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4e918db5cb | |||
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
state 0;
effect {
if(SOURCE == R) {
combine {
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@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
module LanguageTwo where
import qualified PythonAst as Py
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Text.Parsec.Combinator
{- Data Types -}
data Op
= Add
| Subtract
| Multiply
| Divide
| Equal
| NotEqual
| And
| Or
data Expr
= IntLiteral Int
| BinOp Op Expr Expr
| Var String
| Length Expr
data Stmt
= IfElse Expr Stmt (Maybe Stmt)
| Assign String Expr
| Block [Stmt]
data Prog = Prog Expr [Stmt] [Stmt]
{- Parser -}
type Parser = Parsec String ()
parseKw :: String -> Parser ()
parseKw s = string s $> ()
parseKwIf :: Parser ()
parseKwIf = parseKw "if"
parseKwElse :: Parser ()
parseKwElse = parseKw "else"
parseKwState :: Parser ()
parseKwState = parseKw "state"
parseKwEffect :: Parser ()
parseKwEffect = parseKw "effect"
parseKwCombine :: Parser ()
parseKwCombine = parseKw "combine"
parseOp :: String -> Op -> Parser Op
parseOp s o = string s $> o
parseInt :: Parser Int
parseInt = read <$> (many1 digit <* spaces)
parseVar :: Parser String
parseVar =
c <- satisfy $ \c -> isLetter c || c == '_'
cs <- many (satisfy isLetter <|> digit) <* spaces
let name = c:cs
if name `elem` ["if", "else", "state", "effect", "combine"]
then fail "Can't use reserved keyword as identifier"
else return name
parseSurrounded :: Char -> Char -> Parser a -> Parser a
parseSurrounded c1 c2 pe =
char c1 >> spaces
e <- pe
spaces >> char c2 >> spaces
return e
parseLength :: Parser Expr
parseLength = Length <$> parseSurrounded '|' '|' parseExpr
parseParenthesized :: Parser Expr
parseParenthesized = parseSurrounded '(' ')' parseExpr
parseBasic :: Parser Expr
parseBasic = choice
[ IntLiteral <$> parseInt
, Var <$> parseVar
, parseLength
, parseParenthesized
parseLevel :: Parser Op -> Parser Expr -> Parser Expr
parseLevel po pe =
e <- pe <* spaces
ops <- many ((flip . BinOp <$> (po <* spaces) <*> pe) <* spaces)
return $ foldl (flip ($)) e ops
parseExpr :: Parser Expr
parseExpr = foldl (flip parseLevel) parseBasic
[ parseOp "*" Multiply <|> parseOp "/" Divide
, parseOp "+" Add <|> parseOp "-" Subtract
, parseOp "==" Equal <|> parseOp "!=" NotEqual
, parseOp "&&" And
, try $ parseOp "||" Or
parseIf :: Parser Stmt
parseIf = do
parseKwIf >> spaces
c <- parseParenthesized
t <- parseStmt <* spaces
e <- (Just <$> (parseKwElse >> spaces *> parseStmt)) <|> return Nothing
return $ IfElse c t e
parseBlockStmts :: Parser [Stmt]
parseBlockStmts = parseSurrounded '{' '}' (many parseStmt)
parseBlock :: Parser Stmt
parseBlock = Block <$> parseBlockStmts
parseAssign :: Parser Stmt
parseAssign = Assign <$>
(parseVar <* spaces <* char '=' <* spaces) <*>
parseExpr <* (char ';' >> spaces)
parseStmt :: Parser Stmt
parseStmt = choice
[ parseIf
, parseAssign
, parseBlock
parseProgram :: Parser Prog
parseProgram = do
state <- parseKwState >> spaces *> parseExpr <* char ';' <* spaces
effect <- parseKwEffect >> spaces *> parseBlockStmts <* spaces
combined <- parseKwCombine >> spaces *> parseBlockStmts <* spaces
return $ Prog state effect combined
parse :: String -> String -> Either ParseError Prog
parse = runParser parseProgram ()
{- Translation -}
baseFunction :: Py.PyExpr -> [Py.PyStmt] -> [Py.PyStmt] -> Py.PyStmt
baseFunction s e c = Py.FunctionDef "prog" ["xs"] $
(Py.BinOp Py.LessThan
(Py.FunctionCall (Py.Var "len") [Py.Var "xs"])
(Py.IntLiteral 2))
[Py.Return $ Py.Tuple [s, Py.Var "xs"]]
, Py.Assign (Py.VarPat "leng")
(Py.BinOp Py.FloorDiv
(Py.FunctionCall (Py.Var "len") [Py.Var "xs"])
(Py.IntLiteral 2))
, Py.Assign (Py.VarPat "left")
(Py.Var "xs")
[Py.Slice Nothing $ Just (Py.Var "leng")])
, Py.Assign (Py.VarPat "right")
(Py.Var "xs")
[Py.Slice (Just (Py.Var "leng")) Nothing])
, Py.Assign (Py.TuplePat [Py.VarPat "ls", Py.VarPat "left"])
(Py.FunctionCall (Py.Var "prog") [Py.Var "left"])
, Py.Assign (Py.TuplePat [Py.VarPat "rs", Py.VarPat "right"])
(Py.FunctionCall (Py.Var "prog") [Py.Var "right"])
, Py.Standalone $
Py.FunctionCall (Py.Member (Py.Var "left") "reverse") []
, Py.Standalone $
Py.FunctionCall (Py.Member (Py.Var "right") "reverse") []
, Py.Assign (Py.VarPat "state") s
, Py.Assign (Py.VarPat "source") (Py.IntLiteral 0)
, Py.Assign (Py.VarPat "total") (Py.ListLiteral [])
, Py.While
(Py.BinOp Py.And
(Py.BinOp Py.NotEqual (Py.Var "left") (Py.ListLiteral []))
(Py.BinOp Py.NotEqual (Py.Var "right") (Py.ListLiteral []))) $
[ Py.IfElse
(Py.BinOp Py.LessThanEq
(Py.Access (Py.Var "left") [Py.IntLiteral $ -1])
(Py.Access (Py.Var "right") [Py.IntLiteral $ -1]))
[ Py.Standalone $
Py.FunctionCall (Py.Member (Py.Var "total") "append")
[Py.FunctionCall (Py.Member (Py.Var "left") "pop") []]
, Py.Assign (Py.VarPat "source") (Py.IntLiteral 1)
[] $
[ Py.Standalone $
Py.FunctionCall (Py.Member (Py.Var "total") "append")
[Py.FunctionCall (Py.Member (Py.Var "right") "pop") []]
, Py.Assign (Py.VarPat "source") (Py.IntLiteral 2)
] ++ e
] ++ c ++
[ Py.Standalone $ Py.FunctionCall (Py.Member (Py.Var "left") "reverse") []
, Py.Standalone $ Py.FunctionCall (Py.Member (Py.Var "right") "reverse") []
, Py.Return $ Py.Tuple
[ Py.Var "state"
, foldl (Py.BinOp Py.Add) (Py.Var "total") [Py.Var "left", Py.Var "right"]
translateExpr :: Expr -> Py.PyExpr
translateExpr (IntLiteral i) = Py.IntLiteral i
translateExpr (BinOp op l r) =
Py.BinOp (translateOp op) (translateExpr l) (translateExpr r)
translateExpr (Var s)
| s == "SOURCE" = Py.Var "source"
| s == "LEFT" = Py.Var "left"
| s == "RIGHT" = Py.Var "right"
| s == "STATE" = Py.Var "state"
| s == "LSTATE" = Py.Var "ls"
| s == "RSTATE" = Py.Var "rs"
| s == "L" = Py.IntLiteral 1
| s == "R" = Py.IntLiteral 2
| otherwise = Py.Var s
translateExpr (Length e) = Py.FunctionCall (Py.Var "len") [translateExpr e]
translateOp :: Op -> Py.PyBinOp
translateOp Add = Py.Add
translateOp Subtract = Py.Subtract
translateOp Multiply = Py.Multiply
translateOp Divide = Py.Divide
translateOp Equal = Py.Equal
translateOp NotEqual = Py.NotEqual
translateOp And = Py.And
translateOp Or = Py.Or
translateStmt :: Stmt -> [Py.PyStmt]
translateStmt (IfElse c t e) =
[Py.IfElse (translateExpr c) (translateStmt t) [] (translateStmt <$> e)]
translateStmt (Assign "STATE" e) = [Py.Assign (Py.VarPat "state") (translateExpr e)]
translateStmt (Assign v e) = [Py.Assign (Py.VarPat v) (translateExpr e)]
translateStmt (Block s) = concatMap translateStmt s
translate :: Prog -> [Py.PyStmt]
translate (Prog s e c) =
[baseFunction (translateExpr s) (concatMap translateStmt e) (concatMap translateStmt c)]
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ data PyBinOp
| Subtract
| Subtract
| Multiply
| Multiply
| Divide
| Divide
| FloorDiv
| LessThan
| LessThan
| LessThanEq
| LessThanEq
| GreaterThan
| GreaterThan
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ data PyExpr
| Member PyExpr String
| Member PyExpr String
| In PyExpr PyExpr
| In PyExpr PyExpr
| NotIn PyExpr PyExpr
| NotIn PyExpr PyExpr
| Slice (Maybe PyExpr) (Maybe PyExpr)
data PyPat
data PyPat
= VarPat String
= VarPat String
@ -52,11 +52,13 @@ precedence Add = 3
precedence Subtract = 3
precedence Subtract = 3
precedence Multiply = 4
precedence Multiply = 4
precedence Divide = 4
precedence Divide = 4
precedence FloorDiv = 4
precedence LessThan = 2
precedence LessThan = 2
precedence LessThanEq = 2
precedence LessThanEq = 2
precedence GreaterThan = 2
precedence GreaterThan = 2
precedence GreaterThanEq = 2
precedence GreaterThanEq = 2
precedence Equal = 2
precedence Equal = 2
precedence NotEqual = 2
precedence And = 1
precedence And = 1
precedence Or = 0
precedence Or = 0
@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ opString Add = "+"
opString Subtract = "-"
opString Subtract = "-"
opString Multiply = "*"
opString Multiply = "*"
opString Divide = "/"
opString Divide = "/"
opString FloorDiv = "//"
opString LessThan = "<"
opString LessThan = "<"
opString LessThanEq = "<="
opString LessThanEq = "<="
opString GreaterThan = ">"
opString GreaterThan = ">"
@ -120,6 +123,8 @@ translateExpr (In m c) =
"(" ++ translateExpr m ++ ") in (" ++ translateExpr c ++ ")"
"(" ++ translateExpr m ++ ") in (" ++ translateExpr c ++ ")"
translateExpr (NotIn m c) =
translateExpr (NotIn m c) =
"(" ++ translateExpr m ++ ") not in (" ++ translateExpr c ++ ")"
"(" ++ translateExpr m ++ ") not in (" ++ translateExpr c ++ ")"
translateExpr (Slice l r) =
maybe [] (parenth . translateExpr) l ++ ":" ++ maybe [] (parenth . translateExpr) r
translatePat :: PyPat -> String
translatePat :: PyPat -> String
translatePat (VarPat s) = s
translatePat (VarPat s) = s
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
title: A Language for an Assignment - Homework 2
date: 2019-12-30T20:05:10-08:00
tags: ["Haskell", "Python", "Algorithms"]
After the madness of the
[language for homework 1]({{< relref "" >}}),
the solution to the second homework offers a moment of respite.
Let's get right into the problems, shall we?
### Homework 2
Besides some free-response questions, the homework contains
two problems. The first:
{{< codelines "text" "cs325-langs/hws/hw2.txt" 29 34 >}}
And the second:
{{< codelines "text" "cs325-langs/hws/hw2.txt" 36 44 >}}
At first glance, it's not obvious why these problems are good for
us. However, there's one key observation: __`num_inversions` can be implemented
using a slightly-modified `mergesort`__. The trick is to maintain a counter
of inversions in every recursive call to `mergesort`, updating
it every time we take an element from the
{{< sidenote "right" "right-note" "right list" >}}
If this nomeclature is not clear to you, recall that
mergesort divides a list into two smaller lists. The
"right list" refers to the second of the two, because
if you visualize the original list as a rectangle, and cut
it in half (vertically, down the middle), then the second list
(from the left) is on the right.
{{< /sidenote >}} while there are still elements in the
{{< sidenote "left" "left-note" "left list" >}}
Why this is the case is left as an exercise to the reader.
{{< /sidenote >}}.
When we return from the call,
we add up the number of inversions from running `num_inversions`
on the smaller lists, and the number of inversions that we counted
as I described. We then return both the total number
of inversions and the sorted list.
So, we either perform the standard mergesort, or we perform mergesort
with additional steps added on. The additional steps can be divided into
three general categories:
1. __Initialization__: We create / set some initial state. This state
doesn't depend on the lists or anything else.
2. __Effect__: Each time that an element is moved from one of the two smaller
lists into the output list, we may change the state in some way (create
an effect).
3. __Combination__: The final state, and the results of the two
sub-problem states, are combined into the output of the function.
This is all very abstract. In the concrete case of inversions,
these steps are as follows:
1. __Initializtion__: The initial state, which is just the counter, is set to 0.
2. __Effect__: Each time an element is moved, if it comes from the right list,
the number of inversions is updated.
3. __Combination__: We update the state, simply adding the left and right
inversion counts.
We can make a language out of this!
### A Language
Again, let's start by visualizing what the solution will look like. How about this:
{{< rawblock "cs325-langs/sols/hw2.lang" >}}
We divide the code into the same three steps that we described above. The first
section is the initial state. Since it doesn't depend on anything, we expect
it to be some kind of literal, like an integer. Next, we have the effect section,
which has access to variables such as "STATE" (to access the current state)
and "LEFT" (to access the left list), or "L" to access the "name" of the left list.
We use an `if`-statement to check if the origin of the element that was popped
(held in the "SOURCE" variable) is the right list (denoted by "R"). If it is,
we increment the counter (state) by the proper amount. In the combine step, we simply increment
the state by the counters from the left and right solutions, stored in "LSTATE" and "RSTATE".
That's it!
#### Implementation
The implementation is not tricky at all. We don't need to use monads like we did last
time, and nor do we have to perform any fancy Python nested function declarations.
To keep with the Python convention of lowercase variables, we'll translate the
uppercase "global" variables to lowercase. We'll do it like so:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageTwo.hs" 211 220 >}}
Note that we translated "L" and "R" to integer literals. We'll indicate the source of
each element with an integer, since there's no real point to representing it with
a string or a variable. We'll need to be aware of this when we implement the actual, generic
mergesort code. Let's do that now:
{{< codelines "Haskell" "cs325-langs/src/LanguageTwo.hs" 145 205 >}}
This is probably the ugliest part of this assignment: we handwrote a Python
AST in Haskell that implements mergesort with our augmentations. Note that
this is a function, which takes a `Py.PyExpr` (the initial state expression),
and two lists of `Py.PyStmt`, which are the "effect" and "combination" code,
respectively. We simply splice them into our regular mergesort function.
The translation is otherwise pretty trivial, so there's no real reason
to show it here.
### The Output
What's the output of our solution to `num_inversions`? Take a look for yourself:
def prog(xs):
if len(xs)<2:
return (0, xs)
leng = len(xs)//2
left = xs[:(leng)]
right = xs[(leng):]
(ls,left) = prog(left)
(rs,right) = prog(right)
state = 0
source = 0
total = []
while (left!=[])and(right!=[]):
if left[-1]<=right[-1]:
source = 1
source = 2
if source==2:
state = state+len(left)
state = state+ls+rs
return (state, total+left+right)
Honestly, that's pretty clean. As clean as `left.reverse()` to allow for \\(O(1)\\) pop is.
What's really clean, however, is the implementation of mergesort in our language.
It goes as follows:
state 0;
effect {}
combine {}
To implement mergesort in our language, which describes mergesort variants, all
we have to do is not specify any additional behavior. Cool, huh?
That's the end of this post. If you liked this one (and the previous one!),
keep an eye out for more!
Reference in New Issue
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