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Compiling a Functional Language Using C++, Part 10 - Polymorphism | 2020-02-29T20:09:37-08:00 |
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[In part 8]({{< relref "08_compiler_llvm.md" >}}), we wrote some pretty interesting programs in our little language.
We successfully expressed arithmetic and recursion. But there's one thing
that we cannot express in our language without further changes: an if
Suppose we didn't want to add a special if/else
expression into our language.
Thanks to lazy evaluation, we can express it using a function:
defn if c t e = {
case c of {
True -> { t }
False -> { e }
But an issue still remains: so far, our compiler remains monomorphic. That
is, a particular function can only have one possible type for each one of its
arguments. With our current setup, something like this
{{< sidenote "right" "if-note" "would not work:" >}}
In a polymorphically typed language, the inner if
would just evaluate to
, and the whole expression to 3.
{{< /sidenote >}}
if (if True False True) 11 3
This is because, for this to work, both of the following would need to hold (borrowing some of our notation from the [typechecking]({{< relref "03_compiler_typechecking.md" >}}) post):
\\text{if} : \\text{Int} \\rightarrow \\text{Int}
\\text{if} : \\text{Bool} \\rightarrow \\text{Bool}
But using our rules so far, such a thing is impossible, since there is no way for \(\text{Int}\) to be unified with \(\text{Bool}\). We need a more powerful set of rules to describe our program's types. One such set of rules is the Hindley-Milner type system, which we have previously alluded to. In fact, the rules we came up with were already very close to Hindley-Milner, with the exception of two: generalization and instantiation. It's been quite a while since the last time we worked on typechecking, so I'm going to present a table with these new rules, as well as all of the ones that we previously used. I will also give a quick summary of each of these rules.
Rule | Name and Description |
\\frac{x:\\sigma \\in \\Gamma}{\\Gamma \\vdash x:\\sigma}
\\frac{\\Gamma \\vdash e\_1 : \\tau\_1 \\rightarrow \\tau\_2 \\quad \\Gamma \\vdash e\_2 : \\tau\_1}{\\Gamma \\vdash e\_1 \\; e\_2 : \\tau\_2}
\\frac{\\Gamma, x:\\tau \\vdash e : \\tau'}{\\Gamma \\vdash \\lambda x.e : \\tau \\rightarrow \\tau'}
\\frac{\\Gamma \\vdash e : \\tau \\quad \\text{matcht}(\\tau, p\_i) = b\_i \\quad \\Gamma,b\_i \\vdash e\_i : \\tau\_c}{\\Gamma \\vdash \\text{case} \\; e \\; \\text{of} \\; \\\{ (p\_1,e\_1) \\ldots (p\_n, e\_n) \\\} : \\tau\_c }
\\frac{\\Gamma \\vdash e : \\sigma \\quad \\sigma' \\sqsubseteq \\sigma}{\\Gamma \\vdash e : \\sigma'}
\\frac{\\Gamma \\vdash e : \\sigma \\quad \\alpha \\not \\in \\text{free}(\\Gamma)}{\\Gamma \\vdash e : \\forall a . \\sigma}