Danila Fedorin 789f277780 Update ASTs to actually take in locations.
Didn't realize I broke the build by leaving this out.
2020-09-09 13:29:28 -07:00

193 lines
6.0 KiB

#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include "type.hpp"
#include "type_env.hpp"
#include "binop.hpp"
#include "instruction.hpp"
#include "env.hpp"
#include "definition.hpp"
#include "location.hh"
#include "global_scope.hpp"
struct ast {
type_env_ptr env;
yy::location loc;
ast(yy::location l) : env(nullptr), loc(std::move(l)) {}
virtual ~ast() = default;
virtual void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const = 0;
virtual void find_free(std::set<std::string>& into) = 0;
virtual type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env) = 0;
virtual void translate(global_scope& scope) = 0;
virtual void compile(const env_ptr& env,
std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const = 0;
using ast_ptr = std::unique_ptr<ast>;
struct pattern {
virtual ~pattern() = default;
virtual void print(std::ostream& to) const = 0;
virtual void find_variables(std::set<std::string>& into) const = 0;
virtual void typecheck(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env) const = 0;
using pattern_ptr = std::unique_ptr<pattern>;
struct branch {
pattern_ptr pat;
ast_ptr expr;
branch(pattern_ptr p, ast_ptr a)
: pat(std::move(p)), expr(std::move(a)) {}
using branch_ptr = std::unique_ptr<branch>;
struct ast_int : public ast {
int value;
explicit ast_int(int v, yy::location l = yy::location())
: ast(std::move(l)), value(v) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
void find_free(std::set<std::string>& into);
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env);
void translate(global_scope& scope);
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_lid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_lid(std::string i, yy::location l = yy::location())
: ast(std::move(l)), id(std::move(i)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
void find_free(std::set<std::string>& into);
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env);
void translate(global_scope& scope);
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_uid : public ast {
std::string id;
explicit ast_uid(std::string i, yy::location l = yy::location())
: ast(std::move(l)), id(std::move(i)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
void find_free(std::set<std::string>& into);
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env);
void translate(global_scope& scope);
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_binop : public ast {
binop op;
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_binop(binop o, ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r, yy::location lc = yy::location())
: ast(std::move(lc)), op(o), left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
void find_free(std::set<std::string>& into);
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env);
void translate(global_scope& scope);
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_app : public ast {
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_app(ast_ptr l, ast_ptr r, yy::location lc = yy::location())
: ast(std::move(lc)), left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
void find_free(std::set<std::string>& into);
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env);
void translate(global_scope& scope);
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_case : public ast {
ast_ptr of;
type_ptr input_type;
std::vector<branch_ptr> branches;
ast_case(ast_ptr o, std::vector<branch_ptr> b, yy::location l = yy::location())
: ast(std::move(l)), of(std::move(o)), branches(std::move(b)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
void find_free(std::set<std::string>& into);
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env);
void translate(global_scope& scope);
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_let : public ast {
using basic_definition = std::pair<std::string, ast_ptr>;
definition_group definitions;
ast_ptr in;
std::vector<basic_definition> translated_definitions;
ast_let(definition_group g, ast_ptr i, yy::location l = yy::location())
: ast(std::move(l)), definitions(std::move(g)), in(std::move(i)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
void find_free(std::set<std::string>& into);
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env);
void translate(global_scope& scope);
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct ast_lambda : public ast {
std::vector<std::string> params;
ast_ptr body;
type_env_ptr var_env;
std::set<std::string> free_variables;
ast_ptr translated;
ast_lambda(std::vector<std::string> ps, ast_ptr b, yy::location l = yy::location())
: ast(std::move(l)), params(std::move(ps)), body(std::move(b)) {}
void print(int indent, std::ostream& to) const;
void find_free(std::set<std::string>& into);
type_ptr typecheck(type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env);
void translate(global_scope& scope);
void compile(const env_ptr& env, std::vector<instruction_ptr>& into) const;
struct pattern_var : public pattern {
std::string var;
pattern_var(std::string v)
: var(std::move(v)) {}
void print(std::ostream &to) const;
void find_variables(std::set<std::string>& into) const;
void typecheck(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env) const;
struct pattern_constr : public pattern {
std::string constr;
std::vector<std::string> params;
pattern_constr(std::string c, std::vector<std::string> p)
: constr(std::move(c)), params(std::move(p)) {}
void print(std::ostream &to) const;
void find_variables(std::set<std::string>& into) const;
virtual void typecheck(type_ptr t, type_mgr& mgr, type_env_ptr& env) const;