Add more homework solutions.

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Danila Fedorin 2021-04-17 02:44:06 -07:00
parent 75930c41e9
commit 3dbd9f8d00
7 changed files with 228 additions and 0 deletions

HomeworkEleven.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
module HomeworkEleven
%default total
data Move = Up | Rgt | Seq Move Move | Rev Move
Vec : Type
Vec = (Int, Int)
add : Vec -> Vec -> Vec
add (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1+x2, y1+y2)
neg : Vec -> Vec
neg (x1, y1) = (negate x1, negate y1)
sem : Move -> Vec
sem Up = (0, 1)
sem Rgt = (1, 0)
sem (Seq s1 s2) = sem s1 `add` sem s2
sem (Rev s1) = neg $ sem s1
data Final : Move -> Vec -> Type where
FUp : Final Up (0, 1)
FRgt : Final Rgt (1, 0)
FSeq : Final s1 v1 -> Final s2 v2 -> Final (Seq s1 s2) (v1 `add` v2)
FRev : Final s v -> Final (Rev s) (neg v)
finalEx : Final ((Up `Seq` Up) `Seq` Rgt) (1, 2)
finalEx = (FUp `FSeq` FUp) `FSeq` FRgt
finalSem : Final s v -> sem s = v
finalSem FUp = Refl
finalSem FRgt = Refl
finalSem (FRev f) with (finalSem f) | Refl = Refl
finalSem (FSeq f1 f2) with (finalSem f1, finalSem f2) | (Refl, Refl) = Refl
semFinal : sem s = v -> Final s v
semFinal {s=Up} Refl = FUp
semFinal {s=Rgt} Refl = FRgt
semFinal {s=Rev s1} Refl with (sem s1) proof p1
| _ = FRev (semFinal (sym p1))
semFinal {s=Seq s1 s2} Refl with (sem s1, sem s2) proof p
| (_, _) = let Refl = p in FSeq (semFinal Refl) (semFinal Refl)

HomeworkFifteen.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
module HomeworkFifteen
%default total
data Term = Tru | Fls | Not Term | Cond Term Term Term
data Et : Term -> Type where
ETru : Et Tru
EFls : Et (Not Fls)
ENot : Et t -> Et (Not (Not t))
ECondT : Et tc -> Et tt -> Et (Cond tc tt te)
ECondF : Et (Not tc) -> Et te -> Et (Cond tc tt te)
ex1 : Et (Not (Not (Not Fls)))
ex1 = ENot EFls
ex2 : Et (Cond Tru (Not Fls) Tru)
ex2 = ECondT ETru EFls
ex3 : Et (Cond Fls Fls Tru)
ex3 = ECondF EFls ETru
infixl 5 !!
data (!!) : Term -> Term -> Type where
STru : Tru !! Tru
SFls : Fls !! Fls
SNotT : t !! Tru -> Not t !! Fls
SNotF : t !! Fls -> Not t !! Tru
SCondT : tc !! Tru -> tt !! v -> (Cond tc tt te) !! v
SCondF : tc !! Fls -> te !! v -> (Cond tc tt te) !! v
lemma : Et t -> t !! Tru
lemma ETru = STru
lemma EFls = SNotF SFls
lemma (ENot e) = SNotF $ SNotT $ lemma e
lemma (ECondT c t) = SCondT (lemma c) (lemma t)
lemma (ECondF c e) with (lemma c)
| SNotF pc = SCondF pc (lemma e)
lemma' : t !! Tru -> Et t
lemma' STru = ETru
lemma' (SNotF f) = ?stuckHere
lemma' (SCondT tc tt) = ECondT (lemma' tc) (lemma' tt)
lemma' (SCondF tc te) = ECondF (lemma' $ SNotF tc) (lemma' te)

HomeworkSeventeen.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module HomeworkSeventeen
%default total
data Prog = Push Nat | Pop | Add | Seq Prog Prog
Stack : Type
Stack = List Nat
data BS : Stack -> Prog -> Stack -> Type where
BS_Push : BS s (Push n) (n::s)
BS_Pop : BS (n::s) Pop s
BS_Add : BS (n::m::s) Add (n+m::s)
BS_Seq : BS s p s0 -> BS s0 q s' -> BS s (Seq p q) s'
pushPop : BS s (Push n `Seq` Pop) s
pushPop = BS_Seq BS_Push BS_Pop
sumProg : BS s ((Push n1 `Seq` Push n2) `Seq` Add) ((n2+n1)::s)
sumProg = (BS_Push `BS_Seq` BS_Push) `BS_Seq` BS_Add
gen : Nat -> Prog
gen Z = Seq (Seq (Push 1) (Push 1)) Add
gen (S n) = Seq (Seq (gen n) (Push 1)) Add
p : (n : Nat) -> BS s (gen n) ((n+2)::s)
p Z = sumProg
p (S m) = ((p m) `BS_Seq` BS_Push) `BS_Seq` BS_Add

HomeworkSixteen.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
module HomeworkSixteen
%default total
data Term = T | F | Q | And Term Term
data Val : Term -> Type where
ValT : Val T
ValF : Val F
ValQ : Val Q
infixl 10 |->
data (|->) : Term -> Term -> Type where
AndFirst : (t1 |-> t1') -> (And t1 t2) |-> (And t1' t2)
AndSecond : Val t1 -> (t2 |-> t2') -> (And t1 t2) |-> (And t1 t2')
AndF : Val t2 -> And F t2 |-> F
AndT : Val t2 -> And T t2 |-> t2
AndQF : And Q F |-> F
AndQT : And Q T |-> Q
AndQQ : And Q Q |-> Q
infixl 10 |-->
data (|-->) : Term -> Term -> Type where
AndLFirst : (t1 |--> t1') -> (And t1 t2) |--> (And t1' t2)
AndLSecond : Val t1 -> (t2 |--> t2') -> (And t1 t2) |--> (And t1 t2')
AndLF : And F t2 |--> F
AndLT : And T t2 |--> t2
AndLQF : And Q F |--> F
AndLQT : And Q T |--> Q
AndLQQ : And Q Q |--> Q
infixl 10 !!
data (!!) : Term -> Term -> Type where
SemT : T !! T
SemF : F !! F
SemQ : Q !! Q
SemAndF : t1 !! F -> And t1 t2 !! F
SemAndT : t1 !! T -> t2 !! v -> And t1 t2 !! v
SemAndQF : t1 !! Q -> t2 !! F -> And t1 t2 !! F
SemAndQ : t1 !! Q -> Either (t2 !! T) (t2 !! Q) -> And t1 t2 !! Q

HomeworkTen.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module HomeworkTen
%default total
data Less : Nat -> Nat -> Type where
Suc : Less n (S n)
Trans : Less k n -> Less n m -> Less k m
data Sorted : List Nat -> Type where
SortedEmpty : Sorted []
SortedSingle : Sorted [x]
SortedCons : Less x y -> Sorted (y::tail) -> Sorted (x::y::tail)
threeLessThanFive : Less 3 5
threeLessThanFive = Trans Suc Suc
threeFiveSorted : Sorted [3,5]
threeFiveSorted = SortedCons threeLessThanFive SortedSingle
tailSorted : Sorted (x::xs) -> Sorted xs
tailSorted SortedEmpty impossible
tailSorted SortedSingle = SortedEmpty
tailSorted (SortedCons _ st) = st
firstSecondLess : Sorted (x::y::xs) -> Less x y
firstSecondLess SortedEmpty impossible
firstSecondLess SortedSingle impossible
firstSecondLess (SortedCons l _) = l
removeSecondSorted : Sorted (x::y::xs) -> Sorted (x::xs)
removeSecondSorted SortedEmpty impossible
removeSecondSorted SortedSingle impossible
removeSecondSorted (SortedCons _ SortedEmpty) impossible
removeSecondSorted (SortedCons _ SortedSingle) = SortedSingle
removeSecondSorted (SortedCons lxy (SortedCons lyr t)) = SortedCons (Trans lxy lyr) t

HomeworkThirteen.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
module HomeworkThirteen
%default total
infix 0 <=>
(<=>) : Type -> Type -> Type
a <=> b = (a -> b, b -> a)
exA : (p, q) <=> (q, p)
exA = (swap, swap)
exB : (p, (q, r)) <=> ((p, q), r)
exB = (\(a, (b, c)) => ((a, b), c), \((a, b), c) => (a, (b, c)))
pair : a -> b -> (a,b)
pair a b = (a, b)
exC : (p, Either q r) <=> Either (p, q) (p, r)
exC = (\(p, eqr) => either (Left . pair p) (Right . pair p) eqr, either (\(p, q) => (p, Left q)) (\(p, r) => (p, Right r)))

HomeworkTwelve.idr Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module HomeworkTwelve
%default total
data Op = Push Nat | Pop | Add
Stack : Type
Stack = List Nat
data Step : Stack -> Op -> Stack -> Type where
SPush : Step xs (Push n) (n::xs)
SPop : Step (n::xs) Pop xs
SAdd : Step (n1::n2::xs) Add ((n1+n2)::xs)
Ops : Type
Ops = List Op
data Steps : Stack -> Ops -> Stack -> Type where
SEmpty : Steps xs [] xs
SSeq : Step xs o ys -> Steps ys os zs -> Steps xs (o::os) zs
stepsEx : Steps [] [Push 3, Push 5, Add] [8]
stepsEx = SSeq SPush (SSeq SPush (SSeq SAdd SEmpty))