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Hey all! My name is Danila Fedorin, though I typically go by Daniel. I was born in Russia, but I lived in Holland for a couple of years, and subsequently moved to the U.S.. I went to high school and college here, so it's been a while since I've lived in a different country. I'm a first year M.S. student in Programming Languages working with Dr. Erwig, and I got your standard, "boring" CS undergraduate degree from OSU. In my free time, I... also do (occasionally functional) programming, play inadvisably large amounts of video games (Risk of Rain 2, Sunless Skies, Kerbal Space Program), and write about making a compiler on my blog.

I've been in the PL research group since my freshman year of college, so this is roughly my 4th year working with programming languages and Haskell.

Which PL courses have you taken at OSU? At other universities? I've taken CS 381, CS 581, and CS 582. I've also sat in CS 583 two years ago when Dr. Erwig taught it, but didn't officially take it. It looks like the course material is somewhat different in this version of the course, though.

On a scale from 1 to Phil Wadler, how confident are you in your Haskell skills? Phil Wadler when he as 5 years old? I've been writing Haskell for a while, and I know higher kinded data types, GADTs, some basic type level programming, and I'm fairly comfortable with the "common" libraries like Parsec. However, I'm far from an expert in the language.

Do you know any other functional languages? Elm, Idris, and Coq. For that last one, "knowing" is relative. There are so many different language features!

What programming languages do you know best? It's probably a mix between C++ and Haskell. The problem is that "knowing a language best" seems to imply knowing the language well, which is a claim I'm not sure I can make.

What do you hope to learn or get out of this class? I'm excited for pretty much all the material! I'd be particularly interested in the "free monads" parts of this class, since my understanding there is a little bit iffy.