Extract common parsing code
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
module CommonParsing where
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Text.Parsec.Combinator
type Parser a b = Parsec String a b
kw :: String -> Parser a ()
kw s = string s $> ()
kwIf :: Parser a ()
kwIf = kw "if"
kwThen :: Parser a ()
kwThen = kw "then"
kwElse :: Parser a ()
kwElse = kw "else"
kwState :: Parser a ()
kwState = kw "state"
kwEffect :: Parser a ()
kwEffect = kw "effect"
kwCombine :: Parser a ()
kwCombine = kw "combine"
kwRand :: Parser a ()
kwRand = kw "rand"
op :: String -> op -> Parser a op
op s o = string s $> o
int :: Parser a Int
int = read <$> (many1 digit <* spaces)
var :: [String] -> Parser a String
var reserved =
c <- satisfy $ \c -> isLetter c || c == '_'
cs <- many (satisfy isLetter <|> digit) <* spaces
let name = c:cs
if name `elem` reserved
then fail "Can't use reserved keyword as identifier"
else return name
surround :: Char -> Char -> Parser a b -> Parser a b
surround c1 c2 pe =
char c1 >> spaces
e <- pe
spaces >> char c2 >> spaces
return e
level :: (o -> e -> e -> e) -> Parser a o -> Parser a e -> Parser a e
level c po pe =
e <- pe <* spaces
ops <- many $ try $ (flip . c <$> (po <* spaces) <*> pe) <* spaces
return $ foldl (flip ($)) e ops
precedence :: (o -> e -> e -> e) -> Parser a e -> [ Parser a o ] -> Parser a e
precedence = foldl . flip . level
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module LanguageOne where
import qualified PythonAst as Py
import qualified CommonParsing as P
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
@ -54,31 +55,8 @@ data Prog = Prog [Function]
{- Parser -}
type Parser = Parsec String (Maybe Int)
parseInt :: Parser Int
parseInt = read <$> (many1 digit <* spaces)
parseVar :: Parser String
parseVar =
c <- satisfy (\c -> (isLetter c && isLower c) || c == '_')
cs <- many (satisfy isLetter <|> digit)
let var = c:cs
if var `elem` ["if", "then", "else", "rand"]
then fail "reserved"
else return var
parseKwIf :: Parser ()
parseKwIf = string "if" $> ()
parseKwThen :: Parser ()
parseKwThen = string "then" $> ()
parseKwElse :: Parser ()
parseKwElse = string "else" $> ()
parseKwRand :: Parser Expr
parseKwRand = string "rand" $> Random
parseVar = P.var ["if", "then", "else", "var"]
parseThis :: Parser Expr
parseThis =
@ -127,11 +105,11 @@ parseSelector =
parseIfElse :: Parser Expr
parseIfElse =
parseKwIf >> spaces
P.kwIf >> spaces
ec <- parseExpr
spaces >> parseKwThen >> spaces
spaces >> P.kwThen >> spaces
et <- parseExpr
spaces >> parseKwElse >> spaces
spaces >> P.kwElse >> spaces
ee <- parseExpr
return $ IfElse ec et ee
@ -162,7 +140,7 @@ parseParenthesized =
parseBasicExpr :: Parser Expr
parseBasicExpr = choice
[ IntLiteral <$> parseInt
[ IntLiteral <$> P.int
, parseThis
, parseList
, parseSplit
@ -170,7 +148,7 @@ parseBasicExpr = choice
, parseParameter
, parseParenthesized
, Var <$> try parseVar
, parseKwRand
, P.kwRand $> Random
, parseIfElse
@ -203,33 +181,16 @@ parsePostfixedExpr =
ps <- many parsePostfix
return $ foldl (flip ($)) eb ps
parseOp :: String -> Op -> Parser Op
parseOp s o = try (string s) >> return o
parseLevel :: Parser Expr -> Parser Op -> Parser Expr
parseLevel pe po =
start <- pe
ops <- many $ try $ do
op <- po
val <- pe
return (op, val)
return $ foldl (\l (o, r) -> BinOp o l r) start ops
parseExpr :: Parser Expr
parseExpr = foldl parseLevel parsePostfixedExpr
[ parseOp "*" Multiply, parseOp "/" Divide
, parseOp "+" Add, parseOp "-" Subtract
, parseOp "<<" Insert
, parseOp "++" Concat
, parseOp "<=" LessThanEq <|> parseOp ">=" GreaterThanEq <|>
parseOp "<" LessThan <|> parseOp ">" GreaterThan <|>
parseOp "==" Equal <|> parseOp "!=" NotEqual
, parseOp "&&" And <|> parseOp "||" Or
parseExpr = P.precedence BinOp parsePostfixedExpr
[ P.op "*" Multiply, P.op "/" Divide
, P.op "+" Add, P.op "-" Subtract
, P.op "<<" Insert
, P.op "++" Concat
, try (P.op "<=" LessThanEq) <|> try (P.op ">=" GreaterThanEq) <|>
P.op "<" LessThan <|> P.op ">" GreaterThan <|>
P.op "==" Equal <|> P.op "!=" NotEqual
, P.op "&&" And <|> P.op "||" Or
parseFunction :: Parser Function
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module LanguageTwo where
import qualified PythonAst as Py
import qualified CommonParsing as P
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
import Text.Parsec
@ -33,95 +34,50 @@ data Prog = Prog Expr [Stmt] [Stmt]
{- Parser -}
type Parser = Parsec String ()
parseKw :: String -> Parser ()
parseKw s = string s $> ()
parseKwIf :: Parser ()
parseKwIf = parseKw "if"
parseKwElse :: Parser ()
parseKwElse = parseKw "else"
parseKwState :: Parser ()
parseKwState = parseKw "state"
parseKwEffect :: Parser ()
parseKwEffect = parseKw "effect"
parseKwCombine :: Parser ()
parseKwCombine = parseKw "combine"
parseOp :: String -> Op -> Parser Op
parseOp s o = string s $> o
parseInt :: Parser Int
parseInt = read <$> (many1 digit <* spaces)
parseVar :: Parser String
parseVar =
c <- satisfy $ \c -> isLetter c || c == '_'
cs <- many (satisfy isLetter <|> digit) <* spaces
let name = c:cs
if name `elem` ["if", "else", "state", "effect", "combine"]
then fail "Can't use reserved keyword as identifier"
else return name
parseSurrounded :: Char -> Char -> Parser a -> Parser a
parseSurrounded c1 c2 pe =
char c1 >> spaces
e <- pe
spaces >> char c2 >> spaces
return e
parseVar = P.var [ "if", "else", "state", "effect", "combine" ]
parseLength :: Parser Expr
parseLength = Length <$> parseSurrounded '|' '|' parseExpr
parseLength = Length <$> P.surround '|' '|' parseExpr
parseParenthesized :: Parser Expr
parseParenthesized = parseSurrounded '(' ')' parseExpr
parseParenthesized = P.surround '(' ')' parseExpr
parseBasic :: Parser Expr
parseBasic = choice
[ IntLiteral <$> parseInt
[ IntLiteral <$> P.int
, Var <$> parseVar
, parseLength
, parseParenthesized
parseLevel :: Parser Op -> Parser Expr -> Parser Expr
parseLevel po pe =
e <- pe <* spaces
ops <- many ((flip . BinOp <$> (po <* spaces) <*> pe) <* spaces)
return $ foldl (flip ($)) e ops
parseExpr :: Parser Expr
parseExpr = foldl (flip parseLevel) parseBasic
[ parseOp "*" Multiply <|> parseOp "/" Divide
, parseOp "+" Add <|> parseOp "-" Subtract
, parseOp "==" Equal <|> parseOp "!=" NotEqual
, parseOp "&&" And
, try $ parseOp "||" Or
parseExpr = P.precedence BinOp parseBasic
[ P.op "*" Multiply <|> P.op "/" Divide
, P.op "+" Add <|> P.op "-" Subtract
, P.op "==" Equal <|> P.op "!=" NotEqual
, P.op "&&" And
, try $ P.op "||" Or
parseIf :: Parser Stmt
parseIf = do
parseKwIf >> spaces
P.kwIf >> spaces
c <- parseParenthesized
t <- parseStmt <* spaces
e <- (Just <$> (parseKwElse >> spaces *> parseStmt)) <|> return Nothing
e <- (Just <$> (P.kwElse >> spaces *> parseStmt)) <|> return Nothing
return $ IfElse c t e
parseBlockStmts :: Parser [Stmt]
parseBlockStmts = parseSurrounded '{' '}' (many parseStmt)
parseBlockStmts = P.surround '{' '}' (many parseStmt)
parseBlock :: Parser Stmt
parseBlock = Block <$> parseBlockStmts
parseAssign :: Parser Stmt
parseAssign = Assign <$>
(parseVar <* spaces <* char '=' <* spaces) <*>
(parseVar <* char '=' <* spaces) <*>
parseExpr <* (char ';' >> spaces)
parseStmt :: Parser Stmt
@ -133,9 +89,9 @@ parseStmt = choice
parseProgram :: Parser Prog
parseProgram = do
state <- parseKwState >> spaces *> parseExpr <* char ';' <* spaces
effect <- parseKwEffect >> spaces *> parseBlockStmts <* spaces
combined <- parseKwCombine >> spaces *> parseBlockStmts <* spaces
state <- P.kwState >> spaces *> parseExpr <* char ';' <* spaces
effect <- P.kwEffect >> spaces *> parseBlockStmts <* spaces
combined <- P.kwCombine >> spaces *> parseBlockStmts <* spaces
return $ Prog state effect combined
parse :: String -> String -> Either ParseError Prog
@ -269,18 +269,18 @@ by prepending the word "temp" to that number. We start
with `temp0`, then `temp1`, and so on. To keep a counter,
we can use a state monad:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 269 269 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 230 230 >}}
Don't worry about the `Map.Map String [String]`, we'll get to that in a bit.
For now, all we have to worry about is the second element of the tuple,
the integer counting how many temporary variables we've used. We can
get the current temporary variable as follows:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 271 274 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 232 235 >}}
We can also get a fresh temporary variable like this:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 276 279 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 237 240 >}}
Now, the
{{< sidenote "left" "code-note" "code" >}}
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ source code for the blog (which includes this project)
<a href="https://dev.danilafe.com/Web-Projects/blog-static">here</a>.
{{< /sidenote >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 364 369 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 325 330 >}}
##### Implementing "lazy evaluation"
Lazy evaluation in functional programs usually arises from
@ -344,20 +344,20 @@ and also of the dependencies of each variable (the variables that need
to be access before the variable itself). We compute such a map for
each selector as follows:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 337 337 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 298 298 >}}
We update the existing map using `Map.union`:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 338 338 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 299 299 >}}
And, after we're done generating expressions in the body of this selector,
we clear it to its previous value `vs`:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 341 341 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 302 302 >}}
We generate a single selector as follows:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 307 320 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 268 281 >}}
This generates a function definition statement, which we will examine in
generated Python code later on.
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ Solving the problem this way also introduces another gotcha: sometimes,
a variable is produced by a function call, and other times the variable
is just a Python variable. We write this as follows:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 322 327 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 283 288 >}}
##### Special Case Insertion
This is a silly language for a single homework assignment. I'm not
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ a list, it can also return the list from its base case. Thus,
that's all we will try to figure out. The checking code is so
short that we can include the whole snippet at once:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 258 266 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 219 227 >}}
{{< sidenote "right" "bool-identity-note" "figures out" >}}
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ My Haskell linter actually suggested a pretty clever way of writing
the whole "add a base case if this function returns a list" code.
Check it out:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 299 305 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 260 266 >}}
Specifically, look at the line with `let fastReturn = ...`. It
uses a list comprehension: we take a parameter `p` from the list of
@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ time, and nor do we have to perform any fancy Python nested function declaration
To keep with the Python convention of lowercase variables, we'll translate the
uppercase "global" variables to lowercase. We'll do it like so:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageTwo.hs" 211 220 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageTwo.hs" 167 176 >}}
Note that we translated "L" and "R" to integer literals. We'll indicate the source of
each element with an integer, since there's no real point to representing it with
a string or a variable. We'll need to be aware of this when we implement the actual, generic
mergesort code. Let's do that now:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageTwo.hs" 145 205 >}}
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageTwo.hs" 101 161 >}}
This is probably the ugliest part of this assignment: we handwrote a Python
AST in Haskell that implements mergesort with our augmentations. Note that
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