{{</latex>}}| __Var__: If the variable \\(x\\) is known to have some polymorphic type \\(\\sigma\\) then an expression consisting only of that variable is of that type.
{{</latex>}}| __App__: If an expression \\(e\_1\\), which is a function from monomorphic type \\(\\tau\_1\\) to another monomorphic type \\(\\tau\_2\\), is applied to an argument \\(e\_2\\) of type \\(\\tau\_1\\), then the result is of type \\(\\tau\_2\\).
{{</latex>}}| __Abs__: If the body \\(e\\) of a lambda abstraction \\(\\lambda x.e\\) is of type \\(\\tau'\\) when \\(x\\) is of type \\(\\tau\\) then the whole lambda abstraction is of type \\(\\tau \\rightarrow \\tau'\\).
{\Gamma \vdash e : \tau \quad \text{matcht}(\tau, p_i) = b_i
\quad \Gamma,b_i \vdash e_i : \tau_c}
{\Gamma \vdash \text{case} \; e \; \text{of} \;
\{ (p_1,e_1) \ldots (p_n, e_n) \} : \tau_c }
{{</latex>}}| __Case__: This rule is not part of Hindley-Milner, and is specific to our language. If the expression being case-analyzed is of type \\(\\tau\\) and each branch \\((p\_i, e\_i)\\) is of the same type \\(\\tau\_c\\) when the pattern \\(p\_i\\) works with type \\(\\tau\\) producing extra bindings \\(b\_i\\), the whole case expression is of type \\(\\tau\_c\\).
\frac{\Gamma \vdash e : \sigma \quad \sigma' \sqsubseteq \sigma}
{\Gamma \vdash e : \sigma'}
{{</latex>}}| __Inst (New)__: If type \\(\\sigma'\\) is an instantiation of type \\(\\sigma\\) then an expression of type \\(\\sigma\\) is also an expression of type \\(\\sigma'\\).
{\Gamma \vdash e : \sigma \quad \alpha \not \in \text{free}(\Gamma)}
{\Gamma \vdash e : \forall \alpha . \sigma}
{{</latex>}}| __Gen (New)__: If an expression has a type with free variables, this rule allows us generalize it to allow all possible types to be used for these free variables.