Manually uncurry the success continuation (?)
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Control.Monad.Logic.Trans (SFKT(..), FK, SK, unSFKT, runSFKT, runSFKTOnce) where
import Prelude (class Applicative, class Apply, class Bind, class Functor, class Monad, bind, pure, ($), (<<<), (>>=), const, Unit, unit)
import Prelude (class Applicative, class Apply, class Bind, class Functor, class Monad, bind, pure, ($), (<<<), (>>=), Unit, unit)
import Control.Monad.Logic.Class
import Control.Lazy (class Lazy)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ type FK :: Type -> Type
type FK ans = Unit -> ans
type SK :: Type -> Type -> Type
type SK ans a = a -> FK ans -> ans
type SK ans a = { val :: a, fk :: FK ans } -> ans
newtype SFKT :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype SFKT m a = SFKT (forall ans. SK (m ans) a -> FK (m ans) -> m ans)
@ -27,22 +27,22 @@ unSFKT :: forall a m. SFKT m a -> forall ans. SK (m ans) a -> FK (m ans) -> m an
unSFKT (SFKT f) = f
runSFKTOnce :: forall a m. Alternative m => SFKT m a -> m a
runSFKTOnce (SFKT f) = f (const <<< pure) (\_ -> empty)
runSFKTOnce (SFKT f) = f (pure <<< _.val) (\_ -> empty)
runSFKT :: forall a m. Monad m => SFKT m a -> m (List a)
runSFKT (SFKT f) = f (\a fk -> map (a:_) (fk unit)) (\_ -> pure Nil)
runSFKT (SFKT f) = f (\{val: a, fk} -> map (a:_) (fk unit)) (\_ -> pure Nil)
instance Functor (SFKT m) where
map f m = SFKT (\sk -> unSFKT m (\a -> sk (f a)))
map f m = SFKT (\sk -> unSFKT m (\{val: a, fk} -> sk { val: f a, fk: fk }))
instance Apply m => Apply (SFKT m) where
apply mf ma = SFKT (\sk -> unSFKT mf (\f -> unSFKT ma (\a -> sk (f a))))
apply mf ma = SFKT (\sk -> unSFKT mf (\{val: f, fk: fk} -> unSFKT ma (\{val: a, fk: fk'} -> sk { val: f a, fk: fk' }) fk))
instance Applicative m => Applicative (SFKT m) where
pure a = SFKT (\sk fk -> sk a fk)
pure a = SFKT (\sk fk -> sk {val: a, fk: fk})
instance Bind m => Bind (SFKT m) where
bind m f = SFKT (\sk -> unSFKT m (\a -> unSFKT (f a) sk))
bind m f = SFKT (\sk -> unSFKT m (\{val: a, fk} -> unSFKT (f a) sk fk))
instance Monad m => Monad (SFKT m)
@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ instance Applicative m => Alternative (SFKT m)
instance Monad m => MonadPlus (SFKT m)
instance MonadTrans SFKT where
lift m = SFKT (\sk fk -> m >>= (\a -> sk a fk))
lift m = SFKT (\sk fk -> m >>= (\a -> sk { val: a, fk: fk }))
instance Monad m => MonadLogic (SFKT m) where
msplit ma = lift (unSFKT ma (\a fk -> pure (Just (a /\ (lazyLift fk >>= reflect)))) (\_ -> pure Nothing))
where lazyLift f = SFKT (\sk fk -> f unit >>= (\a -> sk a fk))
msplit ma = lift (unSFKT ma (\{val: a, fk} -> pure (Just (a /\ (lazyLift fk >>= reflect)))) (\_ -> pure Nothing))
where lazyLift f = SFKT (\sk fk -> f unit >>= (\a -> sk {val: a, fk: fk }))
interleave m1 m2 = do
r <- msplit m1
case r of
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ instance MonadAsk r m => MonadAsk r (SFKT m) where
ask = lift ask
instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (SFKT m) where
local f m = SFKT (\sk -> unSFKT m (\a -> local f <<< sk a))
local f m = SFKT (\sk -> unSFKT m (local f <<< sk))
instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (SFKT m) where
state f = lift $ state f
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ instance Monad m => MonadRec (SFKT m) where
go r@{sk,fk} an =
(SFKT sfktf) = f an
success st fk' =
success {val: st, fk: fk'} =
case st of
Loop an' -> go r an'
Done b -> sk b fk'
Done b -> sk {val: b, fk: fk' }
in sfktf success fk
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