Add post about the typesafe imperative language.
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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
data Reg = A | B | R
data Ty = IntTy | BoolTy
RegState : Type
RegState = (Ty, Ty, Ty)
getRegTy : Reg -> RegState -> Ty
getRegTy A (a, _, _) = a
getRegTy B (_, b, _) = b
getRegTy R (_, _, r) = r
setRegTy : Reg -> Ty -> RegState -> RegState
setRegTy A a (_, b, r) = (a, b, r)
setRegTy B b (a, _, r) = (a, b, r)
setRegTy R r (a, b, _) = (a, b, r)
data Expr : RegState -> Ty -> Type where
Lit : Int -> Expr s IntTy
Load : (r : Reg) -> Expr s (getRegTy r s)
Add : Expr s IntTy -> Expr s IntTy -> Expr s IntTy
Leq : Expr s IntTy -> Expr s IntTy -> Expr s BoolTy
Not : Expr s BoolTy -> Expr s BoolTy
data Stmt : RegState -> RegState -> Type where
Store : (r : Reg) -> Expr s t -> Stmt s (setRegTy r t s)
If : Expr s BoolTy -> Prog s n -> Prog s n -> Stmt s n
Loop : Prog s s -> Stmt s s
data Prog : RegState -> RegState -> Type where
Nil : Prog s s
Break : Prog s s
(::) : Stmt s n -> Prog n m -> Prog s m
initialState : RegState
initialState = (IntTy, IntTy, IntTy)
testProg : Prog Main.initialState Main.initialState
testProg =
[ Store A (Lit 1 `Leq` Lit 2)
, If (Load A)
[ Store A (Lit 1) ]
[ Store A (Lit 2) ]
, Store B (Lit 2)
, Store R (Add (Load A) (Load B))
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title: "A Typesafe Representation of an Imperative Language"
date: 2020-10-30T17:19:59-07:00
tags: ["Idris"]
draft: true
A recent homework assignment for my university's programming languages
course was to encode the abstract syntax for a small imperative language
into Haskell data types. The language consisted of very few constructs, and was very much a "toy".
On the expression side of things, it had three registers (`A`, `B`, and `R`),
numbers, addition, comparison using "less than", and logical negation. It also
included a statement for storing the result of an expression into
a register, `if/else`, and an infinite loop construct with an associated `break` operation.
A sample program in the language which computes the product of two
numbers is as follows:
A := 7
B := 9
R := 0
if A <= 0 then
R := R + B;
A := A + -1;
The homework notes that type errors may arise in the little imperative language.
We could, for instance, try to add a boolean to a number: `3 + (1 < 2)`. Alternatively,
we could try use a number in the condition of an `if/else` expression. A "naive"
encoding of the abstract syntax would allow for such errors.
However, assuming that registers could only store integers and not booleans, it is fairly easy to
separate the expression grammar into two nonterminals, yielding boolean
and integer expressions respectively. Since registers can only store integers,
the `(:=)` operation will always require an integer expression, and an `if/else`
statement will always require a boolean expression. A matching Haskell encoding
would not allow "invalid" programs to compile. That is, the programs would be
type-correct by construction.
Then, a question arose in the ensuing discussion: what if registers _could_
contain booleans? It would be impossible to create such a "correct-by-construction"
representation then, wouldn't it?
{{< sidenote "right" "haskell-note" "Although I don't know about Haskell," >}}
I am pretty certain that a similar encoding in Haskell is possible. However,
Haskell wasn't originally created for that kind of abuse of its type system,
so it would probably not look very good.
{{< /sidenote >}} I am pretty certain that it _is_ possible to do this
in Idris, a dependently typed programming language. In this post I will
talk about how to do that.
### Registers and Expressions
Let's start by encoding registers. Since we only have three registers, we
can encode them using a simple data type declaration, much the same as we
would in Haskell:
{{< codelines "Idris" "typesafe-imperative/TypesafeImp.idr" 1 1 >}}
Now that registers can store either integers or booleans (and only those two),
we need to know which one is which. For this purpose, we can declare another
data type:
{{< codelines "Idris" "typesafe-imperative/TypesafeImp.idr" 3 3 >}}
At any point in the (hypothetical) execution of our program, each
of the registers will have a type, either boolean or integer. The
combined state of the three registers would then be the combination
of these three states; we can represent this using a 3-tuple:
{{< codelines "Idris" "typesafe-imperative/TypesafeImp.idr" 5 6 >}}
Let's say that the first element of the tuple will be the type of the register
`A`, the second the type of `B`, and the third the type of `R`. Then,
we can define two helper functions, one for retrieving the type of
a register, and one for changing it:
{{< codelines "Idris" "typesafe-imperative/TypesafeImp.idr" 8 16 >}}
Now, it's time to talk about expressions. We know now that an expression
can evaluate to either a boolean or an integer value (because a register
can contain either of those types of values). Perhaps we can specify
the type that an expression evaluates to in the expression's own type:
`Expr IntTy` would evaluate to integers, and `Expr BoolTy` would evaluate
to booleans. Then, we could constructors as follows:
Lit : Int -> Expr IntTy
Not : Expr BoolTy -> Expr BoolTy
Sounds good! But what about loading a register?
Load : Reg -> Expr IntTy -- no; what if the register is a boolean?
Load : Reg -> Expr BoolTy -- no; what if the register is an integer?
Load : Reg -> Expr a -- no; a register access can't be either!
The type of an expression that loads a register depends on the current
state of the program! If we last stored an integer into a register,
then loading from that register would give us an integer. But if we
last stored a boolean into a register, then reading from it would
give us a boolean. Our expressions need to be aware of the current
types of each register. To do so, we add the state as a parameter to
our `Expr` type. This would lead to types like the following:
-- An expression that produces a boolean
-- when all the registers are integers.
Expr (IntTy, IntTy, IntTy) BoolTy
-- An expression that produces an integer
-- when A and B are integers, and R is a boolean.
Expr (IntTy, IntTy, BoolTy) IntTy
In Idris, the whole definition becomes:
{{< codelines "Idris" "typesafe-imperative/TypesafeImp.idr" 18 23 >}}
The only "interesting" constructor is `Load`, which, given a register `r`,
creates an expression that has `r`'s type in the current state `s`.
### Statements
Statements are a bit different. Unlike expressions, they don't evaluate to
anything; rather, they do something. That "something" may very well be changing
the current state. We could, for instance, set `A` to be a boolean, while it was
previously an integer. So, the `Stmt` type will take two arguments: the initial
state and the final state. This leads to the following definition:
{{< codelines "Idris" "typesafe-imperative/TypesafeImp.idr" 26 29 >}}
The `Store` constructor takes a register `r` and an expression producing some type `t` in state `s`.
From these, it creates a statement that starts in `s`, and finishes
in a state similar to `s`, but with `r` now having type `t`.
The `If` constructor takes a condition, which starts in state `s` and _must_ produce
a boolean. It also takes two programs (sequences of statements), each of which
start in `s` and finishes in another state `n`. Then, the `If` constructor creates
a statement that starts in state `s`, and finishes in state `n`. Conceptually,
each branch of the `if/else` statement must result in the same final state (in terms of types);
otherwise, we wouldn't know which of the states to pick when deciding the final
state of the `If` itself.
The `Loop` constructor is even more restrictive: it takes a single program (the sequence
of instructions that it will be repeating). This program starts _and_ ends in state `s`;
since the loop can repeat many times, and since we're repeating the same program,
we want to make sure that program is always run from the same initial state.
I chose __not__ to encode `Break` as a statement. This is because we don't want `Break`s occurring
in the middle of a program! Otherwise, it would be possible to write a program
that _seems_ like it will terminate in one state, but, because of a break in the middle,
terminates in another! Instead, we'll encode `Break` as a part of the `Prog` encoding.
### Programs
A program is basically a list of statements. However, we can't use a regular Idris list for two
1. Our type is not as simple as `[Stmt]`. We want each statement to begin in the state that the
previous statement ended in; we will have to do some work to ensure that.
2. We have two ways of ending the sequence of statements: either with or without a `break`.
Thus, instead of having a single `Nil` constructor, we'll have two.
The definition of the type turns out fairly straightforward:
{{< codelines "Idris" "typesafe-imperative/TypesafeImp.idr" 31 34 >}}
The `Nil` constructor represents an empty program (much like the built-in `Nil` represents an empty list).
Since no actions are done, it creates a `Prog` that starts and ends in the same state: `s`.
The `Break` constructor is similar; however, it represents a `break` instruction, and thus,
must be distinct from the regular `End` constructor. Finally, the `(::)` constructor, much like
the built-in `(::)` constructor, takes a statement and another program. The statement begins in
state `s` and ends in state `n`; the program after that statement must then start in state `n`,
and end in some other state `m`. The combination of the statement and the program starts in state `s`,
and finishes in state `m`; thus, `(::)` yields `Prog s m`.
This should be all! Let's try out some programs.
### Trying it Out
The following (type-correct) program compiles just fine:
{{< codelines "Idris" "typesafe-imperative/TypesafeImp.idr" 36 47 >}}
First, it loads a boolean (`True`, to be exact) into register `A`; then,
inside the `if/else` statement, it stores an integer into `A`. Finally,
it stores another integer into `B`, and adds them into `R`. Even though
`A` was a boolean at first, the type checker can deduce that it
was reset back to an integer after the `if/else`, and the program is accepted.
On the other hand, had we forgotten to set `A` to a boolean first:
[ If (Load A)
[ Store A (Lit 1) ]
[ Store A (Lit 2) ]
, Store B (Lit 2)
, Store R (Add (Load A) (Load B))
We would get a type error:
Type mismatch between
getRegTy A (IntTy, IntTy, IntTy)
The type of register `A` (that is, `IntTy`) is incompatible
with `BoolTy`. Our `initialState` says that `A` starts out as
an integer, so it can't be used in an `if/else` right away!
Similar errors occur if we make one of the branches of
the `if/else` empty, or if we set `B` to a boolean. And so,
we have an encoding of our language that allows registers to
be either integers or booleans, while still preventing
type-incorrect programs!
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