Add the drafts of the two posts
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
struct ast {
virtual ~ast();
using ast_ptr = std::unique_ptr<ast>;
struct pattern {
virtual ~pattern();
struct pattern_var : public pattern {
std::string var;
pattern_var(const char* v)
: var(v) {}
struct pattern_constr : public pattern {
std::string constr;
std::vector<std::string> params;
pattern_constr(const char* c, std::vector<std::string>&& p)
: constr(c) {
std::swap(params, p);
using pattern_ptr = std::unique_ptr<pattern>;
struct branch {
pattern_ptr pat;
ast_ptr expr;
branch(pattern_ptr&& p, ast_ptr&& a)
: pat(std::move(p)), expr(std::move(a)) {}
using branch_ptr = std::unique_ptr<branch>;
enum binop {
struct ast_binop : public ast {
binop op;
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_binop(binop o, ast_ptr&& l, ast_ptr&& r)
: op(o), left(std::move(l)), right(std::move(r)) {}
struct ast_app : public ast {
ast_ptr left;
ast_ptr right;
ast_app(ast* l, ast* r)
: left(l), right(r) {}
struct ast_case : public ast {
ast_ptr of;
std::vector<branch_ptr> branches;
ast_case(ast_ptr&& o, std::vector<branch_ptr>&& b)
: of(std::move(o)) {
std::swap(branches, b);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "ast.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
%token PLUS
%token TIMES
%token MINUS
%token DIVIDE
%token INT
%token DEFN
%token DATA
%token CASE
%token OF
%token OCURLY
%token CCURLY
%token OPAREN
%token CPAREN
%token COMMA
%token ARROW
%token EQUA
%token LID
%token UID
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
%option noyywrap
#include <iostream>
[ \n]+ {}
\+ { std::cout << "PLUS" << std::endl; }
\* { std::cout << "TIMES" << std::endl; }
- { std::cout << "MINUS" << std::endl; }
\/ { std::cout << "DIVIDE" << std::endl; }
[0-9]+ { std::cout << "NUMBER: " << yytext << std::endl; }
defn { std::cout << "KEYWORD: defn" << std::endl; }
data { std::cout << "KEYWORD: data" << std::endl; }
case { std::cout << "KEYWORD: case" << std::endl; }
of { std::cout << "KEYWORD: of" << std::endl; }
\{ { std::cout << "OPEN CURLY" << std::endl; }
\} { std::cout << "CLOSED CURLY" << std::endl; }
\( { std::cout << "OPEN PARENTH" << std::endl; }
\) { std::cout << "CLOSE PARENTH" << std::endl; }
, { std::cout << "COMMA" << std::endl; }
-> { std::cout << "PATTERN ARROW" << std::endl; }
= { std::cout << "EQUAL" << std::endl; }
[a-z][a-zA-Z]* { std::cout << "LOWERCASE IDENTIFIER: " << yytext << std::endl; }
[A-Z][a-zA-Z]* { std::cout << "UPPERCASE IDENTIFIER: " << yytext << std::endl; }
int main() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
title: Compiling a Functional Language Using C++, Part 1 - Tokenizing
date: 2019-08-03T01:02:30-07:00
tags: ["C and C++", "Functional Languages", "Compilers"]
draft: true
During my last academic term, I was enrolled in a compilers course.
We had a final project - develop a compiler for a basic Python subset,
using LLVM. It was a little boring - virtually nothing about the compiler
was __not__ covered in class, and it felt more like putting two puzzles
pieces together than building a real project.
Being involved of the Programming Language Theory (PLT) research group at my
university, I decided to do something different for the final project -
a compiler for a functional language. In a series of posts, starting with
thise one, I will explain what I did so that those interested in the subject
are able to replicate my steps, and maybe learn something for themselves.
### The "classic" stages of a compiler
Let's take a look at the high level overview of what a compiler does.
Conceptually, the components of a compiler are pretty cleanly separated.
They are as gollows:
1. Tokenizing / lexical analysis
2. Parsing
3. Analysis / optimization
5. Code Generation
There are many variations on this structure. Some compilers don't optimize
at all, some translate the program text into an intermediate representation,
an alternative way of representing the program that isn't machine code.
In some compilers, the stages of parsing and analysis can overlap.
In short, just like the pirate's code, it's more of a guideline than a rule.
### Tokenizing and Parsing (the "boring stuff")
It makes sense to build a compiler bit by bit, following the stages we outlined above.
This is because these stages are essentially a pipeline, with program text
coming in one end, and the final program coming out of the other. So as we build
up our pipeline, we'll be able to push program text further and further, until
eventually we get something that we can run on our machine.
This is how most tutorials go about building a compiler, too. The result is that
there are a __lot__ of tutorials covering tokenizing and parsing. This is why
I refer to this part of the process as "boring". Nonetheless, I will cover the steps
required to tokenize and parse our little functional language. But before we do that,
we first need to have an idea of what our language looks like.
### The Grammar
Simon Peyton Jones, in his two works regarding compiling functional languages, remarks
that most functional languages are very similar, and vary largely in syntax. That's
our main degree of freedom. We want to represent the following things, for sure:
* Defining functions
* Applying functions
* Arithmetic
* Algebraic data types (to represent lists, pairs, and the like)
* Pattern matching (to operate on data types)
We can additionally support anonymous (lambda) functions, but compiling those
is actually a bit trickier, so we will skip those for now. Arithmetic is the simplest to
define - let's define it as we would expect: `3` is a number, `3+2*6` evaluates to 15.
Function application isn't much more difficult - `f x` means "apply f to x", and
`f x + g x` means sum the result of applying f to x and g to x. That is, function
application has higher precedence, or __binds tighter__ than binary operators like plus.
Next, let's define the syntax for declaring a function. Why not:
defn f x = { x + x }
As for declaring data types:
data List = { Nil, Cons Int List }
Notice that we are avoiding polymorphism here.
Let's also define a syntax for pattern matching:
case l of {
Nil -> { 0 }
Cons x xs -> { x }
The above means "if the list `l` is `Nil`, then return 0, otherwise, if it's
constructed from an integer and another list (as defined in our `data` example),
return the integer".
That's it for now! Let's take a look at tokenizing.
### Tokenizing
When we first get our program text, it's in a representation difficult for us to make
sense of. If we look at how it's represented in C++, we see that it's just an array
of characters (potentially hundreds, thousands, or millions in length). We __could__
jump straight to parsing the text (which involves creating a tree structure, known
as an __abstract syntax tree__; more on that later). There's nothing wrong with this approach -
in fact, in functional languages, tokenizing is frequently skipped. However,
in our closer-to-metal language, it happens to be more convenient to first break the
input text into a bunch of distinct segments (tokens).
For example, consider the string "320+6". If we skip tokenizing and go straight
into parsing, we'd feed our parser the sequence of characters `['3', '2', '6', '+', '6', '\0']`.
On the other hand, if we run a tokenizing step on the string first, we'd be feeding our
parser three tokens, `("320", NUMBER)`, `("+", OPERATOR)`, and `("6", NUMBER)`.
To us, this is a bit more clear - we've partitioned the string into logical segments.
Our parser, then, won't have to care about recognizing a number - it will just know
that a number is next in the string, and do with that information what it needs.
How do we go about breaking up a string into tokens? We need to come up with a
way to compare some characters in a string against a set of rules. But "rules"
is a very general term - we could, for instance, define a particular
token that is a fibonacci number - 1, 2, 3, 5, and so on would be marked
as a "fibonacci number", while the other numbers will be marked as just
a regular number. To support that, our rules would get pretty complex. And
equally complex will become our checking of these rules for particular strings.
Fortunately, we're not insane. We observe that the rules for tokens in practice
are fairly simple - one or more digits is an integer, a few letters together
are a variable name. In order to be able to efficiently break text up into
such tokens, we restrict ourselves to __regular languages__. A language
is defined as a set of strings (potentially infinite), and a regular
language for which we can write a __regular expression__ to check if
a string is in the set. Regular expressions are a way of representing
patterns that a string has to match. We define regular expressions
as follows:
* Any character is a regular expression that matches that character. Thus,
\\(a\\) is a regular expression (from now shortened to regex) that matches
the character 'a', and nothing else.
* \\(r_1r_2\\), or the concatenation of \\(r_1\\) and \\(r_2\\), is
a regular expression that matches anything matched by \\(r_1\\), followed
by anything that matches \\(r_2\\). For instance, \\(ab\\), matches
the character 'a' followed by the character 'b' (thus matching "ab").
* \\(r_1|r_2\\) matches anything that is either matched by \\(r_1\\) or
\\(r_2\\). Thus, \\(a|b\\) matches the character 'a' or the character 'b'.
* \\(r_1?\\) matches either an empty string, or anything matched by \\(r_1\\).
* \\(r_1+\\) matches one or more things matched by \\(r_1\\). So,
\\(a+\\) matches "a", "aa", "aaa", and so on.
* \\((r_1)\\) matches anything that matches \\(r_1\\). This is mostly used
to group things together in more complicated expressions.
* \\(.\\) matches any character.
More powerful variations of regex also include an "any of" operator, \\([c_1c_2c_3]\\),
which is equivalent to \\(c_1|c_2|c_3\\), and a "range" operator, \\([c_1-c_n]\\), which
matches all characters in the range between \\(c_1\\) and \\(c_n\\), inclusive.
Let's see some examples. An integer, such as 326, can be represented with \\([0-9]+\\).
This means, one or more characters between 0 or 9. Some (most) regex implementations
have a special symbol for \\([0-9]\\), written as \\(\\setminus d\\). A variable,
starting with a lowercase letter and containing lowercase or uppercase letters after it,
can be written as \\(\[a-z\]([a-z]+)?\\). Again, most regex implementations provide
a special operator for \\((r_1+)?\\), written as \\(r_1*\\).
#### The Theory
So how does one go about checking if a regular expression matches a string? An efficient way is to
first construct a [state machine]( A type of state machine can be constructed from a regular expression
by literally translating each part of it to a series of states, one-to-one. This machine is called
a __Nondeterministic Finite Automaton__, or NFA for short. The "Finite" means that the number of
states in the state machine is, well, finite. For us, this means that we can store such
a machine on disk. The "Nondeterministic" part, though, is more complex: given a particular character
and a particular state, it's possible that an NFA has the option of transitioning into more
than one other state. Well, which state __should__ it pick? No easy way to tell. Each time
we can transition to more than one state, we exponentially increase the number of possible
states that we can be in. This isn't good - we were going for efficiency, remember?
What we can do is convert our NFA into another kind of state machine, in which for every character,
only one possible state transition is possible. This machine is called a __Deterministic Finite Automaton__,
or DFA for short. There's an algorithm to convert an NFA into a DFA, which I won't explain here.
Since both the conversion of a regex into an NFA and a conversion of an NFA into a DFA is done
by following an algorithm, we're always going to get the same DFA for the same regex we put in.
If we come up with the rules for our tokens once, we don't want to be building a DFA each time
our tokenizer is run - the result will always be the same! Even worse, translating a regular
expression all the way into a DFA is the inefficient part of the whole process. The solution is to
generate a state machine, and convert it into code to simulate that state machine. Then, we include
that code as part of our compiler. This way, we have a state machine "hardcoded" into our tokenizer,
and no conversion of regex to DFAs needs to be done at runtime.
#### The Practice
Creating an NFA, and then a DFA, and then generating C++ code are all cumbersome. If we had to
write code to do this every time we made a compiler, it would get very repetitive, very fast.
Fortunately, there exists a tool that does exactly this for us - it's called `flex`. Flex
takes regular expressions, and generates code that matches a string against those regular expressions.
It does one more thing in addition to that - for each regular expression it matches, flex
runs a user-defined action (which we write in C++). We can use this to convert strings that
represent numbers directly into numbers, and do other small tasks.
So, what tokens do we have? From our arithmetic definition, we see that we have integers.
Let's use the regex `[0-9]+` for those. We also have the operators `+`, `-`, `*`, and `/`.
`-` is simple enough: the corresponding regex is `-`. We need to
preface our `/`, `+` and `*` with a backslash, though, since they happen to also be modifiers
in flex's regular expressions: `\/`, `\+`, `\*`.
Let's also represent some reserved keywords. We'll say that `defn`, `data`, `case`, and `of`
are reserved. Their regular expressions are just their names. We also want to tokenize
`=`, `->`, `{`, `}`, `,`, `(` and `)`. Finally, we want to represent identifiers, like `f`,
`x`, `Nil`, and `Cons`. We will actually make a distinction between lowercase identifiers
and uppercase identifiers, as we will follow Haskell's convention of representing
data type constructors with uppercase letters, and functions and variables with lowercase ones.
So, our two regular expressions will be `[a-z][a-zA-Z]*` for the lowercase variables, and
`[A-Z][a-zA-Z]*` for uppercase variables. Let's make a tokenizer in flex with all this. To do
this, we create a new file, `scanner.l`, in which we write a mix of regular expressions
and C++ code. Here's the whole thing:
{{< rawblock "compiler_scanner.l" >}}
A flex file starts with options. I set the `noyywrap` option, which disables a particular
feature of flex that we won't use, and which causes linker errors. Next up,
flex allows us to put some C++ code that we want at the top of our generated code.
I simply include `iostream`, so that we can use `cout` to print out our tokens.
Next, `%%`, and after that, the meat of our tokenizer: regular expressions, followed by
C++ code that should be executed when the regular expression is matched.
The first token: whitespace. This includes the space character,
and the newline character. We ignore it, so its rule is empty. After that,
we have the regular expressions for the tokens we've talked about. For each, I just
print a description of the token that matched. This will change we we hook this up to
a parser, but for now, this works fine. Notice that the variable `yytext` contains
the string matched by our regular expression. This variable is set by the code flex
generates, and we can use it to get the extract text that matched a regex. This is
useful, for instance, to print the variable name that we matched. After
all of our tokens, another `%%`, and more C++ code. For this simple example,
I declare a `main` function, which just calls `yylex`, a function flex
generates for us. Let's generate the C++ code, and compile it:
flex -o scanner.cpp scanner.l
g++ -o scanner scanner.cpp
Now, let's feed it an expression:
echo "3+2*6" | ./scanner
We get the output:
Hooray! We have tokenizing.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
title: Compiling a Functional Language Using C++, Part 2 - Parsing
date: 2019-08-03T01:02:30-07:00
tags: ["C and C++", "Functional Languages", "Compilers"]
draft: true
In the previous post, we covered tokenizing. We learned how to convert an input string into logical segments, and even wrote up a tokenizer to do it according to the rules of our language. Now, it's time to make sense of the tokens, and parse our language.
### The Theory
The rules to parse a language are more complicated than the rules for
recognizing tokens. For instance, consider a simple language of a matching
number of open and closed parentheses, like `()` and `((()))`. You can't
write a regular expression for it! We resort to a wider class of languages, called
__context free languages__. These languages are ones that are matched by __context free grammars__.
A context free grammar is a list of rules in the form of \\(S \\rightarrow \\alpha\\), where
\\(S\\) is a __nonterminal__ (conceptualy, a thing that expands into other things), and
\\(\\alpha\\) is a sequence of nonterminals and terminals (a terminal is a thing that doesn't
expand into other things; for us, this is a token).
Let's write a context free grammar (CFG from now on) to match our parenthesis language:
S & \\rightarrow ( S ) \\\\\\
S & \\rightarrow ()
So, how does this work? We start with a "start symbol" nonterminal, which we usually denote as \\(S\\). Then, to get a desired string,
we replace a nonterminal with the sequence of terminals and nonterminals on the right of one of its rules. For instance, to get `()`,
we start with \\(S\\) and replace it with the body of the second one of its rules. This gives us `()` right away. To get `((()))`, we
have to do a little more work:
S \\rightarrow (S) \\rightarrow ((S)) \\rightarrow ((()))
In practice, there are many ways of using a CFG to parse a programming language. Various parsing algorithms support various subsets
of context free languages. For instance, top down parsers follow nearly exactly the structure that we had. They try to parse
a nonterminal by trying to match each symbol in its body. In the rule \\(S \\rightarrow \\alpha \\beta \\gamma\\), it will
first try to match \\(alpha\\), then \\(beta\\), and so on. If one of the three contains a nonterminal, it will attempt to parse
that nonterminal following the same strategy. However, this leaves a flaw - For instance, consider the grammar
S & \\rightarrow Sa \\\\\\
S & \\rightarrow a
A top down parser will start with \\(S\\). It will then try the first rule, which starts with \\(S\\). So, dutifully, it will
try to parse __that__ \\(S\\). And to do that, it will once again try the first rule, and find that it starts with another \\(S\\)...
This will never end, and the parser will get stuck. A grammar in which a nonterminal can appear in the beginning of one of its rules
__left recursive__, and top-down parsers aren't able to handle those grammars.
We __could__ rewrite our grammar without using left-recursion, but we don't want to. Instead, we'll use a __bottom up__ parser,
using specifically the LALR(1) parsing algorithm. Here's an example of how it works, using our left-recursive grammar. We start with our
goal string, and a "dot" indicating where we are. At first, the dot is behind all the characters:
We see nothing interesting on the left side of the dot, so we move (or __shift__) the dot forward by one character:
Now, on the left side of the dot, we see something! In particular, we see the body of one of the rules for \\(S\\) (the second one).
So we __reduce__ the thing on the left side of the dot, by replacing it with the left hand side of the rule (\\(S\\)):
There's nothing else we can do with the left side, so we shift again:
Great, we see another body on the left of the dot. We reduce it:
Just like before, we shift over the dot, and again, we reduce. We end up with our
start symbol, and nothing on the right of the dot, so we're done!
### The Practice
In practice, we don't want to just match a grammar. That would be like saying "yup, this is our language".
Instead, we want to create something called an __abstract syntax tree__, or AST for short. This tree
captures the structure of our language, and is easier to work with than its textual representation. The structure
of the tree we build will often mimic the structure of our grammar: a rule in the form \\(S \\rightarrow A B\\)
will result in a tree named "S", with two children corresponding the trees built for A and B. Since
an AST captures the structure of the language, we'll be able to toss away some punctuation
like `,` and `(`. These tokens will appear in our grammar, but we will tweak our parser to simply throw them away. Additionally,
we will write our grammar ignoring whitespace, since our tokenizer conveniently throws that into the trash.
The grammar for arithmetic actually involves more effort than it would appear at first. We want to make sure that our
parser respects the order of operations. This way, when we have our tree, it will immediately have the structure in
which multiplication is done before addition. We do this by creating separate "levels" in our grammar, with one
nonterminal matching addition and subtraction, while another nonterminal matches multiplication and division.
We want the operation that has the least precedence to be __higher__ in our tree than one of higher precedence.
For instance, for `3+2*6`, we want our tree to have `+` as the root, `3` as the left child, and the tree for `2*6` as the right child.
Why? Because this tree represents "the addition of 3 and the result of multiplying 2 by 6". If we had `*` be the root, we'd have
a tree representing "the multiplication of the result of adding 3 to 2 and 6", which is __not__ what our expression means.
So, with this in mind, we want our rule for __addition__ (represented with the nonterminal \\(A\_{add}\\), to be matched first, and
for its children to be trees created by the multiplication rule, \\(A\_{mult}\\). So we write the following rules:
A\_{add} & \\rightarrow A\_{add}+A\_{mult} \\\\\\
A\_{add} & \\rightarrow A\_{add}-A\_{mult} \\\\\\
A\_{add} & \\rightarrow A\_{mult}
The first rule matches another addition, added to the result of another addition. We use the addition in the body
because we want to be able to parse strings like `1+2+3+4`, which we want to view as `((1+2)+3)+4` (mostly because
subtraction is [left-associative]( So, we want the top level
of the tree to be the rightmost `+` or `-`, since that means it will be the "last" operation. You may be asking,
> You define addition in terms of addition; how will parsing end? What if there's no addition at all, like `2*6`?
This is the purpose of the third rule, which serves to say "an addition expression can just be a multiplication,
without any plusses or minuses." Our rules for multiplication are very similar:
A\_{mult} & \\rightarrow A\_{mult}*P \\\\\\
A\_{mult} & \\rightarrow A\_{mult}/P \\\\\\
A\_{mult} & \\rightarrow P
P, in this case, is an a__p__lication (remember, application has higher precedence than any binary operator).
Once again, if there's no `*` or `\`, we simply fall through to a \\(P\\) nonterminal, representing application.
Application is refreshingly simple:
P & \\rightarrow P B \\\\\\
P & \\rightarrow B
An application is either only one "thing" (represented with \\(B\\), for __b__ase), such as a number or an identifier,
or another application followed by a thing.
We now need to define what a "thing" is. As we said before, it's a number, or an identifier. We also make a parenthesized
arithmetic expression a "thing", allowing us to wrap right back around and recognize anything inside parentheses:
B & \\rightarrow \text{num} \\\\\\
B & \\rightarrow \text{lowerVar} \\\\\\
B & \\rightarrow \text{upperVar} \\\\\\
B & \\rightarrow ( A\_{add} ) \\\\\\
B & \\rightarrow C
What's the last \\(C\\)? We also want a "thing" to be a case expression. Here are the rules for that:
C & \\rightarrow \\text{case} \\; A\_{add} \\; \\text{of} \\; \\{ L\_B\\} \\\\\\
L\_B & \\rightarrow R \\; , \\; L\_B \\\\\\
L\_B & \\rightarrow R \\\\\\
R & \\rightarrow N \\; \\text{arrow} \\; \\{ A\_{add} \\} \\\\\\
N & \\rightarrow \\text{lowerVar} \\\\\\
N & \\rightarrow \\text{upperVar} \\; L\_L \\\\\\
L\_L & \\rightarrow \\text{lowerVar} \\; L\_L \\\\\\
L\_L & \\rightarrow \\epsilon
\\(L\_B\\) is the list of branches in our case expression. \\(R\\) is a single branch, which is in the
form `Pattern -> Expression`. \\(N\\) is a pattern, which we will for now define to be either a variable name
(\\(\\text{lowerVar}\\)), or a constructor with some arguments. The arguments of a constructor will be
lowercase names, and a list of those arguments will be represented with \\(L\_L\\). One of the bodies
of this nonterminal is just the character \\(\\epsilon\\), which just means "nothing".
We use this because a constructor can have no arguments (like Nil).
We can use these grammar rules to represent any expression we want. For instance, let's try `3+(multiply 2 6)`,
where multiply is a function that, well, multiplies. We start with \\(A_{add}\\):
& A\_{add} \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow A\_{add} + A\_{mult} \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow A\_{mult} + A\_{mult} \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow P + A\_{mult} \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow B + A\_{mult} \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow \\text{num(3)} + A\_{mult} \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow \\text{num(3)} + P \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow \\text{num(3)} + B \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow \\text{num(3)} + (A\_{add}) \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow \\text{num(3)} + (A\_{mult}) \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow \\text{num(3)} + (P) \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow \\text{num(3)} + (P \\; \\text{num(6)}) \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow \\text{num(3)} + (P \\; \\text{num(2)} \\; \\text{num(6)}) \\\\\\
& \\rightarrow \\text{num(3)} + (\\text{lowerVar(multiply)} \\; \\text{num(2)} \\; \\text{num(6)}) \\\\\\
We're almost there. We now want a rule for a "something that can appear at the top level of a program", like
a function or data type declaration. We make a new set of rules:
T & \\rightarrow \\text{defn} \\; \\text{lowerVar} \\; L\_P =\\{ A\_{add} \\} \\\\\\
T & \\rightarrow \\text{data} \\; \\text{upperVar} = \\{ L\_D \\} \\\\\\
L\_D & \\rightarrow D \\; , \\; L\_D \\\\\\
L\_D & \\rightarrow D \\\\\\
L\_P & \\rightarrow \\text{lowerVar} \\; L\_P \\\\\\
L\_P & \\rightarrow \\epsilon \\\\\\
D & \\rightarrow \\text{upperVar} \\; L\_U \\\\\\
L\_U & \\rightarrow \\text{upperVar} \\; L\_U \\\\\\
L\_U & \\rightarrow \\epsilon
That's a lot of rules! \\(T\\) is the "top-level declaration rule. It matches either
a function or a data definition. A function definition consists of the keyword "defn",
followed by a function name (starting with a lowercase letter), followed by a list of
parameters, represented by \\(L\_P\\).
A data type definition consists of the name of the data type (starting with an uppercase letter),
and a list \\(L\_D\\) of data constructors \\(D\\). There must be at least one data constructor in this list,
so we don't use the empty string rule here. A data constructor is simply an uppercase variable representing
a constructor of the data type, followed by a list \\(L\_U\\) of zero or more uppercase variables (representing
the types of the arguments of the constructor).
Finally, we want one or more of these declarations in a valid program:
G & \\rightarrow T \\; G \\\\\\
G & \\rightarrow T
Just like with tokenizing, there exists a piece of software that will generate a bottom-up parser for us, given our grammar.
It's called Bison, and it is frequently used with Flex. Before we get to bison, though, we need to pay a debt we've already
incurred - the implementation of our AST. Such a tree is language-specific, so Bison doesn't generate it for us. Here's what
I came up with:
{{< codeblock "C++" "compiler_ast.hpp" >}}
Finally, we get to writing our Bison file, `parser.y`. Here's what I come up with:
{{< rawblock "compiler_parser.y" >}}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user