Add first draft of Language 1 for CS325
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title: A Language for an Assignment - Homework 1
date: 2019-12-27T23:27:09-08:00
draft: true
tags: ["Haskell", "Python", "Algorithms"]
On a rainy Oregon day, I was walking between classes with a group of friends.
We were discussing the various ways to obfuscate solutions to the weekly
homework assignments in our Algorithms course: replace every `if` with
a ternary expression, use single variable names, put everything on one line.
I said:
> The
{{< sidenote "right" "chad-note" "chad" >}}
This is in reference to a meme, <a href="">Virgin vs Chad</a>.
A "chad" characteristic is masculine or "alpha" to the point of absurdity.
{{< /sidenote >}} move would be to make your own, different language for every homework assignment.
It was required of us to use
{{< sidenote "left" "python-note" "Python" >}}
A friend suggested making a Haskell program
that generates Python-based interpreters for languages. While that would be truly
absurd, I'll leave <em>this</em> challenge for another day.
{{< /sidenote >}} for our solutions, so that was the first limitation on this challenge.
Someone suggested to write the languages in Haskell, since that's what we used
in our Programming Languages class. So the final goal ended up:
* For each of the 10 homework assignments in CS325 - Analysis of Algorithms,
* Create a Haskell program that translates a language into,
* A valid Python program that works (nearly) out of the box and passes all the test cases.
It may not be worth it to create a whole
{{< sidenote "right" "general-purpose-note" "general-purpose" >}}
A general purpose language is one that's designed to be used in vairous
domains. For instance, C++ is a general-purpose language because it can
be used for embedded systems, GUI programs, and pretty much anything else.
This is in contrast to a domain-specific language, such as Game Maker Language,
which is aimed at a much narrower set of uses.
{{< /sidenote >}} language for each problem,
but nowhere in the challenge did we say that it had to be general-purpose. In
fact, some interesting design thinking can go into designing a domain-specific
language for a particular assignment. So let's jump right into it, and make
a language for the the first homework assignment.
### Homework 1
There are two problems in Homework 1. Here they are, verbatim:
{{< codelines "text" "cs325-langs/hws/hw1.txt" 32 38 >}}
And the second:
{{< codelines "text" "cs325-langs/hws/hw1.txt" 47 68 >}}
We want to make a language __specifically__ for these two tasks (one of which
is split into many tasks). What common things can we isolate? I see two:
First, __all the problems deal with lists__. This may seem like a trivial observation,
but these two problems are the __only__ thing we use our language for. We have
list access,
{{< sidenote "right" "filterting-note" "list filtering" >}}
Quickselect is a variation on quicksort, which itself
finds all the "lesser" and "greater" elements in the input array.
{{< /sidenote >}} and list creation. That should serve as a good base!
If you squint a little bit, __all the problems are recursive with the same base case__.
Consider the first few lines of `search`, implemented naively:
def search(xs, k):
if xs == []:
return false
How about `sorted`? Take a look:
def sorted(xs):
if xs == []:
return []
I'm sure you see the picture. But it will take some real mental gymnastics to twist the
rest of the problems into this shape. What about `qselect`, for instance? There's two
cases for what it may return:
* `None` or equivalent if the index is out of bounds (we give it `4` an a list `[1, 2]`).
* A number if `qselect` worked.
The test cases never provide a concrete example of what should be returned from
`qselect` in the first case, so we'll interpret it like
{{< sidenote "right" "undefined-note" "undefined behavior" >}}
For a quick sidenote about undefined behavior, check out how
C++ optimizes the <a href="">Collatz Conjecture function</a>.
Clang doesn't know whether or not the function will terminate (whether the Collatz Conjecture
function terminates is an <a href="">unsolved problem</a>),
but functions that don't terminate are undefined behavior. There's only one other way the function
returns, and that's with "1". Thus, clang optimzes the entire function to a single "return 1" call.
{{< /sidenote >}} in C++:
we can do whatever we want. So, let's allow it to return `[]` in the `None` case.
This makes this base case valid:
def qselect(xs, k):
if xs == []:
return []
"Oh yeah, now it's all coming together." With one more observation (which will come
from a piece I haven't yet shown you!), we'll be able to generalize this base case.
The observation is this section in the assignment:
{{< codelines "text" "cs325-langs/hws/hw1.txt" 83 98 >}}
The real key is the part about "returning the `[]` where x should be inserted". It so
happens that when the list given to the function is empty, the number should be inserted
precisely into that list. Thus:
def _search(xs, k):
if xs == []:
return xs
The same works for `qselect`:
def qselect(xs, k):
if xs == []:
return xs
And for sorted, too:
def sorted(xs):
if xs == []:
return xs
There are some functions that are exceptions, though:
def insert(xs, k):
# We can't return early here!
# If we do, we'll never insert anything.
def search(xs, k):
# We have to return true or false, never
# an empty list.
So, whenever we __don't__ return a list, we don't want to add a special case.
We arrive at the following common base case: __whenever a function returns a list, if its first argument
is the empty list, the first argument is immediately returned__.
We've largely exhasuted the conclusiosn we can draw from these problems. Let's get to designing a language.
### A Silly Language
Let's start by visualizing our goals. Without base cases, the solution to `_search`
would be something like this:
{{< codelines "text" "cs325-langs/sols/hw1.lang" 11 14 >}}
Here we have an __`if`-expression__. It has to have an `else`, and evaluates to the value
of the chosen branch. That is, `if true then 0 else 1` evaluates to `0`, while
`if false then 0 else 1` evaluates to `1`. Otherwise, we follow the binary tree search
algorithm faithfully.
Using this definition of `_search`, we can define `search` pretty easily:
{{< codelines "text" "cs325-langs/sols/hw1.lang" 17 17 >}}
Let's use Haskell's `(++)` operator for concatentation. This will help us understand
when the user is operating on lists, and when they're not. With this, `sorted` becomes:
{{< codelines "text" "cs325-langs/sols/hw1.lang" 16 16 >}}
Let's go for `qselect` now. We'll introduce a very silly language feature for this
{{< sidenote "right" "selector-note" "list selectors" >}}
You've probably never heard of list selectors, and for a good reason:
this is a <em>terrible</em> language feature. I'll go in more detail
later, but I wanted to make this clear right away.
{{< /sidenote >}}. We observe that `qselect` aims to partition the list into
other lists. We thus add the following pieces of syntax:
~xs -> {
pivot <- xs[rand]!
left <- xs[#0 <= pivot]
} -> ...
There are three new things here.
1. The actual "list selector": `~xs -> { .. } -> ...`. Between the curly braces
are branches which select parts of the list and assign them to new variables.
Thus, `pivot <- xs[rand]!` assigns the element at a random index to the variable `pivot`.
the `!` at the end means "after taking this out of `xs`, delete it from `xs`". The
syntax {{< sidenote "right" "curly-note" "starts with \"~\"" >}}
An observant reader will note that there's no need for the "xs" after the "~".
The idea was to add a special case syntax to reference the "selected list", but
I ended up not bothering. So in fact, this part of the syntax is useless.
{{< /sidenote >}} to make it easier to parse.
2. The `rand` list access syntax. `xs[rand]` is a special case that picks a random
element from `xs`.
3. The `xs[#0 <= pivot]` syntax. This is another special case that selects all elements
from `xs` that match the given predicate (where `#0` is replaced with each element in `xs`).
The big part of qselect is to not evaluate `right` unless you have to. So, we shouldn't
eagerly evaluate the list selector. We also don't want something like `right[|right|-1]` to evaluate
`right` twice. So we settle on
{{< sidenote "right" "lazy-note" "lazy evaluation" >}}
Lazy evaluation means only evaluating an expression when we need to. Thus,
although we might encounter the expression for <code>right</code>, we
only evaluate it when the time comes. Lazy evaluation, at least
the way that Haskell has it, is more specific: an expression is evaluated only
once, or not at all.
{{</ sidenote >}}.
Ah, but the `!` marker introduces
{{< sidenote "left" "side-effect-note" "side effects" >}}
A side effect is a term frequently used when talking about functional programming.
Evaluating the expression <code>xs[rand]!</code> doesn't just get a random element,
it also changes <em>something else</em>. In this case, that something else is
the <code>xs</code> list.
{{< /sidenote >}}. So we can't just evaluate these things all willy-nilly.
So, let's make it so that each expression in the selector list requires the ones above it. Thus,
`left` will require `pivot`, and `right` will require `left` and `pivot`. So,
lazily evaluated, ordered expressions. The whole `qselect` becomes:
{{< codelines "text" "cs325-langs/sols/hw1.lang" 1 9 >}}
We've now figured out all the language constructs. Let's start working on
some implementation!
#### Data Definitions
Let's start with defining the AST and other data types for our language:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageOne.hs" 14 52 >}}
The `PossibleType` class will be used when we figure out if a function returns
a list or not, for our base case insertion rule. The `Selector` type
will hold a single line in the list selector we defined earlier, and
the `SelectorMarker` will indicate if the user added the `!` "remove from list"
marker at the end. To represent the various operators in our language, we create
the `Op` data type. Note that unlike Python, `++` (list concatenation) and
`+` (addition) are different operators in our language.
We then define valid expressions. Obviously, a variable (like `xs`), an
integer literal (like `1`) and a list literal (like `[]`) are allowed.
We also put in our selector, which consists of the expression on the
left, the list of selector branches (`[Selector]`) and the expression
of "what to actually do with the new variables". We also
add `if`-expressions (like we discussed), and function calls. Lastly,
we add binary operators like (`x+y`), the length operator (`|xs|`),
and the list access operator (`xs[0]`). We also make `#0` a part
of the expression syntax, even though it's only allowed inside
a list access.
Of course, we wouldn't want to write our language using
Haskell. We want to actually write a text file, like `hw1.lang`,
and then have our program translate that to Python. The first
step to that is __parsing__: we need to turn our language text
into the `Expr` structure we have.
#### Parsing
We'll be using `Parsec` for parsing. `Parsec` is a parsing library
based on
{{< sidenote "right" "monad-note" "monadic" >}}
Haskell is a language with more monad tutorials than
programmers. For this reason, I will resist the temptation
to explain what monads are. If you <em>don't</em> know
what they are, don't worry, there are plenty of other resources.
{{< /sidenote >}} parser combinators.
Reference in New Issue
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