ = std::vector<std::string>(); }
| lowercaseParams LID { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
: %empty { $$ = std::vector<std::string>(); }
| uppercaseParams UID { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
: aAdd PLUS aMul { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(PLUS, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aAdd MINUS aMul { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(MINUS, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aMul { $$ = std::move($1); }
: aMul TIMES app { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(TIMES, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aMul DIVIDE app { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(DIVIDE, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| app { $$ = std::move($1); }
: app appBase { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_app(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }
| appBase { $$ = std::move($1); }
: INT { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_int($1)); }
| LID { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_lid(std::move($1))); }
| UID { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_uid(std::move($1))); }
| OPAREN aAdd CPAREN { $$ = std::move($2); }
| case { $$ = std::move($1); }
{ $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_case(std::move($2), std::move($5))); }
: branches branch { $$ = std::move($1); $1.push_back(std::move($2)); }
| branch { $$ = std::vector<branch_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1));}
{ $$ = branch_ptr(new branch(std::move($1), std::move($4))); }
: LID { $$ = pattern_ptr(new pattern_var(std::move($1))); }
| UID lowercaseParams
{ $$ = pattern_ptr(new pattern_constr(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }
{ $$ = definition_ptr(new definition_data(std::move($2), std::move($5))); }
: constructors COMMA constructor { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($3)); }
| constructor
{ $$ = std::vector<constructor_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1)); }
: UID uppercaseParams
{ $$ = constructor_ptr(new constructor(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
%option noyywrap
#include <iostream>
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
#define YY_DECL yy::parser::symbol_type yylex()
[ \n]+ {}
\+ { return yy::parser::make_PLUS(); }
\* { return yy::parser::make_TIMES(); }
- { return yy::parser::make_MINUS(); }
\/ { return yy::parser::make_DIVIDE(); }
[0-9]+ { return yy::parser::make_INT(atoi(yytext)); }
defn { return yy::parser::make_DEFN(); }
data { return yy::parser::make_DATA(); }
case { return yy::parser::make_CASE(); }
of { return yy::parser::make_OF(); }
\{ { return yy::parser::make_OCURLY(); }
\} { return yy::parser::make_CCURLY(); }
\( { return yy::parser::make_OPAREN(); }
\) { return yy::parser::make_CPAREN(); }
, { return yy::parser::make_COMMA(); }
-> { return yy::parser::make_ARROW(); }
= { return yy::parser::make_EQUAL(); }
[a-z][a-zA-Z]* { return yy::parser::make_LID(std::string(yytext)); }
[A-Z][a-zA-Z]* { return yy::parser::make_UID(std::string(yytext)); }

code/compiler/03/ast.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
std::string op_name(binop op) {
switch(op) {
case PLUS: return "+";
case MINUS: return "-";
case TIMES: return "*";
case DIVIDE: return "/";
throw 0;
type_ptr ast_int::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return type_ptr(new type_base("Int"));
type_ptr ast_lid::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return env.lookup(id);
type_ptr ast_uid::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return env.lookup(id);
type_ptr ast_binop::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_ptr ltype = left->typecheck(mgr, env);
type_ptr rtype = right->typecheck(mgr, env);
type_ptr ftype = env.lookup(op_name(op));
if(!ftype) throw 0;
type_ptr return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr arrow_one = type_ptr(new type_arr(rtype, return_type));
type_ptr arrow_two = type_ptr(new type_arr(ltype, arrow_one));
mgr.unify(arrow_two, ftype);
return return_type;
type_ptr ast_app::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_ptr ltype = left->typecheck(mgr, env);
type_ptr rtype = right->typecheck(mgr, env);
type_ptr return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr arrow = type_ptr(new type_arr(rtype, return_type));
mgr.unify(arrow, ltype);
return return_type;
type_ptr ast_case::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_ptr case_type = of->typecheck(mgr, env);
type_ptr branch_type = mgr.new_type();
for(auto& branch : branches) {
type_env new_env = env.scope();
branch->pat->match(case_type, mgr, new_env);
type_ptr curr_branch_type = branch->expr->typecheck(mgr, new_env);
mgr.unify(branch_type, curr_branch_type);
return branch_type;
void pattern_var::match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const {
env.bind(var, t);
void pattern_constr::match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const {
type_ptr constructor_type = env.lookup(constr);
if(!constructor_type) throw 0;
for(int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
type_arr* arr = dynamic_cast<type_arr*>(constructor_type.get());
if(!arr) throw 0;
env.bind(params[i], arr->left);
constructor_type = arr->right;
mgr.unify(t, constructor_type);
type_base* result_type = dynamic_cast<type_base*>(constructor_type.get());
if(!result_type) throw 0;

code/compiler/03/ast.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "type.hpp"
#include "env.hpp"
struct ast {
virtual ~ast() = default;
virtual type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const = 0;
using ast_ptr = std::unique_ptr<ast>;
struct pattern {
virtual ~pattern() = default;
virtual void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const = 0;
using pattern_ptr = std::unique_ptr<pattern>;
struct branch {
pattern_ptr pat;
ast_ptr expr;
branch(pattern_ptr p, ast_ptr a)
: pat(std::move(p)), expr(std::move(a)) {}
using branch_ptr = std::unique_ptr<branch>;
struct constructor {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> types;
constructor(std::string n, std::vector<std::string> ts)
: name(std::move(n)), types(std::move(ts)) {}
using constructor_ptr = std::unique_ptr<constructor>;
struct definition {
virtual ~definition() = default;
virtual void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) = 0;
virtual void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const = 0;
using definition_ptr = std::unique_ptr<definition>;
enum binop {
struct ast_int : public ast {
int value;
explicit ast_int(int v)
: value(v) {}
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct ast_lid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_lid(std::string i)
: id(std::move(i)) {}
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct ast_uid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_uid(std::string i)
: id(std::move(i)) {}
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct ast_binop : public ast {
binop op;
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_binop(binop o, ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r)
: op(o), left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct ast_app : public ast {
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_app(ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r)
: left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct ast_case : public ast {
ast_ptr of;
std::vector<branch_ptr> branches;
ast_case(ast_ptr o, std::vector<branch_ptr> b)
: of(std::move(o)), branches(std::move(b)) {}
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct pattern_var : public pattern {
std::string var;
pattern_var(std::string v)
: var(std::move(v)) {}
void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const;
struct pattern_constr : public pattern {
std::string constr;
std::vector<std::string> params;
pattern_constr(std::string c, std::vector<std::string> p)
: constr(std::move(c)), params(std::move(p)) {}
void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr&, type_env& env) const;
struct definition_defn : public definition {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> params;
ast_ptr body;
type_ptr return_type;
std::vector<type_ptr> param_types;
definition_defn(std::string n, std::vector<std::string> p, ast_ptr b)
: name(std::move(n)), params(std::move(p)), body(std::move(b)) {
void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env);
void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct definition_data : public definition {
std::string name;
std::vector<constructor_ptr> constructors;
definition_data(std::string n, std::vector<constructor_ptr> cs)
: name(std::move(n)), constructors(std::move(cs)) {}
void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env);
void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
data Bool = { True, False }
defn main = { 3 + True }

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
defn main = { 1 2 3 4 5 }

code/compiler/03/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
rm -f parser.o parser.cpp parser.hpp stack.hh scanner.cpp scanner.o type.o env.o ast.o definition.o a.out

code/compiler/03/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
bison -o parser.cpp -d parser.y
flex -o scanner.cpp scanner.l
g++ -g -c -o scanner.o scanner.cpp
g++ -g -c -o parser.o parser.cpp
g++ -g -c -o type.o type.cpp
g++ -g -c -o env.o env.cpp
g++ -g -c -o ast.o ast.cpp
g++ -g -c -o definition.o definition.cpp
g++ -g main.cpp parser.o scanner.o type.o env.o ast.o definition.o

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
void definition_defn::typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) {
return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr full_type = return_type;
for(auto it = params.rbegin(); it != params.rend(); it++) {
type_ptr param_type = mgr.new_type();
full_type = type_ptr(new type_arr(param_type, full_type));
env.bind(name, full_type);
void definition_defn::typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_env new_env = env.scope();
auto param_it = params.begin();
auto type_it = param_types.rbegin();
while(param_it != params.end() && type_it != param_types.rend()) {
new_env.bind(*param_it, *type_it);
type_ptr body_type = body->typecheck(mgr, new_env);
mgr.unify(return_type, body_type);
void definition_data::typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) {
type_ptr return_type = type_ptr(new type_base(name));
for(auto& constructor : constructors) {
type_ptr full_type = return_type;
for(auto& type_name : constructor->types) {
type_ptr type = type_ptr(new type_base(type_name));
full_type = type_ptr(new type_arr(type, full_type));
env.bind(constructor->name, full_type);
void definition_data::typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
// Nothing

code/compiler/03/env.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#include "env.hpp"
type_ptr type_env::lookup(const std::string& name) const {
auto it = names.find(name);
if(it != names.end()) return it->second;
if(parent) return parent->lookup(name);
return nullptr;
void type_env::bind(const std::string& name, type_ptr t) {
names[name] = t;
type_env type_env::scope() const {
return type_env(this);

code/compiler/03/env.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "type.hpp"
struct type_env {
std::map<std::string, type_ptr> names;
type_env const* parent = nullptr;
type_env(type_env const* p)
: parent(p) {}
type_env() : type_env(nullptr) {}
type_ptr lookup(const std::string& name) const;
void bind(const std::string& name, type_ptr t);
type_env scope() const;

code/compiler/03/main.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
#include "type.hpp"
void yy::parser::error(const std::string& msg) {
std::cout << "An error occured: " << msg << std::endl;
extern std::vector<definition_ptr> program;
void typecheck_program(const std::vector<definition_ptr>& prog) {
type_mgr mgr;
type_env env;
type_ptr int_type = type_ptr(new type_base("Int"));
type_ptr binop_type = type_ptr(new type_arr(
type_ptr(new type_arr(int_type, int_type))));
env.bind("+", binop_type);
env.bind("-", binop_type);
env.bind("*", binop_type);
env.bind("/", binop_type);
for(auto& def : prog) {
def->typecheck_first(mgr, env);
for(auto& def : prog) {
def->typecheck_second(mgr, env);
int main() {
yy::parser parser;
std::cout << program.size() << std::endl;

code/compiler/03/parser.y Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
std::vector<definition_ptr> program;
extern yy::parser::symbol_type yylex();
%token PLUS
%token TIMES
%token MINUS
%token DIVIDE
%token <int> INT
%token DEFN
%token DATA
%token CASE
%token OF
%token OCURLY
%token CCURLY
%token OPAREN
%token CPAREN
%token COMMA
%token ARROW
%token EQUAL
%token <std::string> LID
%token <std::string> UID
%language "c++"
%define api.value.type variant
%define api.token.constructor
%type <std::vector<std::string>> lowercaseParams uppercaseParams
%type <std::vector<definition_ptr>> program definitions
%type <std::vector<branch_ptr>> branches
%type <std::vector<constructor_ptr>> constructors
%type <ast_ptr> aAdd aMul case app appBase
%type <definition_ptr> definition defn data
%type <branch_ptr> branch
%type <pattern_ptr> pattern
%type <constructor_ptr> constructor
%start program
: definitions { program = std::move($1); }
: definitions definition { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
| definition { $$ = std::vector<definition_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1)); }
: defn { $$ = std::move($1); }
| data { $$ = std::move($1); }
{ $$ = definition_ptr(
new definition_defn(std::move($2), std::move($3), std::move($6))); }
: %empty { $$ = std::vector<std::string>(); }
| lowercaseParams LID { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
: %empty { $$ = std::vector<std::string>(); }
| uppercaseParams UID { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
: aAdd PLUS aMul { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(PLUS, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aAdd MINUS aMul { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(MINUS, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aMul { $$ = std::move($1); }
: aMul TIMES app { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(TIMES, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aMul DIVIDE app { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(DIVIDE, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| app { $$ = std::move($1); }
: app appBase { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_app(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }
| appBase { $$ = std::move($1); }
: INT { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_int($1)); }
| LID { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_lid(std::move($1))); }
| UID { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_uid(std::move($1))); }
| OPAREN aAdd CPAREN { $$ = std::move($2); }
| case { $$ = std::move($1); }
{ $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_case(std::move($2), std::move($5))); }
: branches branch { $$ = std::move($1); $1.push_back(std::move($2)); }
| branch { $$ = std::vector<branch_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1));}
{ $$ = branch_ptr(new branch(std::move($1), std::move($4))); }
: LID { $$ = pattern_ptr(new pattern_var(std::move($1))); }
| UID lowercaseParams
{ $$ = pattern_ptr(new pattern_constr(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }
{ $$ = definition_ptr(new definition_data(std::move($2), std::move($5))); }
: constructors COMMA constructor { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($3)); }
| constructor
{ $$ = std::vector<constructor_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1)); }
: UID uppercaseParams
{ $$ = constructor_ptr(new constructor(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
%option noyywrap
#include <iostream>
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
#define YY_DECL yy::parser::symbol_type yylex()
[ \n]+ {}
\+ { return yy::parser::make_PLUS(); }
\* { return yy::parser::make_TIMES(); }
- { return yy::parser::make_MINUS(); }
\/ { return yy::parser::make_DIVIDE(); }
[0-9]+ { return yy::parser::make_INT(atoi(yytext)); }
defn { return yy::parser::make_DEFN(); }
data { return yy::parser::make_DATA(); }
case { return yy::parser::make_CASE(); }
of { return yy::parser::make_OF(); }
\{ { return yy::parser::make_OCURLY(); }
\} { return yy::parser::make_CCURLY(); }
\( { return yy::parser::make_OPAREN(); }
\) { return yy::parser::make_CPAREN(); }
, { return yy::parser::make_COMMA(); }
-> { return yy::parser::make_ARROW(); }
= { return yy::parser::make_EQUAL(); }
[a-z][a-zA-Z]* { return yy::parser::make_LID(std::string(yytext)); }
[A-Z][a-zA-Z]* { return yy::parser::make_UID(std::string(yytext)); }

code/compiler/03/type.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#include "type.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
std::string type_mgr::new_type_name() {
int temp = last_id++;
std::string str = "";
while(temp != -1) {
str += (char) ('a' + (temp % 26));
temp = temp / 26 - 1;
std::reverse(str.begin(), str.end());
return str;
type_ptr type_mgr::new_type() {
return type_ptr(new type_var(new_type_name()));
type_ptr type_mgr::new_arrow_type() {
return type_ptr(new type_arr(new_type(), new_type()));
type_ptr type_mgr::resolve(type_ptr t, type_var*& var) {
type_var* cast;
var = nullptr;
while((cast = dynamic_cast<type_var*>(t.get()))) {
auto it = types.find(cast->name);
if(it == types.end()) {
var = cast;
t = it->second;
return t;
void type_mgr::unify(type_ptr l, type_ptr r) {
type_var* lvar;
type_var* rvar;
type_arr* larr;
type_arr* rarr;
type_base* lid;
type_base* rid;
l = resolve(l, lvar);
r = resolve(r, rvar);
if(lvar) {
bind(lvar->name, r);
} else if(rvar) {
bind(rvar->name, l);
} else if((larr = dynamic_cast<type_arr*>(l.get())) &&
(rarr = dynamic_cast<type_arr*>(r.get()))) {
unify(larr->left, rarr->left);
unify(larr->right, rarr->right);
} else if((lid = dynamic_cast<type_base*>(l.get())) &&
(rid = dynamic_cast<type_base*>(r.get()))) {
if(lid->name == rid->name) return;
throw 0;
void type_mgr::bind(const std::string& s, type_ptr t) {
type_var* other = dynamic_cast<type_var*>(t.get());
if(other && other->name == s) return;
types[s] = t;

code/compiler/03/type.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <map>
struct type {
virtual ~type() = default;
using type_ptr = std::shared_ptr<type>;
struct type_var : public type {
std::string name;
type_var(std::string n)
: name(std::move(n)) {}
struct type_base : public type {
std::string name;
type_base(std::string n)
: name(std::move(n)) {}
struct type_arr : public type {
type_ptr left;
type_ptr right;
type_arr(type_ptr l, type_ptr r)
: left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
struct type_mgr {
int last_id = 0;
std::map<std::string, type_ptr> types;
std::string new_type_name();
type_ptr new_type();
type_ptr new_arrow_type();
void unify(type_ptr l, type_ptr r);
type_ptr resolve(type_ptr t, type_var*& var);
void bind(const std::string& s, type_ptr t);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
defn main = { plus 320 6 }
defn plus x y = { x + y }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
defn add x y = { x + y }
defn double x = { add x x }
defn main = { double 163 }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
data List = { Nil, Cons Int List }
defn length l = {
case l of {
Nil -> { 0 }
Cons x xs -> { 1 + length xs }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
add_flex_bison_dependency(scanner parser)
ast.cpp ast.hpp definition.cpp
env.cpp env.hpp
type.cpp type.hpp
error.cpp error.hpp
target_include_directories(compiler PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_include_directories(compiler PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})

code/compiler/04/ast.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
#include <ostream>
#include "error.hpp"
std::string op_name(binop op) {
switch(op) {
case PLUS: return "+";
case MINUS: return "-";
case TIMES: return "*";
case DIVIDE: return "/";
return "??";
void print_indent(int n, std::ostream& to) {
while(n--) to << " ";
void ast_int::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "INT: " << value << std::endl;
type_ptr ast_int::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return type_ptr(new type_base("Int"));
void ast_lid::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "LID: " << id << std::endl;
type_ptr ast_lid::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return env.lookup(id);
void ast_uid::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "UID: " << id << std::endl;
type_ptr ast_uid::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return env.lookup(id);
void ast_binop::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "BINOP: " << op_name(op) << std::endl;
left->print(indent + 1, to);
right->print(indent + 1, to);
type_ptr ast_binop::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_ptr ltype = left->typecheck(mgr, env);
type_ptr rtype = right->typecheck(mgr, env);
type_ptr ftype = env.lookup(op_name(op));
if(!ftype) throw type_error(std::string("unknown binary operator ") + op_name(op));
type_ptr return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr arrow_one = type_ptr(new type_arr(rtype, return_type));
type_ptr arrow_two = type_ptr(new type_arr(ltype, arrow_one));
mgr.unify(arrow_two, ftype);
return return_type;
void ast_app::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "APP:" << std::endl;
left->print(indent + 1, to);
right->print(indent + 1, to);
type_ptr ast_app::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_ptr ltype = left->typecheck(mgr, env);
type_ptr rtype = right->typecheck(mgr, env);
type_ptr return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr arrow = type_ptr(new type_arr(rtype, return_type));
mgr.unify(arrow, ltype);
return return_type;
void ast_case::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "CASE: " << std::endl;
for(auto& branch : branches) {
print_indent(indent + 1, to);
to << std::endl;
branch->expr->print(indent + 2, to);
type_ptr ast_case::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_var* var;
type_ptr case_type = mgr.resolve(of->typecheck(mgr, env), var);
type_ptr branch_type = mgr.new_type();
for(auto& branch : branches) {
type_env new_env = env.scope();
branch->pat->match(case_type, mgr, new_env);
type_ptr curr_branch_type = branch->expr->typecheck(mgr, new_env);
mgr.unify(branch_type, curr_branch_type);
case_type = mgr.resolve(case_type, var);
if(!dynamic_cast<type_base*>(case_type.get())) {
throw type_error("attempting case analysis of non-data type");
return branch_type;
void pattern_var::print(std::ostream& to) const {
to << var;
void pattern_var::match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const {
env.bind(var, t);
void pattern_constr::print(std::ostream& to) const {
to << constr;
for(auto& param : params) {
to << " " << param;
void pattern_constr::match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const {
type_ptr constructor_type = env.lookup(constr);
if(!constructor_type) {
throw type_error(std::string("pattern using unknown constructor ") + constr);
for(int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
type_arr* arr = dynamic_cast<type_arr*>(constructor_type.get());
if(!arr) throw type_error("too many parameters in constructor pattern");
env.bind(params[i], arr->left);
constructor_type = arr->right;
mgr.unify(t, constructor_type);

code/compiler/04/ast.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "type.hpp"
#include "env.hpp"
struct ast {
virtual ~ast() = default;
virtual void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const = 0;
virtual type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const = 0;
using ast_ptr = std::unique_ptr<ast>;
struct pattern {
virtual ~pattern() = default;
virtual void print(std::ostream& to) const = 0;
virtual void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const = 0;
using pattern_ptr = std::unique_ptr<pattern>;
struct branch {
pattern_ptr pat;
ast_ptr expr;
branch(pattern_ptr p, ast_ptr a)
: pat(std::move(p)), expr(std::move(a)) {}
using branch_ptr = std::unique_ptr<branch>;
struct constructor {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> types;
constructor(std::string n, std::vector<std::string> ts)
: name(std::move(n)), types(std::move(ts)) {}
using constructor_ptr = std::unique_ptr<constructor>;
struct definition {
virtual ~definition() = default;
virtual void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) = 0;
virtual void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const = 0;
using definition_ptr = std::unique_ptr<definition>;
enum binop {
struct ast_int : public ast {
int value;
explicit ast_int(int v)
: value(v) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct ast_lid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_lid(std::string i)
: id(std::move(i)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct ast_uid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_uid(std::string i)
: id(std::move(i)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct ast_binop : public ast {
binop op;
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_binop(binop o, ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r)
: op(o), left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct ast_app : public ast {
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_app(ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r)
: left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct ast_case : public ast {
ast_ptr of;
std::vector<branch_ptr> branches;
ast_case(ast_ptr o, std::vector<branch_ptr> b)
: of(std::move(o)), branches(std::move(b)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct pattern_var : public pattern {
std::string var;
pattern_var(std::string v)
: var(std::move(v)) {}
void print(std::ostream &to) const;
void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const;
struct pattern_constr : public pattern {
std::string constr;
std::vector<std::string> params;
pattern_constr(std::string c, std::vector<std::string> p)
: constr(std::move(c)), params(std::move(p)) {}
void print(std::ostream &to) const;
void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr&, type_env& env) const;
struct definition_defn : public definition {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> params;
ast_ptr body;
type_ptr return_type;
std::vector<type_ptr> param_types;
definition_defn(std::string n, std::vector<std::string> p, ast_ptr b)
: name(std::move(n)), params(std::move(p)), body(std::move(b)) {
void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env);
void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
struct definition_data : public definition {
std::string name;
std::vector<constructor_ptr> constructors;
definition_data(std::string n, std::vector<constructor_ptr> cs)
: name(std::move(n)), constructors(std::move(cs)) {}
void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env);
void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
void definition_defn::typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) {
return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr full_type = return_type;
for(auto it = params.rbegin(); it != params.rend(); it++) {
type_ptr param_type = mgr.new_type();
full_type = type_ptr(new type_arr(param_type, full_type));
env.bind(name, full_type);
void definition_defn::typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_env new_env = env.scope();
auto param_it = params.begin();
auto type_it = param_types.rbegin();
while(param_it != params.end() && type_it != param_types.rend()) {
new_env.bind(*param_it, *type_it);
type_ptr body_type = body->typecheck(mgr, new_env);
mgr.unify(return_type, body_type);
void definition_data::typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) {
type_ptr return_type = type_ptr(new type_base(name));
for(auto& constructor : constructors) {
type_ptr full_type = return_type;
for(auto it = constructor->types.rbegin(); it != constructor->types.rend(); it++) {
type_ptr type = type_ptr(new type_base(*it));
full_type = type_ptr(new type_arr(type, full_type));
env.bind(constructor->name, full_type);
void definition_data::typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
// Nothing

code/compiler/04/env.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#include "env.hpp"
type_ptr type_env::lookup(const std::string& name) const {
auto it = names.find(name);
if(it != names.end()) return it->second;
if(parent) return parent->lookup(name);
return nullptr;
void type_env::bind(const std::string& name, type_ptr t) {
names[name] = t;
type_env type_env::scope() const {
return type_env(this);

code/compiler/04/env.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "type.hpp"
struct type_env {
std::map<std::string, type_ptr> names;
type_env const* parent = nullptr;
type_env(type_env const* p)
: parent(p) {}
type_env() : type_env(nullptr) {}
type_ptr lookup(const std::string& name) const;
void bind(const std::string& name, type_ptr t);
type_env scope() const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#include "error.hpp"
const char* type_error::what() const noexcept {
return "an error occured while checking the types of the program";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#pragma once
#include <exception>
#include "type.hpp"
struct type_error : std::exception {
std::string description;
type_error(std::string d)
: description(std::move(d)) {}
const char* what() const noexcept override;
struct unification_error : public type_error {
type_ptr left;
type_ptr right;
unification_error(type_ptr l, type_ptr r)
: left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)),
type_error("failed to unify types") {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
data Bool = { True, False }
defn main = { 3 + True }

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
defn main = { 1 2 3 4 5 }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
defn main = { plus 320 6 }
defn plus x y = { x + y }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
defn add x y = { x + y }
defn double x = { add x x }
defn main = { double 163 }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
data List = { Nil, Cons Int List }
defn length l = {
case l of {
Nil -> { 0 }
Cons x xs -> { 1 + length xs }

code/compiler/04/main.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include "parser.hpp"
#include "error.hpp"
#include "type.hpp"
void yy::parser::error(const std::string& msg) {
std::cout << "An error occured: " << msg << std::endl;
extern std::vector<definition_ptr> program;
void typecheck_program(
const std::vector<definition_ptr>& prog,
type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) {
type_ptr int_type = type_ptr(new type_base("Int"));
type_ptr binop_type = type_ptr(new type_arr(
type_ptr(new type_arr(int_type, int_type))));
env.bind("+", binop_type);
env.bind("-", binop_type);
env.bind("*", binop_type);
env.bind("/", binop_type);
for(auto& def : prog) {
def->typecheck_first(mgr, env);
for(auto& def : prog) {
def->typecheck_second(mgr, env);
for(auto& pair : env.names) {
std::cout << pair.first << ": ";
pair.second->print(mgr, std::cout);
std::cout << std::endl;
int main() {
yy::parser parser;
type_mgr mgr;
type_env env;
for(auto& definition : program) {
definition_defn* def = dynamic_cast<definition_defn*>(definition.get());
if(!def) continue;
std::cout << def->name;
for(auto& param : def->params) std::cout << " " << param;
std::cout << ":" << std::endl;
def->body->print(1, std::cout);
try {
typecheck_program(program, mgr, env);
} catch(unification_error& err) {
std::cout << "failed to unify types: " << std::endl;
std::cout << " (1) \033[34m";
err.left->print(mgr, std::cout);
std::cout << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
std::cout << " (2) \033[32m";
err.right->print(mgr, std::cout);
std::cout << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
} catch(type_error& err) {
std::cout << "failed to type check program: " << err.description << std::endl;

code/compiler/04/parser.y Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
std::vector<definition_ptr> program;
extern yy::parser::symbol_type yylex();
%token PLUS
%token TIMES
%token MINUS
%token DIVIDE
%token <int> INT
%token DEFN
%token DATA
%token CASE
%token OF
%token OCURLY
%token CCURLY
%token OPAREN
%token CPAREN
%token COMMA
%token ARROW
%token EQUAL
%token <std::string> LID
%token <std::string> UID
%language "c++"
%define api.value.type variant
%define api.token.constructor
%type <std::vector<std::string>> lowercaseParams uppercaseParams
%type <std::vector<definition_ptr>> program definitions
%type <std::vector<branch_ptr>> branches
%type <std::vector<constructor_ptr>> constructors
%type <ast_ptr> aAdd aMul case app appBase
%type <definition_ptr> definition defn data
%type <branch_ptr> branch
%type <pattern_ptr> pattern
%type <constructor_ptr> constructor
%start program
: definitions { program = std::move($1); }
: definitions definition { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
| definition { $$ = std::vector<definition_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1)); }
: defn { $$ = std::move($1); }
| data { $$ = std::move($1); }
{ $$ = definition_ptr(
new definition_defn(std::move($2), std::move($3), std::move($6))); }
: %empty { $$ = std::vector<std::string>(); }
| lowercaseParams LID { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
: %empty { $$ = std::vector<std::string>(); }
| uppercaseParams UID { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
: aAdd PLUS aMul { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(PLUS, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aAdd MINUS aMul { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(MINUS, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aMul { $$ = std::move($1); }
: aMul TIMES app { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(TIMES, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aMul DIVIDE app { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(DIVIDE, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| app { $$ = std::move($1); }
: app appBase { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_app(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }
| appBase { $$ = std::move($1); }
: INT { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_int($1)); }
| LID { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_lid(std::move($1))); }
| UID { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_uid(std::move($1))); }
| OPAREN aAdd CPAREN { $$ = std::move($2); }
| case { $$ = std::move($1); }
{ $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_case(std::move($2), std::move($5))); }
: branches branch { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
| branch { $$ = std::vector<branch_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1));}
{ $$ = branch_ptr(new branch(std::move($1), std::move($4))); }
: LID { $$ = pattern_ptr(new pattern_var(std::move($1))); }
| UID lowercaseParams
{ $$ = pattern_ptr(new pattern_constr(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }
{ $$ = definition_ptr(new definition_data(std::move($2), std::move($5))); }
: constructors COMMA constructor { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($3)); }
| constructor
{ $$ = std::vector<constructor_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1)); }
: UID uppercaseParams
{ $$ = constructor_ptr(new constructor(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
%option noyywrap
#include <iostream>
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
#define YY_DECL yy::parser::symbol_type yylex()
[ \n]+ {}
\+ { return yy::parser::make_PLUS(); }
\* { return yy::parser::make_TIMES(); }
- { return yy::parser::make_MINUS(); }
\/ { return yy::parser::make_DIVIDE(); }
[0-9]+ { return yy::parser::make_INT(atoi(yytext)); }
defn { return yy::parser::make_DEFN(); }
data { return yy::parser::make_DATA(); }
case { return yy::parser::make_CASE(); }
of { return yy::parser::make_OF(); }
\{ { return yy::parser::make_OCURLY(); }
\} { return yy::parser::make_CCURLY(); }
\( { return yy::parser::make_OPAREN(); }
\) { return yy::parser::make_CPAREN(); }
, { return yy::parser::make_COMMA(); }
-> { return yy::parser::make_ARROW(); }
= { return yy::parser::make_EQUAL(); }
[a-z][a-zA-Z]* { return yy::parser::make_LID(std::string(yytext)); }
[A-Z][a-zA-Z]* { return yy::parser::make_UID(std::string(yytext)); }

code/compiler/04/type.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
#include "type.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "error.hpp"
void type_var::print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const {
auto it = mgr.types.find(name);
if(it != mgr.types.end()) {
it->second->print(mgr, to);
} else {
to << name;
void type_base::print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const {
to << name;
void type_arr::print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const {
left->print(mgr, to);
to << " -> (";
right->print(mgr, to);
to << ")";
std::string type_mgr::new_type_name() {
int temp = last_id++;
std::string str = "";
while(temp != -1) {
str += (char) ('a' + (temp % 26));
temp = temp / 26 - 1;
std::reverse(str.begin(), str.end());
return str;
type_ptr type_mgr::new_type() {
return type_ptr(new type_var(new_type_name()));
type_ptr type_mgr::new_arrow_type() {
return type_ptr(new type_arr(new_type(), new_type()));
type_ptr type_mgr::resolve(type_ptr t, type_var*& var) {
type_var* cast;
var = nullptr;
while((cast = dynamic_cast<type_var*>(t.get()))) {
auto it = types.find(cast->name);
if(it == types.end()) {
var = cast;
t = it->second;
return t;
void type_mgr::unify(type_ptr l, type_ptr r) {
type_var* lvar;
type_var* rvar;
type_arr* larr;
type_arr* rarr;
type_base* lid;
type_base* rid;
l = resolve(l, lvar);
r = resolve(r, rvar);
if(lvar) {
bind(lvar->name, r);
} else if(rvar) {
bind(rvar->name, l);
} else if((larr = dynamic_cast<type_arr*>(l.get())) &&
(rarr = dynamic_cast<type_arr*>(r.get()))) {
unify(larr->left, rarr->left);
unify(larr->right, rarr->right);
} else if((lid = dynamic_cast<type_base*>(l.get())) &&
(rid = dynamic_cast<type_base*>(r.get()))) {
if(lid->name == rid->name) return;
throw unification_error(l, r);
void type_mgr::bind(const std::string& s, type_ptr t) {
type_var* other = dynamic_cast<type_var*>(t.get());
if(other && other->name == s) return;
types[s] = t;

code/compiler/04/type.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <map>
struct type_mgr;
struct type {
virtual ~type() = default;
virtual void print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const = 0;
using type_ptr = std::shared_ptr<type>;
struct type_var : public type {
std::string name;
type_var(std::string n)
: name(std::move(n)) {}
void print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const;
struct type_base : public type {
std::string name;
type_base(std::string n)
: name(std::move(n)) {}
void print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const;
struct type_arr : public type {
type_ptr left;
type_ptr right;
type_arr(type_ptr l, type_ptr r)
: left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
void print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const;
struct type_mgr {
int last_id = 0;
std::map<std::string, type_ptr> types;
std::string new_type_name();
type_ptr new_type();
type_ptr new_arrow_type();
void unify(type_ptr l, type_ptr r);
type_ptr resolve(type_ptr t, type_var*& var);
void bind(const std::string& s, type_ptr t);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
add_flex_bison_dependency(scanner parser)
ast.cpp ast.hpp definition.cpp
type_env.cpp type_env.hpp
env.cpp env.hpp
type.cpp type.hpp
error.cpp error.hpp
binop.cpp binop.hpp
instruction.cpp instruction.hpp
target_include_directories(compiler PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_include_directories(compiler PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})

code/compiler/06/ast.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
#include <ostream>
#include "error.hpp"
static void print_indent(int n, std::ostream& to) {
while(n--) to << " ";
type_ptr ast::typecheck_common(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) {
node_type = typecheck(mgr, env);
return node_type;
void ast::resolve_common(const type_mgr& mgr) {
type_var* var;
type_ptr resolved_type = mgr.resolve(node_type, var);
if(var) throw type_error("ambiguously typed program");
node_type = std::move(resolved_type);
void ast_int::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "INT: " << value << std::endl;
type_ptr ast_int::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return type_ptr(new type_base("Int"));
void ast_int::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
void ast_int::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_pushint(value)));
void ast_lid::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "LID: " << id << std::endl;
type_ptr ast_lid::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return env.lookup(id);
void ast_lid::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
void ast_lid::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
env->has_variable(id) ?
(instruction*) new instruction_push(env->get_offset(id)) :
(instruction*) new instruction_pushglobal(id)));
void ast_uid::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "UID: " << id << std::endl;
type_ptr ast_uid::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return env.lookup(id);
void ast_uid::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
void ast_uid::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_pushglobal(id)));
void ast_binop::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "BINOP: " << op_name(op) << std::endl;
left->print(indent + 1, to);
right->print(indent + 1, to);
type_ptr ast_binop::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_ptr ltype = left->typecheck_common(mgr, env);
type_ptr rtype = right->typecheck_common(mgr, env);
type_ptr ftype = env.lookup(op_name(op));
if(!ftype) throw type_error(std::string("unknown binary operator ") + op_name(op));
type_ptr return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr arrow_one = type_ptr(new type_arr(rtype, return_type));
type_ptr arrow_two = type_ptr(new type_arr(ltype, arrow_one));
mgr.unify(arrow_two, ftype);
return return_type;
void ast_binop::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
void ast_binop::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
right->compile(env, into);
left->compile(env_ptr(new env_offset(1, env)), into);
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_pushglobal(op_action(op))));
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_mkapp()));
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_mkapp()));
void ast_app::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "APP:" << std::endl;
left->print(indent + 1, to);
right->print(indent + 1, to);
type_ptr ast_app::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_ptr ltype = left->typecheck_common(mgr, env);
type_ptr rtype = right->typecheck_common(mgr, env);
type_ptr return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr arrow = type_ptr(new type_arr(rtype, return_type));
mgr.unify(arrow, ltype);
return return_type;
void ast_app::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
void ast_app::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
right->compile(env, into);
left->compile(env_ptr(new env_offset(1, env)), into);
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_mkapp()));
void ast_case::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "CASE: " << std::endl;
for(auto& branch : branches) {
print_indent(indent + 1, to);
to << std::endl;
branch->expr->print(indent + 2, to);
type_ptr ast_case::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_var* var;
type_ptr case_type = mgr.resolve(of->typecheck_common(mgr, env), var);
type_ptr branch_type = mgr.new_type();
for(auto& branch : branches) {
type_env new_env = env.scope();
branch->pat->match(case_type, mgr, new_env);
type_ptr curr_branch_type = branch->expr->typecheck_common(mgr, new_env);
mgr.unify(branch_type, curr_branch_type);
case_type = mgr.resolve(case_type, var);
if(!dynamic_cast<type_data*>(case_type.get())) {
throw type_error("attempting case analysis of non-data type");
return branch_type;
void ast_case::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
for(auto& branch : branches) {
void ast_case::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
type_data* type = dynamic_cast<type_data*>(of->node_type.get());
of->compile(env, into);
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_eval()));
instruction_jump* jump_instruction = new instruction_jump();
for(auto& branch : branches) {
std::vector<instruction_ptr> branch_instructions;
pattern_var* vpat;
pattern_constr* cpat;
if((vpat = dynamic_cast<pattern_var*>(branch->pat.get()))) {
branch->expr->compile(env_ptr(new env_offset(1, env)), branch_instructions);
for(auto& constr_pair : type->constructors) {
if(jump_instruction->tag_mappings.find(constr_pair.second.tag) !=
jump_instruction->tag_mappings[constr_pair.second.tag] =
} else if((cpat = dynamic_cast<pattern_constr*>(branch->pat.get()))) {
env_ptr new_env = env;
for(auto it = cpat->params.rbegin(); it != cpat->params.rend(); it++) {
new_env = env_ptr(new env_var(*it, new_env));
branch_instructions.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_split()));
branch->expr->compile(new_env, branch_instructions);
branch_instructions.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_slide(
int new_tag = type->constructors[cpat->constr].tag;
if(jump_instruction->tag_mappings.find(new_tag) !=
throw type_error("technically not a type error: duplicate pattern");
jump_instruction->tag_mappings[new_tag] =
for(auto& constr_pair : type->constructors) {
if(jump_instruction->tag_mappings.find(constr_pair.second.tag) ==
throw type_error("non-total pattern");
void pattern_var::print(std::ostream& to) const {
to << var;
void pattern_var::match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const {
env.bind(var, t);
void pattern_constr::print(std::ostream& to) const {
to << constr;
for(auto& param : params) {
to << " " << param;
void pattern_constr::match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const {
type_ptr constructor_type = env.lookup(constr);
if(!constructor_type) {
throw type_error(std::string("pattern using unknown constructor ") + constr);
for(int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
type_arr* arr = dynamic_cast<type_arr*>(constructor_type.get());
if(!arr) throw type_error("too many parameters in constructor pattern");
env.bind(params[i], arr->left);
constructor_type = arr->right;
mgr.unify(t, constructor_type);

code/compiler/06/ast.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "type.hpp"
#include "type_env.hpp"
#include "binop.hpp"
#include "instruction.hpp"
#include "env.hpp"
struct ast {
type_ptr node_type;
virtual ~ast() = default;
virtual void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const = 0;
virtual type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const = 0;
virtual void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const = 0;
virtual void compile(const env_ptr& env,
std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const = 0;
type_ptr typecheck_common(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env);
void resolve_common(const type_mgr& mgr);
using ast_ptr = std::unique_ptr<ast>;
struct pattern {
virtual ~pattern() = default;
virtual void print(std::ostream& to) const = 0;
virtual void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const = 0;
using pattern_ptr = std::unique_ptr<pattern>;
struct branch {
pattern_ptr pat;
ast_ptr expr;
branch(pattern_ptr p, ast_ptr a)
: pat(std::move(p)), expr(std::move(a)) {}
using branch_ptr = std::unique_ptr<branch>;
struct constructor {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> types;
int8_t tag;
constructor(std::string n, std::vector<std::string> ts)
: name(std::move(n)), types(std::move(ts)) {}
using constructor_ptr = std::unique_ptr<constructor>;
struct definition {
virtual ~definition() = default;
virtual void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) = 0;
virtual void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const = 0;
virtual void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) = 0;
virtual void compile() = 0;
using definition_ptr = std::unique_ptr<definition>;
struct ast_int : public ast {
int value;
explicit ast_int(int v)
: value(v) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_lid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_lid(std::string i)
: id(std::move(i)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_uid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_uid(std::string i)
: id(std::move(i)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_binop : public ast {
binop op;
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_binop(binop o, ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r)
: op(o), left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_app : public ast {
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_app(ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r)
: left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_case : public ast {
ast_ptr of;
std::vector<branch_ptr> branches;
ast_case(ast_ptr o, std::vector<branch_ptr> b)
: of(std::move(o)), branches(std::move(b)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct pattern_var : public pattern {
std::string var;
pattern_var(std::string v)
: var(std::move(v)) {}
void print(std::ostream &to) const;
void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const;
struct pattern_constr : public pattern {
std::string constr;
std::vector<std::string> params;
pattern_constr(std::string c, std::vector<std::string> p)
: constr(std::move(c)), params(std::move(p)) {}
void print(std::ostream &to) const;
void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr&, type_env& env) const;
struct definition_defn : public definition {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> params;
ast_ptr body;
type_ptr return_type;
std::vector<type_ptr> param_types;
std::vector<instruction_ptr> instructions;
definition_defn(std::string n, std::vector<std::string> p, ast_ptr b)
: name(std::move(n)), params(std::move(p)), body(std::move(b)) {
void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env);
void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr);
void compile();
struct definition_data : public definition {
std::string name;
std::vector<constructor_ptr> constructors;
definition_data(std::string n, std::vector<constructor_ptr> cs)
: name(std::move(n)), constructors(std::move(cs)) {}
void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env);
void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr);
void compile();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include "binop.hpp"
std::string op_name(binop op) {
switch(op) {
case PLUS: return "+";
case MINUS: return "-";
case TIMES: return "*";
case DIVIDE: return "/";
return "??";
std::string op_action(binop op) {
switch(op) {
case PLUS: return "plus";
case MINUS: return "minus";
case TIMES: return "times";
case DIVIDE: return "divide";
return "??";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
enum binop {
std::string op_name(binop op);
std::string op_action(binop op);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "error.hpp"
void definition_defn::typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) {
return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr full_type = return_type;
for(auto it = params.rbegin(); it != params.rend(); it++) {
type_ptr param_type = mgr.new_type();
full_type = type_ptr(new type_arr(param_type, full_type));
env.bind(name, full_type);
void definition_defn::typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_env new_env = env.scope();
auto param_it = params.begin();
auto type_it = param_types.rbegin();
while(param_it != params.end() && type_it != param_types.rend()) {
new_env.bind(*param_it, *type_it);
type_ptr body_type = body->typecheck_common(mgr, new_env);
mgr.unify(return_type, body_type);
void definition_defn::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) {
type_var* var;
return_type = mgr.resolve(return_type, var);
if(var) throw type_error("ambiguously typed program");
for(auto& param_type : param_types) {
param_type = mgr.resolve(param_type, var);
if(var) throw type_error("ambiguously typed program");
void definition_defn::compile() {
env_ptr new_env = env_ptr(new env_offset(0, nullptr));
for(auto it = params.rbegin(); it != params.rend(); it++) {
new_env = env_ptr(new env_var(*it, new_env));
body->compile(new_env, instructions);
instructions.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_update(params.size())));
instructions.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_pop(params.size())));
void definition_data::typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) {
type_data* this_type = new type_data(name);
type_ptr return_type = type_ptr(this_type);
int next_tag = 0;
for(auto& constructor : constructors) {
constructor->tag = next_tag;
this_type->constructors[constructor->name] = { next_tag++ };
type_ptr full_type = return_type;
for(auto it = constructor->types.rbegin(); it != constructor->types.rend(); it++) {
type_ptr type = type_ptr(new type_base(*it));
full_type = type_ptr(new type_arr(type, full_type));
env.bind(constructor->name, full_type);
void definition_data::typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
// Nothing
void definition_data::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) {
// Nothing
void definition_data::compile() {

code/compiler/06/env.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include "env.hpp"
int env_var::get_offset(const std::string& name) const {
if(name == this->name) return 0;
if(parent) return parent->get_offset(name) + 1;
throw 0;
bool env_var::has_variable(const std::string& name) const {
if(name == this->name) return true;
if(parent) return parent->has_variable(name);
return false;
int env_offset::get_offset(const std::string& name) const {
if(parent) return parent->get_offset(name) + offset;
throw 0;
bool env_offset::has_variable(const std::string& name) const {
if(parent) return parent->has_variable(name);
return false;

code/compiler/06/env.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
struct env {
virtual ~env() = default;
virtual int get_offset(const std::string& name) const = 0;
virtual bool has_variable(const std::string& name) const = 0;
using env_ptr = std::shared_ptr<env>;
struct env_var : public env {
std::string name;
env_ptr parent;
env_var(std::string& n, env_ptr p)
: name(std::move(n)), parent(std::move(p)) {}
int get_offset(const std::string& name) const;
bool has_variable(const std::string& name) const;
struct env_offset : public env {
int offset;
env_ptr parent;
env_offset(int o, env_ptr p)
: offset(o), parent(std::move(p)) {}
int get_offset(const std::string& name) const;
bool has_variable(const std::string& name) const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#include "error.hpp"
const char* type_error::what() const noexcept {
return "an error occured while checking the types of the program";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#pragma once
#include <exception>
#include "type.hpp"
struct type_error : std::exception {
std::string description;
type_error(std::string d)
: description(std::move(d)) {}
const char* what() const noexcept override;
struct unification_error : public type_error {
type_ptr left;
type_ptr right;
unification_error(type_ptr l, type_ptr r)
: left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)),
type_error("failed to unify types") {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
data Bool = { True, False }
defn main = { 3 + True }

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
defn main = { 1 2 3 4 5 }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
data List = { Nil, Cons Int List }
defn head l = {
case l of {
Nil -> { 0 }
Cons x y z -> { x }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
defn main = { plus 320 6 }
defn plus x y = { x + y }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
defn add x y = { x + y }
defn double x = { add x x }
defn main = { double 163 }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
data List = { Nil, Cons Int List }
defn length l = {
case l of {
Nil -> { 0 }
Cons x xs -> { 1 + length xs }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#include "instruction.hpp"
static void print_indent(int n, std::ostream& to) {
while(n--) to << " ";
void instruction_pushint::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "PushInt(" << value << ")" << std::endl;
void instruction_pushglobal::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "PushGlobal(" << name << ")" << std::endl;
void instruction_push::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "Push(" << offset << ")" << std::endl;
void instruction_pop::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "Pop(" << count << ")" << std::endl;
void instruction_mkapp::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "MkApp()" << std::endl;
void instruction_update::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "Update(" << offset << ")" << std::endl;
void instruction_pack::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "Pack(" << tag << ", " << size << ")" << std::endl;
void instruction_split::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "Split()" << std::endl;
void instruction_jump::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "Jump(" << std::endl;
for(auto& instruction_set : branches) {
for(auto& instruction : instruction_set) {
instruction->print(indent + 2, to);
to << std::endl;
print_indent(indent, to);
to << ")" << std::endl;
void instruction_slide::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "Slide(" << offset << ")" << std::endl;
void instruction_binop::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "BinOp(" << op_action(op) << ")" << std::endl;
void instruction_eval::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "Eval()" << std::endl;
void instruction_alloc::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "Alloc(" << amount << ")" << std::endl;
void instruction_unwind::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "Unwind()" << std::endl;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <ostream>
#include "binop.hpp"
struct instruction {
virtual ~instruction() = default;
virtual void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const = 0;
using instruction_ptr = std::unique_ptr<instruction>;
struct instruction_pushint : public instruction {
int value;
instruction_pushint(int v)
: value(v) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_pushglobal : public instruction {
std::string name;
instruction_pushglobal(std::string n)
: name(std::move(n)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_push : public instruction {
int offset;
instruction_push(int o)
: offset(o) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_pop : public instruction {
int count;
instruction_pop(int c)
: count(c) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_mkapp : public instruction {
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_update : public instruction {
int offset;
instruction_update(int o)
: offset(o) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_pack : public instruction {
int tag;
int size;
instruction_pack(int t, int s)
: tag(t), size(s) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_split : public instruction {
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_jump : public instruction {
std::vector<std::vector<instruction_ptr>> branches;
std::map<int, int> tag_mappings;
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_slide : public instruction {
int offset;
instruction_slide(int o)
: offset(o) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_binop : public instruction {
binop op;
instruction_binop(binop o)
: op(o) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_eval : public instruction {
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_alloc : public instruction {
int amount;
instruction_alloc(int a)
: amount(a) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
struct instruction_unwind : public instruction {
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;

code/compiler/06/main.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include "parser.hpp"
#include "error.hpp"
#include "type.hpp"
void yy::parser::error(const std::string& msg) {
std::cout << "An error occured: " << msg << std::endl;
extern std::vector<definition_ptr> program;
void typecheck_program(
const std::vector<definition_ptr>& prog,
type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) {
type_ptr int_type = type_ptr(new type_base("Int"));
type_ptr binop_type = type_ptr(new type_arr(
type_ptr(new type_arr(int_type, int_type))));
env.bind("+", binop_type);
env.bind("-", binop_type);
env.bind("*", binop_type);
env.bind("/", binop_type);
for(auto& def : prog) {
def->typecheck_first(mgr, env);
for(auto& def : prog) {
def->typecheck_second(mgr, env);
for(auto& pair : env.names) {
std::cout << pair.first << ": ";
pair.second->print(mgr, std::cout);
std::cout << std::endl;
for(auto& def : prog) {
void compile_program(const std::vector<definition_ptr>& prog) {
for(auto& def : prog) {
definition_defn* defn = dynamic_cast<definition_defn*>(def.get());
if(!defn) continue;
for(auto& instruction : defn->instructions) {
instruction->print(0, std::cout);
std::cout << std::endl;
int main() {
yy::parser parser;
type_mgr mgr;
type_env env;
for(auto& definition : program) {
definition_defn* def = dynamic_cast<definition_defn*>(definition.get());
if(!def) continue;
std::cout << def->name;
for(auto& param : def->params) std::cout << " " << param;
std::cout << ":" << std::endl;
def->body->print(1, std::cout);
try {
typecheck_program(program, mgr, env);
} catch(unification_error& err) {
std::cout << "failed to unify types: " << std::endl;
std::cout << " (1) \033[34m";
err.left->print(mgr, std::cout);
std::cout << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
std::cout << " (2) \033[32m";
err.right->print(mgr, std::cout);
std::cout << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
} catch(type_error& err) {
std::cout << "failed to type check program: " << err.description << std::endl;

code/compiler/06/parser.y Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
std::vector<definition_ptr> program;
extern yy::parser::symbol_type yylex();
%token PLUS
%token TIMES
%token MINUS
%token DIVIDE
%token <int> INT
%token DEFN
%token DATA
%token CASE
%token OF
%token OCURLY
%token CCURLY
%token OPAREN
%token CPAREN
%token COMMA
%token ARROW
%token EQUAL
%token <std::string> LID
%token <std::string> UID
%language "c++"
%define api.value.type variant
%define api.token.constructor
%type <std::vector<std::string>> lowercaseParams uppercaseParams
%type <std::vector<definition_ptr>> program definitions
%type <std::vector<branch_ptr>> branches
%type <std::vector<constructor_ptr>> constructors
%type <ast_ptr> aAdd aMul case app appBase
%type <definition_ptr> definition defn data
%type <branch_ptr> branch
%type <pattern_ptr> pattern
%type <constructor_ptr> constructor
%start program
: definitions { program = std::move($1); }
: definitions definition { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
| definition { $$ = std::vector<definition_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1)); }
: defn { $$ = std::move($1); }
| data { $$ = std::move($1); }
{ $$ = definition_ptr(
new definition_defn(std::move($2), std::move($3), std::move($6))); }
: %empty { $$ = std::vector<std::string>(); }
| lowercaseParams LID { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
: %empty { $$ = std::vector<std::string>(); }
| uppercaseParams UID { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
: aAdd PLUS aMul { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(PLUS, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aAdd MINUS aMul { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(MINUS, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aMul { $$ = std::move($1); }
: aMul TIMES app { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(TIMES, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| aMul DIVIDE app { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_binop(DIVIDE, std::move($1), std::move($3))); }
| app { $$ = std::move($1); }
: app appBase { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_app(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }
| appBase { $$ = std::move($1); }
: INT { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_int($1)); }
| LID { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_lid(std::move($1))); }
| UID { $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_uid(std::move($1))); }
| OPAREN aAdd CPAREN { $$ = std::move($2); }
| case { $$ = std::move($1); }
{ $$ = ast_ptr(new ast_case(std::move($2), std::move($5))); }
: branches branch { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($2)); }
| branch { $$ = std::vector<branch_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1));}
{ $$ = branch_ptr(new branch(std::move($1), std::move($4))); }
: LID { $$ = pattern_ptr(new pattern_var(std::move($1))); }
| UID lowercaseParams
{ $$ = pattern_ptr(new pattern_constr(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }
{ $$ = definition_ptr(new definition_data(std::move($2), std::move($5))); }
: constructors COMMA constructor { $$ = std::move($1); $$.push_back(std::move($3)); }
| constructor
{ $$ = std::vector<constructor_ptr>(); $$.push_back(std::move($1)); }
: UID uppercaseParams
{ $$ = constructor_ptr(new constructor(std::move($1), std::move($2))); }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
%option noyywrap
#include <iostream>
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
#define YY_DECL yy::parser::symbol_type yylex()
[ \n]+ {}
\+ { return yy::parser::make_PLUS(); }
\* { return yy::parser::make_TIMES(); }
- { return yy::parser::make_MINUS(); }
\/ { return yy::parser::make_DIVIDE(); }
[0-9]+ { return yy::parser::make_INT(atoi(yytext)); }
defn { return yy::parser::make_DEFN(); }
data { return yy::parser::make_DATA(); }
case { return yy::parser::make_CASE(); }
of { return yy::parser::make_OF(); }
\{ { return yy::parser::make_OCURLY(); }
\} { return yy::parser::make_CCURLY(); }
\( { return yy::parser::make_OPAREN(); }
\) { return yy::parser::make_CPAREN(); }
, { return yy::parser::make_COMMA(); }
-> { return yy::parser::make_ARROW(); }
= { return yy::parser::make_EQUAL(); }
[a-z][a-zA-Z]* { return yy::parser::make_LID(std::string(yytext)); }
[A-Z][a-zA-Z]* { return yy::parser::make_UID(std::string(yytext)); }

code/compiler/06/type.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
#include "type.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "error.hpp"
void type_var::print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const {
auto it = mgr.types.find(name);
if(it != mgr.types.end()) {
it->second->print(mgr, to);
} else {
to << name;
void type_base::print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const {
to << name;
void type_arr::print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const {
left->print(mgr, to);
to << " -> (";
right->print(mgr, to);
to << ")";
std::string type_mgr::new_type_name() {
int temp = last_id++;
std::string str = "";
while(temp != -1) {
str += (char) ('a' + (temp % 26));
temp = temp / 26 - 1;
std::reverse(str.begin(), str.end());
return str;
type_ptr type_mgr::new_type() {
return type_ptr(new type_var(new_type_name()));
type_ptr type_mgr::new_arrow_type() {
return type_ptr(new type_arr(new_type(), new_type()));
type_ptr type_mgr::resolve(type_ptr t, type_var*& var) const {
type_var* cast;
var = nullptr;
while((cast = dynamic_cast<type_var*>(t.get()))) {
auto it = types.find(cast->name);
if(it == types.end()) {
var = cast;
t = it->second;
return t;
void type_mgr::unify(type_ptr l, type_ptr r) {
type_var* lvar;
type_var* rvar;
type_arr* larr;
type_arr* rarr;
type_base* lid;
type_base* rid;
l = resolve(l, lvar);
r = resolve(r, rvar);
if(lvar) {
bind(lvar->name, r);
} else if(rvar) {
bind(rvar->name, l);
} else if((larr = dynamic_cast<type_arr*>(l.get())) &&
(rarr = dynamic_cast<type_arr*>(r.get()))) {
unify(larr->left, rarr->left);
unify(larr->right, rarr->right);
} else if((lid = dynamic_cast<type_base*>(l.get())) &&
(rid = dynamic_cast<type_base*>(r.get()))) {
if(lid->name == rid->name) return;
throw unification_error(l, r);
void type_mgr::bind(const std::string& s, type_ptr t) {
type_var* other = dynamic_cast<type_var*>(t.get());
if(other && other->name == s) return;
types[s] = t;

code/compiler/06/type.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <map>
struct type_mgr;
struct type {
virtual ~type() = default;
virtual void print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const = 0;
using type_ptr = std::shared_ptr<type>;
struct type_var : public type {
std::string name;
type_var(std::string n)
: name(std::move(n)) {}
void print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const;
struct type_base : public type {
std::string name;
type_base(std::string n)
: name(std::move(n)) {}
void print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const;
struct type_data : public type_base {
struct constructor {
int tag;
std::map<std::string, constructor> constructors;
type_data(std::string n)
: type_base(std::move(n)) {}
struct type_arr : public type {
type_ptr left;
type_ptr right;
type_arr(type_ptr l, type_ptr r)
: left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
void print(const type_mgr& mgr, std::ostream& to) const;
struct type_mgr {
int last_id = 0;
std::map<std::string, type_ptr> types;
std::string new_type_name();
type_ptr new_type();
type_ptr new_arrow_type();
void unify(type_ptr l, type_ptr r);
type_ptr resolve(type_ptr t, type_var*& var) const;
void bind(const std::string& s, type_ptr t);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#include "type_env.hpp"
type_ptr type_env::lookup(const std::string& name) const {
auto it = names.find(name);
if(it != names.end()) return it->second;
if(parent) return parent->lookup(name);
return nullptr;
void type_env::bind(const std::string& name, type_ptr t) {
names[name] = t;
type_env type_env::scope() const {
return type_env(this);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "type.hpp"
struct type_env {
std::map<std::string, type_ptr> names;
type_env const* parent = nullptr;
type_env(type_env const* p)
: parent(p) {}
type_env() : type_env(nullptr) {}
type_ptr lookup(const std::string& name) const;
void bind(const std::string& name, type_ptr t);
type_env scope() const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
add_flex_bison_dependency(scanner parser)
ast.cpp ast.hpp definition.cpp
type_env.cpp type_env.hpp
env.cpp env.hpp
type.cpp type.hpp
error.cpp error.hpp
binop.cpp binop.hpp
instruction.cpp instruction.hpp
target_include_directories(compiler PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_include_directories(compiler PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})

code/compiler/07/ast.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
#include <ostream>
#include "error.hpp"
static void print_indent(int n, std::ostream& to) {
while(n--) to << " ";
type_ptr ast::typecheck_common(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) {
node_type = typecheck(mgr, env);
return node_type;
void ast::resolve_common(const type_mgr& mgr) {
type_var* var;
type_ptr resolved_type = mgr.resolve(node_type, var);
if(var) throw type_error("ambiguously typed program");
node_type = std::move(resolved_type);
void ast_int::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "INT: " << value << std::endl;
type_ptr ast_int::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return type_ptr(new type_base("Int"));
void ast_int::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
void ast_int::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_pushint(value)));
void ast_lid::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "LID: " << id << std::endl;
type_ptr ast_lid::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return env.lookup(id);
void ast_lid::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
void ast_lid::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
env->has_variable(id) ?
(instruction*) new instruction_push(env->get_offset(id)) :
(instruction*) new instruction_pushglobal(id)));
void ast_uid::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "UID: " << id << std::endl;
type_ptr ast_uid::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
return env.lookup(id);
void ast_uid::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
void ast_uid::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_pushglobal(id)));
void ast_binop::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "BINOP: " << op_name(op) << std::endl;
left->print(indent + 1, to);
right->print(indent + 1, to);
type_ptr ast_binop::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_ptr ltype = left->typecheck_common(mgr, env);
type_ptr rtype = right->typecheck_common(mgr, env);
type_ptr ftype = env.lookup(op_name(op));
if(!ftype) throw type_error(std::string("unknown binary operator ") + op_name(op));
type_ptr return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr arrow_one = type_ptr(new type_arr(rtype, return_type));
type_ptr arrow_two = type_ptr(new type_arr(ltype, arrow_one));
mgr.unify(arrow_two, ftype);
return return_type;
void ast_binop::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
void ast_binop::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
right->compile(env, into);
left->compile(env_ptr(new env_offset(1, env)), into);
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_pushglobal(op_action(op))));
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_mkapp()));
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_mkapp()));
void ast_app::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "APP:" << std::endl;
left->print(indent + 1, to);
right->print(indent + 1, to);
type_ptr ast_app::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_ptr ltype = left->typecheck_common(mgr, env);
type_ptr rtype = right->typecheck_common(mgr, env);
type_ptr return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr arrow = type_ptr(new type_arr(rtype, return_type));
mgr.unify(arrow, ltype);
return return_type;
void ast_app::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
void ast_app::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
right->compile(env, into);
left->compile(env_ptr(new env_offset(1, env)), into);
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_mkapp()));
void ast_case::print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const {
print_indent(indent, to);
to << "CASE: " << std::endl;
for(auto& branch : branches) {
print_indent(indent + 1, to);
to << std::endl;
branch->expr->print(indent + 2, to);
type_ptr ast_case::typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_var* var;
type_ptr case_type = mgr.resolve(of->typecheck_common(mgr, env), var);
type_ptr branch_type = mgr.new_type();
for(auto& branch : branches) {
type_env new_env = env.scope();
branch->pat->match(case_type, mgr, new_env);
type_ptr curr_branch_type = branch->expr->typecheck_common(mgr, new_env);
mgr.unify(branch_type, curr_branch_type);
case_type = mgr.resolve(case_type, var);
if(!dynamic_cast<type_data*>(case_type.get())) {
throw type_error("attempting case analysis of non-data type");
return branch_type;
void ast_case::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const {
for(auto& branch : branches) {
void ast_case::compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const {
type_data* type = dynamic_cast<type_data*>(of->node_type.get());
of->compile(env, into);
into.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_eval()));
instruction_jump* jump_instruction = new instruction_jump();
for(auto& branch : branches) {
std::vector<instruction_ptr> branch_instructions;
pattern_var* vpat;
pattern_constr* cpat;
if((vpat = dynamic_cast<pattern_var*>(branch->pat.get()))) {
branch->expr->compile(env_ptr(new env_offset(1, env)), branch_instructions);
for(auto& constr_pair : type->constructors) {
if(jump_instruction->tag_mappings.find(constr_pair.second.tag) !=
jump_instruction->tag_mappings[constr_pair.second.tag] =
} else if((cpat = dynamic_cast<pattern_constr*>(branch->pat.get()))) {
env_ptr new_env = env;
for(auto it = cpat->params.rbegin(); it != cpat->params.rend(); it++) {
new_env = env_ptr(new env_var(*it, new_env));
branch_instructions.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_split()));
branch->expr->compile(new_env, branch_instructions);
branch_instructions.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_slide(
int new_tag = type->constructors[cpat->constr].tag;
if(jump_instruction->tag_mappings.find(new_tag) !=
throw type_error("technically not a type error: duplicate pattern");
jump_instruction->tag_mappings[new_tag] =
for(auto& constr_pair : type->constructors) {
if(jump_instruction->tag_mappings.find(constr_pair.second.tag) ==
throw type_error("non-total pattern");
void pattern_var::print(std::ostream& to) const {
to << var;
void pattern_var::match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const {
env.bind(var, t);
void pattern_constr::print(std::ostream& to) const {
to << constr;
for(auto& param : params) {
to << " " << param;
void pattern_constr::match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const {
type_ptr constructor_type = env.lookup(constr);
if(!constructor_type) {
throw type_error(std::string("pattern using unknown constructor ") + constr);
for(int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
type_arr* arr = dynamic_cast<type_arr*>(constructor_type.get());
if(!arr) throw type_error("too many parameters in constructor pattern");
env.bind(params[i], arr->left);
constructor_type = arr->right;
mgr.unify(t, constructor_type);

code/compiler/07/ast.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "type.hpp"
#include "type_env.hpp"
#include "binop.hpp"
#include "instruction.hpp"
#include "env.hpp"
struct ast {
type_ptr node_type;
virtual ~ast() = default;
virtual void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const = 0;
virtual type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const = 0;
virtual void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const = 0;
virtual void compile(const env_ptr& env,
std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const = 0;
type_ptr typecheck_common(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env);
void resolve_common(const type_mgr& mgr);
using ast_ptr = std::unique_ptr<ast>;
struct pattern {
virtual ~pattern() = default;
virtual void print(std::ostream& to) const = 0;
virtual void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const = 0;
using pattern_ptr = std::unique_ptr<pattern>;
struct branch {
pattern_ptr pat;
ast_ptr expr;
branch(pattern_ptr p, ast_ptr a)
: pat(std::move(p)), expr(std::move(a)) {}
using branch_ptr = std::unique_ptr<branch>;
struct constructor {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> types;
int8_t tag;
constructor(std::string n, std::vector<std::string> ts)
: name(std::move(n)), types(std::move(ts)) {}
using constructor_ptr = std::unique_ptr<constructor>;
struct definition {
virtual ~definition() = default;
virtual void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) = 0;
virtual void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const = 0;
virtual void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) = 0;
virtual void compile() = 0;
using definition_ptr = std::unique_ptr<definition>;
struct ast_int : public ast {
int value;
explicit ast_int(int v)
: value(v) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_lid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_lid(std::string i)
: id(std::move(i)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_uid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_uid(std::string i)
: id(std::move(i)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_binop : public ast {
binop op;
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_binop(binop o, ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r)
: op(o), left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_app : public ast {
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_app(ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r)
: left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_case : public ast {
ast_ptr of;
std::vector<branch_ptr> branches;
ast_case(ast_ptr o, std::vector<branch_ptr> b)
: of(std::move(o)), branches(std::move(b)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) const;
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct pattern_var : public pattern {
std::string var;
pattern_var(std::string v)
: var(std::move(v)) {}
void print(std::ostream &to) const;
void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) const;
struct pattern_constr : public pattern {
std::string constr;
std::vector<std::string> params;
pattern_constr(std::string c, std::vector<std::string> p)
: constr(std::move(c)), params(std::move(p)) {}
void print(std::ostream &to) const;
void match(type_ptr t, type_mgr&, type_env& env) const;
struct definition_defn : public definition {
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> params;
ast_ptr body;
type_ptr return_type;
std::vector<type_ptr> param_types;
std::vector<instruction_ptr> instructions;
definition_defn(std::string n, std::vector<std::string> p, ast_ptr b)
: name(std::move(n)), params(std::move(p)), body(std::move(b)) {
void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env);
void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr);
void compile();
struct definition_data : public definition {
std::string name;
std::vector<constructor_ptr> constructors;
definition_data(std::string n, std::vector<constructor_ptr> cs)
: name(std::move(n)), constructors(std::move(cs)) {}
void typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env);
void typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const;
void resolve(const type_mgr& mgr);
void compile();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include "binop.hpp"
std::string op_name(binop op) {
switch(op) {
case PLUS: return "+";
case MINUS: return "-";
case TIMES: return "*";
case DIVIDE: return "/";
return "??";
std::string op_action(binop op) {
switch(op) {
case PLUS: return "plus";
case MINUS: return "minus";
case TIMES: return "times";
case DIVIDE: return "divide";
return "??";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
enum binop {
std::string op_name(binop op);
std::string op_action(binop op);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "error.hpp"
void definition_defn::typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) {
return_type = mgr.new_type();
type_ptr full_type = return_type;
for(auto it = params.rbegin(); it != params.rend(); it++) {
type_ptr param_type = mgr.new_type();
full_type = type_ptr(new type_arr(param_type, full_type));
env.bind(name, full_type);
void definition_defn::typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
type_env new_env = env.scope();
auto param_it = params.begin();
auto type_it = param_types.rbegin();
while(param_it != params.end() && type_it != param_types.rend()) {
new_env.bind(*param_it, *type_it);
type_ptr body_type = body->typecheck_common(mgr, new_env);
mgr.unify(return_type, body_type);
void definition_defn::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) {
type_var* var;
return_type = mgr.resolve(return_type, var);
if(var) throw type_error("ambiguously typed program");
for(auto& param_type : param_types) {
param_type = mgr.resolve(param_type, var);
if(var) throw type_error("ambiguously typed program");
void definition_defn::compile() {
env_ptr new_env = env_ptr(new env_offset(0, nullptr));
for(auto it = params.rbegin(); it != params.rend(); it++) {
new_env = env_ptr(new env_var(*it, new_env));
body->compile(new_env, instructions);
instructions.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_update(params.size())));
instructions.push_back(instruction_ptr(new instruction_pop(params.size())));
void definition_data::typecheck_first(type_mgr& mgr, type_env& env) {
type_data* this_type = new type_data(name);
type_ptr return_type = type_ptr(this_type);
int next_tag = 0;
for(auto& constructor : constructors) {
constructor->tag = next_tag;
this_type->constructors[constructor->name] = { next_tag++ };
type_ptr full_type = return_type;
for(auto it = constructor->types.rbegin(); it != constructor->types.rend(); it++) {
type_ptr type = type_ptr(new type_base(*it));
full_type = type_ptr(new type_arr(type, full_type));
env.bind(constructor->name, full_type);
void definition_data::typecheck_second(type_mgr& mgr, const type_env& env) const {
// Nothing
void definition_data::resolve(const type_mgr& mgr) {
// Nothing
void definition_data::compile() {

code/compiler/07/env.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include "env.hpp"
int env_var::get_offset(const std::string& name) const {
if(name == this->name) return 0;
if(parent) return parent->get_offset(name) + 1;
throw 0;
bool env_var::has_variable(const std::string& name) const {
if(name == this->name) return true;
if(parent) return parent->has_variable(name);
return false;
int env_offset::get_offset(const std::string& name) const {
if(parent) return parent->get_offset(name) + offset;
throw 0;
bool env_offset::has_variable(const std::string& name) const {
if(parent) return parent->has_variable(name);
return false;

code/compiler/07/env.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
struct env {
virtual ~env() = default;
virtual int get_offset(const std::string& name) const = 0;
virtual bool has_variable(const std::string& name) const = 0;
using env_ptr = std::shared_ptr<env>;
struct env_var : public env {
std::string name;
env_ptr parent;
env_var(std::string& n, env_ptr p)
: name(std::move(n)), parent(std::move(p)) {}
int get_offset(const std::string& name) const;
bool has_variable(const std::string& name) const;
struct env_offset : public env {
int offset;
env_ptr parent;
env_offset(int o, env_ptr p)
: offset(o), parent(std::move(p)) {}
int get_offset(const std::string& name) const;
bool has_variable(const std::string& name) const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#include "error.hpp"
const char* type_error::what() const noexcept {
return "an error occured while checking the types of the program";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#pragma once
#include <exception>
#include "type.hpp"
struct type_error : std::exception {
std::string description;
type_error(std::string d)
: description(std::move(d)) {}
const char* what() const noexcept override;
struct unification_error : public type_error {
type_ptr left;
type_ptr right;
unification_error(type_ptr l, type_ptr r)
: left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)),
type_error("failed to unify types") {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
data Bool = { True, False }
defn main = { 3 + True }

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
defn main = { 1 2 3 4 5 }

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More