mirror of https://github.com/DanilaFe/AdventBot.git synced 2025-03-12 05:11:01 -07:00

Document and cleanup code.

This commit is contained in:
Danila Fedorin 2020-12-04 17:16:19 -08:00
parent eb0f3cec07
commit 49de57ae09

View File

@ -2,17 +2,15 @@ import discord
from discord.ext import tasks
import os
import sqlite3
from collections import defaultdict
from aiohttp import ClientSession
import json
client = discord.Client()
conn = sqlite3.connect('data.db')
def setup():
guild(id int primary key, channel int, leaderboard int, last_sync text)
star_names = { '1': 'silver', '2': 'gold' }
aoc_session = os.getenv('AOC_SESSION')
bot_token = os.getenv('AOC_BOT_TOKEN')
async def on_ready():
@ -32,44 +30,120 @@ async def on_message(message):
'Updated {0.guild} to use channel {0.channel} and leaderboard {1}!'
.format(message, leaderboard))
def gather_stars(member):
def setup():
Create all the necessary tables and all that.
guild(id int primary key, channel int, leaderboard int, last_sync text)
def member_stars(member):
Find the stars attributed to a single member
in the JSON response. Takes a JSON object
from the 'members' dict.
star_list = []
for day in member['completion_day_level']:
stars = member['completion_day_level'][day]
if "1" in stars:
star_list.append((member['name'], int(day), 1, stars['1']['get_star_ts']))
if "2" in stars:
star_list.append((member['name'], int(day), 2, stars["2"]['get_star_ts']))
for (star, name) in star_names.items():
if star not in stars: continue
(member['name'], day, name, stars[star]['get_star_ts']))
return star_list
def perform_member_diff(old_member, new_member):
old_stars = gather_stars(old_member)
new_stars = gather_stars(new_member)
return [star for star in new_stars if star not in old_stars]
def all_stars(json):
Find all the stars in a given JSON response.
The stars are not ordered in any way.
def perform_diff(old_json, new_json):
if old_json is None:
old_json = {'members': {}}
old_json = json.loads(old_json)
new_json = json.loads(new_json)
diff = { 'join': [], 'new_stars': [] }
for new_member in new_json['members'].keys():
if new_member not in old_json['members']:
member_diff = perform_member_diff(old_json['members'][new_member], new_json['members'][new_member])
diff['new_stars'] += member_diff
return diff
return [star for m in json['members'].values() for star in member_stars(m)]
def stars_by_day(stars):
Groups stars by day, then by type (silver/gold).
Helpful when trying to figure out if a given star
was "early" (first/second/third) for a particular puzzle.
by_day = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: []))
for star in stars:
return by_day
def read_json(s):
Try to parse a JSON response. If the argument
is None (which it can be if we're pulling from a fresh database)
fill it with just enough dummy enough to make the update
algorithms work.
if s is None: return {'members': {}}
return json.loads(s)
def detect_early_stars(stars):
Detects stars for each puzzle that are 'first', 'second', and 'third'.
This helps make the announcements a little more interesting!
by_day = stars_by_day(stars)
early_stars = []
for (day, names) in by_day.items():
for (name, stars) in names.items():
stars.sort(key=lambda star: int(star[3]))
early_stars += list(zip(['first', 'second', 'third'], stars))
return early_stars
def find_updates(old_json, new_json):
Find interesting differences between the old JSON and the new JSON,
both given as either strings or None.
Interesting differences include member joins (for whom
we do not print new stars, since they weren't on the learderboard
when they won them), early stars (first/second/third) and other
stars (anyone winning a star at any point).
old_json = read_json(old_json)
new_json = read_json(new_json)
old_stars = all_stars(old_json)
new_stars = all_stars(new_json)
join = [m for m in new_json['members'] if m not in old_json['members']]
early_stars = [ star for star in detect_early_stars(new_stars)
if star[1] not in old_stars
and star[1][0] not in join ]
skip_stars = [early_star for (place, early_star) in early_stars]
ann_stars = [ star for star in new_stars
if star not in skip_stars
and star not in old_stars
and star[0] not in join ]
return { 'join': join, 'early_stars': early_stars, 'ann_stars': ann_stars }
async def send_updates(id, channel, diff):
Send updates via the Discord client given a diff
produced by `find_updates`.
async def send_diff(id, channel, diff):
announcements = []
for user in diff['join']:
full_text = "User {0} joined the leaderboard!".format(user)
for (user, day, star, ts) in diff['new_stars']:
star_name = "silver" if star == 1 else "gold"
full_text = "{0} won the {1} star from day {2}!".format(user, star_name, day)
for (place, (user, day, star, ts)) in diff['early_stars']:
full_text = "{0} won the {1} {2} star from day {3}!".format(user, place, star, day)
for (user, day, star, ts) in diff['ann_stars']:
full_text = "{0} won the {1} star from day {2}!".format(user, star, day)
if len(announcements) != 0:
@ -79,17 +153,17 @@ async def send_diff(id, channel, diff):
async def update_aoc():
url_string = "https://adventofcode.com/2020/leaderboard/private/view/{0}.json"
cookies = { 'session': os.getenv("AOC_SESSION") }
cookies = { 'session': aoc_session }
async with ClientSession(cookies=cookies) as session:
for (id, channel, leaderboard, json) in conn.execute('select * from guild'):
async with session.get(url_string.format(leaderboard)) as resp:
new_json = await resp.text()
diff = perform_diff(json, new_json)
await send_diff(id, channel, diff)
diff = find_updates(json, new_json)
await send_updates(id, channel, diff)
conn.execute('update guild set last_sync=? where id=?', (new_json, id))